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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago
    That rant was pretty calm. And his young girlfriend was behind the recording (I bet). She seemed to be setting him up. Why are people beat up for a PRIVATE conversation. (or hell..a public one even). This is lunacy. My only comment after I listened to it was... "I guess 70 year olds shouldn't date 20 year olds". I think he's getting persecuted over this...and he didn't even say the N word. I think his big beef was really with Instagram. lol
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      ok, I listened to it. It certainly is NOT what is portrayed in the media. It's almost like he's worried she's dating someone else and he's just using it as an excuse. He contradicts himself. at one point he said "I love black people." She was definitely leading the conversation and saying things he didn't say in the conversation. I think he sounded creepy but she did too
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
        He is is sad. I saw his wife. She not bad-looking for her age and then they have been together for sixty years. But the chick is definitely a gold-digger. Lol. I didn't know it was the wife suing! Hahaha. I say if Miss V wants to claim she should keep her ‘gifts’, then somebody at the IRS should be paying her a visit real soon.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
        There are several conversations (reportedly over 100 hours of recorded time). He actually tells the bimbo that he doesn't care if she screws these other people, just don't take pics with them and post on instagram or bring them to the basketball games. Irony is that she herself is a very light skinned black. He just didn't want it known that his sugar baby actually was black and was hanging out with blacks.

        He's clearly a bigot. He's also seemingly senile or at least on the verge of senility. He's also clearly thinking only with the small head.

        It also seems to be common knowledge that he has these opinions - Magic Johnson says that he heard these sorts of things in the office nearly daily. To be so outraged now seems opportunistic.

        My guess is that his wife (since for some reason they won't get divorced) will take over direct ownership duties for the team.
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    • Posted by Boborobdos 10 years, 1 month ago
      LetsShrug asks: "Why are people beat up for a PRIVATE conversation. (or hell..a public one even)."

      I don't have an answer, but the fact is that Obama and Bill Ayers of no connections except a coincidental one early in Obama's career, yet there are those who try to blame Obama for lighting fuses for the bombs.

      Yup, folks are just hard to understand.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 1 month ago
    The Middle East is on fire. Putin is doing his best to restore the USSR. South America is turning communist state by state. What do we occupy ourselves with? One ignorant billionaire's racism. If this is a Roman Circus, where's the bread?
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      ::raises hand::

      Why is he "ignorant" again?

      If I decide I dislike liver because it tastes icky... does that make me ignorant, too?
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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 1 month ago
    Well, at least it has distracted the press away from Bundy.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
      Even better... if this keeps up...the mob will be bored to tears with stories of racism before the election.
      That’s one hat-trick the Dems won’t be relying on.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 1 month ago
        You hit the nail on the head. Shame no one is mentioning that he's a liberal democrat but no one in the MSM missing that he's white.
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
          You got Charles Barkley on ESPN declaring that the NBA is a black sport. Lol. What planet am I on?

          The owner gave a few bucks in the nineties; he’s not much of a Democrat.
          It’s wild the way this chick, the team, the advertisers, and the media got fired-up so fast.

          Watch Oprah step up to buy the team. Lol
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago
            OK, saying there are blacks in the sport and you don't want to associate with them is racist - but saying the basketball is a black sport is not racist?? I can admit it, I'm confused. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm not a racist - I hate everybody equally today. :D

            That a joke friends.
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        • Posted by henryknox 10 years, 1 month ago
          He's not only a liberal democrat, he is a darling of the NAACP and made money on subprime gov't mortgages. He has received awards from NAACP in the past and was slated to receive another. Progressivism is a schizophrenic movement.
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          • Posted by Boborobdos 10 years, 1 month ago
            When his donations kept some organizations going it's important to keep quiet. The money is what kept him out of trouble. He bought that award.

