Sunny TV

Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago to Entertainment
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most of you know where I disagree. But. I think this woman's work is important and "we" suck at getting the word out.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 6 months ago
    Hello khalling,

    "A mystic is driven by the urge to impress, to cheat, to flatter, to deceive, to force that omnipotent consciousness of others. “They” are his only key to reality, he feels that he cannot exist save by harnessing their mysterious power and extorting their unaccountable consent. “They” are his only means of perception and, like a blind man who depends on the sight of a dog, he feels he must leash them in order to live. To control the consciousness of others becomes his only passion; power-lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind.

    Every dictator is a mystic, and every mystic is a potential dictator. A mystic craves obedience from men, not their agreement. He wants them to surrender their consciousness to his assertions, his edicts, his wishes, his whims—as his consciousness is surrendered to theirs. He wants to deal with men by means of faith and force—he finds no satisfaction in their consent if he must earn it by means of facts and reason. Reason is the enemy he dreads and, simultaneously, considers precarious; reason, to him, is a means of deception; he feels that men possess some power more potent than reason—and only their causeless belief or their forced obedience can give him a sense of security, a proof that he has gained control of the mystic endowment he lacked. His lust is to command, not to convince: conviction requires an act of independence and rests on the absolute of an objective reality. What he seeks is power over reality and over men’s means of perceiving it, their mind, the power to interpose his will between existence and consciousness, as if, by agreeing to fake the reality he orders them to fake, men would, in fact, create it." Galt's speech

    Whether you are initiating force or you do nothing to combat it when cognizant of its imminence, you are either an Attila or an enabler aiding and abetting, though your emotions and fear of retaliation are overruling your reason.

    Of course many Muslims are undoubtedly victims of the brutes among them and their inaction is a product of fear. They fear the force of the brutes will be directed towards them. They are paralyzed.
    ... "A simple example would be a gunman who says; 'I don't care what my prey thinks. I just want him to hand over his wallet.' Force in this aspect makes a man act against his judgement. The victim still sees what he sees, values what he values, knows what he knows. The forcer, however, bypasses the victims cognition, making it useless in practice. When the gunman threatens; 'Your money or your life.' the owner still knows to whom the money belongs. But if he does not choose to risk death or physical harm, the threat is the factor that has to determine his action. His own conclusion---however is clear, logical compelling---becomes impotent." pg. 313, OTPOAR.

    Those few Muslims that do stand up and denounce these barbarities are the exceptions. They are able to overcome their fears and face them. We must allow for them, and encourage them; for there is still hope for them and to do otherwise is to pass a collective judgement and do them injustice. Underneath the indoctrination and conditioning of their upbringing, can there be any doubt that many are not true believers, but are putting up a facade and simply going along to get along? I would still suggest that they take a good look at their own and or their associates beliefs in mysticism particularly since Mohamed-ism, is not a "religion of peace" for many of its followers. Its foundations are the product of a tyrannical miscreant. It has had no reformation. Nonetheless, those that do not speak out, but sit idly by while atrocities are committed in the name of their beliefs deserve not our sympathy or consideration.

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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
      That is quite an analysis. "Every dictator is a mystic." The more I think about it, the better I like it. I'm beginning to think of all Muslims as a nest of vipers. Just because there's one that tried to bite me, there's no sense in believing that the others won't try. And perhaps succeed.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 6 months ago
        Hello Herb7734,
        The terror war is being won... just not by us.
        If they are true believers they pose a threat to reason and everyone possessing reason enough not to bend to their will.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
          The great majority of Muslims are poor and ignorant. Islam gives them something to hold on to and a sweet afterlife for following Allah's will. It's actually very little of a promise but it's more than anyone else is offering. Reminds me: When the reporter asked the pundit why Truman beat Dewey, he replied that Truman promised very little, but Dewey didn't promise anything.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 6 months ago
    Here is my response to this video.

    I agree with everything you said except the phrase "If I am a moderate muslim I have nothing to hide." That is not the standard in the US under the law or in any free country and is constantly used to justify the expansion of the Police State. Of course you were not clear whether you were talking about the government or private individuals. If you meant, “as a private individual I am going to give you (the muslim) extra scrutiny.” Then I agree with you and I will/am doing the same.

    I think it is particularly important to point out that radical muslims are only able to carry out their evil acts because of the tacit support they receive from moderate muslims, which means (on personal level, not a government level) that they are guilty by association.

    In my opinion, this can only be stopped by winning the ideological war, which includes pointing out all the horrible things done in the name of Islam. When we (the West) are willing to do this, then military actions such as were done by Jefferson and Madison would be appropriate and effective (carpet bombing).
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
      "I think it is particularly important to point out that radical muslims are only able to carry out their evil acts because of the tacit support they receive from moderate muslims, which means (on personal level, not a government level) that they are guilty by association. "- THAT IS A VERY GOOD ANALYSIS. The problem the muslims have is that their religion ISLAM is violent down to its core. Kill the Infidels. There is no such thing as moderation when that is one of the tenets of the religion. That part of the religion needs to be removed, OR there IS war between the west and ISLAM.
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      • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 6 months ago
        I think the Irish civil war is a good analogy and the IRA could not have existed without help from other "moderate" Irish. The solution in major part was to get the economy growing. Most people are interested in having a good life, not dying for a fanatical cause.
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      • Posted by KCLiberty 8 years, 6 months ago
        Careful - The Old Testament instructs you kill infidels as well. (Although in modern printings that word has mysteriously disappeared) Also, the original "do not kill" commandment said that they should never kill another Israelite, everyone else is fair game.
        And...ever heard of the Crusades? Which religion is more violent is a hard one to answer.
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    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
      My take on the video is she was talking about people, not government but maybe I misinterpreted her comments. I think you summed this up very well.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
        And what would be wrong if the government were to treat Muslims with suspicion? The government already treats with suspicion persons that are committed to the violent overthrow of the government, such as communists, Obama, oh, sorry, strike that, replace it with "right wing Constitutionalists" - why not Muslims, who are in fact committed to the violent overthrow of the US Constitution and replacement of it with Sharia?
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        • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
          I'll let the below Ben Franklin quote speak for itself.

          Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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          • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
            I have to disagree with the use of this quote in this case. Franklin meant this for citizens of an essentially homogeneous society. In this case, we have an outside viral infection. America, both in Franklin's time and for over 100 years afterwards, grew and prospered on the basis of one most important, homogeneous trait - people came here from all over the world with a desire to join the nation and make the most of themselves. Muslims, on the other hand, have been and continue to come here in order to establish Muslim communities, Muslim majorities and to replace the Constitution with Sharia. They do not come here to individually better themselves; they come here to promote Islam. I feel confident that old Ben would not be referring that quote towards people that vowed to subvert and destroy the Constitution that he helped write. As to Muslim intentions in the US, look up data and court records on the Holly Land Foundation (an affiliate of CAIR that was established to channel money to Hamas). CAIR records also show very clear intent of Islamic leadership to achieve local (for now) majorities and to push for Sharia. This is a virus. And a virus cannot be destroyed partially.
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            • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
              I cannot disagree with what you state as it appears that you are talking about anyone that has come into the country as a refugee in recent months/years, not people who have been here for a long period of time. I did not get that from your first comment.

              If I am not taking it correctly and you mean any and every Muslim in the country then I have to ask how we can do that without the government declaring that right-wing extremist be included in the list? As you say, they are already doing it to some extent but IMHO it is unconstitutional. Make it legal and see how much worse it gets. Anyone or any group could be added to the list for any reason at all, Christians, Atheists or someone who gave money to the wrong political candidate. I think in that case Ben's quote is valid.

              I would also question how it would be accomplished. Would they need to were an armband to be identified? Will we all be required to show our papers in public? Just asking.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
                I think the overarching principle is that of loyalty: is the individual loyal to the Constitution of the United States. If they are not willing to swear to that and instead say that there is some other higher law (ie Sharia), then that answers the question for me and they should get shipped out of the US without further adieu - citizen or not.
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                • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                  I would mostly agree but based on the Koran, they are obligated to say anything, including lying to get along until they are in a position of power. Based on that alone, will we ever be able to trust what they say? Personally, I don't think we should let any of them in until the war is long over.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
                    "based on the Koran, they are obligated to say anything, including lying"

                    A valid concern: taqiyya. But I have to refer back to innocent until proven guilty. I have to respect the ideas of probable cause, warrant, arrest, prosecution via trial, etc. I don't quite have the ability to read people's minds - a fact my wife laments often. ;)

                    "Personally, I don't think we should let any of them in until the war is long over."

                    And that could be when one side no longer exists.
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                    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                      Absolutely, follow the Constitution. But that doesn't prevent me from viewing with suspicion and being careful in my associations.This last atrocity came from a so-called "moderate" Muslim.
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                    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                      I wish I could argue with you but I cannot.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
                        I argue with myself all the time. It's highly entertaining. My wife just asks me why I'm muttering to myself and whether or not she needs to get that white coat with overlong sleeves we have hanging up in the closet... =D
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                        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Your wife should meet mine. She says that she should set me in a corner so that I can hear myself more clearly.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                            I used to not do that until i single handed a boat to Hawaii. Then it was a constant argument. After the Hawaii leg there were three of us...I added a judge. What I was doing was figuring out the which of three choices as right and which two were wrong.

                            Listening to occasional radio programs helped if they were music.
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                            • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                              I get claustrophobic on a boat any smaller than a liner. But when I was 18, I got into my good old 6 cylinder Ford Mainline and drove to Florida via California. Lots of adventures & fun. I loaded up the trunk with expensive looking cheap jewelery and pulled into large gas staions and put up a sign and sold them out of the trunk. Of course the station got a cut. I also had electric deep fryers. In those days a dollar bought 4 gallons of gas or two burger and fries meals.
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                                Sixties give or take a decade? Soon after that it went to three gallons a dollar and finally by 1999 .99 cents a gallon. That took fourty years fifteen years later its doubled and people are happy? LMAO.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                  The government doesn't care about loyalty. Those who are get dissed.Those who aren't are welcome. Disloyal from the get go new citizens are a dime a dozen maybe a penny each. The story is always the same. Once I've made my pile in your country I'll return to my county. It's all a big game and they know and they know you know it. All the same...Not the one's who have no country waiting for them. They are the keepers they will do anything not to go back.
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              • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
                You think that you don't need to show your papers?!? Try voting, or cashing a check, or getting a job, or using a credit card, or getting a driver's license, or.... Just because most transactions aren't governmental, doesn't mean that your "privacy" isn't being invaded. Technology has rendered privacy moot. You're already used to "show me your papers."
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                • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                  These are not the same kind of papers I am talking about but even if it was we make a choice to show them for the intended purpose.
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                  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Hi Ed.
                    I understand what you meant by "showing your papers"...thankfully, it's something we don't yet have to do to cross state lines.
                    However, recently, government regulations now require either a passport or enhanced driver's license, just to fly on commercial aircraft, even domestically.
                    I was truly shocked when I heard that.
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                    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                      You are kidding, I wish. What is an enhanced DL?
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                      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years, 6 months ago
                        You can find out more at:
                        The wife and I got ours for our infrequent trips into Canada, but for domestic flights...that's just insane!
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                        • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                          I agree it's insanity. Thanks for the link.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                            Stop enabling the wrong doers.
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                            • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                                Stop enabling the wrong doers. Those that are taking us down the path to such changes. You get your next chance in less than a year.

