Face to face with Common Core-Part II

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 2 months ago to Education
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Dear Representative -----

I am writing to you out of deep concern regarding the Common Core curriculum, specifically related to math that is being taught in my daughter's school.

At the parent/teacher conference I had with my daughter's 8th grade math teacher, he expressed to me the dismay he feels about something that he was being compelled to teach to prepare his students for an upcoming test this Friday, April 4, 2014. He said he is required to teach them about baseball, and the parts of a stadium, and positions. I asked if it was about the geometry of a baseball diamond, or statistics. He answered, no, that it was only about the elements of the stadium and positions. I asked him if this was Common Core curriculum, to which he answered yes, and then further said he was not allowed to discuss it. My head nearly spun! This is my daughter's education, he is her teacher, and as a parent, I want to know what is being taught in my daughter's classrooms.

Today, I have had the chance to ask my daughter about her math class, to follow up on what she was going to learn. The following is some of what she was "taught" in her math class today;

1. They had to learn what each section of seats is called, such as bleachers and box seats.
2. The bases, and then two photographs were presented of home plate, shown from above and then from the side. They had to identify if this was the same place on the field or not.
3. They had to learn each of the positions of the players, and the name of the part of the field their position is in.
4. On more than one question, the students were "led" to answer a certain way. One of the questions was, "What makes a good baseball player?". The instruction to the teacher was, "Make sure the students answer "Know what each part of the field is called", and, "He can throw the ball". Besides which, this is purely subjective.
5. The instructions to the teacher stated that only on some questions were students "permitted" to ask questions.
6. They had to learn about the "fundamentals of baseball', such as what a season ticket holder is, what are errors and home runs, the object of the game, and how you win.
7. Questions were repeated, but worded slightly differently. For example, "What are errors and home runs, and what do they do in a game?". The next question asked, "How do errors and home runs effect the game?".

I have been trying to unravel the mystery of Common Core for several years, and have come to the conclusion it is strictly a tool with which to control the population. The fact that creative writing and literature is going to be slashed to a mere 30% of High School English curriculum, in favor of argumentative writing and textbooks about HVAC is alarming. And that students are being guided to answer and think like lemmings, and not independently is an unacceptable direction in which public schools are headed.

I am a concerned parent who feels that the time for silence has passed, and these laws which are getting passed with no discourse must come to light. The stifling of parental involvement, and open dialogue with teachers is unacceptable.

Thank you for your time, and I truly hope to hear from you regarding this important issue.

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Don't you understand? Any opposition to BHO must be because you are a racist. NOBODY would stand against socialism unless it is because the purveyor of that socialist ideology is black. Please get with the program.
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  • Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 2 months ago
    I just received an email you'd be interested in about Common Core:

    "Grassroots conservatives are fighting to stop Common Core.

    Thanks to the hard work of activists like you, Senator Pat Roberts introduced S. 1974. This bill will make it illegal for the federal government to blackmail states into accepting dangerous education schemes like Common Core by threatening other funding.

    This is a great opportunity to take control of our children’s education.

    Call your Senators and tell them to co-sponsor S. 1974 and stop future attacks on local education!

    It’s going to be a hard fight to pass S. 1974. That’s why we need your help today.

    Call your Senators. Make sure they co-sponsor this bill.

    You and I can make a difference and protect our children. Make the call today.

    In Liberty,

    Whitney Neal
    Director of Grassroots, FreedomWorks"
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Ah, but there's this little bit that isn't connected to the rest of the state, nor even to any other state, as is the UP of Michigan. That little bit is in the point that sticks out of the top of MN. Most of that area is actually a lake, but one bit sticks out into that lake that is contained in MN. The only way to get there is by boat, or driving through Canada.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    OK. Nobody wanted to take me up on the challenge. There are at least 3 - The easiest is Michigan (the UP is connected to WI, but not to MI), the next easiest is MN (you either have to take a boat from the MN "mainland" or drive through Canada to the Red Lake Indian Reservation), and the third that I know are several weird boundaries between Illinois and Missouri along the Mississippi river border.
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  • Posted by $ DARdaughter 10 years, 2 months ago
    Parents need to demand that every classroom have a web cam they can log into anytime of the day, in order to keep tabs on what's going on with their children. DON'T ASK, DEMAND!
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  • Posted by $ DARdaughter 10 years, 2 months ago
    Parents in every State are being duped into believing that the "implementation" problems of Common Core are local and only in their own district. Every school that signs up for CC is experiencing the same push-back from parents. The schools keep it quiet on purpose. NEVER EVER go into a "private" meeting about your child and CC. Bring it directly to public school board meetings. You will get NOWHERE with principals or superintendents, they've already swallowed the kool-aid and sold their souls for the money that CC brings.
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  • Posted by $ DARdaughter 10 years, 2 months ago in reply to this comment.
    asmsage: You are missing the point. Not only are they teaching children to obey orders and assess their "values", CC does the same to the teacher. If you don't comply, you are ostracized and brow-beaten into compliance. New teachers are the most vulnerable because they've been taught to comply in order to get their degree. It's the older teachers that are being run out with tactics like undermining tenure.
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  • Posted by amagi 10 years, 2 months ago
    Great letter, N-M-A, which reminds one of O's pal,
    Van Jones line "upside-down, inside-out" as well as the story of an American teacher, well educated
    and professional, who in the mid 60's moved to
    Norway to teach English. However, the Dept. of
    Ed. would not let her do that; Instead they wanted her to teach physics, which she had not studied and knew next to nothing about. They gave her a book to teach from, and she tried by
    reading just a page or two ahead of the students, but they did not want her ,nor did she want them. She quit and has since made her
    living from her arts, which she is very good at,
    and which the Dept. of Ed. would not let her
    teach either. We are slightly behind the Norwegian, but CC is helping us catch up.
    Insanity rules.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 2 months ago
    this common core business is like obamacare -- fundamentally evil -- and pulling it out "by the roots" is the only safe course of action. Thanks!
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