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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 11 months ago
    The real reason for welfare, from The Golden Pinnacle:
    "It's not enough, to simply dispense charity to the poor," Mr. Palos said. "They must be taught skills, so that they can acquire jobs and help themselves."
    Lady Barrows said, "If you give a man a fish, you must give him another on the morrow, but teach him to fish, and he'll feed himself for his lifetime."
    Eleanor approached the group and placed her hand on her daughter's arm. "Excuse me for interrupting, dear, but I was wondering if I could impose upon you to play the piano."
    "I'd love to hear you play!" Palos said with too much enthusiasm.
    Laura smiled shyly. "Yes, I'll play, Mother." Palos in tow, she went to the grand piano in a corner of the drawing room. Palos sat in the closest chair. Mrs. Durand shepherded the knots of people, and Lady Barrows was again alone with Will.
    She smiled. "I didn't have an opportunity to finish that old fish adage."
    "What's that?"
    "Once you've taught that man to fish, he might be better at it than you and drive you out of business. Therefore, it's better to give him his fish a day until his initiative and industry are destroyed and he's dependent upon you. Then you've eliminated the threat."
    Will smiled. They understood each other.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
      Dependent upon you, and then you can apply to the gov't to get funding to support the destitute. Thus, ensuring your business growth for as long as you like.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 11 months ago
      Gah! khalling, get my patent attorney on the phone! I've said that for years:

      "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish... and he'll steal your markets."

      I should be all pissy about this, I guess.

      Edit: I'm joking about the attorney & being pissy, of course.

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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
      Well said, straightlinelogic. That was one of my favorite parts of your book, but also one of the most scary. I can't think of anything that could be said that is more contradictory to Ayn Rand values than what Lady Barrows said in your book. You personified the evil of the welfare system.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 11 months ago
    I wonder if it was a routine back up or if this was a test. What if EBT cards quit working for a week? a month? Drastic measures would be needed to restore and maintain order.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
      That's what's being tested... and that's the goal.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
        A test of just how dependent these EBT addicts are? Hmm. It looks like they got what they wanted.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
          And how long it takes to riot... how quick martial law can be enacted... It's all false flag practice. Studying the masses? (Will they revolt if we have the IRS target them and then play stupid and say our dog ate our emails. Will they revolt if we ignore an ambassador and his men while they're being attacked and killed and respond with false promises and then crazy shit like "at this point what difference does it make" while being questioned by congress? If we raise gas prices to 15 bucks a gallon. Will they revolt if we shut them off? If we stop electricity?
          It's all a toe in the water. And no one makes any waves about it...(the only ripple has been from the threats of moochers...i-fuckin-ronic ain't it?)
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          • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 11 months ago
            Martial law is his goal. He wants it so bad he
            can taste it. The p...k of all p...ks....And doesn't
            he always get his way??? Have always felt
            this p...k is unstoppable. GOD help America!
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
    EBT recipients in LA threaten riots after card outage? Another item for AS - Now Non-Fiction. I have to chuckle and shake my head. Otherwise I might cry. And those people cancelled out our votes, with their EBT cards and their "free" Obama phones?! Sigh.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 11 months ago
      Certain things should nullify a persons right to vote. I say you have to go at least 6 months before an election without using an EBT card or you can't vote.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
        I agree. I was even a little stiffer regarding voting rights a few months ago, suggesting a shareholder approach to voting. I was voted down, perhaps correctly so.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
          Like you must own property to vote? Or have some skin in the game, prove you care enough about your own existence by earning your way, kind of stuff? (ope, this country doesn't care about property rights anymore, I forgot. Or about having a vested self interest either.)
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          • Posted by jsw225 9 years, 11 months ago
            The Voter should have a net, $5,000 contribution to the US Federal Government. Someone must contribute more to the Government than they get out.

            I.E. A welfare recipient would have a net -$15,000 contribution, and not be eligible to vote. I.E. A Government employee may pay $5,000 in taxes, but since their government salary is $50,000, they have a net -$45,000 contribution, and would be ineligible to vote.
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            • Posted by Bobhummel 9 years, 11 months ago
              jsw - That would include the military. Maybe give them a credit of $200,000 (or what ever the JAG manual puts as a value on a death of a service member) for putting their life on the line,
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 11 months ago
              This may not come off well, however...

