Mainstream Media absent except for govt propaganda

Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
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If this were happening in any other country, the U.S. press would immediately cover it
As I've stated previously, if an armed siege of a cattle rancher were taking place in Mexico, Canada, China, Spain or any other country, it would be front-page news here in the United States. But because this is a U.S. rancher defying the Obama administration's oppressive actions, the U.S. mainstream media has all but pretended this story isn't happening.

If hundreds of armed government soldiers laid siege to offices of a media company, it would be front-page news everywhere. (As it should!)

If hundreds of armed government soldiers laid siege to a gay rights parade, it would be front-page news everywhere. (As it should!)

If hundreds of armed government soldiers laid siege to a black church, it would be front-page news everywhere. (As it should!)

But because the government is laying siege to a Mormon cowboy rancher practicing the very kind of rugged individualism that the left-leaning media despises, this story is being systematically buried or ridiculed.

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