                                Don't however be surprised to find the two candidates are both 'wrong doers.' One of the things they are doing wrong is giving you the choice of no choice. - Little Bruce Lee in the mix at no extra charge.
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                            • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                              well-then you walk around with an expired license. I don't have an updated one-Dale does. Since I travel with my passport when I am in the States I will just use the passport.but for most US citizens that will be a big jolt. I am kinda looking forward to it-there is not enough outrage and I think people will complain. Of course-I will be honest here-the ones supporting it are Conservative friends of mine-not the liberals
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                                I had just received a new passport and had it my jacket pocket. Driving from Seattle to Reno via the Susanville route....First I had to cross the border. Few miles later, actually more since they moved it, a 'bug station' where they ask if you are bringing in any kind bad for agricultural pests.

                                It was way after midnight and I was ready for a two hour layover in the next rest stop. What happened next proved the need.

                                California has just posted about 57 varieties of languages at the border check point. Without thinking I handed over my passport and said, 'tourist.'

                                They looked at me like I was crazy. I looked at them while they were crazy. I asked again in another language then sort of caught on and pointed at the signs....

                                "What makes you were the first," one asked?

                                "But it's the best one yet are you an actor?"

                                Never did I think I would have to have a Soviet Style internal travel document. I think I'll stay in FNA.
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                                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                                  The new license was easier. I applied by email and explained I was on the other side of the world. The new one is the enhanced version. A buddy int he Border Patrol showed me how detailed the information. I went to a new bank and gave them nine numbers and no name and that card. No problem they had a complete look at my history. Previously just providing the nine numbers (my national name) was sufficient the card made it easier.

                                  Street names are in letters, national name is in numbers.
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              • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
                Fair questions, as there is no easy solution. I see Islam as a dangerous, potentially lethal virus. When a body is infected with such, wishing it to go away just doesn't work and the medicine has its pains and consequences. Nevertheless, Islam is wholly incompatible with Western civilization and values; they cannot coexist on equal terms. One or the other must take dominance. For the sake of political correctness or false humanity we can allow Islam to succeed in its stated goal of world dominance, and we will then either submit to it or die, or we need to ascend to control and either eliminate Islam as a religion (in our country) or live with ourselves knowing that we hold other people under strict control (like Israel does). Unfortunately, peaceful coexistence of the two fundamentally opposed cultures is just not possible.
                But however we deal with the issue of those Muslims that are US citizens, importing "refugees" that are obviously Islamic fighters and putting them on Welfare so that they have more time and resources to do their deeds is pure suicide. Just as electing a Muslim president, infesting the highest echelons of government with C.A.I.R. people, calling Islam "the religion of peace" and supporting jihadists throughout the world (Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Syria, Bosnia and, originally, Afghanistan).
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                • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                  It is a virus. And like a virus, its components cannot be a true life form.
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                  • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Quite correct. Not only is Islam not a "religion of peace," but it is quite literally a religion of death. In fact, it is death that Islam celebrates the most; it is through violent death of oneself, along with as many as one can take with him, that paradise is assured. The hatred that Muslims have for Jews is so vividly clear in Israel - the Israelis made life out of dead desert, while the Arabs spend hundreds of millions on rockets but live in Stone Age conditions. America is the great satan not because it mistreats the Muslims, whose ass America's Muslim president has been kissing, but because of its achievements in life.
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                    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                      Although, Christianity and to a lesser extent Judaism celebrate death. In Christianity, if you're good you go to heaven if you're bad you go to hell. This indicates that in order to get your reward for goodness, you need to die. In Judaism, it's simply if you're good you'll be with God if you're not you wont. They couldn't control people through reason, that's too hard. So they used reward-after-death to control the populace. Many of the best minds thought this stuff is nonsense, and thought that as long as there is no punishment if I don't get caught, I could.....You fill in the blank.
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                        Christianity though has it's Platoesque escape hatch but unlike Plato's it applies to everyone. My now deceased father put it this way. "Doesn't matter what you do in life as long as you take the pledge one second before dying. So that's my plan."

                        So his brother who is a minister said, "But are you truly repenting? "

                        The dad unit said, "Hell Yes why take chances?!"

                        According to my sister and the hospital staff that is exactly what he did
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                        • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
                          He would have liked W.C. Fields who said pretty much the same thing.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                            He did come to think of it.

                            Question? Did the inconsistencies in the Christian religion come before or after the splitting into well... to be sure they have about as many sub groups etc. than pages in the bible.

                            Question? Did the inconsistencies in the Islamic Religion come before or after the splitting - if iI remember some 2 major and 81 or more minor pieces.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                I don't know what do you think? We certainly have the system in place to enforce that sort of thing. How about a tattoo on the left forearm? No i don't agree Smacks of secular progressivism too much.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                What is a right wing extremist. What you call a right wing extremist to me turned out to be a left wing extremist. A right wing extremist is an anarchist.

                Define Constitution? By chance do you mean that document written in the 1780's that was replaced by the Patriot Act?

                Other than those barbed questions one point up for attempting to get it right.

