A book about guns....at a school. GASP!

Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago to Books
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About once a month, at the school where I work, we have a book vendor who comes in and leaves a display of books, stationary, greeting cards, gizmos and gadgets, and other assorted items that they sell below retail to the school staff. They leave their display and an order form on the counter in the copy room and if you want to order anything you put your name/item/amount on the order sheet and they leave it for you the next week. Anyway, I was looking over the stuff for sale and I happened to pick up the order sheet clipboard and underneath it was a book about guns...Field & Stream's, The Total Gun Manual. I said loudly, to no one in particular, "Hmm WHO was hiding THIS book under the clip board?" And I propped it up, front and center of the book display. Later I walked into the copy room looking for a decent pencil sharpener (you'd think that would be an easy find in a school...not so much)... and there were two teachers, with their backs to me, looking at the book display and I heard one say to the other, "My friend asked me, 'so is your State the one that let's people carry guns around?' and I said, 'yeah because apparently our legislators have nothing better to do." I froze in my tracks, let what I just heard sink in for a second and said, "It's the 2nd Amendment ....good grief." They didn't even turn around.. I just walked out muttering "unbelievable...wow."
These are people who are educating our kids and they don't even understand OR appreciate the Constitution. Every day around there is another disappointment.
(I just counted it up. I have 30 working days left before I never have to go back there again.)

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 1 month ago
    And if you spend days explaining to them about the history and reasoning of why the 2nd was important and still is today, to the point where the understand what you're saying - they still won't agree.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      Yep. They're not worth the effort, so I leave them alone. :)
      "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone." AR
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  • Posted by norsexplorer 10 years, 1 month ago
    I know many people will not believe this, but back in 1958 & 1959 we actually had a Rifle Team at Bayport (NY) High School, and we practiced inside the high school at an out of the way indoor, make shift, but safe and secure non-class room area.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 1 month ago
      And no one got hurt either. This irrational fear of guns needs to stop. (And pictures on T-shirts of guns, or things shaped like guns... or poptarts... We've gone ridiculous.)
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 1 month ago
    back when I was in Junior High and High-school back in the 80's the school library was loaded with books on guns. These were not just picture and info books. There were a couple of books with really amazingly detailed technical drawings including enough info to mill the parts. I spent hours fascinated by the elegance of the stuff designed by browning. Ok, that and the sheer complexity of the p08..
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