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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
    /rant on
    As I was reading the article, very interesting, except where he said, "...the war in Iraq, the War on Terror..."...

    The war in Iraq was a *theater* of the war on terror. I'm sick and tired of stupid people stupidly trying to disconnect the war in Iraq with the overall war on terror.

    That stupid Bush let the stupid left stupidly control the stupid narrative of the war, and thereby stupidly got himself involved in stupidly nation building rather than conquest doesn't disconnect Iraq from the war. We invaded Afghanistan, we invaded Iraq. That we stupidly let each have their own stupid (and corrupt) governments rather than appoint American governors-general and rule each with an iron fist until we'd finished conquering the rest of the middle east was just plain stupid... but still didn't make the Iraqi theater a separate war.

    The War in Europe and the War in the Pacific were still the same dang war. You don't hear people trying to separate the two in an effort to condemn one or the other.

    And I guess that's what brought on this rant, because Condoleezza Rice chose not to speak at Rutgers because stupid anti-American, leftists chose to throw stupid, childish tantrum because of the Iraqi theater.

    They SO deserve for me to have been President instead of Bush... or for me to occupy the White House today instead of Obama. Their horror at the loss of Iraqi (and Afghan and middle-eastern Moslem in general) life and property would leave them too stunned to speak their stupid chants, making the world that much less intellectually polluted.

    I'm sick of the stupid vocal minority, with their big mouths, rewriting history and resetting the narrative. It's STILL taken as fact that American troops were beaten by Vietnamese trash, because of the forebears of these stupid traitors. And they've been trying to do the same thing with the War on Terror ever since 9/11. And they've been succeeding too well because too few people who should know better are willing to step up and be labelled monsters (or worse).

    So here in an article on Keynesian economics we find the <censored> author inserting a false line of propaganda into the article unnecessarily.

    /rant off
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