            BTW, from the article: "... a search of the L.A. County Registrar/Record confirms that he is a registered Republican."
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  • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 1 month ago
    Why do these comments continue to be front page news? I am glad to know who the bigots are so I can simply ignore them in future. Yet they have to be pilloried, crucified, lambasted, everything short of ex-communicated. Oh, excuse me, he kinda was. Free speech is dead, Why are people not allowed to be idiots anymore? You can't say anything against blacks, mexicans, gays, islam, democrats or greenies. Granted, a lot of comments are really uncalled for, but damn! Let the prejudiced, the idiots, the ignorant out themselves. Then we can move on to real issues.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      he's not been arrested yet, keep
      I posted this because I felt the poignancy of a team trying to get on with their game. My husband said the "game" in the NBA was long gone somewhere in the 80s. I'm not a basketball fan, but I understand pathos. Not my finest post, I'll admit-but I put myself out there and have 51 comments...I've posted more important topics and had 1 comment
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      • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 1 month ago
        I was not speaking against your post. I meant it in general terms with the msm....ignoring life threatening events and putting their laser like focus on a man known to be a jerk. Discussion of all topics is welcome here...a place to rant, question, applaud or dismiss. Here we are still free to comment, or not.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 1 month ago
    Wonder if they have ever heard of senility. Seems they been injecting some kind of substance that will take away all their cares. Either that or their THC levels have fallen and true colors are floating to the top for all to see. The Lame Stream always denies truth. Except when trying to inject Fascism.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 1 month ago
    It was nice of the media to point out that Donald is a Republican, wasn't it? Oh, he's really a Democrat in disguise!!!? Well then it just doesn't matter, let's change the subject. Perhaps his registration as a Republican has something to do with deception, as he votes and contributes only to Democrats? But then again, I could be wrong. What really happened in Benghazi? Why did we leave our people there when everyone else pulled out? Why did we turn our back on them? Has Hillary fully recovered from her fainting spell, or fall, or whatever it was while our people were getting murdered?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      whoa Neil. What's this have to do with Benghazi. Can you connect the dots for me?
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      • Posted by NealS 10 years, 1 month ago
        I assume you meant Neal. I was just pointing out the new tactic of deception, deception from the real issues. I could really care less about some rich guy that makes stupid comments, or one old guy that rides a horse and makes stupid comments. I do care about the issues that really effect all of us and our place in the world. Perhaps I'm wrong, I'm just expressing my opinion, but as a Vietnam Veteran I will never forget about the lies and the other deceptions to distract attention from the important facts. I try not to follow the dots blindly anymore, they usually lead me down a road someone else wants me to follow. Again I could be wrong, but that is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I hope I didn't make any speling errers. Signed, angry and frustrated. Thanks for your inquiry.
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  • Posted by zydecokid 10 years, 1 month ago
    Thanks for running a nonstory. I would hope you would check your facts before making an outlandish claim.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      This is a National Review story which most on this site accept as a legitimate site. I agree that it turns out he was a registered republican. However, he did give to democratic candidates as recently as 2011. What is the outlandish claim that I made? Is it a nonstory when the majority of your team listens to the comments he made? When the team shows up for a game with their shirts inside out-that's a nonstory?
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  • Posted by RonC 10 years, 1 month ago
    IMHO this story is another case of media hype. My policy is to judge people by what they do, rather than what they say. Language today has become a social lubricant. Something that fills the space and lets thing slide by at a social event. Language has been devalued so much by Political Correctness and sound bytes much of what we hear is simply noise.

    In Sterling's case, by his actions he was awarded or up for MOTY awards from the NAACP. They probably are not looking to give an award of that acclaim to a racist. Add to that the estranged wife fighting over community property, the temerity of the gold digger recording and releasing a private conversation, and the aging sugar daddy trying to control those around him; with all of that you have a gossip story that will go on until a real news item bumps it.

    Was the gold digger trying to get something on him to advance her public image? Was the wife trying to crush him so she would have a better outcome in court. Was what he said the crudest way possible of saying without a team owner providing financial support and market planning those jobs would not exist in the time and place where they are?

    What has Mr. Sterling done?
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
      ETA: FOX is reporting he has a history of real racist behavior including refusing to rent to blacks because they "smell bad.”
      Very confusing seeing the NAACP has awarded him in the past.
      Still, since when has society become the thought police? This is a very scary time. The mob is going to go too far sooner or later.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 1 month ago
      Nothing. That’s my take. If this all it takes to be labeled a racist and a bigot then everyone on the bandwagon must be suffering from borderline personality where an uncomfortable and unreasonable level of drama is preferred.