                Easy answer? Quit enabling the wrong doers.
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                • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                  You need to explain your version of wrong doers.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Not really you need to stay on topic and answer the questions? What is a right wing extremist? Define Constitution. No reframing. Because that's is your third question. My answers are all over this site. Where's yours?
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                    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                      I was not reframing. I just didn't understand your definition of wrong doers which I believe was my first question of you. My answers to your other comments are all over this site too. In the spirit of your statement you can search out the answers.
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                        I did. That's a fair riposte. My definition in this particular case is anyone left of center. Center is the Constitution NOT the center of the left. Left starts with RINO supporters Rinos and goes through to Secular Progressives for one major reason. ALL of them starting with Cruz and Rand support a political philosophy which says,, Government Over People. From that stems a century of wrongdoing. At the center are those who believe in a different philosophy of government - Citizens over Government with government as temporary servants. Extremists to the left National and International Socialism including closely followed by Secular Progressives. Extremists in the other directions - Anarchists. Who populates the space in between? Mostly people who have one foot in the center if not two. What is there claim to fame? Citizens ARE or should be the source of power. Short version. Also makes it easier to explain why most Republicans are Rinos. The rest just falls into place.

                        Wrongdoers to me are any one who votes for the left. Other words for that are 'enabling enemies domestic.' Now do you know why anarchists are the sole occupants of the extremist right? i marked you up to two thumbs.
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                        • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Thanks for you reply.

                          I could not argue with the points you make. I see Rand as you do but not Cruz. I see Cruz as a small government constitutionalist. Is he perfect? No. I'd like to hear why you see him as you do. And who do you see as the best candidate to solve the problems that have been created over the last century.

                          I agree power with the people as long as it meets the Constitution. We are a republic, not a democracy.

                          I'd like to hear your definition as to why anarchist are the sole occupants but I assume it's because they are the only believers in no government.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                            You got that exactly right. So I put them as the extremists in my version of the political spectrum which starts with Citizens over government back at the Center - the constitution - those who really want to have less government and are not with the constitution are spread out in between.

                            Which brought up that former Weatherman Terrorist turned college professor in Chicago - Obama's buddy - who described himself as a Marxist Anarchist. Two polar opposites as far to the extreme left and right as you can get. Which means Professor what's his face is either mentally deficient, doubtful, or was pulling the reporters chain big time.

                            His wife made no comments she's so far left she makes Soros and Lakoff look like moderates. Well moderate left wing extremists anyway.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                            To repeat myself Cruz along with Rand are supporting a VAT or Pelosi tax which in fact is itself a farce. The idea is to show they are doing something or supporting something to lower taxes and it does no such thing. In fact it raises taxes

                            Pelosi wants it full treatment with no adjustment in income tax.

                            Start with how much you have to spend in after tax dollars. Now add an additional embedded tax on every service performed or item made for sale. We already have that, each and every step of the way from tree to axe handle from mine to axe head and if you hire a professional tree trimmer add in all his embedded costs. State, Local and Federal Taxes, Medical and unemployment insurance, Social Security. For each and every employee who had anything to do with that axe arriving in your yard plus that of the dude who swings it and oh yes liability insurance. If he stays in a motel there's room tax. If he buys gas that too. If he eats in a restaurant another tax and on top of the sales tax every step of the way. Business routinely pay those taxes and collect the rest adding the cost to a column COG Cost of Government. Pelosi and now Cruz and Rand in support wants to add yet another tax every step of the way. I see no Value Added I see Value subtracted.

                            Any tax, fee, or whatever paid by a business is passed on the consumer. Even if it's just the cost of collecting the tax for the government.

                            You the end user purchaser pay the entire freight so tell me, or better yet ask Cruz just how transferring that payment through business to your bill at the grocery store is a good thing instead of an 'evil' thing.'

                            Dinos or socialists are supported by Rinos and some Republicans support that whole charade.

                            Cruz and Rand are not Libertarians or whatevers they are Republicans who at the least enable the Rinos , the Dinos and the progressives..At your expense.

                            What you see is what they want you to see. What you hear is what they want you to hear. This time they let the cat out of the bag with all it's fleas. Tough... They hung themselves I don't vote for left wing socialist corporatist/statists no matter what label they pretend to wear.

                            Cruz hung himself...let him dangle alone twisting slowly in the win

                            That still leaves Carson, Fabio, Forino and the top tier of RINOS. Unitl the bimbo brigade comes to town.

                            Cease enabling
                            Take Control
                            Make Change.

                            In that order. so what next. I've posted one idea all over the place. But it takes cooperation and we're in short supply in the center of political a discourse standing around the remnants of hte Constitution. We're in short supply of cooperation but we have plenty of couch potatoes
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                            • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
                              I was not aware Cruz was supporting the VAT. I will look at that.

                              I'm fully aware and agree on the tax issues.
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
                                Here's the next step in the cycle of economic repression fuel tax. We went through inflation , devaluation, repudiation of debt, the threat of enhanced and added embedded taxes, and a minimum wage increase. Remember the wage price spiral? The next one up to bat is increase in fuel tax. Government raises the fuel tax, the industry collects it for them and as before charges for the costs of collection. Only the end user pays the freight. Either at the pump or in other costs and that drives up the sales tax. Ever notice how sales tax is a tax on all the other taxes not just the product or service?

                                So 99 cents in 1999 per gallon goes up and hen shoots up during the government sponsored phony recession. Three or Four dollars a gallon in some places. But let's call it three.. Texas oil field strike forces the price down to two dollars a gallon. Wow isn't the great!? No it isn't. It means fuel tripled in ten years and then was forced down by market pressures to only fifteen years. Meanwhile you are adding on sales taxes and using devalued earnings to pay the freight. End of story How much in 1999 dollars is that two dollar a gallon gas costing you AFTER income taxes etc.

