See Vaxxed

Posted by $ Abaco 8 years ago to Government
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I saw this movie last night. Given the big interest in the recent thread here on forced vaccination I thought I'd mention this here as I think people on either side (or the middle) of the topic will find this movie to be very interesting. This movie, for some time, was censored by government officials. That, alone, makes it a must see in my book. I knew almost all of the information in the movie but wanted to see if I really understood what I had learned. I did.

Do you think the government wouldn't lie to you? Do you think special interests aren't very powerful? Do you not want to believe that government officials don't ever take a high-paying, cush job from a company they treated very well as civil servants? These are key questions we all need to ask ourselves. One of the lines that really stood out to me was, "I was afraid that we'd be dragging a river looking for Dr. Thompson." You'll know what I mean when you see it. And, that line prompted many of us in the know to semi-jokingly tell each other afterward, "I have no intention of killing myself." Yeah...that's an issue. By the way...I have no intention of killing myself.

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
    This is just a question for consideration...

    What if Autism is not some vile conspiracy by the government and some left/right wing billionaire, but just a stage in evolution?

    I know people like to continue the fear-based control mindset already extant, but you would think, between "Vaccine poisoning" to "chemtrails" to "global cooling/warming" to "the Illuminati/Rosicrucian/klan" connection to rule the world, to the evidence against Hillary being a plot, to... well, you get the idea.

    Maybe the human mind is evolving to use less of it's power for mindless chatter and more for intellectual pursuits, not by choice but by design? That to achieve the next evolutionary level, the "software architecture" of the mind is changing as radically as it did from the Neander to Cro Mag era...

    I know VERY brilliant thinkers who are labeled "Autistic" - people who can think their way out of a wet paper sack, who can compose amazing music, who can talk physics with the best of them, who can challenge commonly held beliefs...
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
      Autism might be considered a stage in evolution, only if everyone on the planet were generally affected. If it's confined to a country, or a given "system" of peoples, it's related to something common to them.

      What about the possibility that autism and many other afflictions are simply in response to people NOT getting the mumps and measles at a young age? It could take many generations before mankind discovers ALL of the effects of his forays into nature and most of us probably won't be around to see these discoveries.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
        It's an interesting premise, my suspicion, however, is that it is NOT virus, or bacteriologically caused condition (or caused by the vaccines for such diseases) as then it would spread rapidly per your supposition, either to the general population (a'la bubonic plague) or to everyone vaccinated. My assertion is it's a change in the genetic code (similar to the Y chromosome becoming further and further recessive). While Cro-Magnon man did eventually supersede Neanderthal man, there was significant overlap. (My suspicion is that the mutation that caused the CM evolutionary step could well have been viral in nature, leading to the rapid depletion and extinction of the former species as the infected replaced them), said virus being a mutagen to the point where the mutation created the eradication of the latter as the former got old and died out.

        As to people becoming autistic because they did not receive a disease, it can't work, as those who never had, say, Rubella, were that the triggering factor, would automatically have (or have a propensity toward) Autism... and such a link would have shown up long before this.

        Like I said - it's just something to consider. I disbelieve the whole "Vaccines are the root of all evil" to which some would have you subscribe. Perhaps it's my belief IN vaccination (and the reasons for such belief) that causes me to find other answers for questions on issues such as Autism (or Alzheimer's), so I cannot (and shall not) claim to be a neutral and/or unbiased source.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
          Maybe, in your case, you cannot be neutral and/or unbiased because of your 'belief in' faith approach rather than taking a more scientific
          'belief that' vaccination is useful in an overall better outcome than no vaccination. "Believing that' something is true gives the chance to change ones opinion while 'believing in' something puts a possible personal emotional ownership burden on the believer. E.g., 'I believe in god' will be nearly impossible to change compared 'I believe that god exists'. The former stands whether there is evidence or not while the second allows some thought about the belief.
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
            ??? Think you lost sight of the subject. Or somehow lost what I was saying, or worse (I hope not) trying to somehow say a=b by making assumptions you can neither prove nor disprove... (1) the quantity and quality of my religiosity and (2) tying it to a wild assumption.

