Liberalism Is Eating Itself

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Excellent article.
Deserves attention of Gulchers.

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 1 month ago
    Of the three history-changing revolutions in the last 238 years, one (American) was based on Reason and the others (French and Russian) were based on Emotions. When the American Revolution was completed, no recriminations were sought against citizens who had supported the Crown. They had to pledge allegiance to the new country or were free to return to Britain as Ben Franklin's son choose to do. By comparison, both of the others turned in on themselves in an orgy of slaughter. Current American Liberals are no less emotionally driven than the Russian and French revolutionaries. As they get closer to total victory, I believe we may expect to see their violence increase as they seek revenge for real or imagined injustices and jockey for positions of power to sit atop the lofty peaks of their imagined kingdom.
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  • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
    Is it possible that if you dig deeper it's not about conservatives and liberals. This is just a distraction. If the enemy is defined we don't have to dig any deeper and come face to face with the truth. All the energy is spent battling a deception.
    Conservatives are not conservative. It's a meaningless term. Many "liberals" are conservative in how they would like to see the governments money spent. The only constant is we are all weakened by the hatred of the other side. It's so bad that there is nothing but contention in Washington. Maybe this is by someone's design. We are kept busy by the
    wrong issues. The obvious is never the root of the problem.
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    • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 1 month ago
      Re: lana,
      Despite your good intentions to establish that liberals and conservatives are not really so different, I must disagree with your contentions.

      Liberals in general want government to always spend more as lng as it's other taxpayers money. They can't seem to understand that a government spending and growing an ever greater deficit can not grow an economy that will provide jobs. Conservatives want government to live within its means. Conservatives understand that a growing economy aided by lower taxes will generate more tax revenue as the economy inevitably grows.

      Liberals look at social progress to mean everything is acceptable from lifestyles to drugs to abortion. Conservatives recognize that traditional rules of society work better for everyone. That's not to mean that change is not good, but that it is not always goo to have change without responsibilities.

      These are just a few of the major differences that liberals and conservatives have. Ultimately, conservatives recognize and appreciate the brilliance of our Constitution and want Americans to live by its laws and standards. They recognize that our government ind its liberal Congress and present administration has discarded all understanding of the Constitution and has almost no respect for it at all.

      Fred Speckmann

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      • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
        Conservatives...liberals are just labels. As soon as you venture into absolutes you lose the truth. Heinlein said " If everyone knows such and such, then it ain't so by at least ten thousand to one".
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        • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 1 month ago
          Re: Lana,

          I'm curious as to who you think ventured into absolutes,
          The word, "liberals in general" should have pointed out that I certainly wasn't speaking in absolutes. By definition, when speaking of groups it is understood that not all within that group are in lockstep.

          As to Heinlein, he was speaking about absolutes and and the vaunted consensus. I would agree with him, if there's consensus, e.g. "man made Global Warming," then the consensus is bound to be wrong.

          Fred Speckmann

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          • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
            Libertarians believe that there is no crime unless there is a victim ( you can't be your own victim).
            That opens the doors to what you defined as what Liberals believe to be OK....To quote you "everything is acceptable from lifestyles to drugs to abortion". Yet one of your most Randian groups fits one of your Liberal definitions. So which is it?
            Which politician group is conservative or how does conservatism express itself in American politics?
            Getting all muddied...
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            • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 1 month ago
              Dear Lana,
              I'm not sure whose belief you are referring to, yours or libertarians, when you state, "Libertarians believe that there is no crime unless there is a victim ( you can't be your own victim).?

              I would reverse that statement to, there is no victim unless there's a crime. There are such things as victimless crimes. you may have a legitimate argument on whether those victimless crimes should be crimes at all, but that is a different argument.

              I am curious to know what "Randian groups" you're referring to that fits one of my definitions for liberals. If your point is that some of Rand's beliefs may have been socially liberal, i don't disagree.

              However this debate has strayed from my disagreement from you that all bankers and politicians can be done without and that a utopian life can be found. as I stated before, I would disagree with you.

