Obama unveils new climate crackdown amid Trudeau visit

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Ahhh more Obamanation/Democrap manipulation, regulation and effort to make us a more docile controlled serf population. Don't tell them ways to do it, or engineer workable solutions, just say "make it so". Imperial might flexes its er...
SOURCE URL: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/obama-oil-gas-regulations-220561

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  • 11
    Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 3 months ago
    Environmentalists are EVIL
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 3 months ago
      I agree - and pointed you up. But I remember, when I was a kid, a time when environmentalists were Good. The big difference is that 'back then' the power they had was the power of publicity.

      We have created them as a monster.

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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Dale, in their current incarnation yes, in that it is like most forms of power, abused. The fundamental idea of taking care of the environment (you poop in my yard you clean it up) I think is valid and moral.It is the total lack of a moral framework regarding responsible manufacturing and production, that is the root cause, IMHO.
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      • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 3 months ago
        That is not environmentalism Environmentalism is the philosophical or religious concept that every living organism is good except man.
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        • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 8 years, 3 months ago
          +1. I agree. The goal is to have us live as Luddites with a greatly reduced population. Their goal is evil and anti man.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
            No argument pirate, my issue is that it always specific and targeted. Farmer Y gets a visit from EPA for cow gas, and Farmer X does not. Farmer Y is a member of the opposite party. That is seen a lot at local level. Many of these jihads are against a specific industry, which while it may be making a nasty mess, and should be done better, is overshadowed by the next guy. I do not see the Obamanation giving up any of his luxuries in an effort to "comply".
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
          I agree with your position. It reminds me a lot of what I run into with Native Americans I know, they drive cars, have casinos, and put on showws to "protect their heritage". When I ask them if all that is not against their basic tenants for life, they tell me they have move on past that. Yet the origninal tenants of many of the tribes was something to be admired and respected. Self interest impedes self evaluation apparently.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 3 months ago
    Obama and the climate control zealots see AGW not as a problem but as an opportunity to increase government control over the economy and industry. The reality of AGW is irrelevant what is important is that it be feared. In this way it can be used as a political tool. Even if we accept the dire predictions of the AGW supporters must we conclude that politicians can provide appropriate solutions? It is axiomatic that politicians make the worst scientists because they base their decisions and positions on ideology not on objectivity. Political solutions to scientific problems will invariably make matters worse rather than better.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      Agreed. They play games with any issue and pick and choose their fixes. I do not believe any government has the ability to objectively fix an issue, except maybe the asteroid thing, and that is just to cover their own butts.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
    More hot air from the ass-hat-in-chief.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
      I think the people who would be impacted by rising ocean levels should take the lead and move themselves to more hospitable locations. Global temperature fluctuations have been going on for centuries caused by many factors, and I am missing the part about how I should try and control the weather for THEM.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
        I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone impacted by rising sea levels. The exception could be islanders who have lived there for eons. It is part of a natural order, so it is like having an earthquake. We do not go crazy blaming people for putting big buildings on a volatile area, and thus establish causality. I have seen houses on east coast boardwalks with their dunes getting eaten, and they scream and yell for help. Yet they refuse to use a less volatile method such as a rock barrier which would break up the wave action and limit damage because it would spoil the view. There is a lot of issues where you need to "what if" things where people do not. Not my problem.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 3 months ago
    Obama's most dangerous year in office. When he will make the most reckless decisions without care.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 3 months ago
      He is pulling out all the stops in this last year. Now there is yet a new National Monument being designated by the stroke of a pen. 1.9 million acres in SE Utah called the Bears Ears.
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 3 months ago
        That's one of the things that should be taken out of the president's hands. If we need a new National Monument, congress should have to pass a bill.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 3 months ago
          All they would have to do is repeal/redefine the 1906 Antiquities Act. It was originally intended for small monuments to protect cliff dwelling sites from being looted. Sites like Canyon De Chelly, Betatakin, Chaco Canyon, etc. Teedy Roosevelt signed it into law and immediately used it to create the huge Grand Canyon National Monument. De facto National Parks which supposedly only Congress can create. Of course, try and find that language in the enumerated powers.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          Indeed, it should not be something so cavalierly done, and I am sure it will impact a bunch of ranchers, who they will then jail when they try to fight back. Idiots. Any such decisions belong to Congress where it should be a lot harder, not easier.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    Even "IF" climate events had it's roots in the abuses of our planets resources, (NOT) no one in government nor it's bureaucracies has a mind, much less a brain to make a difference.
    The problem with western societies is that we've not been taught nor understand the natural cycles. The truth is: It's the Sun Silly.

