Objectivists cannot be Libertarians?

Posted by Esceptico 7 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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I have been told both politely and impolitely by fellow Objectivists that one cannot be both an Objectivist and a Libertarian. I have heard this even here in the Gulch. I profess to being both.

Rand went on rants, literally, against Libertarians. Do not join, she says, “‘libertarian’” hippies, who subordinate reason to whims, and substitute anarchism for capitalism.”[“Ayn Rand Letter,” Vol 1, No. 7, page 3, Jan. 3, 1972.] It does not take one deeply schooled in argument to recognize the ad hominem attacks in this one sentence, but the significant point is she set up a straw man in that Libertarians as such do not subordinate reason to whims and are not anarchists. Yes, there are some Libertarians who do and are one or both of these things, but are some Objectivists.

A Libertarian is simply a person who subscribes to the Non-Agression Principle (NAP). Nothing more, nothing less. So long as a person agreed with the NAP, one could be a communist or an anarchist. Libertarians are united only by the NAP and not by any other unifying principles or outlook on life. To be a member of the LP there is one requirement and only one: you must agree to the NAP. [https://www.lp.org/membership July 11, 2016.]

Picking up the theme from Rand, Ayn Rand Institute “Distinguished Fellow” (whatever that is) Peter Schwartz went so far as to say Objectivists should not be “trafficking with Libertarians.” [“On Moral Sanctions,” by Peter Schwartz, May 18, 1989.] This sounds similar to me to a Jehovah’s Witness, or any other cult, proclamation prohibiting contact with the outside world. And, indeed, several Objectivists have shunned me ever since I said I disagreed with them. If I had been a JW, then I would be “disestablished.” The point is the same: disagree with the dogma and you are out of the club.

During 1985 Schwartz wrote a series of articles in his “Intellectual Activist” publication. These are published, according to the introduction, in a condensed version as Chapter 31 in the book “The Voice of Reason.” Schwartz again sets up the Libertarian as a straw man and then sets about attacking the straw man. I am not going to detail his laboriously stated errors and ad hominem attacks because it is not relevant to my question below.

Apparently the subject is still something of interest to ARI. Schwartz lists, among his Talks and Lectures credits, “Analyzing Libertarianism: A Case Study in Thinking in Principles.” [https://ari.aynrand.org/experts/peter.... July 11, 2016] I could not access this, but I image it is more of the same diatribe he previously presented. I say this because as recently as July 2, 2016, [https://ari.aynrand.org/blog/2016/07/.... July 11, 2016.] ARI touted a discussion to be streamed the following day on the subject. I missed that.

Here is the problem for me. A principle of Objectivism is the NAP. Restated in the words of Rand: “… no man may initiate—do you hear me? No man may start—the use of physical force against others.”

The only principle required of Libertarians is: “To validate my membership, I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.”

Over the decades, every time an Objectivist tells me I must choose between being an Objectivist and a Libertarian, I point out the above and ask a question. To date I have not received even the courtesy of an answer.

I ask: How are these two principles mutually exclusive?

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    CBJ; You're correct in that Rand did endorse Nixon. In 'Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q & A,' she answers some direct questions about Nixon and a lot on the politics of that time: "I endorsed Nixon in 1968, not very enthusiastically, on the premise that he was the lesser of two evils, But I no longer think I can vote for him.(Given her disgust for the 1972 Democratic candidate, George McGovern, AR did support Nixon in that election." Then she went on to say, "Nixon is not very consistent. But at least he's never attempted to redistribute your wealth. He's not a power luster. Nixon's wage and price controls were vicious, but he wasn't asking for personal power and doesn't want to control your personal life." But you'll note that her endorsement was not based on political party, but rather on what she thought of him in comparison to his opponents You'll note that further in that Q&A she described not voting during Eisenhower's elections, for either man or party.

    And as to the Mises Institute's definitions--They define themselves as: :We are the worldwide epicenter of the Austrian economics movement." To get a better handle on an Objectivist read of Austrian economics, I highly recommend Dale Halling's (dbhalling here in the Gulch) work and writings on the subject vs. an Objectivist's thinking on economics...But in Rand's Objectivism, she prescribes self defense as 'retaliatory and only that necessary to stop the force involved.' and the Libertarians in your quote again use 'against aggression' as what's to be defended against and as I pointed out in my response to Escepio above, aggression as used by Libertarians includes the synonyms of: (confidence, self-confidence, boldness, determination, forcefulness, vigor, energy, zeal)*

    While I can agree that there are some, maybe even many, areas in which both Objectivists and Libertarians can agree on goals to further individual liberty, as even some religionists, I'll still maintain that Objectivists cannot be Libertarians, though they might ally with them.
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    RE: “An Objectivist will never be a Party member, basing his vote on that Party but will place his vote instead, for an individual based on demonstrated principles and actions consistent with those principles.” This would be news to Ayn Rand, who supported Richard Nixon twice, both before and after he had instituted wage and price controls.

