Canada's Middle Class Surpasses US

Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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1.increased taxation
2.increased regulation
3.Increased govt spending
4. weakening of all of our property rights
5. Fed stealing trillions out of the middle class and giving to the rich political class throughout the WORLD by printing money
6. it's NOT technology stealing our labor-Luddites!

Note this sharp decline in US middle class income and wealth starts just after 2000. Much onerous legislation and sharp increases in regulations in the US happened over the last decade. Much of this lies squarely on Bush's shoulders. But it has accelerated under Obama. If our legislature cannot do their job-fire them! It's also immoral to be one of those who thinks-yea, it's not right but I can play the "game" better. If you're one of those-you are no different than a member of the ruling class

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  • Posted by Maritimus 10 years, 1 month ago
    I thnik that this is a little more complicated. Remember, Mr. Bush advertized himself as "compassionate"? I think there is only one reason tha he did that: to get elected. He ended up "fiscal progressive" ( I prefer "excessive spender") because that bought him the re-election. He used the 9/11 excuse to try to keep as many as possible of his conservative base in the fold.

    Mr. Obama (I have to bite my toung here not to use a more decsiptive name) from day one advertized wealth redistribution, cofiscatory taxes etc. It got him elected twice.

    Why all this? Because people get the governments they deserve. I call this "the first principle of governance", akin to the first principle of thermodynamics. Majority of the voters are: poorly educated, ignorant of wisdom humanity accumulated in 6000 revolutions arond the sun, mistaking freedom as license for resposibility, illuding themselves that utopian pronises are real etc. etc.

    Either charter schools win before it is too late, or a welfare state collapse, that will meke old depression look like a joke, wakes people.

    The ultimate defense is the armed citizen. As I promised to my family and friends, I will rather die, rifle in hands, than live again in a socilist country. Once in a life is enough for me and, I believee, for vast majority of humanity.

    I hope that you do not find this too much of an outburst.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      thank you martimus for your passion and the point is for bringing up the first law of thermodynamics. If the intellectual battle cannot be won, there is a big problem. However, in Canada, most of us would consider a socialist governance, they have been making huge strides over the last decade to get rid of many policies that were detrimental to their fiscal soundness. Sweden has as well. We, however, have gone the other way, and are now suffering-the middle class is preparing soon for death throes- and people have to get really mad....or leave. Brain drain will be the catalyst I think. If not, wherever those brains go, may be our new America. Nice to see you commenting ;)
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
        hey, y'all, what we're seeing here is the law of causality. the first law of thermo is conservation of energy and mass (summed together, now, since we know about nukes and supernovae). OK?
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        • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
          I think he was just defining 1st principle. But I see causality. I am well aware of what the first law of thermodynamics is -married to EE physics guy
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          • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
            apologies -- & I empathize; my wife has the same problem!!!
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            • Posted by Maritimus 10 years, 1 month ago
              No need for apologies, please. I certainly was not clear. Let me make another attempt.
              I said that "peple get the governments they deserve" is a principle akin to the first principle of thermodinamics. There WAS a hidden meaning there. I described them as principles, not laws. Laws you can deduce and prove. Principles are like Euclidian axioms. The best you can say is that nothing in human experience ever proved them wong.
              This malkes me unable to resist the temptation on telling you another of my favorates. One of my old (very) textbooks of physical chemistry pointed out that one can restate ther three principles of thermodynamics thus:
              First: "You can never win; the beat you can do is break even."
              Second: You always lose; the ovly place you can break even is at absolute zero."
              Third: "You can never reach absolute zero."
              Do not forget, thermodynamics rules all the processes and changes in our world. And it is so pessimistic. I then tell people that this proves that all the improvements, all the progress over the last 6000 years is because of human efforts, human will for learning and improving. Certainly, we are not yet done.
              We can philosophize along these lines nearly forever.
              Again, no apologies, please.
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              • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
                very fine old textbook! a friend and I were discussing increasing entropy, the other night, contrasted with the evolution of the human species, and I began to envision a big balance arm where -- on the left -- entropy was increasing, and -- on the right, evolution was occurring to balance it. curious "equation", huh? -- j
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 1 month ago
    The Bush boys are all one worlders, just like daddy.
    Jr. looked good the first couple years, but then started doing the bidding of the Council on Foreign Relations and the whole one world bunch. Canada is in reality no more socialist than we have become since Obama. The difference, Canadians are working their way out of it, while our entitlement crowd are embracing it. I would bet our US IQ has dropped while there may have risen. Would like to see a study.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
    Bush was a fiscal progressive just like Obama. He used 9/11 as an excuse to vastly increase the size and reach of the Federal Government. Obama has been happy to continue that trend.
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  • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 1 month ago
    This article takes the position that the blind are leading the blind. I disagree I think that while some politicians may be that stupid, the majority know deep down that these policies will not work, but they are pressured by their political superiors to do it anyway. The political rewards outweigh the risks of going along with the crowd.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      No, the political class are not blind, they know exactly what they are doing. They just don't care, and ensure that they are not personally affected.
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      • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
        one way they are doing it is through IPO offerings and private equity arrangements. Companies are bringing in debt which is going right out the door in bonuses and dividends which makes no sense, leaving the company debt riddle and primary investors or office holders wealthier. Between sarbanes Oxley and Frank Dodd they didn't cover that?! As well some IPOs getting ready to happen are way overvalued (see DropBox). Condie was asked to sit on that board, if you'll remember.
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    • Posted by KYFHO 10 years, 1 month ago
      And the pols never think they will be affected by the decisions they make. They have feathered their nests, set their own futures, secured their safety, negated any law's impact on their own little world. And unfortunately for us that has so far been true for them. They believe themselves to be above us and have done all they can to assure they will remain there.
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