Gwynneth Paltrow gets a well deserved dressing down by Green Beret

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 3 months ago to Entertainment
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Well, this was an enjoyable read. Maybe she should keep her nose out of things she's utterly clueless about. What a complete moron to compare a "mean tweet" to war. She needs a good smack.

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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    there seems to be a religious or spiritual connotation there in most of the dictionaries I've looked in. My BFD [big fat dictionary, NOT to be confused with the OED, praise be to its existence] says merely sloth, listlessness, melancholy. I want something REALLY BAD - altho acedia will come in useful at some point.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: LetsShrug,

    While I can appreciate your defense of khalling, I Don,t accept the premise of having posted for 2 years as some sort of expertise on anything.

    I often ask about writers meaning and ask them for clarification. However as I'm fairly familiar with the English language
    , I usually need no interpreters for what I read. I'm dismissing anything out of hand, but am responding to what I read. Whether I just "walked in" or not is totally or irellevent.

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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: LetsShrug,

    While I can appreciate your defense of khalling, I Don,t accept the premise of having posted for 2 years as some sort of expertise on anything.

    I often ask about writers meaning and ask them for clarification. However as I'm fairly familiar with the English language
    , I usually need no interpreters for what I read. I'm dismissing anything out of hand, but am responding to what I read. Whether I just "walked in" or not is totally or irellevent.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "The real sad part is that it is obvious that you are not sure whether you are a liberal progressive or a conservative with real beliefs and principles." Wow Fred. I really wish you would take the time to research gulch members' many previous comments. You've done this since you walked in... getting after people for their comments when we've been here for almost 2 years and have many many discussion, the regulars know where others stand on issues and beliefs. You're doing a lot of assuming and causing us to be repetitive and defensive. And you seem to assume you understand what one means instead of asking what they meant if it wasn't clear to you. You're not really playing fair. kh is neither a liberal progressive (gag barf) or a conservative, however she does have 'real beliefs and principals'... she's one of our few true shruggers in here. Do your homework, Fred. Please.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I am completely understanding of and respectful of those who chose to serve militarily. My father did so. I also know a doctor who as a boy in East Germany was sent to a work camp away from his family and escaped E Germany by hiding underneath a rail car. I understand the US government betrays US soldiers in foreign wars. I also think our nation need a strong international defense. I have posted in this site many times regarding Objectivist personal sacrifice for individuals. You want to make a strawman of my statements. I disagree with your premise regarding my thoughts and statements.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: khalling,

    This will be my last post regarding anything you have to say. Yes, I was directing my last comment to you and as you have probably noticed, I usually write the words Re; khalling or to whomever I am responding to. I apologize for not having done so on the last post.

    To get back to our points of discussion, I must strongly disagree with you about whether the sacrifice of an individual is the measure of an Objectivist or anyone else. Ayn Rand’s point in her comment regarding sacrifice for another man was dealing with being asked to do so by another man or even worse having it demanded of you. I’m talking about an individual’s willingness of his own accord to offer his sacrifice for someone else. Clearly we see Ayn Rand’s philosophy differently. In my humble opinion you have a strong misunderstanding of that philosophy. As an example, in Atlas Shrugged, Hank Rearden was willing to sacrifice his freedom on his own accord in order to supply Dagny Taggart with the rails she needed. He offered and she didn't ask but did accept his offer. Free will is what this philosophy is all about.

    Every member of the military I have ever known, including myself, has fought for an idea. Sometimes they were misled by their leadership and were therefore betrayed. Sadly that has happened way too often. But it would be a misjudgment on your part to not admire their willingness to put their life on the line for their understanding of an idea. For example, I served in the Marine Corps because of my background as an immigrant who had escaped from East Germany and lived there under Communism, not a wonderful experience. I joined because I thought that we were fighting against Communism in Vietnam, but instead we were betrayed by our own government and pulled out instead of defeating the communist government of North Vietnam completely. We certainly could have done so. We never lost a single battle until the politicians decided to turn tail and run.