            I cannot be neutral because I have met people in iron lungs, almost died from the flu as a child, and let's not forget the crazy little things like traveling to places where vaccinations are non-existent and people are scarred and families decimated by diseases that a simple vaccination would have prevented. "Religion" and "Faith" were never brought into that... And your assumption they were are in error.

            Sorry about that.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
              How is it possible to be able to have an opinion without some kind of knowledge? So if I have knowledge, I must not be able to be neutral or unbiased?
              I was just pointing out that when one says that something is believed in, then it is difficult to change that belief even with evidence. With believing that something is true one is open to changing the belief. That is part of the problem with vaccination, the belief in vaccination being bad even in the face of hundreds to thousands dying who would not had they been vaccinated.
              I just brought up faith as the usual way people believe in something and the more evidenced way that people believe that something is true.
              Also, faith and religion do not imply a belief in the supernatural but only indicate how a belief is held, mainly just to be believed in rather than with evidence and rational thought.
              In 2014 there were only 10 people living in iron lungs, mainly from polio. I did not know that people are placed in iron lungs due to the effects of flu.
              Sorry if you thought I was personally attacking you.
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              • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
                STOP!!!! Lets take about 2 steps back before I get frustrated... I grew up in the 60s, the people I knew were polio cases, your diaphragm isn't paralyzed by the flu. And "attacking"? Little... Um... Extreme. Don'tcha think? Sorry if you misunderstood, or I misunderstood, but there seems to be a major communications breakdown somewhere... :-)
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      It's not evolution. When you see a 13-year old boy crapping his diapers with green mess and unable to speak you'll understand this. "Intellectual persuits"? My buddy's teenage boy just outgrew smearing his feces on the walls of their house.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years ago
        What you are describing is a far different disease that classic Autism. Your 13 year old in the example and your buddy's boy (same guy?) have a much more severe set of symptoms than the topic described. Sorry for your pain... but yeah.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years ago
      Susanne for you . Question is it a coincidence (or is there a plan ) that our elected officials from both parties want to give control of our nation to the UN?
      2nd question why on a sunny day do very high flying jets leave a thick trail that goes from horizon to horizon, back and forth for hours turning a blue sky into a milky white blocking out the blue but the sun still casting shadows?
      I know this hurts a reasoning brain
      but the illuminati is alive and well.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 8 years ago
      I would agree with that if vaccines were voluntary. There may also be evolutionary aspects separate from vaccination but that would be hard to prove. Not sure the "powers that be" are interested in finding out.
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      • Posted by khalling 8 years ago
        but I think vaccines are voluntary. Most public school districts demand proof of vaccination, but there are alternative options for schooling.
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        • Posted by richrobinson 8 years ago
          Some alternatives exist but here in PA a bill has been introduced that would require vaccination for all school aged children regardless of where they go. It includes Public, Private and Home Schooling. I'm not positive but it sounds like some of the vaccines are administered and the parents aren't even aware they agreed to it.
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  • Posted by ISank 8 years ago
    Mahalo for bringing this up. I see its on Island so I'll take a look. Never wanted to have kids so it's not in that regard but dang if autism isn't exploding.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years ago
    This is also the last I mention this topic, anywhere, on the Internet. I just think many of you will really be intrigued by this movie.

    Per the math, in 2032 80% of boys will be diagnosed with autism. America won't be able to handle that. I can see that the nation is not making any real moves to avoid that freight train. So, I am going to get very passive, transitioning to a very Galt-like existence.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
      Think about that! Does that make any sense? The criteria for a diagnoses of autism keeps changing by adding and subtracting from the spectra for autism and like many conditions the number of cases might even double over night just by definition. A few years ago it was 1 in 150 and short time latter it was 1 in 80. Same happened with type 2 diabetics where nearly over night the cases doubled just by changing the normal blood glucose values. Same with the healthy Body Mass Index values.
      With vaccination, the autism cases still increased years after mercury was removed from the supposed causative vaccine.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
        Ah hell just remember most movies are fictions of reality and the rest are the realities of believing fiction.