              Furthermore, I believe that many in the Gulch seem to believe that Ayn Rand's philosophy is the end all and be all. I believe that it is the beginning of a philosophy and many here can add and expand on her beliefs.

              Fred Speckmann
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              • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
                Why ...I was talking about the Libertarian Party, as the most Randian group. The Libertarians are very Liberal when it comes to human diversity. As long as there is no victim there is no crime. They are also very fiscally conservative. The point I was making is that the modern label for Conservative encompasses a wildly diverse group which makes the label...meaningless. I really wish we had more parties. The two monoliths are dinosaurs and have outlived any usefulness.
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                • Posted by airfredd22 10 years, 1 month ago
                  Re: Lana,

                  Thank you for clearing that up because it seemed that you were using Libertarian and Liberal interchangeably. I do agree with you that they are socially liberal although I might differ with you on my understanding of “human diversity.” However, please keep in mind that there is a great difference between libertarians and the Libertarian Party. As a political party they have no cohesion or clear vision for the future. I do also disagree as to your view about conservatives, I believe that is because you probably believe that republicans are conservatives. Nothing could be further from the truth.

                  I also agree that the labels Conservative and Liberal have very little meaning anymore. However that is because those “names” in a political sense haven't had meaning in a long time. The conservatives only belong to the Republican Party because they have no strong organization of their own and most republicans only pretend to be conservatives.

                  Of course the word “liberal” has been turned around to mean nothing anymore. Certainly the Democrat Party denies being liberal in the real meaning of today. Liberal Progressive/Socialist and worse should be the name for them.

                  “Democrats,” especially those in the present administration know nothing of economics and certainly don't understand how tax policies affect our economy. Of course, most “Republicans” know nothing about those subjects either.

                  I would agree, a new strong party is needed, but in my view that should be a Conservative Party, but please remember, a multi-party establishment will lead to further balkanization of this nation.

                  My hope is that a Conservative Party will grow out of the disintegration of the Republican Party.

                  Fred Speckmann
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    • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 1 month ago
      i don't hate the other side, i just want them to fail in their efforts to enslave me to their irrational ideology. But as these Alinski statists get more power and start confiscating the the productive results of me mind, I will fight back. I will not be a slave to their emotion driven quest for utopia. It did work for Plato's republic, Hobbs' Leviathan , Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia or Marx's communist manifesto. Why should it work for these morons. A rational free mind working in it's our self interest will ALWAYS be successful.
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 1 month ago
      Excellent point Lana. The true problem is anyone that sees Government as a career and must generate reasons for their jobs and power grabs.

      There's just too many that buy off on the deceptions.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
    Liberalism is starting to eat itself, but it still has plenty of us to devour in the meantime. All targeted delivery systems attempt to evade the immune system, but the clever ones, like some bacteria, emit chemorepellants. Imagine having a bug spray to spray in the faces of looters and moochers. We may need to develop this product.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
      Greetings, jbrenner. The product already exists. It's called Truth & Reality. Apply or spray liberally (no pun intended). :-)
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
        Of course, Truth & Reality is such a chemorepellent, but it is far from a permanent repellent. The looters and moochers are only deterred, and some have mutated into superlooters that have become resistant to Truth & Reality. I hope you got a good laugh.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
          "Superlooters". LMAO. Reminds me of the mosquitos that hover around my porch in the summer. No matter how much repellant you deploy, there's always one that gets through to suck your blood.
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
    It becomes ever more obvious that all liberalism has is its hatred, its generalized rage, and its hypocritical veneer of phony, coercive humanitarianism. The fountainhead for this toxic emotionalism is self-loathing, and they have much to loathe.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 10 years, 1 month ago
      Boom! Thank you for the assessment - we're on the same page. I am working on a paper "Understanding the Liberal Mind." In it, I describe both the overt (affect displays) and covert operations of the Modern Liberal. These people are very much ignorant of basic economics and human morality. Their hidebound hold on their dogma is so strong that any, even basic, explanation of economics or morality (think von Mises "Human Action") is completely disregarded. Their rage is oft fueled by the toddleresque emotion of envy. Implementation of their policies can only result in misery - the widespread destruction of the means to support human life -- this is a measure of their self-hatred. But on top of it all is egomaniacal delusionalism. They believe that they are the anointed - and that by being a "member of the party," all the ills that precipitate as a consequence of their policies will fall on others - they will not suffer the pain of their implemented immoral philosophy.
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      • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
        I've got to say that I started a kerfuffle with my above post. Since I don't regard myself as an entolmologist, I would ignore the liberal psyche but for one simple reason. My philosophy, as espoused in my books and website, is live and let live (laissez faire). Liberals, on the other hand, need my money and my non-voluntary compliance to their laws, regulations, and other dictates, enforced by their guns, to realize their ambitions. In other words, I'm happy to ignore liberals or anyone else who does not believe as I do, but liberals cannot let me ignore them. They have to tell me what to do and they have to take money from me. Looking at this thread one sees a number of comments hidden by the moderator, one of which accused me of extolling hate. I don't waste my time hating anyone, but I would, if I could, avoid contact with people who want my money and want to tell me how to live, i.e. liberals. To all liberals: just leave me alone and I'll never say another nasty thing about you. I continue to believe that my and pixelate's analysis of the liberal mindset is correct.
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        • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 1 month ago
          I agree, but since my location on the Nolan Graph is damned close to the 'Libertarian Corner,' MY 'problem' is that both liberals AND conservatives 'cannot let me ignore them,' as BOTH groups have decided what's right for them is right for everyone, including me, whether I agree or not.

