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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
    I have read that there are similar problems with windmills. Interesting to see what happens. Pits two left wing groups against each other.
    Environmentalist vs Animal Rights
    Lets get ready to rumbbblllee.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      the windmills have turned out to be a BIG problem. 1. they're BIG. this was an intentional design by GE to get the contracts. It has since been proven that the large size is not only inefficient but prone to breakdowns and malfunctions. In California, one major wind installation outside of Palm Springs is in such dis-repair, it is no longer operational. Huge, dead, ugly, metal-who's paying for it to be removed? No one. Eye sore for a hundred years. In states that have winter seasons, there have been problems with ice sheers hitting roadways and motorists near farmlands. The construction injuries and deaths are not unlike those seen in the early 40s and 50s building skyscrapers. This was a govt manufactured industry benefiting few and harming many. Apparently the humming from those which are operational is so intense, people who live nearby the "farms" have seen their property values tank. Honey Badger(the govt and cronies) don't care
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      • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago
        Typical of what happens when government tries to solve a problem. I know a guy who goes to Nantucket and they are have a similar issue with the birds being killed. i wasn't aware of the other problems.
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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 1 month ago
    I think animals have rights, tho' not equal rights.
    Their right to life should be given due importance by governments, along with the right of humans to eat and to generate electric power.

    These solar and wind installations generate small amounts of electricity only after substantial subsidy, they solve no problem, they take money from some to give to others. There is no net reduction of CO2 emissions (but this is of no importance as CO2 is beneficial not harmful to life).

    Interesting to compare the unconcern with the useless killing of birds, some are rare species, with the fungus protection measures described on here a day ago.

    There was a suggestion of placing solar and wind generators in line in the path of a bird migratory route to get chopped and roasted ...
    ok, just my sense of humor.

    The use of the word 'farm' is also a bad joke, intended to make it sound friendly and country.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      well, in the US the farmers joke about it because they are being installed (wind) on their "farms" and they are paid handsomely for that. I am not sure about the solar installations. There is speculation that large amounts of tax payer money are going to companies who collaborate with China to manufacture the plants and then they are being installed on federal govt owned lands in the west/southwest. This is why the feds are using tactics to force out ranchers in these vast areas with small populations. It is completely ironic that multiple federal agencies keep people out of areas due to environmental reasons and create these hell traps to ensure other species will become endangered. Incompetence or design? Either way, their wings need to be clipped.
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