    And the non-aggression principle is not a “pacifist philosophy of life” as you claim. According to the Mises Institute wiki, “In contrast to pacifism, the non-aggression principle does not preclude violent self-defense.” http://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Principle_...
    And according to the Libertarian Party platform, “The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights—life, liberty, and justly acquired property—against aggression. . . We affirm the individual right recognized by the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, and oppose the prosecution of individuals for exercising their rights of self-defense.” http://www.lp.org/platform

    Pacifist? Hardly!
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    jim; Thanks for reading and for commenting. These problems of definition and 'PC' redefinition of words and terms, even concepts, has been one of the most significant issues I've faced in my life, particularly when discussing or even attempting to understand an issue from available literature and sources, and seems to be most prevalent in the so called 'Social/Behavioral Sciences or Social Engineering Motivated studies in Real Sciences ie. AGW'.
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  • Posted by tkstone 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Sometimes.....no most times you lose me, but I eventually catch up. Thanks for the analogy, save me a piece of that pie.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks for the education, Zen. I had incorrectly equated the term "non-aggression principle" to mean what Rand had defined in her definition of the use of force. In my mind, what I have always agreed with was the Objectivist principle. Prior to your explanation, I had not seen how the libertarian coinage of the NAP had compromised the definition.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Like I said...if you learn to use it as a tool and question everything, even itself, you arrive at the answer you seek. If you cease trying to find a convenient comfortable label and use it as intended you come to your own conclusions, test them, keep testing them and apply them. It's not a group grope. But it's one helluva a useful tool in a number of ways. The leads to specific areas in A to Z or some of the other books all end u with yiou standing in front of a mirror and saying I am, I observed, I applied my own ethics. I am happy with myself. If that doesn't occur start looking for false premises and wrong answers disguised as correct answers If it does occur then it's like the song. Be happy ...but never cease observing, learning the nature of things and people, and testing them. Testing never stops. In that way you never stop testing yourself. After a while you find a path to follow in all situations. I was in the military and we had the four life saving steps. It's a priority thing. Stop the bleeding always came first. Clear the airway, Treat or prevent shock. protect the wound. One never thinks about it when something happens. one just follows the rules and it doesn't matter Green or Red Cross procedures. The same thing happens from learning and studying and applying on a daily day long basis everything around you. Observe, examine, learn the nature of , is it useful could it be useful if....and once you get through that is it ethical. quick test. Heidi Fleiss charged twice. Once for pandering and once for income tax evasion. You are a juror....how do iyou vote? But don't tell me that's your system working because you observe that sort of thing perhaps for decades. As for me. No on the first despite the polemics not only was it a victimless crime one of the participants testified in court. it was more sensationalism and propaganda than anything for the lawyers involved to get some face time with channel 5 or 10. Not Guilty. income tax evasion. Not guilty it is a fascist control program and un American. I also know that I am one of the Judge and the dude or dudette we call Judge is really a referee and should be a guide - when needed. They are not God, Not all powerful and not dictators. .
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Venezuela's demise into the abyss may be reversible, but importantly, it won't happen soon enough for any of us to reap the benefits.
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  • Posted by term2 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Probably not. Browne was driven more by practicality than true believer objectivist , at least it looks that way to me
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  • Posted by tdechaine 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Only because evolution is not a philosophical issue. It is the specific nature of man on which she focuses, never mind where he came from.
    But given her metaphysical foundation, any mystical explanation for life is ruled out.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You got that wrong. Subjectivism lives in the world of the imagination. Libertarians the could be said to settle for wrong answers for various reasons

    You can argue with the dead but not the living. Objectivists demand facts and proof and accept nothing that isn't realistic and without understanding it's nature. They don't get frustrated if the answer isn't to their liking they just keep observing and and testing and never accept wrong answers.

    That is what people who have no morals, values, ethics or self respect do and then try to window dress it into something acceptable to the rest of us. Problem is we don't absolve you.Only you can do that. People who can absolve themselves of being second raters or willing to accept false premises fall in a special category called amoral. Some folks call them politicians though.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I don't believe any of you or very few get it. Can't compare apples to kumquats.

    The idea of Libertarianism philosophically based and turned into a political system.
    All of These systems we'll call Apples Galas
    So is the idea of a Constutional Republic Fujis
    So is the idea of a representative Democracy Granniy Smiths
    So are Monarchys and Consittutional Monarchies GoldenDelicious
    So is the idea of Socialism. It like the others is s based on philosophy what else Red Delicious

    Some add in their own system of economics notably Socialism including in it's more extremists versions State Economics. Some used capitalism some a mixture Some hold economics as part and parcel of the mix some use economics from another system. But they are not apples So we'll cal lthem oranges. Valencias and Navel's They are not apples.

    All are based on some basic philosophical idea or belief. But while they may cause and oranges they are neither. one they are things like cropo farming or orchards but I' would say pears but they aren't fruit either. Each leads to another but is not the same thing.