    Of course we know, it's another ploy to control technology, resources and the amazing conscious human beings on our planet...not one of which wishes to rule anyone but himself.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 3 months ago
    He owns 85% of the Congress now which means the leftist RINO/DINO Coalition is in full charge. With the approval of the population.

    Whose to say no?

    If he can use them to do away with Civil Rights and The Bill of Rights the only way out is a massive swing to the right which does not include a socialist corporatist.

    Or the military upholding it's oath of office
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 2 months ago
    I think that Methane could be a useful product. Since most of the time it's burnt off from wellheads why not find an inexpensive way of scrubbing it and sell it. Right now I have Propane for heating and cooking Mehtane would be alot cheaper. In some area's of Africa that Indain Engineers are working to help communities use methane generation for cooking and purifying water. So, Obama isn't thinking right for all his intelligence he is stupid.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      It is hard to capture organic methane (i.e cow farts) as it is hard to capture the exhaust pipe of every cow. Also there are huge deposits of crystallized methane on the ocean bottoms that has not been released, but may well be soon if it gets a little warmer, and is a concern for the Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic. On top of all that is the great northern bogs of Russian and Alaska/Canada, where the permafrost is melting and they are releasing a large volume of methane, that will be increasing. There is enough sources of it that a viable removal device would seem to be something important. They just focus on the knee jerk thing of the moment, and this moment it is coal.
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  • Posted by RichardDavey 8 years, 2 months ago
    Hey DBHalling I was wondering if you were referring to ecologist you see when I was growing up in the 70s they were the trusted voices and got pushed out by the environmentalist because the ecologist where testing the truth which they did not like! Richard.
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    I do not understand the details of these measures, but I strongly support some sort taxing methane emissions consistent with their harm to the environment. I do not support quantity limits on any pollutants, though, because maybe someone invents a processor/business model where the emissions are over the limit, but it creates enormous value, more than the damage to the environment. I think people should be free to make a mess as long as they clean it up.

    So I support that they're doing something about the problem, but I think the something should not involve hard limits.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
      i am not in favor of using taxes for political purpose. Ones view of climate stuff should not be justification to take money from others, especially as a form of economic punishment to force people to bend to their will.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
        How about a constitutional amendment that simply forbids the government from taking from one to give to another. The founding fathers just left that off the original constitution document.
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      • -1
        Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
        "take money from others"
        You could make them revenue neutral.

        "form of economic punishment"
        It has nothing to do with that. We want people to pay for the harm they cause others. In the case of pollution, our economy runs on burning stuff and burning stuff is creating huge costs. It's not possible to have a court case to make everyone pay for the tiny bit of damage their activities cause to farmers and people in coastal regions. Since we already have taxes (although I love experimental notions of funding gov't through voluntary contributions), it makes sense to tax activities that cost others rather than taxing work or general spending. It makes everyone whole, obviates the need for some complicated court process, and it makes business models unprofitable if they just steal from others in the future without creating net value.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 3 months ago
          If a company is engaging in an activity that is causing harm to the environment - say, they pipe water from a river to their chemical plant - then they are responsible for returning that 'river water' to the river in good condition and minus the chemical waste. If I live downstream, then I should not be able to tell that there is a chemical plant just around the bend upstream of me. If they are 'burning stuff' that is 'causing harm' then they are indeed responsible for removing the pollutants until they are below the level of 'harm'.