      I think this an exploiting attempt to make use of a situation that might make him consider selling the team. If that happens, let’s watch who steps up to by it.
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      • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
        I, too, had to revise opinion after more information came out and I actually listened to the recording. I've been burned several times now on stories I picked up from Drudge. I think a good aggregate site should vet what it's putting out there. and apologize when they're wrong.
        I also got caught up on another post-March of Tyranny cartoon. Zero posted other cartoons from the cartoonist which clearly showed him to be racist-neo-nazi like. Turns out, the cartoonist is being hijacked by members of hate organization against jewish people. They are altering his cartoons and putting them out on the net. Dig, dig, and dig some more I guess. ah well, hopefully everyone is reading ALL the comments cuz the article is on the daily today.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 1 month ago
    I can't imagine anyone being that tactless. Or that ignorant. He accused the light-skinned among the Jews of Israel of discriminating against their Ethiopian and other dark-skinned fellow residents. I've been to Israel. I did not observe any hint of that. And I remind everyone: those Ethiopians are there because El Al Israel Airlines lent a 747 to airlift them there, as many as a thousand per load.

    Other problem: the tape was unlawfully made. California is an all-party-consent State. He could sue for damages and hang a lot of people up if he wanted to.

    Nonetheless: Rand told us that "racism is the lowest form of collectivism." Here you saw it on display. And the market has already moved to expel him from the circles of organized sport.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      Let's take that to it's logical conclusion...

      "humanism" is the lowest form of collectivism, since under it you group yourself among humans and exclude animals and inanimate objects.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
    "L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, whom commentators tried to tie to the Republican party immediately after his alleged racist statements became public"
    It would suck to have a writing job where you're supposed to shoehorn every oddball story to be about partisan politics.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
    I'm confused; if Sterling can't, essentially, have any contact with his team... what happens to the money?

    How does he get any money the team makes? How does he pay the bills?

    If I were in his shoes, I'd let any player who was offended out of his contract. I would not pay one red cent for any repair or upkeep of facilities or equipment; I wouldn't provide one red cent for advertising or promotions. And any time a new sponsor began sniffing around, I'd make even more outrageous statements. I'd hang on to the team, and let it go to pot.

    While I guess he's not allowed to let players out of their contracts, I don't see how the NBA can control his money.

    I'd buy up property around the stadium, and put up *vaguely* racist and otherwise offensive billboards on them. Like, "Come watch our boys play their hearts out!" I may not be able to step foot in the stadium, but I could have a lot of fun screwing with them from the outside.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
    (Quick note: I advocate no particular point of view in any of the following; I'm merely trying to shake people out of their comfort zones and get them thinking. As far as I'm concerned, what's coming in the not too distant future for this country is well-deserved... so I don't give a <censored>)

    A history lesson for those who like to pretend that the heroes of the past were just like the dipsticks and morons populating the country today:

    70 years ago, in American society, it was considered as perverted to have sexual relations outside one's race as it was to have sexual relations with the same sex.

    Hell, at the time of Obama's birth, his mother would have been considered trash and shunned for having produced a child by a black man.

    In spite of the efforts of movies, television, and print media to paint a different picture, this was not the views of a powerful minority. Just as Nixon managed to win in a landslide, and yet after Watergate you couldn't find anyone who voted for him, people like to pretend that the politically correct were always in the majority. We have always been at war with Eurasia; we have always been enemies of Eastasia.

    I remember, clearly, the infamous quote: "We don't want your daughters; we just want an education..." Poor bastards... they got the daughters and didn't get the education.

    I freely admit I'm disturbed every time I see a blonde walking down the street or store aisle accompanied by a black man. Not because of anything to do with inter-racial relationships, but because I smell brainwashing at work. Why blonde? Why is it so predominantly *blonde* white females and black males? It is rare to see the reverse, but rarer still to see inter-racial combinations among other races.

