My Name is James Rozar

Posted by Rozar 10 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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My outlook is probably unique for this website, considering I actually used to be a communist. I read tons of communist literature that consistently reinforced my beliefs, but there were always a number of issues that I just couldn't find a solid answer to.

To be honest I read Atlas Shrugged simply because Atlas has always been kind of a hero to me, so when his name was in the title of a movie I was interested. Then I read that it was a piece of pro capitalist propaganda so I was even more intrigued. I bought the book simply because I wanted to test my beliefs.

After reading the book I did a full 180 and started researching Ayn Rand and her works and her whole philosophy. It filled the gaps I found in communism so perfectly, it felt like it was defining things I knew in my mind for so long but couldn't find the words to express.

Philosophy has always been important to me, I constantly struggle with finding a meaning for my life. I have a "Who Is John Galt" tattoo on my forearm, and often when I'm feeling troubled I look down and touch it to remind myself of what life really means.

Anyway I never really notice a lot of personal posts on the site, but those are always the most interesting to me. The world seems like it's getting darker, but I have no fear for my own future and I would hope that many of you don't either. After all, we are the strong individuals right? ;)

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  • Posted by JAL64 10 years, 10 months ago
    Well, James, it would be very interesting, at least to me, if you could explain what you mean by Ayn Rand "filling in the gaps". I am certainly no expert when it comes to the various political philosophies but it seems to me that Rand's "individualism" is a direct opposite to Communist "collectivism".

    If you have found Atlas intriguing, may I suggest you try "We the Living" and "Anthem" for size?
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