          I do not see that this should be a matter of taxes. I do not think that AGW is valid (I think it is the pipe-dream of a power elite) so there is no cost to coastal dwellers. Since I do not see the 'harm' I do not see the 'fee'; if I did see a 'fee'...it would not be a tax.

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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
            Jan, that is generrally the rule. I wok in a chip plant, and the water we use (which is a lot) gets all kinds of stuff in it. We are required to return the water to the river system in the same condition, or better, than we get it. The issue is that it is expensive, and the monitoring is easily corrupted if you really want. My company has decided open information is cheaper than lawsuits and fines when caught. Your premise is correct, it is supposed to be the foundation of clean water law.
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            • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 3 months ago
              John Campbell once suggested that the Executives of such companies should have to live downstream of their plants. At some random time, a press conference could be called and the Execs and their families would have to go down to the river and dip up glasses of water - and drink them.

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              • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
                I might drink what we produce, but the moment it hits the river, nope. There are a lot more things going into it. But John Campbell is correct, living with the results tends to spur a lot more engagement than not. legislating it is probably way below that in efficiency.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
          My personal leanings are that someone who impacts others with their activity should be responsible for their damage. Unfortunately, there is no honor code we have that makes it inherent behavhior, so business will do whatever it can get away with. That leads to these huge openings for an Imperialist administration to "pick and choose" who is punished. It is the abuse of that power I find disturbing. They have harassed individuals and allow companies to be ignored, if hey do the right things. So either side is just as bad as the other. Look at Fukashims: Had they listened to the several scientists who said they could have a tsunami up to 20 meters, instead of what they wanted to do, they would not have been damaged at all. Yet they took the cheap way out, and that has resulted in an unmitigated disaster for years to come.Are they liable? In my opinion, yes. Deliberate stupidity should be punished.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 3 months ago
            I am trying in my brain to phrase some sort of a rule (this is for a Perfect World scenario, not for our present reality) that would require entities (people or companies) to be responsible for their 'output'. This means 'for anything that crosses the border of their land', including visual and audible output.

            While this hypothetical rule would be aimed at 'no dumping of waste' it would include 'the guy playing music too loudly' and 'the person who paints their house with pornography'. Mind you - playing music loudly and painting whatever you like wherever you like is your right, but if the 'stuff' constitutes 'output' into the environment, then it involves other folks too.

            I appreciate your phrase "...impacts other with their activity...".

