The Daily Lie(s) from CNN Clinton No News Network Scores Four For The Day So Far. One The Compulsive Lie Outed. Colin Powell Fights Back and three now four more.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago to News
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Powell Accuses Clinton Of Trying To “Pin” Email Scandal On Him, August 22, 2016

There is an interesting twist in the Clinton email scandal. One of the most surprising elements of Hillary Clinton’s statements to the FBI was her insistence that it was former Secretary of State Colin Powell who convinced her to use a private email server. Clinton told investigators that Powell not only advised her to use a private email system but made it his one piece of advice when prompted by a third former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. Now, Powell has come out with a seemingly angry denial of the account and has said that Clinton’s “people have been trying to pin it on me.”

Clinton used this rationale with the FBI and it has apparently been raised by Clinton aides and close supporters. Author Joe Conason is viewed as a close ally of Clinton’s and wrote in his book, “Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton” recounted the dinner with former secretaries:

“Toward the end of the evening, over dessert, Albright asked all of the former secretaries to offer one salient bit of counsel to the nation’s next top diplomat. Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer … [Powell] confirmed a decision she had made months earlier – to keep her personal account and use it for most messages.”

Powell has responded that he has absolutely no recollection of such a statement to Clinton and that the system in place at the State Department did not exist when he was Secretary. His office said that “He did write former Secretary Clinton an email memo describing his use of his personal AOL email account for unclassified messages and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department.” However, Powell recently added that “The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did.”

One of the most common mistakes in Washington for high-level targets is to trip the wire under 18 U.S.C. 1001 in making false statements to federal investigators. Such contradictions can raise that concern but it is likely not a significant risk in this case. The FBI director was clearly not inclined to charge Clinton and this can be answered as simply a difference in recollection of a fact that was not critical to the underlying alleged violations. The Powell story is of more political than legal benefit for Clinton.

What do you think?

Reference the 18 USC 1001 AKA The Libby Law. Intentionally or unintentionally lying, misstating, changing previously made statements or provided informaton etc etc. to any agent of the federal government is a felony. The law is so strict when I appied for a job with Maersk on the Tuna Boat Sub Hunter Fleet I lited everything truthfully from the time my military security clearance had ended. Sent copies of alll my previous clearance applications and quoted the Libby Law stating these previously provided to ensure I don't inadvertently change anything. under 18 USC 1001. I've still got copies of the whole thing in case it comes up again. I took the asked and answered route to ensure my own safety and security. Didn't get the job and didn't get bothered or arrested. Libby went to jail. Maersk was acting as an agent for the US Government.

Lie Number Two We already is a major sex crime enabler but here is another sorry trail that portrays her pro womans rights stance as a Three Riyal bank note. Her long time supporter and wife of a Congressman was listed as Assistant Editor of a pro Sharia Jihadi type newspaper and didn't think that migh impact her husbands political career nor Hillariyaly's and some of it is a bit stomach upsettlng. Arranged for the Saudis to meet with Hillary apparently for money to go in the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary to speak before a school in Saudi where she countered everything about Women's Rights imaginable. URL below. After Wasserman one wonders about the caliber of people she will have working in key positions. A Bag Lady Chief of Staff?.

Lie number three For the day 15,000 more emails found she failed to turn over to the FBI. That just in today.

URL Link

The FBI Hounds keeps sniffing blood and it's theirs when Congress termed their Interview Notes Embarrasing due to heavy redaction They handed over what was thought would be a clean set but turned out to be still another batch of problems. Hey Fido.....Have you actully seen those pardons from Obeyme?

Number four was just a comment that Billery and Hillery tax returns failed to account for the travel and living expenses routinely paid for by the Clinton Foundation .

Number Five Trump the outsider on an unrelated subject tied uip the Sharia Editor Chief of Hillary's Staff story by outing FORMER Congressman Weiner forced to resign about five years ago for his inappropriate emails . My how the circles revole and turn with each other.

