Map of Active U.S. FEMA Camps: Is There One Near You? - 12160

Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 4 months ago to Government
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Hmmm. EO 11051. How close are we to that going into effect? Inquisitive minds want to know.

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  • Posted by $ kathywiso 10 years, 4 months ago
    Funny thing is, you aren't supposed to see them. Most military barracks are off limits. Also, this map was put together in 2011.... Oh and why is FEMA buying up all the MRE's. Just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Thanks Uncommon.
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  • Posted by BrettScott 10 years, 4 months ago
    The author loses all credibility commenting on Ft Gordon:
    "They seem to like Baseball and track a LOT at Ft. Gordon." - Four softball fields and a 1/4 mile track are common on military posts. The track is where I run PT three times a week.
    "There’s a strangely shaped building which is reminiscent of the masonic symbol." - this is just dumb.
    " odd symbology on the ground." - A small memorial park with walkways.
    "...a fleet of black cars in the north parking lot." - They're green military vehicles, parked until the unit deploys.
    "...another fleet of black cars in the south parking lot." - Same.
    "There is also a strangely shaped complex of buildings that appears to look like Da Vinci’s model of the human body, only depicted as an old Atari 2600 graphic..." - Again, just dumb.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 4 months ago
    The camps must be built before they can be populated. If you want to know who is going to populate them, look in the mirror.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 4 months ago
      When the economy collapses, and there is a need for semiskilled labor to produce the war machine that batles the evil heathens of Eastasia, how else do you expect these war production and armament facilities to have enough workers to make the weapons to put those evil Eurasians out of business so we can claim peace and victory over Eastasia to keep theose Eurasian Soldiers bottled up and smash the entire Eastasian Empire to bring victory to Airstrip One.

      Thank you, Big O'Brother, and your appointed successor Benevolent C, for being the greatest, wisest, most brilliant leader, tactician, and benevolent and kindly ruler over your encamped subjects! And for starting a war against.. oh darn, I forgot who we're fighting this minute... it must be, um...

      (heavy knocking on the door, she opens it to see...)

      ...and she knew she was looking at the cold black eyes and heavy trounceons of the Thought Police... who had come to remove her to the reeducational ministry of fema... for committing Thoughtcrime against the Holy Socialist Order of Progressive Welfare, and writing electronic postings to unsocilaistic uncitizens.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 4 months ago
        Yes and your reeducation will consist of forced watching of MSNBC and memorization of Pelosi's and Reid's greatest quotes.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 4 months ago
          Don't forget the pledge of allegance to our president and the government of which she rules... one people's republic under socialism, with travesty, and injustice for all... All hail the anointed & appointed one, her husband, and those alloted to be our approved representatives...

          Just remember this - one V.I. Lenin brought a thing called the "Social Democratic Labour Party" to Russia. No one wants to think of (a) the Socialist programs our country is undergoing under the (b) Democratic party that will enable the lackeys of (c) Labor to control the one and only approved (d) Party...

          And as the socialist teachers taught us in Typing... NOW is the time for ALL good MEN to come to the AID of the PARTY... are you a "Good Man"? ;-)
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 4 months ago
    I regularly see one at the closed Mather AFB. For quite some time I would drive by and look over at the camp and think, "What is that?" It just didn't make any sense - dual fencing, the outside fence tilted in, both fences with heavy razor wire on top, a guard tower, tall permiter lights. Lately, a few structures have been added. It really looks strange. I try not to think about it anymore...
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 4 months ago
      My favorite ploy when dealing with current non-anti-un-disestablished former military facilities is either the Hazardous Materials or Radioactive Waste dump reason you must be excluded from there. My god, if these hot zones are so treacherous, how did they keep anyone on base (or living within 5 miles of the place) alive?

      And as to specific bases - you WILL be monitored, recorded, and escorted off some of them if you happen to be "lurking" near it. No reason other than "You cannot be there, and must leave now or you will be arrested".

      Just remember, they all have rail spurs into the camps, and what cheaper way to move cattle many miles than via rail. Maybe they're making them into stockyards, and anticipate a bumper crop of cattle in the near future...
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 4 months ago
    I've looked some of the damned things up on Googlemaps. They're sitting there.

    I pick East Yellowstone or Arkansas-Omaha. I do get to choose, don't I?
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  • Posted by DaveM49 10 years, 4 months ago
    Every time I see material like this, the first word to pop into my mind is: why? Why is there a need for "camps"? Who is to be sent there? Who will enforce the "deportation"?

    Given that the bloated prison system in this country is already contributing to its bankruptcy, it seems highly unlikely that the government or any agency thereof would want to imprison more people. I can recall rumors that public schools and community colleges were built to serve as camps of some sort if needed. Are those still circulating?

    There are related rumors that guillotines are being stockpiled by the government for eventual use in "deportation camps" or the like. Again: why? Who does "the government" wish to get rid of in mass numbers? Has anyone thought of the imposibility of killing large numbers of people via guillotine?

    I do not doubt that our government has as many dark plans as any other. I cannot believe there is an invisible plot to build concentration camps for no conceivable reason.
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  • Posted by Susannah 10 years, 4 months ago
    There are several FEMA camps located near me. Most were built as regular prisons, but remain in new, unused condition. If you use your search engine and just plug in "FEMA camps" it's surprising how much information you actually can acquire.
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 4 months ago
    Over the last couple of years I have spent a great deal of time on the road. I have driven all of i90 more than a few times. I have driven lots of middle of nowhere backwater middle of nowhere. I have been to the geographic center of the us. I have been to devils tower. I have seen a lot of roadside attractions. While I have looked for them I have seen no FEMA camps. Pretty much none of these places have the kind of infrastructure needed.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 4 months ago
      waaaaaal, iroseland, the last time I went to Fort Campbell, TN/KY, it was a city unto itself with plenty of room for captive activities visible only to satellites and the occasional airliner.
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