                                No need to compute government liked that boost in fuel taxes and all they have to do is nudge it up a little. No big deal maybe a nickle a year every year for three or five years or ten years? That's two and half cents a year every year easy. Sales tax revenues go back up everything goes back up not to produce and deliver fuel to your auto mo bubble or a better product.... or more service....just for taxes. one cost drives another and another and another.

                                Let's see we raised minimum wage how about a small nudge across the board for income tax? maybe one percent for the bottom half, two percent for the next 25% and five percent for the top 25%? Every year for three years....

                                The future Prez can always look sheepish and say I think I raised your taxes too much. Notice they never lower them too much or any much.

                                Food tax....No? food has to be transported, processed, delivered to the store. All those employees just had their prices go up just a smidgeen here and dash there. How is your food costs not going to go up?



                                Clean water

                                Cost of installing sewers....

                                Not to worry long before then we'll have Great Depression II and III. It is after all a cycle, a circle with no end, a spiral....

                                We're just shy of 19 trillion in debt By the time Obeyme is exbominated it wil be 20 trillion.

                                What's your buying power going to look like then?
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                                • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 5 months ago
                                  I hear you and have said the same about taxes. Whatever tax there is, we need a cap on the amount of money ever level of government can get. I've also been thinking as of late, all money that federal government receives should come from the state government. States would have power to quit paying if the feds get out of hand and people could move to a better state if the state was out of hand. Time to get back to 50 States United instead of 50 clones.
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                                  • MichaelAarethun replied 8 years, 5 months ago
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                                Sometimes they don't think things through and it gets them in hot water but it shows what they are willing to accept to get to the top. That speaks to character. The first question I would ask Cruz is the proper name for Cuba Libre's and were his parents or who ever from Cuba Batistianos. There are, like anywhere else, Cubans and there are Cubans. Just as their are Mexicanas and there is Representative I recall she had not problem with a Euro-American name until she needed votesd. Ever since I've thought of her as La Gringa.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
          Constitutionalists are not right wing they are the center of political discourse. The right wing at the present time meaning the Rinos and their supporters are the right wing of the left,.The center of the left is NOT the center of anything except the center of the left and even that is open to question..
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
    I''m uncertain as to exactly why, right at this moment, but this gal upsets me. On one hand, the excuse that 'moderate Muslims' or just those raised in a Muslim culture are not at fault for the actions of the radicals of their religion or culture is BS. The religious/social/government basis of Islam has chosen to be at war with the West. All of Islam either supports directly or allows indirectly, the atrocities those that advocate for Jihad, or just the rise of Islam in World recognition or primacy, perpetrate.

    But the West is equally at fault, and even supportive of their nonsense. If it suits our geopolitical or resource desires, we have even instituted, trained, funded, and armed such movements and activities, but always thinking we could maintain control and influence, and then turned a blind eye to their growth and the idea of 'Moderate Muslims'. There are no 'Moderate Muslims' anymore than there are 'Moderate Evangelical Christians' and I'm not sure there ever has been.

    It's just not as simple as the gal tries to make it.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
      Zenphamy: "There are no 'Moderate Muslims' anymore than there are 'Moderate Evangelical Christians' and I'm not sure there ever has been."

      My first reaction was what is a "moderate muslim"? What is moderate mysticism, jihad, sharia law, and irrationalism? There are muslims who don't ordinarily live as if they take it fully seriously in their ordinary lives -- most American muslims don't run around beheading people, but in terms of belief, "moderate muslim" is a contradiction in terms. Irrationality is poison, and as with anyone who accepts faith as a means of knowledge he could blow at any time, especially when pushed along with acceptance of the muslim doctrines.

      A recent series of interviews of American muslims revealed that even when they denied being 'radical' they still all accepted the irrational doctrines.

      That is why anyone professing to be muslim or living with the appearance of it is suspicious.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
        ewv; Yes, it's the irrationality of religious beliefs and world views, but it's more. We recognize the Enlightenment's impact on our ideas of individual liberty and government, but few are willing to talk about it's impact on freeing us and our daily lives from the strictures of Christianity's various sects and their continuous fights for primacy and control of our minds and behaviors.

        Ours was the first government that denied religion a seat in our governance. Christianity didn't voluntarily reduce their drive for that governmental influence and control or societal control that it had always held. It was the ideas of individualism, rights, and freedom that pushed them out of more and more of the public sphere. The religious haven't given up, by any means--but for the most part, their influences in our daily thinking that many of us can avoid them for the most part.

        When Muslims have their own Enlightenment, then we'll begin to see peace and growth for the individual in that part of the world.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
          The Enlightenment was more than political influence, it emphasized the endorsement of reason as included in individualism. The politics of freedom and individualism followed, and prosperity followed that.

          Muslims won't have their own Enlightenment. The Enlightenment philosophically overthrew the intellectual dominance of religion in the west. Those in muslim regions can become something better either by embracing the emphasis of the Enlightenment instead of Islam or by overthrowing their religious dominance with their own rediscovery of reason, but it wouldn't be a "muslim enlightenment". The Enlightenment wasn't a "Christian Enlightenment" either. The fundamental shift to reason was a replacement overthrowing the supernaturalism, dogmatism and asceticism of religion.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
      I agree 100% with you. ISLAM is a viiolent intolerant set of beliefs. Allowing syrian refugees to come to the USA is like inviting Hitler to live next door because he needs asylum.
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    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
      I watched this video again based on your comment because when I viewed it I thought she was basically saying there is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim. Even after I listened again that was my take on it, which I agree with. I really thought she was saying the same thing that you just stated Zen but maybe I misinterpreted this video. Can you tell me what I missed?