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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
              There are some industries that really do try to follow the Hippocratic Oath "Do no harm". Some do it because it is politically correct, some because they think it is cheaper and better PR for them, and some just because engineering it in is cheaper than fines later. Even the common household has this issue, how much undegradeable garbage does each house send to the dump per week? That doesn't make it wrong, it is what it is.Can we do better? Sure, but having the Obamanation pick his target of the month is not going to do it. It is a cultural thing, not something that can be legislated. The coal issue has been around for decades, coal produces a significant amount of mercury and has denuded the mountain tops of the northeast. Removing it is expensive, if retrofitted, but not nearly as much on a new installation. If you want to legislate, then make it cost effective for a company to re-engineer. Just dictating it is not going to get nearly as much done. But the Obamanation follows the Imperial model of government, apparently he is beyond trying to persuade anyone since he is invariably insane sounding.
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    • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 3 months ago
      How can you support something that you do not understand. That sounds more like religion than objectivism.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
        It is religion, the current use of CC is being done as a religious thing "Have faith, we are right" even in view of conflicting evidence, as well as an increasing body of data that this is a normal progrssion cycle that goes from hot to cold and back. There is a body of evidence that indicates sea levels were much lower a couple thousand years ago, especially with North Sea villages found, and Black Sea discoveries. Yet a cyclic projection model is still lacking.
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        • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 3 months ago
          When a scientist makes a prediction it is based on a model of reality, or theory if you will.
          The ecosphere is extraordinarily complex and if a model is to accurately reflect the behavior of the thing being modeled it must take that complexity into account. Fundamentally there are two kinds of models that are used by scientists; static and dynamic. A static model assumes little or no interaction between components of the system while a dynamic model takes, or at least attempts to take, these interactions into account. Most AGW models are, unfortunately, static in nature.There are several reasons for this but for the most part it is because static models are easier to understand and evaluate. Dynamic models tend to be exceptionally complex, just like the thing being modeled. Here is an example. Vegetation responds to increases in the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere by collecting the carbon and releasing oxygen into the environment. This carbon is one of the main building blocks of a plants cellular structure so this process forms part of a natural carbon sequestration mechanism. So an increase in atmospheric CO2 is met with a corresponding increase in vegetation. Carbon is plant food. The exact dynamic of this process is poorly understood so it is difficult to model. As a result vegetation response plays a minor roll in atmospheric CO2 growth models, not because it is insignificant but simply because it is hard to do. This is one of many such instances of AGW alarmists "cherry picking" data to support their contention that we face a dire threat. The worst part of all this is that in the fog of confusion about climate dynamics real issues are given little attention. It's the old KISS principal, "Keep It Simple Stupid". But unfortunately simple solutions to complex problems don't work no matter how attractive they may be cosmetically or politically.
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          • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 3 months ago
            I remember learning in Oceanography 101, that CO2 in the atmosphere is buffered in the oceans. Increased partial pressure in the atmosphere, results in increased dissolved CO2 in the ocean which then leads to increased deposition of CaCO2 as limestone. Coral reefs do great.

            They probably don't teach that anymore.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
              No they do, but the addition of other things makes it a multi faceted issue:


              The carbon cycle is shown here:


              The mixing of other things makes the process more acidic than in the past, raising the overall acidity in the ocean. This has been proposed as a cause for coral reef die offs.
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              • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 3 months ago
                These are interesting sites.

                My takeaway impression is that so much of the projection of what is or is not happening is dependent on the models. Models of incredibly complex interactions. But the IPCC models are notoriously suspect for deliberate gerrymandering of predictive results. They have tried to demonstrate rapid warming of climates and oceans, constantly citing that this last year is the hottest ever, and then this is all contradicted by satellite data that shows no warming for almost 20 years.

                The other thing that surprises me is that climate change politics focuses on carbon and carbon dioxide and not the role of increased nitrogen and sulfur also because of alleged anthropogenic sources. The first article really focuses on the role these elements and compounds have on ocean acidity.

                A search on coral reef die offs returns a lot of contradictory articles. Many say that coral reef die offs are due to El Nino events warming ocean temperatures. But El Nino has always been around and the non El Nino years would have the opposite effect. And back to the complex models we go with some having dire predictions that coral reefs will be completely gone by 2100. Sounds familiar. The ice caps were supposed to have been gone by now, but have actually been increasing.