    But this discussion will lead us nowhere, political, moral and economical integrity is a concept that I sincerely believe is beyond your comprehension. I truly wish to believe that I’m wrong about your position, but I truly doubt it.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    fred, are you directing your comment to me? ;)
    A sacrifice is not the measure of a Objectivist or an individual. I am impressed when individuals put their life on the line for ideas. My patience is at an end. You have not attempted to read the hundreds of posts I have put on this site or the thousands of comments. You, sir, do not know me at all.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    That's because you can't see that there is no better man or woman that is willing to lay down their lives for another. Not having that sort of character is your loss my friend, not mine.

    The real sad part is that it is obvious that you are not sure whether you are a liberal progressive or a conservative with real beliefs and principles.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    ": to honor or praise (a god or goddess)
    : to make (something) seem much better or more important than it really is"
    I do not see any contradiction in my initial statement.

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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re; khaling,

    Obviously you didn't bother to read the definition you sent me.
    "glorify, to honor or praise." No one, especially those that have served in the military expects their service to be glorified. In fact most that have served in combat seldom speak of it. The word glorify was used by you and not by me. Perhaps it is only semantics that we argue about, but I believe in words having meaning and I objected to the context in which you used the word. i assure you that I nor anyone that has served would choose the word glorify to describe what soldiers do in the extraordinary context of combat.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: Hiraghm.

    You're not as outraged like most of us because you believe that what she wrote is hyperbole, I would disagree because spoiled brat twits like her actually believe what they say and write to be true. I can't prove it, but i have known many people like her who think that their s..t doesn't stink. I hope that you can forgive my language in expressing my disgust with a lightweight individual like her.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    From Merriam-Webster online:
    verb \ˈglȯr-ə-ˌfī\

    : to honor or praise (a god or goddess)

    : to make (something) seem much better or more important than it really is"

    I disagree with khalling; without the soldiers in the short run, there will be no long run for Rand, Aristotle, or Locke to ponder.

    "Ideology *counts*. But when it counts, it does the counting with a sword."
    - King Arakal in "Ideological Defeat"

    Paltrow's tweet was hyperbole, and for some bizarre reason I'm not as outraged by it as others.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: aogilmore,

    She certainly could have used those words to describe a mean comment made on the internet. what makes her a twit is the comparison to the danger of warfare and to compare herself to suffering an insult to what a soldier experiences in war.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Re: khalling,

    Once again we seem to be at odds because of the choice of your words. You state, "But I do not want to glorify being a soldier." Yet you claim to "respect vets and armed forces and how they keep us safe," That is certainly a contradiction in my understanding of the English language. While I don't disagree with the concept of words being important for freedom, however to dismiss the concept of a military to protect those freedoms is terribly naive.

    As to Ms. Paltrow's tweet,I believe it's enough to say that she is the ultimate definition of a twit. These self indulgent "Hollywood celebrities" should be just ignored, unfortunately our youngsters worship these ignorant twits.

    Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 3 months ago
    Hello NMA,
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
    I would like to think she was being hyperbolic, but she has a reputation and this doesn't help.
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  • Posted by Maritimus 10 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The very fact that celebrities feel free to expostulate on any subject and have huge audiences is a diagnosis of a serious problem which we have as a people. They frequently become so self centered because their notoriety has gotten to their heads. Not all actors who attain fame become such arrogant characters. I suspect that this character weakness was there well before they became celebrities.
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  • Posted by iam124c 10 years, 3 months ago
    "freedomforall" is exactly right. As a matter of fact I like to "play." I'm talking about acting, acting like/as though I am the person the playwright has described. It's great fun. But, I never afterward think I am "hot stuff" just because I did a good job of having fun acting like someone else. I think famous actors get lost and don't even know who they are. I feel sorry for them and don't want to bad-mouth them.
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