        the only time I won on the flue vaccine was the year the army had listed me as allergic to flue vaccine and exempted me. Swine flu that year. after a while i started in again but since I have never missed a day of anything but hten when I miss getting the shot I don't miss a day of anything. It's all a crap shoot.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years ago
    Death and taxes are absolutes. Everything else is relative. When bacteria were discovered the diseases caused by bacteria were identified. When viruses were discovered the diseases caused by viruses were identified. When prions were discovered a few diseases that were "cause unknown" are now known to be caused by prions. Mad cow disease is the classic example. As technology improves science discovers smaller and smaller life forms. Prions affect DNA. Science has a long way to go to identify all the diseases caused by prions and I suspect ultimately this will be the biggest break through in medicine. Once a cause is identified technology will produce corrective measures. Gene splicing is on the horizon. The next question will be - "how long do you want to live?" And who gets to make that decision.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 8 years ago
    Abaco mentioned the other recent thread on this issue. In that thread, the observation that the vaccination schedules have become very complex and rapid for tots only a couple of years old. With no studies having been done of how this dramatic and potentially potent mix may interact.

    The suspected analogy between this unknown multiple vaccination effect and the well documented effect of many prescription drug interactions was made.

    This is an important point and must be considered.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
      The FDA requires costly studies on vaccines and combinations of them. They are not what I would call drugs which can take place in biochemical reactions, but are substances for which the immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies which will disable viruses introduced from the environment.
      If a drug were required to have no adverse effects in everyone, there would not be any drug on the market. Same goes for food, since there will always be someone who has a bad physical or psychological reaction. Throw ideas into the mix. Looks like we should all just give up with that line of desire for safety.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
    Was that in the theater? If so, I hope that I can view it on other mediums eventually.
    I, like you, have studied the issue ferociously and over a long period of time and have come to the same conclusions.

    My objective stance is: "You can't do 'For' the body, without consequence, what the body could do for itself...Under the Best of intentions and circumstances. They knowingly or unknowingly have disempowered the body to do for itself.
    And yes, the general theme is not of good intentions, whether it be ignorance or purpose.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
      If it is that bad, why not just give up on improving the human condition. You cannot have a totally safe life with or without attempts to improve it.
      Actually, your alleged agents, which dis-empower the body, enable the bodies biochemistry to act to do useful healing stuff. But care should be had to not treat without proper knowledge of the chemistry being affected and is best left to experts. If you are not an expert in biochemistry, there is no way to understand whether a treatment has a chance of being a valid therapy. Chance is the operative word here because so much depends upon dosage getting to the chemical systems involved in a disease condition and research having been correct.
      Don't throw out 'helping the body out' with the fear of the unknown.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
        Improve the human condition naturally and with education....
        see: It's the place to start...then all else be measured by.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
          That reminds me of my senior English teacher in high school who took me by the arm and led me to the school library and showed me the shelf with the bibles and told me "That is where you should start, Larry." She thought she would save me because she knew that I was an atheist and mainly because I asked her if I could use "On the Road" and "Not as a Stranger" as book reports. Her opinion about the latter was because there were babies being birthed by the interns and it would be too much for the psyche of a 18 or 19 year old. I referenced the former book to see what she would say. I never thought I would end up before a shelf of religious books.
          I assume you are a 70s plus guy like me. Stop worrying about proper healthy living so much. Your DNA is the primary direction your health will go. I have a problem because I have naturally low HDL output from the liver and so even though my blood lipids were in normal range I ended up having three stents installed after a very painful heart attack and very ruff ambulance ride for 40 miles of ripped up highway.
          Now it is the daily regimen of heart drugs. I hope you don't get problems following some of those healthy programs.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
            -6 actually...but eating right for your blood/geno type is enough to hold your programing at bay and then there are natural protocols for the rest and some can actually be changed...epigenetics. Simple stuff like Green tea, can change a cells tendency to do something's been a while, sorry but everything you need to know to start is in; Eat Right 4 Your Type and Genotype by Dr. Peter D'Adamo...then move on from there.
            The good news is: It's never too late.
            I've been on this path for over 20 years now and have outlived 98% of my entire family and have no sign of getting any of the maladies or diseases they got.
            My last blood test was dead nuts on the ideal measurements! Blew my mind...I always thought I'd die from doing something stupid, a jealous husband -(no concern now that I'm ugly and moral) or shot by government. (they don't have reason to except for calling them out)
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            • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
              Try this on for size. On page 53 of his book "Eat Right For Your Type"
              the author writes that:

              "This condition, called hypothyroidism, occurs because Type O's tend not to produce enough iodine."

