The minimum wage should be lowered not raised.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 8 months ago to Economics
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You know, I realized something while reading this article: Let's suppose that this raising of the minimum wage thing is not a progressive attempt to increase everyone's worth nor to cash in on getting more taxes and regulating businesses more and more.

In a down market, a highly skilled and temperamented worker will have no choice but to work a minimum wage job or two...this will leave the younger less experienced worker at a disadvantage...not just disadvantaged but outright disempowered from learning an important life long lesson: How to produce and create value in the work place, how to behave in that work place and learn work place work ethics. Sometimes these are hard learned lessons but once they are learned that young person will apply these lessons over their working life, whether they work for someone else or for themselves, not to mention learning how to be fiscally responsible among a host of other life lessons. In short, these young folks, having these experience will likely never have to depend upon pappa and momma government.

Now, raising the minimum wage would force this to happen, also forcing small and low wage skill businesses to look for alternatives in order to stay in business and to stay competitive. But...what does this do to the older more experienced worker? Wouldn't this disempower them spite of the higher wage offer, even if it was close to that persons previous wage. We are forgetting the importance of, responsibility and satisfaction,; never mind having to work doing menial tasks, which would have to be boring as hell; wouldn't this play a role in that persons self worth?, his ability to provide for himself and family and even with the most humble person with family understanding, isn't this the biggest downer a man or women might experience. Might they, in an effort and even justifiably so, try to recoup some of that lost income from the very government that created this situation in the first place? Even if they have always been self supporting their whole life up to this point? It happens.

We might be tempted to say these individuals are weak and can't compete...but how many of us that haven't had the benefit of a skill set that can be applied to many occupations could effectively deal with this situation.

Those of us that have these widely marketable skill sets or even hobbies that could turn a buck are the lucky ones...we had those life long lessons at an early age...but what of those that came after us?

What I'm asking here is: Could this be the progressive reason and plan to get us all, young and old to be more dependent on government and perhaps to break our spirit in some respect?

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  • Posted by ISank 7 years, 8 months ago
    Lower? Screw that, end it.

    Paragraphs are there for a reason.

    Great points!

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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
      Sorry, This post was originally marked down to 0, so I deleted, change the title and copy and pasted the rest...didn't notice till now that the par. divisions didn't past up.

      Agree, Let every business determine it's minimum wage offer...The free market will work it out.

      But, to the you think it was purposed to disempower both young and old? or just a consequence.
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      • Posted by ISank 7 years, 8 months ago
        It is a challenge to know their intentions but any one who understands demand should know if you raise the price, people will lose their jobs.

        What was the role of unions and the party they own in pushing to keep unemployment higher among certain groups?
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 8 months ago
    The demand for an increase in the minimum wage is linked to the decline in the value of the dollar. The problem is that the devaluation of the dollar is intentional and is driven exclusively by political considerations. Our government runs on borrowed money so paying back a loan with future dollars that are worth less is not only attractive but it is deliberate. The world economic system is a kind of massive Ponzi scheme that is facilitated by floating the dollar as well as other nations currencies. The devaluation of the dollar is also revealed by the behavior of the stock market. Ask your self is the rise in the DOW due to an increase in the value of stocks or a decline in the value of the dollar. The push for an increase in the minimum wage is only a symptom of a much deeper disease. That of the victory of Keynesian economics over the Hayek model. Keynesian economic theory is the foundation of the liberal-progressive movement while Hayeks' view is that of true laissez faire capitalism.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
      inflation devaluation debt repudiation

      In our case the debt repudiation is the COLA adjustment for unfunded retirements primarily military, current retirements and the elderly

      the comment on empowering the middle class by lowering taxes is countered by the added taxes of other types primarily the Pelosi VAT plan all paid for with after tax devalued dollars.

      technical term is Cycle of Economic Repression. The last one wasn't a recession but a repression. Government vs citizens.