              That sounds good until you have the homeowner who works for the government and produces, not slacks. And of course there's the other side of the coin - are you willing to work in a sewer treatment plant? On a highway as a target, er, worker? Part of why there is a civil service is because there are jobs that are so dangerous or disgusting, or that must be kept out of the influence of private interest, that no one would do them, yet are necessary for a society to function. We could go back to the 19th century when Fire Departments were provided by Insurance companies, and if you weren't one of their insured... well, hope you brought marshmallows home. Want a cop? Hope you paid your police and security "insurance subscription" to the right company. And that the scofflaw that just held you up doesn't have a better plan and pay a higher premium than you.

              Civil servants are a cheap and easy butt of scorn and jokes by people who wouldn't do their jobs, because contrary to the popular fable, most of them actually *do* work... for less compensation than their private industry counterparts.
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              • Posted by jsw225 9 years, 11 months ago
                Great Non-Sequiturs. There are private Sewage Treatment Plants, and privately owned highways. There are privately owned trash companies. And they do great. As for privately owned Fire Companies, no need. Government run Fire Companies currently deny service to those that haven't paid their fees. But police are one of the sacred reasons why a Government exists. They are there to catch criminals. They aren't there to protect you.

                And all of Civil Servants earn MORE than their private business counterparts. When you count benefits, on average, Government Employees earn 50% more than the rest of us. They deserve to be the butt of jokes, and anyone who makes a "living" off the government shouldn't be allowed to vote.
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                • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 11 months ago
                  Ya know... I have to disagree...

                  I have yet to see a fire department refuse to fight a fire because "fees weren't paid". Except the few instances of "privatized" departments. And they got their butts sued off.

                  And a government that exists to provide Police is, indeed, a scary prospect, an experiment I believe they tried in Eastern Europe and are still trying thanks to our ubiquitous Department of Homeland Security... I'm not sure that is very successful toward the prospect of freedom.

                  Benefits? From Texas to California to New York, Civil Servants are being required to pay for their benefits, not unlike their cohorts in private industry. Oh yeah, lets not forget EVERYONE pays under Obamascare.

                  On top of that - a WELL RUN business can offer Profit Sharing, stock options, or bonuses to their employees, which is not available to the Civil Servant. And when an employee rocks, they can get a bonus. Or an immediate raise. Or an immediate promotion based on merit. Gub'mint employees - no way.

                  And to say that no one who is a Civil Servant does anything like real work is like saying brown haired people are shifty, lazy, and criminals. Not only non-objectivist, but pretty darned ignorant.

                  So go tell a cop that since you pay his salary, quit writing that ticket and go back to eating your donut. Or telling that fireman who's saving your kid from your burning home that he and the guys putting the fire out are just worthless civil servants. Or laughing at the memorial service for a killed highway worker because, well hell, he was just out there fixing roads so you can get to where you need to and got ran over by a drunk. Too bad the county paramedic who went out there to try to save his life got killed, too, but hey... they weren't *real* people anyway. They were just Civil Servants. Sponges on society. Yeppers.

                  So... tell me a fact-based non-BS rumor inspired butt joke about civil servants. Here's one - Why did the toll taker risk her butt and step into live traffic to give CPR to the stranger having a heart attack? Another? You heard the one about the Port Authority Employee whose job hit bottom on 9-11? Ha ha ha... that's a riot! Why did the sewer plant maintenance guy go day in and day out to a literally s#!tty job? Then there's the one about the teacher in Columbine, got his butt shot off... naw, that's a dead issue, never mind.

                  Good jokes, huh? Too bad they're not too funny - then again, real life rarely is, for those who face reality on reality's terms.

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                  • Posted by jsw225 9 years, 11 months ago
                    What the hell are you talking about? Do other people here normally allow you to shoot off on a tangent? All of what you written has *NOTHING* to do with what we were discussing, even if it was a horribly bad and poorly done attempt to garner sympathy for being a poor, downtrodden civil servant that has nigh guaranteed job security and +50% compensation over private industry.

