A Call for Millenials to throw the Election

Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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While I'm not a millennial, I'm more than happy to sign on to this effort!
SOURCE URL: http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/calling-all-millennials-we-can-throw-this-election-and-teach-the-party-system-a-lesson/

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  • Posted by robertmbeard 7 years, 8 months ago
    I'm a Gen X voter and former lifetime Republican who is gladly voting 3rd party this election, for Gary Johnson. I don't agree with him on a few social issues, but he doesn't embrace the 2 different forms of anti-freedom represented by Clinton and Trump -- government bureaucratic domination, and populist authoritarian dictatorship, respectively.

    The answer to America's problems is real freedom, not globalist dictatorship or a monarch-style nationalistic dictatorship. Of course, I expect most ignorant Americans to select one of those 2 toilets to flush the country down... Even some so-called objectivists want to vote themselves a king and royal family... Very tragic...
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 8 months ago
      I'm a Gen X lifetime Democrat who is gladly voting for Gary Johnson. Johnson already has a significant chunk of millennials. If some new scandal comes up in the next few months he has a real shot.
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    Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
    Millennials have recently become America’s largest living generation, clocking in at just over 75 million. They now outpace Baby Boomers and Generation X in size and voting power.

    It’s no secret that as a country we are in the midst of one of the most polarizing presidential elections in our history with two of the most unlikable and ridiculous candidates the two party system have ever presented us with.

    Ask a millennial which candidate they support and you’ll likely get a frustrated sigh or an apathetic shrug. I know because I am a millennial and am not aware of any of my peers who would legitimately be proud to endorse Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton for the White House.

    In fact a recent Gallup poll claims that among millennial Democrats, 60 percent have no desire to support Clinton. Even more disturbing is that support for Trump has fallen to just 20 percent among millennial Republicans, according to a USA Today/Rock the Vote Poll.

    We’re tired of politics as usual and we’re tired of this screwed up system.

    As millennials we know we’re getting a raw deal with these two and feel wildly cheated and disenfranchised because of it. But what if we turned our frustration into something that would teach the two party system and politicians in general a lesson?

    What if we came together as a generation to throw this election?

    Now that we have the power in numbers on our side and definitely have the pent up disdain for two parties that no longer represent our will, it wouldn’t take much in terms of motivation to pull it off.

    There’s a reason why both runner ups were so popular with millennials prior to the current nominees being selected. It’s because Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Ted Cruz both came from positions of sincerity and principle—albeit principles with radically different ideologies—but still positions that challenged the system as we know it.

    During their campaigns, most of the headlines covered the millennial love for Sanders, but did you know that a Fox News poll reported that Cruz held the millennial lead over Clinton and Trump?

    What it comes down to now are two candidates that the majority of millennials didn’t desire in the first place and the ones that stayed home during primaries are undoubtedly either kicking themselves or have become convinced that this was how it was going to end up anyway.

    But if we did magically show up on Tuesday November 8 to send a message to the donkey and the elephant committee, which other candidate should we choose as our Trojan horse?

    Libertarian nominee and former two-term governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson is the only real threat this election has that could thwart these two from reaching the presidency. He’s on the most ballots in the most states when compared to other outsider candidates and is polling higher than any other third party runner.

    While I disagree with a number of his policies, Gov. Johnson is the most agreeable candidate regardless of what party you align yourself with and he’s light years better than the other two corrupt jokes we have to choose from.

    It should be our goal for Gov. Johnson to win the popular vote in as many states as possible for the sake of sending a clear message that he is who the people (millennials) want as their commander in chief.

    In addition to this, this strategy would call for Gov. Johnson to win at least one state with enough electoral votes, like Colorado, that would derail Trump and Clinton if they split the rest of the map, which at this point isn’t insane to assume could happen.

    That way we could ensure that neither Trump nor Clinton could gain enough electoral votes to be named president.

    This derailment would, by constituion, put the final decision in the hands of the House of Representatives, and judging from what we’ve heard from members of their own parties, even the most senior of representatives dislike their candidates.

    There’s no law saying that the House of Representatives need to vote for who their state supported most, just that they select a candidate from the top three vote getters. If we can show that enough nationwide approval for Gov. Johnson existed, it’s not impossible that we could see a miracle happening in our favor.

    Obviously it’s a long shot. Obviously the math has to work out correctly. But if we can do our part by showing up and pushing out the vote for Gov. Johnson we could throw this election and show America that the hero generation have arrived to stop the madness.

    Even if Gov. Johnson doesn’t win a state, scoring huge numbers in the popular vote will, at the very least, send a message that the system in place will soon be burned to the ground because it is not what best represents the people anymore.

    It might sound challenging, but we’ve been pushed into a corner with no other choice.

    Wade Heath is a Speaker, Columnist and Host of The Millennial Report. Contact him: WadeTheBlaze@Gmail.com
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
      Here's a source I frankly hadn't considered and it is the biggest voting block. Guy has the right idea. Defeat Hillery and destroy the Republicans too. Guy knows his Constitution from my brief foray into his other stuff.

      I'm 3/4 through with the next project dealing with polls so I'll have to add this in but post in time for tomorrow.

      Right now it's something I can get behind as it reverses back from 100% For Sure Socialist Autocracy vs. a Lottery Ticket.

      If Johnson won' get off the dime and Weld can't (maybe he should replace Weld with this writer) A huge group like that one could easily tip the very narrow balance between the other two. I don't care what the cherry picked polls say it's a six percent difference and the rest is BS,

      So more research adding this dimension and back tomorrow with Watch The Polls but for now this young man's initiative maybe the starch needed on that very nice platform the Libertarians have.

      At this point it's an all out counter revolution and if I can morally use Trump I can certainly morally use this one even more so.

      So my idea is support them as much as you can in polls and in registrations. Maybe we can get them on the debates who knows better than being a couch potato without a clue.

      See you in the funny papers.
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