      For sure another go round is in the picture as the increase in debt to 20 trillion which should occure prior to January 20th has to be paid for somehow. Are you ready for another hosing?
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 8 months ago
        There are fundamental economic principals that are just as real as fundamental laws of physics and just as dangerous to ignore. Liberal-progressives believe they can legislate reality and create truth by edict. This thinking is a flawed as thinking you can dilute gasoline with water without reducing the performance of the engine. At some point the motor will stop and you won't be able to start it again.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
      I wonder what true capitalism would be life? No country on earth has it today
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 8 months ago
        Hard to say. As far as I know it has never really been tried.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
          Human nature seems to be like the honey badger nature- take what you want Zero government would let the strong just lord over the weak. Big government seems to morph and let the strong team up with the politicians to lord over the weak.

          Even the us constitution didn't protect the rights of the Indians right from the start and certainly doesn't protect our rights now. How can we get a group of honey badger humans to change their nature?
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
            I can see by the lack of capitals how far into curious annals of history that document has slid.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
              it was a great document to set us apart from england and their ways. BUT, it wasnt so great in terms of protecting private property. Once it allowed the government to take from one and give to another, it set in motion the cronyism that destroyed us all. The 2016 election is about how Hildebeast can offer you free goodies if you "stand with her". Its pretty disgusting its come to this. Not that Trump is perfect, as he has a lot of socialism in him too, but anything but Hillary !!
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              • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
                They changed it from property to happiness because of slavery.
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                • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 8 months ago
                  Hello Olduglycarl,
                  I concur. I remember reading about the argument over the language. It was done so as to make it more palatable to the slave owners of the time. It was an unfortunate necessity as they saw it, due to the nature of the times they lived in.
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                  • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
                    Yep...had they used property instead of happiness then the slaves were Their property and therefore making it legal to sell and buy...forever...
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                    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 7 years, 8 months ago
                      Yes. To clarify and elaborate on my previous comment, they thought they were being clever and introducing a ploy/poison pill for the future that might bring about an end to slavery. Unfortunately the result was insufficient protection for legitimate property rights in the future.
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                      • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
                        So the 3/5th's law was an unsuccessful many were in history.
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
                          Not really either. It's success was as a compromise to get all 13 to ratify the new Constitution. The North wanted to count zero slaves to defeat the Souths ability to then control the House of Representatives. The South wanted to count all of them but deny the right to vote giving them control of that one House.

                          Back then Slave Trade had been banned but the Northerners kept the trade going and the South kept being customers. Like much of the events leading to Sumter most of it was economic,trade, tariffs in nature.

                          After the war ended Lincoln offered immediate amnesty to the south and an immediate part in the government (back to the 3/5ths rule) which would have put the south in control again. This went through three changes under Lincoln, Johnson, and Grant ending up with a near century of Jim Crow and Black Laws.

                          The Democrats north and south supported those laws and were anti civil rights. the Republicans forgot to follow through after the 15th. Wilson to some extent and Roosevelt to some extent did not and LBJ did the Civil rights act of 1966-67 but openly said that ought to keep them in line and went back to being a leader of an anti civil rights party. Clinton made some speeches and got a lot of credit but did nothing especially ha ha where sexism was concerned.

                          Throughout all of this the federal government incrementally gained more and more power but hat started with the 11th and 12th in Jefferson's administration. the 14th if memory serves gave the feds the big initial boost.

                          If you look at a map of federal lands you see the results. Great Plains largely settled by a wave of new immigrants the western third is still fiefdom of the federal government. which brings us back to property rights. What did exist was not protected but further weakened. Now a title only means the responsibility to pay property tax and be liable. Nothing else.

                          What those moves did and you are right they were acting clever is open the gate for progressivism from 1898 to this very day.

                          I'll refer you to the Constitution studies program of Hillsdale which is no charge and Ledbetters series on The Forgotten history of the USA.