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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
        Ed; I'm not sure you missed anything. It's more about my thinking on the subject. This is a response I just made to ewv:
        "ewv; Yes, it's the irrationality of religious beliefs and world views, but it's more. We recognize the Enlightenment's impact on our ideas of individual liberty and government, but few are willing to talk about it's impact on freeing us and our daily lives from the strictures of Christianity's various sects and their continuous fights for primacy and control of our minds and behaviors.

        Ours was the first government that denied religion a seat in our governance. Christianity didn't voluntarily reduce their drive for that governmental influence and control or societal control that it had always held. It was the ideas of individualism, rights, and freedom that pushed them out of more and more of the public sphere. The religious haven't given up, by any means--but for the most part, their influences in our daily thinking that many of us can avoid them for the most part.

        When Muslims have their own Enlightenment, then we'll begin to see peace and growth for the individual in that part of the world."
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      did you take a point away from Dale? at first reaction it bothered me as well. She has many other videos which are very funny and she is sharp as a tack. we probably do not agree on some things what's new LOL
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
        No, I didn't take a point. I don't disagree with Dale at all. My comment was meant just to express some of my uncertainty with her Youtube points and to get me thinking.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years, 6 months ago
    All muslims are required to convert, enslave, or murder infidels. I'm an infidel, therefore all muslims are a threat to me and mine. ALL muslims.
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    • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 6 months ago
      Do you know which religious book this passage is from?

      "If a prophet or someone who has dreams arises among you and proclaims a sign or wonder to you, and that sign or wonder he has promised you comes about, but he says, ‘Let us follow other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us worship them,’ do not listen to that prophet’s words or to that dreamer. ... That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he has urged rebellion against the Lord your God ... You must purge the evil from you. ... If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, 'Let us go and worship other gods' (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God. ... If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, 'Let us go and worship other gods' (gods you have not known), then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely, both its people and its livestock. You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt."
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
        Deuteronomy in the Bible, usually attributed to the 7th century BC. The Bible taken as sacred text has been the source of different competing cults branching out for centuries. Once accepted on faith as a means of knowledge there are no limits and no way to resolve the conflicts because it is not subject to rational standards.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
        And the point being? Are you telling us that the origins of Judeo-Christian culture are violent? And prior to that all of your and my favorite peoples (whoever they may be) have been canibals? The issue is how often have Christians killed other people within this century solely for the offense of belonging to a different religion? And if you do find a handful, I would guarantee that you won't find even a single case of that in Judaism. Compare that to a currently out of control viral infestation called Islam.
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        • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 6 months ago
          The more interesting question, to me, is: how often have Muslims who weren't trained and funded by our government, and/or weren't enraged by our military's unwelcome and abusive presence in their countries, killed people of other religions within this century? My risk of being killed by a Muslim terrorist is less than my risk of being killed by American law enforcement. The point being that government and complicit media want me to believe that Muslims are a huge threat, but reality tells me otherwise.
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          • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 5 months ago
            There is a popular misconception that Muslims, and Arabs in particular, are killing Westerners in response to American, Israeli or other Western aggression. This is the story sold to us by the mainstream media, with lots of input from C.A.I.R. The facts, however, tell a different story. First, I would refer you to the excellent video provided earlier in this thread by Jpellope. Islam, from its inception, has been conquering, e.g., killing, people in every direction of the Globe. Over the centuries, Islam has been stopped only by geography (Atlantic Ocean, Sahara) or by superior arms and technology (European cannon). When the Muslims would have even local superiority, they invariably attacked (Barbary pirates). The Muslim attacks on the Slavs for acquisition of slaves where only stopped by Catherine II's demolishment of their armies. The Muslim world finds "excuses" for their barbarism in blaming Israel of mistreatment of the Palestinians. But few Muslims even know where Palestine is located and they themselves never gave a damn for the Palestinians. Just look up origins of "Black September" - yes, the well known Palestinian terrorist organization that specialized in hijackings and mass murder. They owe their name to Jordanian army machine-gunning about 30,000 Palestinians as a payback for the Palestinians trying to kill the Jordanian king. Somehow, that too was the fault of Israel and the West, so they blew up Western airliners.
            Here I've concentrated on the Arab Muslims, but a larger part of Muslims are not Arabs - Indonesia and much of the Pacific Rim are Muslim, and they are not conquering and killing other people - for now. I would submit that they are bound by geography and stronger armed neighbors, such as China, Japan, India. If and when they become as strong, there is as much danger in their awakening as resulted from the Arab Spring.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
            Let's see that excludes most of Northern Africa from the Congo up, all of the Middle East to India, reneging on the deal with Kurdistan and now leaving them in the lurch once again it would appear, a huge presence in Turkey which in the end bought us nothing, The Adriatic and Black Sea Area intact, east to the Pakistan border with India leaves a few of the -istans.

            North of India we've not had much truck with them east of India that excludes Bangla and a few others along the Indian Border how about Indonesia? No. we screwed over them too. and finally that little pipsqueak place Inbetween Indonesia and Philippines and the southern philippines. in the Red Sea and NW Arabian Sea and the entire coast of the Arabian Peninsula. So what we end up with Maybe Kuwait, maybe Dubai and maybe Fujahrah...ahh yes we haven't been in Palestine, didn't support Lebanon but then I can't remember when we ever did that was Russian territory for the most part. The Caucausus Mountain region no. Albania no... and that old crap about American LEA will get you nothing but a powerful rebuke. and it goes like this.

            The amount of US Law Enforcement engaged in illegal activities across the entire spectrum of crime is 1 to 1.5% of of the 800,000 people employed in LEA. Here is the part that will kill you with laughter.....the amount of general population citizens involved in illegal activities across the entire spectrum of crime is...wait for it. Exactly the same percentage. 1-1.5% averaging out in both cases to one percent across the board IF you don't count the US Congress.

