Minnesota Dems Petition To Dump Trump From State Ballot

Posted by $ allosaur 7 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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Ain't fascists fun to run against?
Should they be successful, old dino me can guarantee that the presidential election won't be rigged in Minnesota.
Honesty there will be the damn dim Dem policy, baby.
Power to the people! Stronger together! Yeah, sure you are. .
SOURCE URL: http://conservativetribune.com/state-moves-to-remove-trump/

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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 9 months ago
    On the ballot or not Trump doesn't stand a chance In Minnesota the libitards got a grip on the farmers the iron Rangers and the Chicago transplants in the Minneapolis inner city . and the other do gooders are ignorant to the destructive effects of their collectivism.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 9 months ago
    They make the rules to keep 3rd parties out of the alleged "competition". Looks like the GOP may have broken their own rules.

    Of course, there aren't adequate safeguards to prevent "adjusting" votes on electronic machines and there is no cry of outrage from the GOP or the Dems. That wouldn't be to the advantage of the statists (since they effectively control the machines.)
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 9 months ago
      Me dino signed a petition to allow the Libertarian Party to be placed on the Alabama state ballot three minutes after voting for Ted Cruz. I may have turned against Johnson but I think anyone should always be allowed to run. So guess there's still some libertarian in me if with a little "l."
      Anyway, I find the rest of what you wrote interesting. .
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago
      The government controls the machine but machine parties control the primaries and they are the only source of rules that are legal in the country for the pimary phase. The GOP could have challenged the trump winner take all votes and it was one of their rules but did not even though their rules committee tried to bring it up. They were over ruled by the Republican National Committee otherwide Cruz would have come in first. So that means they wanted him even less than Trump.

      Democrats used that law to have super delegates another fascist method. but then Demcrats are used to it and deserve it.

      the voting machines are not connected together - yet - and that would be very difficult like trying to hack a university full of minds all disconnected.

      The cries of outraqe were voiced and ignored on the GOP side.

      The States have zero control over each parties methods. Even when they pass a law it is meaningless.

      Now at the Federal level different rules and they do apply to ALL general elections. State potty time is over they made their bed and have zero say at this point. If they throw out Trump ALL state ballots would be thrown out. IF the constitution was followed. At this point, legally, states is spelled with a small 's'.

      the machines are still not connected togther so it couldn't be one hacker out to the many trying but it could be a state wide conspiracy why not it is the home of the American Communist Party. It would be very difficult assuming they still use poll watchers etc.

      So if a rule was broken or more than one in each major half of the Government Party does it matter at this point? ha ha ha ha That's what you get when you go socialist.

      No it would not. All four candidates have been certified...SCOTUS might vote to throw all offending parties out which means both Clinton and Trump get the boot and we get 'Nol Pot Free America!' i don't know...muse muse. Think Klein could beat Johnson?

      Really try reading the constitution and some of the explanations once in a while. Hell with the Declaration it's only 5,000 words. And ALL of these points and questions were covered in excruciating detail just a few weeks ago. during the Carnivals ...uhhhh Conventions.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago
    Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party

    And you thought i was kidding about the true name of the Democrat Party

    Except in Minnesota where Farme it's

    Minnesota Democratic Labor Party

    Or Minnesoata Democratic Socialist Laqb
    or in another format

    or in another version

    National Democratic Minneota Farmer Worker Party

    or in an earlier version

    National Socialist Minnesota Farmer Worker Party

    Doesn't matter Once it leaves the Primary phase and enters the General election phase it's all federal law and federal rules.

    but then who pays attention to the constitution anymore anyway.

    Certainly not the

    Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

    or however it's translated these days.

    Minni Sovieta not withstanding.
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