The Twelfth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Disbelieve In Manmade Climate Change

Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 1 month ago to News
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I included "Manmade" into the commandment because there has always been climate change. Just ask a woolly mammoth hunter.
Ronald Reagan invented the Eleventh Commandment: "Thous Shalt Not Speak Ill Of Any Fellow Republican"~
(Time out on that 'un! HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry about that! I just couldn't contain myself))
~but now it appears that the oppressive Progressive Dems has added a new one.
So look out!
An (un)American (Manmade) Climate Change Inquisition of 16 Democrat attorney generals are cranking up their stifling of free speech torture devices.
What these more than equal elite betters are trying to say is all deniers need to shut up and sit down. Or else!
Welcome to the banana republic on which our PC oppressors now squat over.
(For less than two seconds I thought about putting this in the science category. This treason against the First Amendment has nothing to do with science. It is just more bad news.)

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