            So much for that comment.

            The use of 'the; more interesting question' is a re-framers trick to change the subject to one of their own choosing. Didn't work.

            Which leaves you with a question or two or three to answer since you posed them. You should have done due diligence on and came in with some sort of facts to too include definition of enraged unwelcome ande abusive presence which you conveniently left dangling like a participle. As to how many have they killed of other religions? Define other religions. Shia killed 80,000 sunni Kurds, 210,000 sunni Arabs in Iraq alone.

            How much of a threat are Muslim's significantly less than secular progressives who routinely send our military out to fight their wars and the death ratio there since the end of WWII is 18 to 1. That is changing slowly as it denoted 18 when a Democrat started the fight to 1 when a republican started the fight, beginning in Greece in the late 1940's. Any decent almanac including the Times has that under the war time casualty listings as Killed. that's a ratio that hasn't changed using just that one standard.

            So what is your chance of being killed by American law enforcement? You failed to mention that as well.

            Notice how I used cites and sources? Not just urban myth propaganda ah yes the 1% figure. Came from the Cato Institute.

            Go back to school use google and Wikpedia for starters and start over. You must learn as I had to this is not a web site the unprepared.

            When you do figure it out I would be happy to see them posted WITH cites and sources and unspun for you see spin is just another word for deceit.

            One more point 'our military' excluding the rest of the Western World which now includes all of Eastern Europe?

            Words have current family physician was a member of a Spetsnaz unit and he is a citizen of the USA.
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            • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 6 months ago
              You critiqued my post for failing to include "cites and sources," and meanwhile provided none yourself. Vomiting numbers and statements is not the same thing as giving cites and sources.

              As for police officers' illegal behavior, it's irrelevant to the point whether their killing of a person is afterward labelled justified and legal, which it most often is, even when extremely fishy. I was talking sheer numbers. If you really need a citation on how many Americans are killed by terrorists vs. law enforcement, try here: You'll learn, in addition, that "Approximately 1,000 Americans die each year from autoerotic asphyxiation. So you’re 59 times more likely to kill yourself doing weird, kinky things than at the hands of a terrorist."

              Apparently, in your opinion, I'm the only person here who must address another person's point without raising any of my own, must provide definitions for every common word I use, and must provide "cites and sources" for every statement. Why is that?
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                Afraid to engage? No reframing for you no getting off the hook no changing the subject and definitions. No quarter... Deguello! Time for a refresher course. Quack Quack Quack Quack.. Whiy because you are a duck. Quack Quack Quack...Another one of Yoda's failures. First time I ever heard a duck vomit....
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                Afraid to engage? No reframing for you no getting off the hook no changing the subject and definitions. No quarter... Deguello! Time for a refresher course. Quack Quack Quack Quack.. Whiy because you are a duck. Quack Quack Quack...Another one of Yoda's failures.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        Is that not what your President is asking you to do. Worship other Gods, And when he has finished with you for the purposes of putting them to death leads you a final place and bids you destroy it. And in the final moment you realize in the middle stands your own house.

        All because you put your faith in a dream...or a sign but never in fact nor truth? Never using reason the gift given you that surpasses all others. But instead crawled on your belly instinctively...from one end of the land to the other until the survivor of your deeds banned together and banished your from their presence - forever?

        1.Quit enabling the wrong doers
        2. Take control
        3. Then fix the problems they have caused.

        One cannot precede the other. The way you accomplish each step defines the one's that follow.

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      • Posted by jimjamesjames 8 years, 6 months ago
        I don't know and I don't care. Anyone that would use writings like that as an excuse to enforce their beliefs, is a sick SOB and should be viewed with the same suspicion, that they do not think of themselves as individuals, but as members of the "flock," to be directed what and how to think. Pathetic.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
    When growing up, I lived in an area that was on the border of a Muslim enclave in Detroit. I had a Muslim friend. He came to my house, I came to his.I ate at his home. We fooled around and got into trouble together. When I became an adult, his dad treated me like a cousin. They weren't all that observant, but then I didn't do religion even then. Today, I don't trust any Muslim. I don't want to know them or be their friend. I don't trust them whether they are "moderate" or not. She said if you join the club be prepared for the consequences or words to that effect. I say, if you're a member of the club, go reside in an area where you won't impinging on the 21st century with your 7th century beliefs, and justification for violence in the name of Allah. If that sounds racist, too bad. If what I say will alleviate the necessity of using even one American one body bag, then I feel justified.
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    • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 6 months ago
      I sort of dated a very pretty and nice muslim when in college. I don't think most muslims have seriously looked at what it means to muslim anymore than christians do. It is more about following tradition within their family. Challenging this complacency is part of winning the battle against Islam.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 6 months ago
        One of the "features" of Islam is that young Muslims are not being held very much to the tenets of Islam. They are tacidly allowed to drink and eat pork, among other frivolities. They are allowed to date outside of Islam. Likewise, Muslims can follow the early peaceful verses of the Koran. But just as eventually every Muslim must accept the later, more important militant verses, their inter-cultural dating stops and the women marry Muslims and the men, if they marry non-Muslims, end the gentlemanly romance with the marriage ceremony and treat their wives as a horse that has already been bought and paid for. Perhaps there are exceptions, but I think that you will find the above to be quite typical.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
        That is rue with most people, more and more, it appears that Muslims are turning to Sharia in order to feel holy and justified. If you lined up 10 Muslims and were asked which one you thought was the terrorist, you'd probably pick out the young bearded fellow. Now, it could be anyone from the army colonel to the pregnant woman.
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  • Posted by xthinker88 8 years, 6 months ago
    Ok. So I'm reading most of the posts here and that is quite confusing. Sunny is a comedian. This was satire. She basically said that there are no moderate muslims. That they can all turn into Farook Syed and come back in body armor and kill all their colleagues.