    One particular Philosophy led to something different, all encompassing in it;s own way. It discovered the secret of and the purpose of validating the subsequent ideas, the work, the outcome and finding it useful or not useful You can't eat it. It's purpose is observing and testing.

    It won't grow apples, operate an orange, ripen a pear but it will tell you a lot about apples, oranges, and pears It's so different I'm going to think of a different name. It will tell you what you want to know and allow you to see ways to improve your orchard operation. Then you must choose to pay heed to those observations and keep observing or disregard them.

    So you say . hmmmm his fruit really isn't a fruit we'll call it something more basic. Hammer after all it is a tool.

    Now compare them.

    Along comes the County Extension Agent and checks your operation. Does some soil testing and recommends some changes. He uses a carrot to do so. First the apples, then the oranges, then recommends changing pears to another variety. He' using the tool of objectivism.

    Along comes your wife picks some of each and arranges them in a basket. She chooses them objectively but arranges them creatively and that's ok in this case. Wives are always right in the endl Later she will create a couple of pies which is the main objective.

    Point is you can't compare one to the other except in how they work together or don't work together. Did he arrangement int he basket work. Did the slice of apple pie with a bit of cheese on top work. Bingo. They worked together. But that sashimi radish pie was a ......not so good.

    So you can't be an objectivist in the way you can be a PIR member in Mexico or a Labor Party member in England or a Libertarian in the USA BUT you can use objectivism to find out if those ideas work on their own or together. What needs chaniging or improving, discarding or replacing,

    The wife won't say. I know you love kumquats and sashimi radishes but really they have to go. She's got her own reasons. If you want to sackseed in your field Mr. Farmer listen to what she's telling you.

    But try to turn the Fuji into a Valencia it isn't going to work. They are truly apples and oranges.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    While the short anecdote section of Reason is worth the read, I disagree with it a lot more since Matt Welch and a couple of other authors left their magazine.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The very first is the misuse of language such as the NAP (non-aggression principle), ie. Aggression does not equal the initiation of force only. It's been redefined, much as had selfishness prior to Ayn Rand's reclaiming of the word, since circa 1900 to impute a negative connotation in a social context by social scientist.

    Aggression (3rd of 3 definitions):
    forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests.
    synonyms: confidence, self-confidence, boldness, determination, forcefulness, vigor, energy, zeal

    The scientific study of aggressive behavior was hampered for years because of different understandings of the word “ aggression. ” Aggressive toddlers are generally considered bad. However, in sports and in business, the term “ aggressive ” is frequently given a positive connotation as a trait to be admired. Consequently, one of the first steps scientists (scientist used in this context means social scientist) had to undertake was to define aggressive behavior clearly as a negative social behavior. (u.mich/2010.Bushman&Huesmann.Aggression.HandbookSocial

    Both of the above are positive definition uses of the word 'Aggression', as was Rand's reclaiming of 'selfishness', away from the social science, political correctness efforts to control cognitive behavior.

    Libertarian definition: I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.”

    Ayn Rand definition of use of force: ..."no man may initiate—do you hear me? No man may start—the use of physical force against others.”

    Rand's didn't use the word aggression, she used physical force in an absolute context, while Libertarians change that to aggression in the pursuit of 'political or social goals'. Libertarians continue that 'political correctness' and drive for inclusiveness, throughout their alleged definitions of laissez faire capitalism to anarcho-capitalism, private property as anti-liberty, IP as slowing down progress, and etc.,etc.

    At this point in time, Libertarians are so far away from the Classical Liberals and from Objectivism, both strongly defining and supportive of the primacy of Individual Rights, as to be nearly unrecognizable.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I advocate hard realism. Before you presume to pass judgment, I ask you to read the Koran. Read it thoroughly. You will then discover it is a declaration of war against everyone and everything non-Arabic.
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  • Posted by tdechaine 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You are misrepresenting Obj.ist views.
    1. It is ok to like certain aspects of any other movements; just don't identify yourself as 2 things at the same time that are in conflict.
    2. "They" have never claimed that an Obj.ist has to accept every word of Rand; but certainly he has to accept all the philosophical fundamentals, otherwise don't call yourself an Obj.ist.
    3. A true Obj.ist is never rationalistic.
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  • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Osmo A. Wiio, a Finnish professor of communication, developed communication “laws” which I have found to be true:
    (1) Communication usually fails, except by accident.
    (2) If a message can be interpreted in several ways, it will be interpreted in a manner that maximizes damage.
    (3) There is always someone who knows better than you what you meant by your message.

    Restated: Whenever you say something, if there is any possible way for another to misunderstand what you say, you will be misunderstood in the worst possible way, at the worst possible time, and then they will tell you what you “really” meant by your message.
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  • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    One can live, in theory, in a commune without force. Communism was practiced (and failed) long before the Communist Manifesto was written.
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  • Posted by 7 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I always liked harry and he had some good ideas. Maybe we are "Brownies" --- which is pretty much going Galt but doing it with style. Do you think the ARI crowd would condone it?
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