                    Post a real reply on topic, and you'll get one back.
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                  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                    Excuse me? There are millions in bonuses that have been paid to VA and IRS workers who have not been doing their jobs effectively or efficiently.
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              • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                Susanne, you're just wrong on this one. For example, our local fire dept is totally private and volunteer. They provide service to all and send you a bill if you avail yourself of their services. Most of the time they collect (from insurance companies - as they recognize it is cheaper than paying a total loss claim) and rarely they don't.

                Most "services" provided by government do not require a government, not even police or courts. I don't think we're ready for private courts, so I'm willing to make that compromise.

                The only truly necessary requirement is to provide for the common protection with a military. Relying on a total militia force wouldn't work in our time, and I don't think I would want to have a privately controlled force of sufficient power.

                And no, we don't need a gov't to manage IP protection, that can be handled by the private court system.

                We certainly don't need a gov't mismanaged postal system anymore. No, there's not much that a gov't does that cannot be done better and more efficiently by a private provider.
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            • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 11 months ago
              That still leaves us conservatives out of the voting booth who ply our trade but stay out of the government loop as much as possible.
              I'd say: Anyone on welfare or foodstamps is ineligible to vote.
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            • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
              That seems about right to me. Are we to include Social Insecurity, Mediscare, etc. in this calculation? After all, people think that they are getting a return on their "investment", when we all know that their money was spent as soon as it was collected, if not before.
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                • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
                  Unlike some Gulchers, I would actually be willing to give veterans substantial bonuses in terms of their votes. A veteran's vote should be worth more than someone else's, but we would have to figure out how much that their votes are worth relative to the taxes paid, etc. I was being quite serious and not trying to be offensive. I am not ashamed of myself and have nothing to be ashamed over. Thank you for protecting our investments in America from foreign enemies. If only we could protect our investments from the domestic enemy in chief ...
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    • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 11 months ago
      ...and THEY are the victims?!?
      This is the end-of-the-road for this country.
      50 years of generational dendency coupled with a disconnect between ownership and achievement...(as if what I own fell like manna from heaven and I was just "lucky" enough to be there when it fell .......).
      My husband says that when they seize our property it will take 5 years or less before it looks like Starnesville.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
        There are some depressing pics from Detroit. They show properties that in just a few years go from being middle class homes, to abandoned, dilapidated, destroyed, and non-existent.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 9 years, 11 months ago
      "And those people cancelled out our votes..."

      Only in the states that they voted...thanks to the Electoral College.

      Such a vote in California was a wasted trip to the voting booth...since California should be the first state on election night to be declared as a Democrat win.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 11 months ago
        In Florida our votes really matter. I voted libertarian and had several colleagues getting on me for the possibility that I might have gotten Al Gore elected during the hanging chad debacle (not in my county).
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 11 months ago
    Not to come down al biblical, but "As you sow, so shall you reap" Or, "The road to hell..." etc. Like Obama's second term -- we did it to ourselves. OK, not you and me, but the good-hearted fools who wanted to do something about poverty, who didn't want little kids to starve, but who couldn't see beyond the immediate what the results of their generosity would be. Besides, they had other problems in the 60s. Since the USA is unique in history, there's no way to tell whether the country can be salvaged, but it sure doesn't look good.
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  • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
    Food stamps/SNAP can be used to buy fruit and vegetable seeds to grow your own food. I wonder if anyone has ever used them for this purpose? Anyone with access to a rooftop or a lawn can cobble up some sort of a garden.

    The modern-day EBT program is not what it was. Originally, only America-made products were eligible, providing an indirect subsidy to American agriculture and food-related industries. That is no longer true--indeed, I'm not sure if it would work, since store shelves are packed with foreign-made products. Mind, staples, meat, dairy, produce (at least some of it), etc. would all be eligible. Isn't that the basis of a healthy diet?

    Food stamps could not originally be used to purchase "junk food" and soda. This could be re-implemented by making taxable items ineligible. Would you believe you can buy bottled water with an EBT card? And I don't think anyone "needs" diet soda.

    I am not an advocate for government subsidies of any sort. But since we have one that is already in existence, why not begin by modifying the program so it is used to maximum benefit (nutrition) and so that the money spent goes, as much as may be possible, to American producers? Surely the net cost would go down, a benefit to every taxpayer.