                          It's all economics and one part fit another part including minimum wage which is based on treating labor as somethinig different than business with different rights and different powers but it IS all supply and demand including the demand for low cost illegal aliens.
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                          • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
                            I viewed all those lectures but don't remember learning it opened the door for progressivism. At the time it was a smart choice but perhaps, we would of been screwed whether we protected property or happiness...even happiness has alternative implications...what's happy for me may be unhappy for you...which is exactly were we are at right now.
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                            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
                              It's done by Presidencies in order for the most part. in the Ledbetter series and in Hillsdale by major topics. At the time it was a choice used by the aristocracy to deal with the rising middle and lower classes and keep control in what was the third wave I think of the industrial revolution. They wanted cannon and factory fodder and women still baby factories to feed either need. Progressivism provided a way to do that with controls All thoughts of a Constitutional Republic which started to disappear even as early as Jefferson's time really took a back seat as democracy took over which of course led to socialism and a one party system.

                              I recall one book which had Ford and others deciding what level of education for the masses and it was 8th grade for the workers, Secondary for the technicians and University for the ruling class. The levels went up but the qualitiy of education went down so a McGuffeys reader and it's contemporaries will contain quiz material far beyond most high school and a great deal of todays college/university students. Another form of inflation devaluation and repudiation. They only say they are providing education but are not doing so in a realistic manner.
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                Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
                But that wasn't in the beginning that happened later on and while it started with Jefferson Madison 11th and 12th it went full flower with the civil war aftermath 13-15th, and then with the 1913 dismantling of checks and balances and income tax when the progressive socialists took over. The government was willingly given those powers by a population interested in Me First Now. Same way all Tyrants are brought into power. Everyone happy and then one day the whining starts but nothing is done to stop or reverse anything. So now we have the ultimate outsider versus the ultimate autocrat. Backs against the wall and everyone looking for an easy way out. There IS NO easy way out. Time to suck it up and start thinking instead play pretend politics.

                You can't change anything when you are powerless.

                1. Stop Enabling
                2. Take Control
                3. Make Changes.

                I see no real effort to get beyond #1. so I'll add this

                4. Learn how to whine quietly.
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                • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
                  I think your analysis is right. This time all of the candidates have socialist leanings (even Johnson), but some lean farther than others. I say we would be best off with Cruz or Johnson (but they are not electable now). That leaves Trump as the best choice against Hillary (and its seeming he will not get the votes either). So we get Hillary and proceed rapidly down the path to ultimate socialism.
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    • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
      Yes...also the cyclical nature of this action...wages go up, cost of product goes up then wages have to go up again, further confounding the value.

      What once cost 5 cents now costs 5 dollars or more.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 8 months ago
    Real estate and stock market prices should be left to the ravages of the free market, too. Both should see a more than 50% decline if the banksters and governments get out of the fiat printing and manipulation business.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 7 years, 8 months ago
    love your on...

    suggestion...i participated in debate in high school (just had my 50th reunion) and judged at my kid's high school debates...the key to winning was defining the terms of the debate...moved your probability over 90% chance of winning...

    i do not use the word "progressive" has a positive or vague emotional connotation ...instead i use...fascist totalitarian...labels them immediately with a negative connotation and they have to fight to get back to neutral...

    also, we started out as a "republic" and were moved to a "democracy" on the way to a totalitarian oligarchy which is just a hop, skip, and a jump away...
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 years, 8 months ago
    I recently saw a financial guy I respect state that if they had any balls they'd raise it to $50. Why not? If we're going be initiate a farce let's really get with it. $15 just stuck because they new they could get it approved by the dolts. It wasn't based on any sort of analysis. It was just a lick on the finger stuck up in the wind...