                Politics and science don't mix well.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
                  Exactly. That is the bottom line, and the politicians hijack the various issues, manipulate them, and leave it in worse condition than they found it, with all the hype and fabrications. That was what happened the the Gore monster took it off, made a bunch of money and then faded into the woodwork to use all his ill gotten goods to add enough CO2 for a couple hundred people. As far as nitrogen and sulfur compounds, I have watched the subject for several years now, as more connections are made between things like red tides and fish kills is collected. Science should be left to independent scientists and organizations, but you still have the political and money connections to taint the observations and conclusions.
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          • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 3 months ago
            What real issues are you referring to?
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            • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 3 months ago
              The introduction of toxic and radiological materials into the atmosphere and oceans by China, India, Japan, North Korea, Iran, etc. There are no known sequestration mechanisms that moderate this. However, politics gets into the way of dealing with the problem.
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              • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 3 months ago
                Thanks for the reply. I have not studied this possibility. Do you have info that shows this is happening and is harmful that you can share so I can become more versed in the subject?
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
                  Ed, part of the issue, as I understand it, is not just the fact we produce more CO2, but we mix in other materials through fertilizers, and the over farming of land, to where the rains, when they come, wash a lot of the nitrogen and sulfur compounds into rivers and oceans. On top of it, China produces huge amounts of sulfur compounds (just look at Beijing's pollution issues) from industry. The removal of large CO2 absorbtion tools such as the Amazon and Indonesian forests further complicates things. Everyone is doing what they want and keeping up with the overall impact becomes complicated. Add to this the fact a lot of the base changes may be just a natural variation cycle, and you get into really complicated dynamics, which can be manipulated for anyone's purposes.
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                  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 3 months ago
                    Polution and CO2 are 2 different things. I've studied the (non existent)GW issues but not the things that profchuck brought up and I'm interested in the data that supports the info.

                    As for the things about farmland and compounds that wash into rivers, it is possible that it could happen on a limited basis but I don't buy it on a regular basis. Not in America. Farmers are business people and they would not make money long term if they are washing things down the river or over farming the land. I believe that is mostly environmental propaganda very similar to the climate change garbage.
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                    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
                      Ed, here are some reference articles illustrating the issue:





                      Do not let your frustration with the politicizing of an issue blind you to what data is available. That is their way of getting the sheeple to comply, you tell the "X is going to kill you next week", they panic, and elect those who will say they will save them. That does not change the fact there is indeed a well documented issue with fertilizer and it's impact. There are several initiatives that are trying to address it, such as fertilizers that will bond to organic molecules in the soil making them much harder to wash out. It is a real issue but not one that should be escalated to DefCon 1. A rational government would identify the issue as such and try to get people to voluntarily address it. The engineering skill of America is rarely engaged by the political machines, it seems to be too much effort for them.
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                      • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 2 months ago
                        Thanks for the info. These appear to all be propaganda from progressive leaning organizations. There have been a few cases in our area where a major storm caused farm runoff to kill fish but this is a very limited problem and short lived. I'm certain it is the same all over America. If this was a major problem lakes would be hurt the most and these fisheries are producing like never before.

                        I believe these organizations are doing just as you say, trying to scare people into believing there is a fertilizer problem. Just like the 90% of CO2 that is emitted into the atmosphere is naturally generated, I'm certain that 90% of the nutrients washed into the water system are naturally occurring. A law passed in Wisconsin to reduce phosphorus is costing taxpayers millions of dollars and there has been no change to the problems that people were complaining about, which was algae growth in the popular boating/swimming lakes. These people don't like dealing with weeds but fish like the oxygen producing plants for many reasons.

                        Of course there is much more to this but I believe these organizations are leading people down the wrong path.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 3 months ago
            Prof, there is also the issue of removal of some of the largest CO2 absorption tools in the Amazon and the Indonesian islands. The combination of dynamic modeling and incorporating the impact of those activities does make it a lot harder to come up with simpler answers. On top of it, they like to burn off a lot of the material, adding to the problem. I have often thought if they want to go crazy with GW science and rules, they need to go talk to them before they come after cars and cows.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 3 months ago
      if I had a headache, it might not be because I drank
      too much -- it might be because I thought too hard!

      the postulate that human emissions are causing harm
      has not been established;;; cause-and-effect is a
      tough thing to prove. . first, let's prove it. -- j
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 2 months ago
      Before you add a big tax to our economy in the interest of doing something, tell me exactly how much benefit we are going to get. Don't bother doing something if it will have no identifiable effect.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
        Indeed, it should not even be a tax, that implies government intervention. Do a rational job of mitigation and engineer it well, and usually the cost can be absorbed in the basic cost of business. Intel does not raise prices to install water treatment systems, they do it as part of doing business.
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