    I was on food stamps at one time, back in the day when they were "food stamps" and came in little booklets. I was seriously ill and unable to work, but I do remember how much pride evaporated each time I pulled out those little books of coupons. As soon as I was able I was back on my financial feet again.

    EBT cards look pretty much like credit cards and it's not that obvious when someone is using one. I see no reason to overtly shame people who genuinely need a "hand up". But I do wonder how many receiving EBT/SNAP benefits regard them as an entitlement and, as the article cited here describes, an essential part of life. A man is quoted in the article as being angry because he was planning a picnic and wanted to buy hamburger and go-withs. How much does a few pounds of hamburger, buns, and some condiments cost? Evidently he had a way to get to the picnic and a way to cook hamburgers. Did he truly have no money to buy them?

    I now give informal workshops (and often work one to one with people), open to anyone, on how to get the most bang for your grocery buck, how to take advantage of bargains you probably never imagined short, how to live on less than a shoestring if need be. They are free of charge. I do not regard it as a sacrifice of my skills. There was a time when the community bought me food. I believe I have a debt to repay, and I am paying it.
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    • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 11 months ago
      I applaud you for what you are doing and wish you the best. Unfortunately our government is spending our money to advertise these programs to get more people hooked. I heard a radio ad telling people that they could qualify for the food share program even if they were making more than $10 per hour. I investigated the ad and learned the federal government was giving out grants to groups like Second Harvest Food Bank to place the ads. They are working against us producers in so many ways.
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      • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
        Actually, I agree with you. The reason for my efforts is to (hopefully) allow anyone who wishes to keep their food budget down to do so, and perhaps, just perhaps, reduce the cost of the food stamp program. And if somebody, SNAP recipient or not, buys nutritious food for their kids instead of popcorn and Kool-Aid (speaking from observation there), that's a reward to me.

        I had no idea that SNAP and similar programs were being actively promoted. That simply should not be. They should be a last resort (as they were for me), not an "alternative".

        Second Harvest, to my understanding, is a private, non-profit organization. They should not receive government grants. Locally, I know they provide food to the inpatient units and CD treatment facility run by the area "community mental health service" (I could write a book on that one, but I won't trouble you). Employees of the various facilities claim that the buy the food at a reduced price, but no one who does any of the buying will speak with me and no one will provide any details.

        A local halfway house for recovering alcoholics/addicts is independently run and is also a non-profit organization. Their groceries come from the grocery store. Why aren't they qualified for the same services as the larger (and growing) organization? There was another halfway house in town--the "community mental health center" bought it, put extra locks on the doors, and turned it into a "residential treatment center" (they've been kicked out of at least two hospitals).

        Will add that they may be non-profit but the higher-ups certainly aren't starving. Nor are they providing quality services (they put quotas on their doctors and counselors and take other steps to help keep the supply of repeat customers high). But when you have some of the most prominent people in the area, including a judge, on your board of directors, no one asks questions (employees who do are fired). There's also a lot of power involved when you can literally yank people off the streets and lock them up for "treatment" with the resulting bills usually being footed by the taxpayers. Of course, if you make enough noise about it, you never just might find yourself in court trying to defend yourself against an accusation that you are insane. Yes, it's happened.

        I digress, of course. However, the place I mention is in many respects the result of social programs. Government insurance, tax breaks and grants, and apparently, subsidized food. All given to a corrupt organization which has little purpose for existing, in 20 years of observation, other than to keep beds full and the government dollars rolling in.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
          Non-profit doesn't mean those that run the org are doing so for nothing. All NFP means is that there isn't a group of investors that can be paid a dividend out of the proceeds of the company. They obtained their capital in some other fashion other than by bringing on "investors looking to make a profit." That might be donations, loans, etc.

          Also don't think that those organizations aren't receiving gov't funding - whether at the local level all the way to the national (and international) level, they most probably are.
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          • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
            Very true. Everyone who works there is collecting a salary and the higher folks on the food chain are doing very well. And there are other ways of gaming the system. The halfway house I mentioned was told that it needed a nurse on staff. So....the owner hired his wife.