              As far as I know as a type O and an eater of a lot of bad stuff according to the author, my body has never caused me any thyroid problems due to not producing iodine which the body needs to get from the environment due to the fact that human bodies cannot produce iodine. Iodine is an element which is found in soil and taken up in vegetation and some other living things and is produced in supplement tablets, added to table salt, as well as food sources, etc.
              You can push a source who does not understand even the use and source of iodine in the body?
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
                It's Never "All"...the tendency is there, it was in my case Plus, to add insult to injury, handed down from my father. Has a lot to do with secreator status and geno type...(which is not explained in er4yt) That info is in Live Right 4 Your Type.
                And no, iodine comes mainly from the sea, unprocessed sea salt and fish...the little one gets from veggies is different and not enough and Yes, the body does process it too.
                You can never go by a snipit of information, you need the whole picture.
                0's are prone to this but doesn't mean everyone manifests it.
                Again you have to read the whole book, then live right, then genotype...then you'll understand your body and do right by it.
                This body of work has been proven over and over again, not to mention 20 million plus people using these I's where you start and helps determine where one goes from there.
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  • Posted by Sittinonthedockofthebay 8 years ago
    Vaccinate, don't vaccinate...Mother Nature will always rule out.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years ago
      Except, I have never seen any evidence for a consciousness for nature other than the isolated living things, so the mother nature stand in for some god should not be considered to exist. All you have, other than some living things which may be conscious, are the identities of matter and radiation automatically acting with no need for any kind of ruling, design, thought, planning, or choosing.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
        Mother nature is not a "God"...laughing...unless your a Giaia nut. Mother Nature refers to How things seem to work, how things evolved and the natural and cosmic laws that seem to balance things's just a phrase for a process that we don't fully understand yet but can observe.

        People make waaaaay too much of these expressions and mysticism's without understanding why and from where in history these observations came from.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years ago
    "A screenwriter who worked on “Shrek” and other Hollywood blockbusters is developing a new — and apparently sympathetic — movie about Andrew Wakefield, the discredited British physician who launched the anti-vaccine movement with a fraudulent study suggesting that vaccines can cause autism.

    Wakefield is already popping up on the big screen in cities nationwide in “Vaxxed,” a documentary that sparked controversy this spring when actor Robert De Niro made and then canceled plans to premiere it at the Tribeca Film Festival." --

    Abstract: On February 28, 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published an article in the Lancet on 12 children “with a history of pervasive developmental disorder and intestinal symptoms. Onset of behavioral symptoms was associated, by the parents, with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination in eight of the 12 children.” Though not claiming the MMR vaccine caused the symptoms, adding what parents thought certainly raised the possibility. Statements and articles by Wakefield suggested he believed such a link probable. Vaccination rates plummeted in the UK and outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases followed. Investigative journalist Brian Deer uncovered dishonest and unethical medical practices by Wakefield, resulting in Wakefield losing his medical license. Rather than appeal the decision, Wakefield wrote a book, “Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines – The Truth Behind a Tragedy,” wherein he claims loss of his license was a political attempt to silence his criticism of vaccine safety. This paper examines the validity of Wakefield’s claims. A careful review of publicly available information makes it clear that Wakefield’s claims regarding vaccine safety are wrong. It is hoped that this review will be used by doctors and public health personnel to encourage parents hesitating to have their children vacci- nated to question anti-vaccination claims in general, given that many proponents often refer to Wakefield as an authority and display in their own writings and pronouncements similar erroneous claims." "Wrong About Vaccine Safety: A Review of Andrew Wakefield’s “Callous Disregard” Andrew J. Wakefield Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines – The Truth Behind a Tragedy Skyhorse Publishing, 2010 New York, New York ISBN 978-1-61608-169-0 by Joel A. Harrison, PhD, MPH here
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