Here’s Why America Fell Into The Hands Of Tyrants

Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 1 month ago to Culture
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I've tried for sometime to express the thoughts put forth in this article, but haven't come anywhere as close as this author. It appears he's arrived at his own 'Gulch' moment.
Please read the article and watch the video.

"When faced with the inevitable destabilization and destruction of one’s country and culture, it is only natural to define and expose the culprit behind the chaos. The liberty movement spends an incredible amount of time and energy unmasking the criminality of international financiers and globalists, but it is important to point out that the power of the elites is entirely dependent on the ignorance and stupidity of the masses. Without a majority of thoroughly foolish Americans, there would be no base of support for the actions of tyrants. Without the mind-boggling superficiality and bias of the average citizen, there would be no fertile ground for the schemes of totalitarians to blossom. Truly, there are two great enemies of any liberty-based society: the power-mad oligarchy and the idiots who make their conquests more feasible.

This might sound like a harsh judgment, but I suggest you watch the above videos again. The future we are fighting for likely will not include such people. Their survival through the harshest of times is impossible. Their lack of independence makes their demise inevitable. In the grand scheme of things, I see little utility in attempting to save them. This is why I question any liberty movement proponents who claim that our salvation requires the “awakening” of the mainstream. This goal is not only unattainable, but also a distraction.
As much as the globalists have initiated the pain and suffering of our republic, it has been the dull-witted masses that have allowed the horror to endure. Though our primary mission is to inform, it is also important that we recognize that there are limits to the “reach, teach and inspire” methodology. Those who know will always be in a minority. Those who don’t know will always outnumber us. Perhaps it is time that we stop giving the dregs of the mainstream so much support and attention. Perhaps it is time we stop seeking their favor. Perhaps we should build our own culture, separate, free and industrious; and let them wallow in their own self-created misery. Perhaps it is time for a change in the status quo. For if we allow the culture of entitlement to continue as a mainstay of our Nation and a source of pride for acolytes, then are we any better than they are?
Isn’t it our duty to finally say “no” to those who would pick our pockets and trade off our freedoms in the name of equality and charity? Isn’t it better to end this charade now and struggle through the consequences than it is to continue the socialist lie to the benefit of tyrants?"

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
    This is Nancy Pelosi's "artist!" Glad we're now giving her free healthcare.

    Multiple piercings, tattoos, and clearly alcohol or drugs, plus a smartphone to make the video with. Clearly she's living a life that is very "comfortable" from someone else's labor.

    If you get to the end, you will find that her mother is sitting there listening to this drivel.

    The second "video" which is an audio recording of a caller to a radio talk show is quite revealing. This woman receives over a thousand dollars a month in "benefits", so why should she work? She makes a good point - if someone gives you the money why should you work? Those of us who have a moral ethic know the answer, but there are millions who don't have such. And this is what it creates.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
    So how many of us fully realize the true cost of liberty? That the first actual enemies are our friends, neighbors, even family? That the large majority can't be reached, can't be taught, and can't be inspired?

    Has it become hopeless?
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
    Rand got it right. The success of society depends on a small group of individuals, and when those with nothing to contribute demand that those individuals support them, the achievers are best advised to step away. I think this mess collapses of its own weight, and like the writer, will waste no tears for the people who thought somebody else would take care of them.
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