The Trump article was on immigration so that's next. ...back again Nothing of Substance on the immigration except he said he wanted a humane answer. The rest was all a flury of what if if what conjecture based on 'unamed sources' which usually means a cover for something the reporter made up or the editor told him or her to add to get slant. Until tomorrow or the next day I expect nothing else but if it's as good as I hope it will be home run number four on policy issues. My sources down here across the border in response to my chistozo or joke on the wall issue (Best solution we pay Mexico to build the wall to protect themselves) indicates some cross border conversation has been taking place. My input was improve the Bracero and Green Card programs and give the whole thing more credibility as we find out from our government only 5% of the illegals are involved in agriculture anymore a small amount in the housecleaning, garden/lawn tending, swim pool maintenance, and stoop labor end. Also the trend is reverse migration due to lack of jobs and high cost of living. As one laughingly put it they can't afford illegal house staff and their coke habit at the same time anymore.

We'll see.....But the Ni modo manana attitude south of the border is nowhere near as bad as the lack of work ethic north of hte border which reminds me of the Oregon Work Ethic. "Thanks for the Job I need an advance and I have to take my kid deer hunting for two weeks.. We used to think that was funny

That's not much but it is better than blank spaces still when the big whoop tee doo was read over's wait a day or two. Nothing There.

Does it Never End?

Sure Does and that's up to you.

On voting day.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
    I think Hillary tops Jon Lovitz' pathological liar character he made famous on Saturday Night Live. I can picture her saying "Yeahhh . . . that's the ticket!"
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
    So considering the amount of different stories Hillary has concocted not to mention evasions how come the FBI didn't get her on 18 USC 1001? the multiple counts make her a serial liar.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 6 months ago
    This story is so much like the 12 year old child rape case that Hillary got the guy off with time served because the little girl 'wanted it'. Are you s#itten me? What happened to Statutory Rape, someone under the legal age limit getting raped was automatic guilt and punishment, period. How could anyone punish this child for the atrocious act? How would you feel if it was your 12 year old daughter? -- - - -- What difference does it make if someone told Hillary to set up a server in her basement or not? She's still guilty isn't she? -- - - -- If someone told the Clinton's to make those last six people 'go away', does that make murder legal? -- - - -- The Clinton's are professionals at changing the subject, make someone else responsible for their crimes and other atrocities. They have even made me feel embarrassed, in fact their whole political party is embarrassing me about our country that is no longer operating under the constitution and the laws we have on the books. The United States today is making the whole world sick and our enemies are laughing at us.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
    I edited by Adding and retitled it the Daily Lie(s) from CNNN or Clinton No News Network. Her Saudi speech for a woman suipporter is particularly loathesome but it shows it's not just sex and emails and it's always about money and the antics of a second rate mind. Adding #Five If there is room.
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  • Posted by mrdenis 8 years, 6 months ago
    didn't they have a line like this in Blazing Saddles.
    ...Clinton's press release in full - "Next man makes a move about my mail server, the ni##er gets it!"
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
      Right away I was wondering if it is libtard PC to blame a black man for anything.
      For example~
      It is libtard PC OK for black Obama or an Obama supporter of any color to say: "It is all Bush's fault."
      But for white cracker Shillary to lay blame at the feet of Powell's skin pigment? Naw!
      Doubt BLM will demonstrate against the fix that is in, though.
      George Soros controls the puppet strings of the BLM cash flow.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
        In the course of history there have been more non caucasian slave dealers and humanm traffickers than any other division of the human race and more caucasian slaves than any other division of the human race. For the simple reason other than possibly the Asians more of that sub species. Asians would also win in those categories. Slavery or involuntary labor was in practice to man British Naval ships up to the mid 1800's and is still on the books as legal in the USA at the federal level. The additon of a pay scale is not negate the practice itself.

        Thank you very much NOT Representative Wrangell for ensuring that practice is ready and able to continue. Maybe you should have stuck to doing proper income taxes.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
          Watch out what you say about a black man.
          The thought police will come for you.
          History for them is purely revisionist spin.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
            I don't use the word black in that context it's racist. and those who use it are racist along with any other misleading descriptions of human beings. Terran will do it for me.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
              I first encountered "Terran" as another word for "human" when I belonged to a science fiction book club as a teenager.
              After a couple of years I tried of one book a month science fiction and quit the club.
              But I had a little bother who read all my books and became a raving science fiction fan.
              He is now a retired librarian. Do believe I had something to do with his chosen vocation.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Along with 10 where the anti hero says to his friends "Aren't waiters or waitresses wonderful. You ask for something and the BRING it to you." Now who remembers the actor?
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