Michelle Malkin to Colbert: You So "Cool", Me So Stupid

Posted by khalling 10 years, 2 months ago to Culture
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"Gutfeld explains: “Pick a political, cultural, or moral universe, and in each one it’s the cool who seek to punish, mock, or thwart the uncool. They do this freely and without much resistance, for exacting cool revenge is so common that the uncool let it happen without a fight–a sort of cultural Stockholm syndrome.”
Yes. as LS pointed out in LP's book, "The Ominous Parallels", "don't judge, don't notice, don't be certain"
SOURCE URL: http://michellemalkin.com/?p=155010

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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 10 years, 2 months ago
    Gutfield's "Not Cool" is a must-read for me too, though I'm loath to break away from my beloved Connie Willis time-travel novels (currently "Blackout/All Clear.") It promises to be an analysis of something I've pondered for years but never sat down to hash out in an essay - namely, the evil done under the concept of "cool" in all its variations.

    "Cool" - or "hip," "groovy," or whatever - is just a synonym for: "conforms to what the tribe accepts to be good."

    There are differences in usage of course - it can also be a simple exclamation of liking something, as was in "awesome" in the '80s, "choice" in the late '70s, or even "far out" in the early- to mid-'70s. The counterculturalists have successfully perverted even those simple exclamations, via moral inversion, in terms like "bad" and their most noxious new invention, "sick." As synonyms for "that's great!" no less. Amazing, but predictable.

    But the concept of "cool" in the sense of ruthless conformism is incredibly destructive, particularly since it's been dragged out of the darker recesses of elementary, middle and high school hallways right into the world of grownups. Ok, nominal grownups.

    It's a concept that can never be eradicated, but with adequate exposure it can be blunted significantly as a destructive force. Which process I'm hoping "Not Cool" will kickstart in a big way.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 2 months ago
    It's "hate humor"! Should be illegal!

    My favorite revenge of the cool, was when a HS stud showed up to deliver pizza to my brother. Guy said, "Man your parents have a nice house". My brother said, "How do you know? You've never seen it. This is my house."
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