Do-It-Yourselfers Face Penalties Over Their Cut-Rate Health Insurance

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 6 months ago to Government
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Hmmm..NPR is normally pro Democrap, whatever the cause, now it seems they have found that the Obamanation/Pelosi nighmare hand in your pocket, has those same people we got "change" at gunpoint to help, looking for ways to survive, and they are punishing the same people they pretended to help. Maybe the sheeple need to question these good deals before they cheer them on...

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  • Posted by gaiagal 8 years, 6 months ago
    The PPACA was never about health care, neither is managed care. They are both control and profit...and control and profit are only increased through rationing.

    All the pro-Ocare folk I know are just beginning to get it and that is only because the unthinkable (for them at least) is that it is affecting them. Isn't it astounding that so many otherwise intelligent people actually thought life would go on as usual?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 5 months ago
      It is amazing as they get screwed they still do not band together to demand it's repeal, that is always pasted on the Republicrats, and no one has held Pelosi criminally liable for oth the lies she told and the false data she used.
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  • Posted by pappyw47 8 years, 6 months ago
    When I transitioned from Company insurance to Medicare, Social Security put in an incorrect start date. It took 4 months of phone calls to get coverage started 2 months before it had been incorrectly set up, even though they were deducting premiums from my SS. After coverage started, I was notified I would be penalized for 13 months without Pharmacy coverage. The appeal process is through a contractor, Maximus, INC, For months they just sent the same paperwork over and over, 6 times, each time on a shorter response time frame to complete or the appeal would be automatically denied. After recieving the request Christmas eve, to be completed, I contacted both Senators, and Congressman Raúl Grijalva. From Grijalva office I got a number of forms to help me with 'my immigration problem.' Senator Flake's office did not respond, Senator McCain's office responded and requested copies of paperwork which I provided. Meanwhile I continued to get the same requests for paperwork from Maximus. In March I was notified That they determined only four months penalty applied and although a greater penalty had been deducted from my social security, there was 'no vehicle available to refund the overage.' They claimed they could find no record of me appealing the Medicare start date. Those records should have been in the Phoenix office where they admitted their original mistake on the start date.
    At the end of 2015 my medicare carrier left the state and I had to sign up with a new carrier. At the end of of December, I got a coupon book to send in $1.40 a month on my penalty. Apparently that penalty is supposed to follow me the rest of my life. At $1.40 a month, they have already deducted the next 3+ years. And I am back to the appeal process.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
    Anyone know if there is a US insurance company that sells policies that pay for (non-emergency) treatment overseas in a lower cost country like Panama or Thailand?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Freedom, not sure if this helps but:

      Don't know if you are eligible but:

      What was really weird was I put in " US insurance company that sells policies that pay for (non-emergency) treatment overseas" in google and 1 page come up, but this thread was on the bottom, first time I have ever seen a GG thread in a google search...
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
        Thanks for looking, nick.
        No help there.
        Would it not make some sense for a company to reduce costs on non-emergency treatment? Medical care in some overseas locations is 50% to 80% less than in the US and the care is comparable. Including the cost of transportation and recovery in a local apartment there is still substantial savings. Wonder if there are regulations that prevent it or if the market is just too small?
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          As I can, I will keep looking as it is a really good question for if we bail out for some other locale..
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          • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
            Could be something in socialized health insurance that precludes such savings because the system serves the AMA and pharma industries who profit from exhorbitant US pricing.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
              That is true, the padding is so thick sometimes, you have to wonder what kind of costs they are trying to supposedly "recoup".
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              • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
                Americans have to pay enough to fund the drug research because we are "rich" enough while the rest of the world is not. In some ways it is a socialist approach, in other ways it's not. Using government to provide a cover story (and drive prices a bit higher) is the cowardly looters way.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                  The key is Americans have to pay....they do thorugh the nose and it's not the research nor the manufacture nor the distribution. It's for protection from greed . Not the egoism acceptable welcome kind of which Rand spoke but the naked GREED of the i want it all and I want it now legal community.

                  I pay 40% on average of what you pay for medicine for the same or better quality and I pay about 30% for pharmaceuticals.

                  Same stuff your getting.

                  the only real difference is liability protection and the cost of lawyers and courts.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
    I have found alternative health care using cash and doing preventive measures to be cost efficient. Of course I haven't even had a cold in over 20 years...a testament to prevention.
    My obobo carless weapon, however is the good ole VA in which I only have a yearly check up...wouldn't dream about bothering them about much more than that.
    I still can't find a plan or organization that would help if I broke a leg or somethin...Most are too expensive for what I might need. until then I best watch where I walk...
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      All medical facilities are required by law to provide treatment which means stabilize at the least Then they can transport you to another place. if th eother place is the VA near home or does it matter? You had the treatment. Cast etc. the transportation is easily arranged through an annual very affordable membership with Divers Assistance Network or DAN, You don't need to be a diver nor the injury or illness dive related. Now you are in a cast and at home. That leaves pain medication that's what part D Medicare is for. They soaked us to get that system why not use it.

      Check the alternatives it's like checking faulty premises.

      Mercy First Care clinics are far less expensive than emergency rooms for another option..

      OK the rest of you. Chip in with some ideas. Patient for students in a Medical school?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
        Trying to avoid that...we have an emergency facility close by but they have no association to join/via an amount per month, like some doctors are doing.
        As for pain...don't do drugs...can't, my body does not tolerate them.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
    All the more reason to reject more government involvement in health care. There are concierge doctor plans that are low cost, providing all routine and preventive care for a low monthly premium. There are doctors who offer extremely low prescription costs, essentially passing along drugs at the price they pay. Combined with a liberal health savings account and a critical illness/emergency insurance, the costs for most families could be a lot lower.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    Makes me glad I got a pass with the Military Retirement Tricare/Medicare combo even though it's not worth much it's a fire wall between me and Obamacrap the rest of you are putting up with Knock on formica
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
    When I was shoping for health insurance, one agent told me he has many customers who buy non-compliant plans and pay the penalty. They don't necessarily by a hodgepodge of plans. They just buy one policy that does not have features required by PPACA such as unlimited max payout, mental health, etc.
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