            There's a lot of government subsidy involved in the mental health/CD treatment racket. The majority of the average treatment center's clients are court-ordered or receiving public funding. Locally, that's around $15,000 per person for 28 days. Multiple that by two dozen people, in a facility which, other than eight hours a day, has two staff members on duty, and you've got the makings of a growth industry (they keep buying new buildings to turn into halfway houses, assisted living, and treatment facilities).

            In Minnesota, Medical Assistance/Medicaid pays for ten days of psychiatric hospitalization. So, there are an amazing number of "short term" psychiatric facilities and an equally amazing number of patients magically get better in ten days.
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            • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
              Yep. You in MN? I grad from Willmar, but have been all around the state over the years.
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              • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
                Yes--Iron Range area. Not a bad place to go Galt, but most of the populace seems to have one racket or another going. In a sense that makes it easier to "hide in plain site". If you live quietly, have anything resembling a "job" (am self-employed but volunteer at the Salvation Army for appearance's sake), and don't get on the wrong side of the wrong people (which I will admit can be difficult)'re invisible.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 11 months ago
                  Was just up that way last fall - my mom lives in Hibbing. Cold winter this past year. I feel for you. If I ever do "go Galt" I'm thinking someplace warmer.
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                  • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
                    Winters are a problem here. But if it ever did come down to a survival/self-sufficiency situation, there are plenty of resources. And we're far enough from any major city (Duluth doesn't really count) to have to worry about being overrun by refugees.

                    I can think of several warmer places that would suit me just fine but for the moment....this is cheaper, which suits my current purposes.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago
        Obama is sponsoring these ads and crowing about how many more people he got on them. Disgusting.
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        • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 11 months ago
          Disgusting is putting it mildly. While it may not be Obama directly, it is the administration doing it and this is not the only place it is happening. Everywhere I drive in Wisconsin I see billboards advertising Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) which I learned is also federally funded advertising. When I asked our county government about it, I was told that they were given the money and had to use it for advertising. There are also radio ads. I know these are not the only places that are advertising too. IMHO, government should be banned from advertising with the exception of a couple topics, those being an epidemic or military recruitment in time of war. There may be a few others but for the life of me, I do not understand government spending our money advertising to make them bigger.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago
            Uh, this is general media. Obama has been pushing to advertise the availability of food stamps and welfare programs of all kinds.

            Here's a couple of sources:




            Am I saying Bush didn't do it too? Nope. I give no quarter to him either. But as Forbes notes, it was the Democrats who passed the bills to expand the program in the first place...
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              • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago
                Because the government shouldn't be doing it in the first place. James Madison argued vehemently against it when he was President, and I believe the same thing: it is not the duty of the government to extort money from some (taxes) to give to others. It doesn't matter how noble the cause nor how dire the need. Charity can not be forced.

                The hard fact of life is that life is hard. We all die. We all encounter hardships. You can't do everything. Are these situations sad? Sure. But it is an act of pure hubris first to assume that every single sad act can be avoided and another to assume that government has the right and obligation to do something about it.

                Advertising is for what purpose? To encourage consumption. Why would you encourage the consumption of welfare services using MORE taxpayer money you've taken from the producers? You are encouraging the growth of a socially destructive mindset that living off others is okay - and even sanctioned. That type of mentality is so morally defunct not even Christians like myself support such.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago
                Any of the objectivists here in the forum would tell you flat out that noone is responsible for taking care of (or giving charity as they would put it) for anyone else. You're trying to use the sympathy ploy and it is a logical fallacy.

                I'm not an Objectivist 100%, so I'll just say this: there is an avenue for people to assist others in need, but the government is the absolute WORST method by which to do anything. And I mean that from both a means and end perspective.

                Are there people who need help? Assuredly. But let's first examine WHY they need the help in the first place. That's easy: high taxes and crushing regulations BY THE GOVERNMENT have reduced the abilities of entrepreneurs to open and run small businesses - the core of the economy. You want to help people, get the government off their backs and let them help themselves. Don't make them MORE dependent on government!

