Former minister Tim Yeo caught on camera allegedly boasting that he could help private company influence Parliament | Mail Online

Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago to News
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It is claimed reporters from The Sunday Times approached Mr Yeo posing as representatives of a solar energy company offering to hire him for �7,000 a day to push for new laws to boost its business. Over dinner at a central London restaurant, Mr Yeo told them he could work at least one day a month, despite already holding four other private jobs and being in negotiations to take two more.

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  • Posted by gwcalvert 11 years, 1 month ago
    One effect of governments throwing money at solar companies and the resulting bankruptcies of them is that it has driven the price of solar panels down to record lows. There is now an excessive amount of panels on the market from all of these companies dying off and their inventory being sold off to the highest bidder. Tons of panels on eBay for under $1/watt right now if bought in quantity.
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