High School student suspended for having a BB pistol locked in his car - off campus

Posted by stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
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So he didn't break a law or any school rule, but is suspended for causing a school disruption - which was caused by the school calling in the police. So who caused the disruption?

It's really time for these school principals to man-up and quit acting like a wimp over a BB gun or pastry eaten into the shape of a gun or (oh my) a sketch oh of a gun, or a tee shirt with a image of a gun. Don't they realize just how ridicules these acts make them sound to us in the real world?
SOURCE URL: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/05/16/high-school-student-suspended-for-bb-gun-in-his-car-where-was-it-parked-off-campus/

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