    I say $50. I'd like to be guaranteed $50. Let's see what we're really made of!
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 8 months ago
      Like to see this play out, with a Socialist and Capitalist writing predictions on a paper, and putting it in a secure capsule to review in 4 years. I predict, massive inflation in the US and all manufacturing gone, service jobs that must be local remain, and the dollar drops to 25% its value. Let's see.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 7 years, 8 months ago
    Just an observation, but even though the unemployment is up slightly in Oklahoma City, I see lots of help wanted signs. I don't know of one employer that's paying minimum wage, with most at $9/hr and up (Hobby Lobby pays $15/hr to full time, and $9.50/hr to part time employees). The lesson is that when labor demand is high, the market will pay well, so government should focus more on creating an environment that stimulates labor demand than on dictating wages and prices.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 7 years, 8 months ago
      Precisely. But government isn't interested in letting people decide where they want to work. Government wants to tell people where government wants them to work. The minimum wage is all about creating a slave class circa the Feudal times with their Lords and Ladies and aristocracies and the subject peasant class.
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  • Posted by gpecaut 7 years, 8 months ago
    In a pure Capitalistic economy, wages are under the same driving forces as any product produced and marketed. Supply and Demand.
    Today we have a surplus of un/low skilled labor, thus wages are kept low. However, a mandatory minimum wage Rob's capital from business paying the lowest producers more than they are worth. This causes this extra cost to be passed on on the products, actual items and services to cost more, driving inflation.
    Even the most complex device has many low skill produced parts.
    Those that "think" they will get ahead with a rise in minimum wage find they do not. The only ones that get any advantage to the increase are
    1; Government. They gain votes, and with inflation, tax revenues. They can simply inflate their Wa yu out of debt.
    2; Foreign competitors. The costs of production go up here, let's their products become more valuable. This allows them higher pricing with no improvement of their own, or, to under cut the prices of the "not so smart" countries that have increased their labor costs with artificial costs.
    The big question is why can't "we the people" see that while wages here have been stagnant, we are still increasing our labor force by both increasing the number of people we bring in (green cards , immigration) and our lax boarder enforce (Dream Act, DACA, refugees, etc).
    Anyone with any understanding of economics, knows that you will not increase the price of anything by increasing the supply of said same thing. Especially when supply is already larger than demand.
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  • Posted by chad 7 years, 8 months ago
    If a minimum wage would actually work to bring everyone to a livable wage why not make it $100 an hour, make people wealthy so they can spend more?? A minimum wage always forces companies that depend on low skilled workers to find ways to make their products without the help of the worker, i.e. mechanization or closing the facility, either way the low skilled worker loses.
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  • Posted by Donald-Brian-Lehoux 7 years, 8 months ago
    compensation for labor can NOT be taxed. However CEO bonuses should be taxed and have a ceiling that makes sense from the consumer end. If the CEO is making 10 billion $ per year and a hamburger costs $15 then the out of control cost of living will NEVER keep up with wages.
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  • Posted by wiggys 7 years, 8 months ago
    the minimum wage should be eliminated.
    employers will pay better wages for potentially better employees. I say potential because an employer does not really know if a new employee is good until they start working. Then the employer has sound reason to pay a better wage. also, if the employee recognizes they are doing a good job they can or will ask for greater wages. The employer at this point will be willing to pay it. so end the minimum wage.
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  • Posted by illucio 7 years, 8 months ago
    Well, considering that the minimum wage does involve a great investment in its control, meaning more rules, regulations, inspections, etc. it automatically implies more government intervention, higher taxes, etc. And it also works in the defense of the bigger companies and enterprises, that can afford it. It sets a limit for competition, trying to avoid truly awfull working conditions and the quality of life for workers.

    If you take the black or, as I also call it, the "parralel" market; one can compete with the bigger, "safeguarded" industries and take an important, leading place. Go to China and see how many Niike, Adddidas, etc counterfits are going on that produce the same or sometimes even higher quality products. Of course their workers don´t have equal conditions or wages, and that is truly something that human rights comes to worry about.