          I've collected some thoughts and comments here...

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          • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
            I in no way meant to exempt conservatives. I too am a believer in individual rights protected by a government limited to that function. The article was about liberals so I talked about liberals, but I am in agreement with many of the points made in your link.
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    • Posted by Susannah 10 years, 1 month ago
      I agree. They hate themselves, individually, whether they realize it or not. They project this hate on those around them under the unfortunately incorrect impression that by denigrating, misusing, berating, restricting and inflicting pain on others it builds themselves up to whatever it is they imagine themselves to be. Their kind of liberalism is a sickness. JMHO.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
    I agree with most of this article, except I don't think leftist ideology is in trouble because of this. Rightwing ideology works almost exactly the same way. They have a symbiotic relationship that maintains the bipartisan consensus. It's not a conspiracy, but it just works out that way. They can debate "traditional marriage support" but the question of the gov't being a huge chunk of GDP is not on the table for discussion except for thirdparty candidates who are shut out from the debate.
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 1 month ago
      Spot on, CG. Some months back I had the epiphany that there is really ONE 'major party' operating in the US; it just carries two flags... one blue, one red, but the its goal is but one: Control.

      Each 'half' just stakes out the territory they want to control. Personal or Economic Freedoms.
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  • Posted by Susannah 10 years, 1 month ago
    One wonders how long haters can go on hating without finally running out of people to hate. The natural progression would be for them to then turn on themselves. Maybe by them having had this extended time of unrestrained power, where their natural proclivities have run rampant, they have expended so much bile that they have reached that place where they can no longer tolerate each other. It is to be devoutly hoped.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 1 month ago
      Hate is a mirror - it is merely a reflection of how one sees one's self and one's own individual flaws. The problem is that everyone has flaws and is embarrassed by them, so it is pretty easy to prey upon and manipulate those insecurities by projecting them onto others. When combined with the assuaging of one's own position, it quickly turns into class-warfare between those who have a particular attribute (religion, money, political stance, etc.) and those who wish they could have it but don't want to change themselves to get it.

