Future of California's multi-billion dollar 'bullet train' becomes election issue for Dems with reelection challenge

Posted by mminnick 10 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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From the article:
"The $68 billion project has the backing of some of the country’s most powerful Democrats including President Obama and California Gov. Jerry Brown, who in announcing his reelection bid last week restated his goal of building the county’s only high speed-rail system."

All I need to hear is Taxpayer funded and $68B to be against this one.
SOURCE URL: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/03/15/future-california-multi-billion-dollar-bullet-train-becomes-election-issue-for/?intcmp=latestnews

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  • Posted by Kath 10 years, 2 months ago
    If the idea and plan are sound, go for a privately funded project. This is just more of the same Democrat process- it's 'other people's money' for them to spend how the government pleases. If the project sounds good, emotion will take it along. Good grief! Billions are thrown around the way they used to burn up thousands! Have you been to L.A. lately? Prices for food have skyrocketed in the last 6 months and they want to waste money on this?
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 2 months ago
    More of taxpayers being forced to provide government with control over their lives. This is just another step toward UN Agenda 21, moving toward the end of private property and private transportation. We will all end in inner-city gulags.
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    • Posted by amagi 10 years, 2 months ago
      Stormi, Hae you seen the brochure by Pacific
      Freedom Foundation which covers UN21, gives
      names of some top people, issues and plans.
      It is very good and an eye-opener for those who
      do not have much information. Can be dow
      loaded from their site. (But you may be ahead
      of me...)
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 2 months ago
        I have talked with Tom DeWeese for about 15 years, before UN 21 had a name. I have come along as he found out more. I am presently using his "Stop Agenda 21" action kit. The information includes how to defuse the Delphi, has casebooks of actual incidents of land grabs in the name of UN21, all over the country, it has downloadable PDF files on how it started, who (ICLEA, Sierra, etc) is involved,how they manipulate local leaders. It has an entire brochure on Smart Meters. There is an entire book on sustainable development. It includes presentations for local leaders.I
        I also have "Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21" by Rosa Koire. I have The Earth Charter and Agenda 21 on my PC. Also, UN Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy" by Dr. Ileanna Johnson Paugh is an eye opener.
        I will certainly check out the Pacific Freedom Foundation information this week as well My feeling is we cannot know enough about this insidious collectivist scam. I know Tom has met with Rand Paul recently, as well as speaking all over the country. When Calif. plows up hundreds of miles of rural roads to get people into urban areas, you know it has gone too far.
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        • Posted by amagi 10 years, 2 months ago
          Thanks, Stormi, not much one can tell you !
          Good. Tom DeWeese is very astute and I am
          glad he has met with Paul. I do hope it shows
          there's something in the makin'.
          Glad to have 'met' you !
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          • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 2 months ago
            Thanks again for the Pacific Freedom Foundation link, it is now bookmarked and the Sustainable Development brochure downloaded. You never know which article will spark the interest in another, so you can never learn nor have too much to share.
            I first became upset when Hillary was asking who had spare bedrooms while Bill was in office, and how nice those rooms would be for the homeless. Right, we work to pay for our mortgages and RE taxes, and we want a moocher on board! About that time, Portland began banning growth outside the city limits, and telling those inside, if their lots did not meet population density requirements, they would not get permits from local agencies. I knew this was dangerous territory, and through Tom, who went to the same high school years before, I was led to connect the dots. It was the groundwork for what would become Agenda 21 and total control of our lives.
            Sadly, we found although city leaders were taking grants, with population density requirements for downtown - not one knew what Agenda 21 was, and only knew "sustainable development" sounded good! They have been put on notice, we will be watching and they had better get educated, or we would be there for their next re-election campaign. We have provided CDs on the topic for them.
            We have a lot of work to do, as most local politicians are on the lazy side when it comes to reading.
            I liked the tie in to the Rockefellers on the Pacific site. That family is always there behind any one world scheme. Free markets and property rights for the average Joe are not in the plans for them and those of that ilk. The new link went out to my whole e-mail tree today.
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  • Posted by RobertFl 10 years, 2 months ago
    If it's not an Interstate Rail, why should all of America have to pay for it. A bullet train that solely resides in California doesn't benefit me at all.
    Improving/upgrading the freight train lines would benefit all of us. And for the Greenies, it would remove a number of 18 wheelers from our hiways.
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  • Posted by dave42 10 years, 2 months ago
    I betcha for a lot less money we could take some of these trains, tie jet engines to them, and launch them in the air. But then we wouldn't have to build any new track (or have to deal with any of that expensive land-taking for the right-of-way), the stations at the end are already built, and there are companies that will sell you the train-cars-with-engines-tied-to-them for a price in the millions, not in the billions.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 2 months ago
      Instead of building it as an efficient trans-state transportation connecting major cities from Yreka to San Diego, making it truly a --STATEWIDE-- rail system, it panders to those who were able to procure the pull from their political cronies, and sidetracked those who would not "play ball" with those who want this thing to bring your tax revenue into their pockets, er, districts.

      Please note - it is a typical "Califronia Engineering" project in concert with the "New SFOBB". . My real guestimate is it will cost you and me (and the rest of the American Citizens via Federal Subsidies), factoring in the bay bridge cost overrun correction factor, 2.3 Trillion, and will be completed (after redesigns and more infighting) in no time at all... if no time means in time for Spring Break 2093.

      And don't doubt they won't be raching into every cookie jar - including federal funding via your taxes - to pay for this "Semi-high speed regional partial-state rail service..." (y)our tax dollars at work!
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