This could escalate...

Posted by $ blarman 10 years ago to News
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The Chinese are attempting to claim the entire South China Sea as territorial waters. This has dangerous ramifications for international trade and more if the US does not oppose it - because they are about the only ones who can. Neither Vietnam nor the Phillippines has a blue water Navy capable of going up against anything the Chinese have.

I think the real reason the Chinese are doing things like this is because the US's foreign policy is so utterly feckless and devoid of any real policy. Thus, China feels emboldened to do whatever it wants, wherever it wants.

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  • Posted by robertmbeard 10 years ago
    You hit the nail on the head. While I do not agree that we (the US) should be the world's policeman and pay the full cost of that endeavor, the simple fact is that demonstrated strength and consistency in our foreign policy promotes the geopolitical status quo. When US weakness becomes the norm, that status quo is upset, with all bottled-up regional disputes (territorial, ethnic, or otherwise) boiling to the forefront. Dictators become emboldened to pursue their expansions of power.
    All of the international strife we see today is not really surprising, given the severe weakness of current US foreign policy. Expect more instability... Perhaps India vs. Pakistan is next...
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