High School student suspended for having a BB pistol locked in his car - off campus

Posted by stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
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So he didn't break a law or any school rule, but is suspended for causing a school disruption - which was caused by the school calling in the police. So who caused the disruption?

It's really time for these school principals to man-up and quit acting like a wimp over a BB gun or pastry eaten into the shape of a gun or (oh my) a sketch oh of a gun, or a tee shirt with a image of a gun. Don't they realize just how ridicules these acts make them sound to us in the real world?

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago
    Shortly after publishing this story, Mike Cyze, Senior High School’s Director of School and Community Relations contacted TheBlaze with an update.

    According to Cyze, the school district has completed its investigation into the issue and the student faces no disciplinary action. Additionally, the time spent out of the classroom — one day — will not be considered a suspension or appear on the student’s permanent record.

    When we asked Cyze if the outcome would have been different had the student’s car been parked on school grounds, he replied, “the student would have likely faced disciplinary actions as all weapons are banned from school property.”
    Yeah, well no shit Sherlock...that's was the whole point all along you power hungry sob!
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  • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes he faced no further actions, but that was after loosing a days school, subjected to questioning by police, by school officials and I'm sure his parents had a few words for him at home. And since this was high school, you know that his next few days at school are going to be "interesting" to say the least.
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