    Now, if I didn't have the media to blame for this anomaly, I'd have a ready-made explanation based upon basic anthropology and history. But, my courage is limited, and your edification is not worth the vilification I'd receive for explaining it.

    As I said; I don't care who anybody chooses to associate with. There are many people I have to associate with, interact with, do business with who hold views I find repugnant, and express them publicly without repercussion. I have to put up with it; screw me, I'm a minority. Yes, the irony is delicious. Not surprising; historically, everywhere the communists/socialists/progressives/collectivists have managed to gain power through preaching tolerance, as soon as they gained power they expressed their own intolerance in extreme ways. At least Sterling hasn't been executed, sent to a re-education camp, or a mental hospital... yet.

    What concerns me now is the way everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to condemn Sterling. As if, in their view, his comments *weren't* so repugnant. As if they fear that *their* view of the comments were actually in the minority.

    There is no evidence that he in any way let his views affect his treatment of his employees or players. And yet control of his company was taken from him. Calling Hank Rearden...

    No, what concerns me is figuring out how long I'll have before I can no longer express my opinion that homosexuality is a mental/emotional illness, and abnormal. Remember, when I was born, as I said, it was considered as sick to have a sexual relationship with another race as it was to have a sexual relationship with the same sex. Now that's been reversed; how long before we've "progressed" or "evolved" to the point where I end up in a re-education camp for expressing my views? Or have my business taken from me? Or have my books banned and possibly burned (once they're written, of course)?

    The head of Mozilla had to step down because he contributed to Prop 8. Phil Robertson nearly brought the "Duck Dynasty" show to and end because he foolishly expressed his sincerely held views regarding homosexuality... but they were the "wrong" views.

    It's no longer a slippery slope; it's a greased fire pole.

    "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows"

    I suppose soon I'll have to start wearing those repulsive flip-flops, eating that disgusting yogurt, and listening to rap (which is not music).
    Because my tastes are no longer a matter for my choosing.

    The freedom to disassociate is as important as the freedom to associate, IMO.

    The most disturbing aspect of anything Sterling said is when he said his mistress could sleep with "them", but not bring them to the games publicly... if he were a real racist, his concern would be the reverse. A real racist would not want to touch a woman who'd been touched by another race. He seems to be more of an Archie Bunker type of racist...
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      I should delete the above message; it's based on the assumption that the racist Sterling was peeved because his (white) mistress was hanging out with black men. I've heard since that she's black, so he's not really racist, just a hypocrite.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
      There's a couple sections in there that get a bit disjointed and non-sequitur. I apologize; I've been awake about 20 hours now, and tried to self-censor that message while typing it to be sure khalling et al didn't have a cow over something I said.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 1 month ago
    My views on the very public reaction to this private conversation:

    Thomas Jefferson: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%." (or 99.999% take away the rights of an individual).

    "Some of her answers might excite popular prejudice, but if there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought—not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate." - dissenting opinion of SCOTUS decision in U.S. v Schwimmer.

    "A thoughtcrime is an occurrence or instance of controversial or socially unacceptable thoughts. The term is also used to describe some theological concepts such as disbelief or idolatry,[1] or a rejection of strong social or philosophical principles.[2]" - Wikipedia

    "crimethink - To even consider any thought not in line with the principles of Ingsoc. Doubting any of the principles of Ingsoc. All crimes begin with a thought. So, if you control thought, you can control crime. "Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death, Thoughtcrime is death.... The essential crime that contains all others in itself."" - Newspeak Dictionary

    "crimestop - Orwell's definition: "The faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. In short....protective stupidity."" - Newspeak Dictionary

    Oxford Dictionary -
    Pronunciation: /ˈθɔːtkrʌɪm
    An instance of unorthodox or controversial thinking, considered as a criminal offence or as socially unacceptable:"

    If only he'd been a black rapper or "civil rights" leader, he might have gotten away with thinking bad thoughts about another race...

    True, there is no government imposed punishment for his alleged statements. But, if the NBA can take over his team's day-to-day operations, if the NBA can force him to sell the team... I would call that a monopoly or cartel. Then again, I don't like Neighborhood Associations for the same reason.
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