Last Man Standing Rancher: armed feds are surrounding my farm

Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: General
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A lot is going on in this story. Feds are impeding this mans ability to produce. They are trampling on states rights. All this to save a tortoise.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 1 month ago
    Here is a blog from a Sheriff in Beaver, Utah calling out the Sheriff of Clark County. He knows what a Sheriff's job is:

    Dear Sheriff,

    As a 22 year law enforcement officer and current sheriff, I write to you today with disappointment in your failure to be involved in the BLM cattle round up within your county. I was so happy with your decision last year and you using your authority to put a stop to this unlawful activity. This year you have chosen to give in and let these federal bullies walk all over you and your citizens. How could you ever allow this agency to close down a county road? These BLM agents have NO law enforcement authority in your county. I just read that the arrest of Bundys son took place by 11 BLM agents on a state highway. How can you not do anything about this? You swore an oath to protect and defend and I'm asking you to do that. How much more are the citizens of Clark County going to have to take from these federal clowns! They shoot an unarmed man last month, conduct a cattle seizure to the tune of over $2 million dollars of tax payer money, close down a county road and are making unlawful arrests with no jurisdictional authority! It's time to take a stand and shut these yahoos down.

    Cameron M. Noel
    Sheriff Cameron M. Noel
    Beaver County Sheriff
    Po Box 391
    Beaver, Utah 84713
    Sent from my iPad
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      If everyone would take just 5 mins to send a message to their own sheriff asking them to send their support as did this sheriff to the Clark County sheriff, it might make a difference.

      Here is what I sent to my sheriff just a few moments ago.

      Sheriff _____: I write to you to ask you to send your support to the Sheriff of Clark County, Nevada who is facing a federal government, in the form of the Bureau of Land Management, attack on a long time resident of the county.

      If you have not been following the issue, the Bundy family has been ranching in Nevada for over a hundred years and grazing their cattle on "public lands" for all that time. They have been in a fight with the federal government for twenty years which now has resulted in the BLM confiscating their property.

      All the while, the local county sheriff has allowed county roads to be shut down, a state freeway in the county to be shut down, and federal personnel with no legal law enforcement authority (neither federally nor certainly in the county) to perform law enforcement activities.

      I implore you to contact Sheriff Douglas C. Gillespie at phone number 702-828-3394 or email and voice your support for him in standing up for one of his citizens against an overreaching federal government.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 1 month ago
    The story goes a little deeper. Feds had pretty much left him alone since sometime in 90's (?). Then an environmental group threatened a sue and settle, their MO for several years, so the Fed's decided to act. Stories are that they even have sniper teams deployed, have set up free speech and media areas far from the ranch.

    It's gruesome.

    Link worked fine for me.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 1 month ago
    Darn, the link isn't working. Is this rancher in Nevada? I believe I've read about this not that long ago.
    The tortoise in question will outlive us all without any intervention. The Feds need to back off and let this man live and work his ranch without their pathetic and punitive intrusiveness. This is what was fought to prevent in the founding of our country.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      Somethings up. The link on your post didn't work for me. I googled it and found it. It is the same rancher.
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 1 month ago
        The EPA is out of control. They are behind this bs, and they need to go down in flames. Damn you, Nixon!!
        I find this to be incredibly alarming, because it isn't happening just to this man, but people all over the country, sometimes cloaked in eminent domain, other times because some creature is "threatened". The actual living things in danger are the people who are just living their lives, who suddenly find themselves the victims of a voracious and power drunk administration.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
          The other story here is that he is the last one left. the others left voluntarily. The Feds just took control of the land. Property ownership has been one of the freedoms we all depend on. If they can do this in Nevada no place is safe.
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