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  • Posted by Zero 10 years, 2 months ago
    Sweeet, a new picture for my wall at work.
    Gotta love that lady.
    (I just love smart women!)

    She may have a face like James Brown, but she's mighty sexy to me!
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  • Posted by freedom_flora 10 years, 2 months ago
    She is absolutely right. We know of many geniuses who were persecuted by the State for simply speaking the truth. How many unnamed geniuses were destroyed by the State is something that we will never know.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 2 months ago
    I do not believe that Ayn Rand would even consider that humans are to be compared to animals. To think in that manner suggests very strongly that you do not understand Objectivism. The Quote posted speaks for itself.
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 2 months ago
    Freedom is such a beautifull concept, a utopia that we must all aspire to reach in order to move forward. Unfortunately, independance is a myth. We are like wolves, whales and lions. We depend on the pack, as the pack depends on each and every one of us. Free to some extent, we have the need to work together to improve each others´ individual status. We comune in order to aspire.

    The problem is that certain systems are trying to make us be like bees, ants and worse yet; sheep. And what´s wrong with this concept is that not only are we not pieces in a fine tuned machine, but this "army like" organization is distorted for the queens are put to do scout work and the scouts are hiding in the dens of royalty, creating a new kind of that will inevitably end in implosion.

    Ayn Rand´s views are noble and true, but the way she expressed them can be confused with another sort of chaos called anarchy. And society must have codes of conduct in order to work, for we are social creatures no matter how you want to put it. I´ve met shamans in the midst that form their communities, tribes that have their own social codes and alternate societies (such as criminals and prison inmates) who go by their own rules. I have not met, on the other hand, dragons like Lao Tse and other men of such sorts. Even "the Christ" seeked comunion with others, as did Socrates, Budha and Mahoma.
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    • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 2 months ago
      You perhaps refer to Kipling:

      "For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
      Wash daily from nose tip to tail tip; drink deeply, but never too deep;
      And remember the night is for hunting and forget not the day is for sleep. "

      Yes humans are like wolves in some ways, but differ in others.
      A few people are recorded in history as joining wolf packs, not many.
      So many wolves have joined humans they are no longer wolves but dogs. Our ability to use both individualism and cooperation is the reason for better quality life as well as higher standard of living.

      What you say about the push to make us into social insects and sheep is, unfortunately, so true.
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      • Posted by illucio 10 years, 2 months ago
        Yes, unfortunately we are being pulled to be a herd instead of a pack. And what´s worse, the shepherd care´s not for his sheep in this case; he only exploits them. So we must unite more than ever against "the tyranny of evil men" who hide in the shadows of this so called freedom pulling the strings of this illusion we dare call democracy.

        And democracy still waits for it´s turn, under these false terms that render it not even an aristocracy, but an oligarchy. For still today blood is the strongest currency, making it thicker that gold, oil or mud. "And the meek shall inherit the earth"...geeze!
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago
          Oh, and you seem to have a wrong interpretation of that saying. If you understood that what it really means is that those that do not seek to rule others (being meek instead of being oppressive) will in fact rule all (by virtue of being as free as their fellow man), then you might actually understand that that saying is fully in line with libertarian/Objectivist thinking.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago
          They believe that they are "caring for their sheep." Believing that they know what it best for them. For many, this may even be correct. But for some it will not and then there is a problem for those people will not subvert themselves. Thus, the "caretaker" will insist on tighter and tighter controls.
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          • Posted by illucio 10 years, 2 months ago
            I guess I did goof it whith that final phrase, for meek : quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. But, then again, maybe not. A meek person, by definition, can be considered a synomim of being weak. And that condition is perfect for imposing upon.

            Making someone like that inherit the earth is truly a vile, macabre statement if you ask me. All this, for the sake of argument, means that if the meek inherit the earth, than that earth is up for grabs. Not even if we keep that meekness in control of the earth, making those people do all the hard work while the impossers just lay down the terms and conditions, rules and directives.

            So there, managing to turn it around I still sustain my sarcasm. A meek person can never be free for there shall always be someone bold enough tu subdue them. And freedom, only a concept really, is an ideal one has to struggle for constantly. No conformist will do that, condeming them as "lazy" in my book. For you see, to defend yourself is an effort and he who does not stand up for himself will always shelter himself under others who will.
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            • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 2 months ago
              You must remember that this is a translation, and that it must be interpreted in the context of the day when originally written. The English word meek means what you say, but the original (not even sure if it was Latin or some other ancient language) did not mean that - it meant in the context of the day, someone who does not impose on their neighbor. The Romans were very repressive and dictatorial - what this means is that if you "live and let live" you will be better off.
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              • Posted by illucio 10 years, 2 months ago
                I´m all for live and let live, but that´s just me. There´s always an apple that can ruin the patch, it only takes one and usually it´s more than that. And no matter how shy this minority may be, they always manage to get control and stomp on everyone else. That´s why we must learn to defend ourselves when necessary. That´s all I´m saying.

                As for the original phrase, I believe it was Mathew 5:5 and he, like Jesus, spoke Arameic (which Mel Gibson so correctly respected in his movie The Passion of Christ). The phrase means blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. If you ask me, it´s a trap whichever way you look at it. A gentle man should always know when to quit, for we live on earth and force shall always exist. I consider myself gentle and respectful, but only to those that retribute this in the same way. A violent man shall be ignored by me as long as he does not push me to react, for I will. And if the last resort is violence, I will not doubt on using it.
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