      The only remedy for hate is for everyone to recognize his/her own individuality and accompanying flaws and then - knowing of one's own imperfections - to tolerate others for theirs. Easier said than done, however.
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      • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 1 month ago
        Well put blarman. People are unable to (truly) respect others, if they have no respect for themselves. Same with love and trust. It is impossible for a person who views himself as untrustworthy to be able to trust others. How can one love another, if they have no idea what 'love' is? If one has no self-respect, no self-love, no trust in *himself*; those will be the very things they finds particularly lacking in every personal relationship they have, from the guys at work, to friends, and especially, their significant other. So goes the world.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 1 month ago
    I always thought the Grand Leftist Coalition would fracture along its grievance lines. Inevitably the member groups would fall out in conflict. Each would crave its piece of a pie that must inevitably shrink. And sooner or later they would fight one another, and the coalition would fall apart.
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  • Posted by RobMorse 10 years, 1 month ago
    An interesting article. The environmentalists condemn mining, farming, ranching and manufacturing. Suddenly the unionized miners, and factory workers find out they have been consumed by the political party they paid for.
    Will they change their political stripes?
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
    I agree with this article, but fully. This means that democrats aren´t all liberal activists, nor coloured citizens and communists. The viceversa is totally valid as a response, but not to revoke; rather to further acknowledge.

    The US is far from being communist, though alot of today´s state intervention isn´t just from the Obama period, it began way back. Bush took a giant leep in government control with the infamous "war on terror". Civil rights went out the window more than a decade ago, and continues to do so more and more. Is it really a case of jungle politics? Let´s not be arses or elephants and get real.

    The policies show a continuum, a linear chronalogical tendency to a demagogue policy that seems to please the people and uses George W.´s and Barrack´s photograph as a false façade. How many people in this "democratic" system have permanent status? Shouldn´t we start looking at them and asking new questions?

    Obama is as much a puppet as Clinton, Bush and Bush Jr. and see here that some are donkeys and some aren´t. So political parties are, by contrast, pretty much the same thing here. This is happenning on a global scale, not only in the US. Who really runs the country? Are they even in the government? That´s what I´d like to know.
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    • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
      Thank you for your insightful post. You pose an interesting question....who is creating our futures?
      Another observation ... We should never...ever have gone to China to do business. The Chinese are learning from us and stealing ideas.... That is stealing power. I have read articles that their doors open and close depending on what they want from us.... The more desirable the ideas the easier to do business. Some of the business owner who had been doing business are now being edged out. The market does not rule in China ... Politics for power does. The US opened the door to unforeseen consequences in dealing with China or maybe it was by design... I guess time will tell.
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      • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
        Patents are the new capitalists, ideas are the new resources. In a global scale at least. Everyone´s a sell out, nations and local economies are forgoten. And to go local is now the way of the future, because revolt comes from the inside out, and soon we´ll see it´s ugly head spout once more. That is unless we start going back to basics, and take care of our next door neighbors more. If the local economy works, the global economy will catch on. Otherwise, it´s all going straight to hell...
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        • Posted by Lana 10 years, 1 month ago
          How can anyone do business when ideas, technology ... Etc...can be stolen by the world at large, with no consequences. We are in hell already. Why would anyone want to produce something that could be easily stolen? We want to create but not when the ethically challenged hop on the bandwagon and benefit from ideas that are not their own. I see it all the time. Remember Lotus... It was an idea stolen from VisiCalc by Lotus. VisiCalc the company with the creators who produced the first spreadsheet, disappeared into oblivion. And look at where the spreadsheet is today..... On every PC.... Worldwide.....
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          • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
            I see your point. There are those who argue (I don´t agree) that ideas are common wealth. That because of all the advances made by humanity, there´s a continuum and we all have a right to acces it.

            The truth is that the best ideas are the ones kept secret. Patenting is a guarantee of intelectual currency, but it´s submission is barely exclusive. Especially if one takes into account that most patents go public after 20 years. But keeping things appart from the general public is like being a musician that doesn´t share his compositions. So there´ll always be a glitch.

            Look at industrialists and big corporation production. They care not for borders, nations, people or even their own products that much. They care about the all mighty buck, and today China is the best option for production. So, like I said before, local economies crash and we´ve got that alienating effect of no one talking to each other anymore, rather texting or skyping or whatever to someone on the other side of the globe. I love this age of communication, but I dare not forget that there´s nothing like a one on one conversation or a real meeting. I tell all my clients, friends and colleagues to write sms´s for I won´t answer cell phone calls unless I´m free, I hate having to interrupt a real life conversation.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 1 month ago
            Welcome to IT. The GUI wasn't invented by Microsoft either - or Apple - but rather Xerox PARC, as was the mouse. The software industry is rife with copying - partly because most software isn't really "novel" at all and partly because the realm of IP law is so new that courts are practically inventing precedent with every case.