                And BTW - I was just in Wal-Mart the other day watching the person in front of me buying stuff with food stamps. If that was an example of a typical food stamp recipient, then the perception is entirely justified.
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                  • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
                    Atlas Shrugged is not about "having a dollar", it is about using your mind and not mooching off of others (the bum on the train for example). Perhaps you should read it.
                    And as for your SSI remark "but we paid into it"... no, we have been stolen from by thieves. We have not sanctioned the theft, so if and when we get a chance to recoop some of OUR earned money we will do so. You're lack of understanding of objectivism is screamingly obvious.
                    "Government payment"... the government doesn't MAKE any money, it only STEALS money from the earners to redistribute to others who haven't earned it. At the moment this is still a free country (well, sorta) so if you want to help the 'less fortunate' you can still choose to do so of your own volition, but forcing others to 'help' is stealing via force. I'm surprised someone who thinks they're so rational would be in favor of either one of those methods: stealing, or force, yet YOU are sanctioning both with what you're saying. So YOU'RE the one who needs to be stopped. You're a minion to the thugs and they're ALREADY 'out of control'.

                    And being logical is not "pathetic", but denying logic sure is.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago
                    You are certainly welcome to believe what you wish, but you will find a decidedly unsympathetic audience on this forum for emotional pleas. Those are the realm of the knee-jerk liberals. This forum is for people who use their intellects first and foremost. If all you have are emotional arguments, you have already lost.

                    Regarding your rant about Medicare et al, answer me this: Am I the steward of the Government's money, or are they a steward of MY money?

                    The argument has nothing to do with judging. The facts are that people AREN'T the same - either in talents, circumstances, physical appearance, abilities, or anything really. The attempt to force equality is spawned by someone who rejects the primacy of the individual. Can people of their own free will and choice do things to help their fellow man? Absolutely. But government coercion is not an acceptable principle to anyone who values the individual.

                    Want an example? Try Communist China. In their revolution, they quelled dissent by slaughtering more than 20 million people. Now they merely repress a billion. Countless millions have been terrorized by the State - forced abortions, political prisoners, no freedom of thought, etc. You want that - you are free to move to China.

                    Don't like China, you can try other oppressive regimes such as Cambodia, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, or anywhere in the Middle East. You truly have no idea how good you have it here in the United States.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 11 months ago
      Wow, Dave, great point of view piece. I was really poor for a time - lived off $1.65 per day back in 1986 (for me and a big black lab). I was not on foodstamps because I had just gotten a job and I knew that if I were careful I could dig myself out of the economic hole I was in (and it never actually occurred to me...though it probably would have if I had remained on that budget much longer).

      Do you have a website so that we can take advantage of your grocery bang-for-buck expertise?

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      • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 11 months ago
        I don't have a website but I am compiling a book. It will be a sort of "Cheapskate's A-Z", but definitely not like similar books that have been around forever--no "extreme couponing" or techniques the average person could not use. It's going to be a while before it is finished. I want it to be the proverbial "1001 ideas" and am not quite there. I do hope to have the material assembled by the end of the year.

        A somewhat surprising source of information: people who live in low-rent housing. In my area, that means a lot of young couple "starting out", students, and disabled people (definitely not "the projects" though there are similarities at times). These folks learn by doing--often because they don't have enough money to do anything differently. I've also gotten a lot of material from "old timers" and from growing up in a farming area (and doing a certain amount of farm work). The whole thing will be written from the point of view of those who, when faced with a problem, solved or repaired it. Cell phones are wonderful things and yes, they can be a money-saving tool. But they are no replacement for the human mind.

        I have thought of organizing a Facebook group for people to exchange ideas. For the moment, I am concerned about what that might do to copyright status of my material. Then again, facts cannot be copyrighted. There will, however, be a lengthy chapter on attitude and general approaches which will be necessary to get the most out of the "helpful hints".
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 11 months ago
    Don't feed the animals for they will become dependent. Same holds true for capable people. We are seeing the results of generations of people that have been fed via handout and have lost their ability to survive through their own ability.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 11 months ago
    Convert welfare to jobs program, in collaboration with the private sector such that Government NEVER competes with the private sector. Either the jobs come from the private sector seeking to fill low-end positions or they are Government programs to work doing things industry won't address (like sanitation, street cleaning, etc.). Make the Government provide a clear accounting of the functions they provide (real costs including their oversight), and let industry continuously police the cost to displace the Government role. (These thoughts are just a responsible person's acid trip, so it will never happen).
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