    Personally I believe the minimum wage is an easy way for a government to set a higher quality of life for its citizens, and that´s not a bad thing. But no system is perfect, and there´s always someone to fall through the cracks. Especially nowadays, in this highly golbalized era. Yet I will say this; if a worker is well kept, in good conditions, that will most probably be a more efficient worker. There are always exceptions, and regulation cannot be so strict as to leave the best worker out of a job due to different issues, whatever they may be. It´s just an opinion. I believe in the minimum wage, yes. And I stand by the fact that it has to be a decent one as well. But there are objections of course, and they are all reasonable. Raising it can put some out of business, or workers out on the street. It´s complex, no doubt about it. The world is not a fair place.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
      it's a small cog in the cycle of economic repression nothing more nothing less and it's not a gain when the next step is increased direct and indirect taxes one of which is failure to add into the formula government caused loss of buying power via COLA. I's a sham and in no way increases the standard of living but has the opposite effect for the majority of employees. and all retirees. It's main purpose is vote buying with out expending something of value in exchange.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
        OUC was however correct in that the cycle also grinds benefits for some insider concerns,

        Bank America being a prime example and grinds into oblivion other concerns such as the banks that were forced to give loans to deadbeats and then had the value of the foreclosed repossessed properties artificially depressed in that value.

        Each of the parts works in turn like the cogs and gears and teeth in any machine. Grinds you up and spits you out. The new version will probably add a tiny sliver of a tax cut with a huge accumulated VAT bill at the cash register.

        After all every machine benefits from technological advances.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
    Now there is a thought!!! What's the point of raising it when the dollar value is going to be devalued again and again. It's kinda like thinking you are going to get change with a field of one outsider, 15 RINOS, and four lefties.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 7 years, 8 months ago
    Mark it down to $0. Let each owner, manager and human resource person pay what the person is worth based on their application and the nature of the job. The idea of a minimum wage is sheer nonsense and there is no rational explanation for its existence.
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    • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
      For a start, make minimum wages only apply to citizens and legal residents. Illegal aliens can be hired at any wage. That would end any talk about a wall I would offer illegals maybe $3-$4 an hour and they would stay in Mexico
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
        theiy are staying in Mexico. The last two years is reverse illegal immigration as the cost of living versus the decreased buying power of the dollar takes it's toll. That amazing bit of news now three years old has been ignored the only thing increasing northbound is drugs throught he unguarded open areas like south central Arizona. The one that law enforcement local refuses to enter (it's federal) and the feds refuse to protect.
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        • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
          If we got rid of the anti drug laws, there would be no need for drugs to be made in mexico and smuggled across the border. The cartels would dry up as the drug prices plummeted and the quality improved.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 8 months ago
            And we could reduce the population at the same need for poison food or medicine...the drug addicts will do it themselves willfully...
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
              That wouldnt bother me at all. If someone wants to take drugs, I say "let them". None of my business really. Take away the illegality and you take away a lot of the "coolness" and I say usage would drop.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
            True and it wouldn't change the mental ability of the nation not one bit and all that money going to the cartels could become taxes. What other positives. Arrests and trials for driving under the influence of .....would zoom past driving while intoxicated and the offerings of the glitteratti formerly known as entertainment would be less entertaining - if that is possible. Politicians and the media and universities would come across as even more stupid rather than more stupid or just plain stupid. PS The drugs come from South America not Mexico. Mexico is a transit station since the marijuana is now coming from the Oregon Washington, California and Colorado.

            But it does explain Nancy Pelosillyni.
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            • Posted by term2 7 years, 8 months ago
              Crime due to the need for money to buy the overpriced drugs would drop substantially. There would be no need to drive to North Las Vegas (I live in the Vegas area) to find a streetcorner where some mindless teenager is selling drugs.
              AND, I think that the mystique of taking drugs would be less if it wasnt illegal and cool. Being able to buy them at walmart just isnt rebellious enough to attract teenagers who want to take a stand against authority.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 8 months ago
                The key word is 'addiction.' Same reason anti smoking. Second key words is 'self control.' which also applies to prescription drugs. The difference is one has a label the other doesn't. Penalty is still the same for causing injury, death, or property damage.
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