            I'm not justifying the rampant IP theft going on, just pointing out that the real problem in software is in defining what constitutes a real and novel method of doing something anymore.
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            • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 1 month ago
              Love it! Back when Amazon was trying to patent their 'one click checkout' I was reminded of my mom buying groceries at the A&P supermarket downtown around 1955...

              When the cashier asked, 'is there anything else?' and mom replied 'no,' the clerk moved one lever on the cash register to the 'complete' position and the total appeared.

              One-click checkout, 1955-style. Electromechanical, and totally NON-web OR 'electronic,' but the same metaphor, and here was Amazon trying to claim it as IP.

              To me that's a bit like trying to patent David's sling as an improvement over rock-throwing by hand...
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              • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 1 month ago
                That's one of the true problems with the way we evaluate intellectual property. It is a very fine line to discriminate between a truly novel concept and merely an improvement upon what is existing - especially when it comes to anything written in code.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
      Some part of us is more comfortable with the answer that there's some conspiracy that _really_ runs the country rather than the idea that it's a herd of people with various interests competing and collaborating.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 1 month ago
        Yes the ruling class is definitely competing and collaberating -for power
        over you
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
          What's the ruling class? The most common answer people give is Wall Street. Then there are those (not anyone here) who say it's a Jewish conspiracy. I've also heard it's anyone who donates enough money that she/he could arrange a personal call with the POTUS.

          I reject all that. Someone who knows how to do something that serves lots of willing customers is the closest thing to a ruling class.
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          • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
            The term "Ruling Class", as currently used by myself and others, was defined by Dr. Angelo Codevilla's landmark piece "America's Ruling Class, and The Perils of Revolution".

            I highly recommend reading it.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
              I read the the first three paragraphs and very strongly agree with it. I will read the rest very soon.
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              • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 1 month ago
                I read nearly the entire piece just now; for the first third or so, I wanted to send the URL to everyone I know so they can see what America has become because of the 'ruling class.' The author echoed many ideas and themes I've written about and argued for for decades.

                Then I got to the middle section and watched the tide turn from 'both sides are equally guilty' to 'the ruling class are Godless, non-believing Democrats,' and I wondered what happened.

                Then, as I tried to complete the last third or so, I realized that the author is NOT, like in the first third, acknowledging guilt and blame for BOTH 'major parts of the ruling class,' but is expressing a theological basis and righteousness that I wholeheartedly can not support.

                So I won't be forwarding the link to anyone I know, but I might quote some of the early parts in other discussions.

                Thanks for the link! It was a very enlightening read.
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 1 month ago
            The ruling class is that group of people who have moved themselves into a place where they can control the common man (us) by force. Anyone thinking that they will do what it takes in order to bring peace a harmony to the world are deluded.

            The most important reason that the founding farhers placed the 2nd A in the bill or rights was to assure that the people would be able to bring the force of arms against a tyrant who gains power by deception. To insure that we can take our country back from those who would give it away OR who would bring force of arms against the American people.

            It's not rich people we need to worry about, we need to be concerned about the puppet president some rich people might buy the path to the WH.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 1 month ago
    Just a trivial aside from reading the article. I did not see the picture of the 'women in dresses and high heels', but a conversation with a playwright long ago drew my attention to the fact that the chief characteristic of the man's business suit is not that it encasee his legs in tubes of cloth but that it only leaves his face and hands uncovered. The face and hands are what you use to express power in a drama. Women have traditionally had to trade on sex to make a place for themselves in the market: hence the short tight skirt and scooped neckline of the traditional business garb for women. Oh - and nylons. If the aforementioned women had been wearing long skirts and turtlenecks (which I doubt), they would have been competing in power; traditional garb means sex is necessary as leverage. That is why the 'no hard hat/lab coat' statement is important: those accoutrements are symbolic of a level playing field.

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
    I wish that I could hope that this was truly meaningful. Unfortunately, it is only a small part of the overall scenario.
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