    Geez louise. Sometimes I think I'd trade Heinlein's definition of man (through Mike the Martian) as the animal that laughs for Rand's of man as the animal that reasons. But I see no reason why the two can't co-exist. Well - here on this forum I see lots of reasons but still think it's doable. :)
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    • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 6 months ago
      I vote both at once Xthinker.

      I use reason, and when you look around you just have to laugh sometimes.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        When you do that it invalidates the ballot and the vote automatically goes to the top vote getter which means you helped create the winners landslide or mandate vote myth. Congratulations you voted for the opposition.

        The only out is don't check either one of the boxes and I'm not entirely sure voting for any of the levels doesn't make you a winner take all voter on all levels. Depends on how each state has it rigged.

        The next level of trickery is if you registered but did not vote ....

        So the only sure thing is the under vote which means not voting or registering at all which is also called a Vote of No Confidence or a None of the above vote.

        As they said in the movie War Games I and II the only way to win is Don't Play. The playing field is more vertical than horizontal.

        Coming up is going around the Constitution and any more that's thin protection at best and and making registering and voting mandatory though it is NO"T a power granted...and then claiming a Communist or Nazi style vote.

        Depends on your state at present and that's another loop hole that will soon vote

        What is for certain sure is either candidate is a left wing 'selected' candidate.

        The second choice if voting for the one that can do the most damage and blow up the current system and that is not Hillary Clinton. That route leads to our turn at 90 years of left wing slavery.

        Instead in the primary you vote for a sleeper agent and with that an attachment...

        Example Carly Fiorini who is eminently acceptable to the left wing of the left and the price for supporting her is Jindal as VP. Or something similar.

        Hillary dies politically, the left of the left is happy , the right wing of the left is happy and there is an in house time bomb ticking for four or eight years later.

        Carly doesn't cooperate pull the 30-40% undervote and go back to None of the above and work to increase it and decrease the share of the current two major parties.

        Carly does cooperate she landslides with a Jindal (a proven solver of economic problems) ticking....

        In war attack the weak and Hillary'sgreatest weakness is the DNC half of the left wing equation doesn't want her controlling them instead they get to influence Fiorini the Rino. She runs interference as the camel's nose and the Jindal type is the camel's rump.

        1. Stop enabling the wrong doers.
        2. Control first
        3. Then make changes

        you can't make changes until you have control
        you can't get control by fighting a losing battle such as anybody but Hillary
        you can get control by thinking who is the best choice that can easily beat hillary
        and....bring along the the four year ticking ticking ticking time bomb..Jindal or similar.

        An insider candidate has a the strategy is how to get an acceptable insider inside.

        Acceptable means ....gaining control and nothing else...first things first.

        The other side spent 100 plus years...surely four to eight years to turn it around is a good deal and ...

        none of the other candidates or standing by candidates qualify.




        Just think of all those votes from the disaffect disencranchised group of 30-45% Jindal or similar would bring...none of the other candidates can do that.

        except maybe Webb

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  • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
    Beware of the "moderate" lions, tigers and bears. Beware of the "moderate" Democrat, Republican and Socialist.

    All things are possible, right and Just when performed in the name of one's God! Whether it is God, Allah or Corporate Lobbyist.
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  • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 6 months ago
    BRAVA!! If everyone in the US just said what she said, most of the problem would disappear.
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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
      As long as there are people whose premises are flawed, who believe in ghosts, who are suitors to power and wealth that's not created by them, there will be problems. Mankind is a very young species that has enormous power. The dinosauers prevailed not for hundreds or thousands but millions of years. They lasted through many climate changes but only evolved to match their environment. If Man survives and lasts even half that long, the future is beyond imagination. But, during that time, Man's greatest enemy is Man. We multiply into the billions and kill each other by the thousands. The only evolution that will have meaning for the human race will be what evolves between it's ears.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 6 months ago
    Thanks for the link; I enjoyed it.
    Here's my problem with the concept of "moderate" Muslims:
    From: By Don Boys, Ph.D. Published Nov 17, 2004

    deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.

    It is impossible to understand Islam and Muslims by listening to their protestations against terror and their proclamations of patriotism for America. Usually, it is wise and fair to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to national safety and the future of America, we had better look twice, even thrice at Muslim patriotism. Why? Because Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.” One Muslim said that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know."

    I'm as charitable as the next guy, but given the above, and that the Qur'an and Hadith command the faithful to subdue or "smite at the necks" of the infidel, knowing is important.
    As the world moves on, Islam is locked firmly in place and increasingly marginalized. Taught that every single word of the Qur'an and the Hadith are the direct, unassailable words of Allah and Muhammad, respectively, not one word can be even suggested for change or interpretation without risk of a death sentence for apostasy. But until Islam goes through a reformation, there is no hope for its adherents ever living without suspicion in the civilized world.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The cap is not spending more than they have available without borrowing.

    What you will hear is "The people want all this and all that!" What you will not hear is "We are sent here to do certain specific jobs and funding them is enough." What you will also not hear is "But how do you expect us to buy all those votes we need so we never have to work ever again?"

    So the way of looking at it is . "Live within your means and if not resign we will find someone who can."
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    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 5 months ago
      Personally, I believe. It needs to be capped lower than a percent of income or gdp but a good stat is not more than they take in.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 5 months ago
        For myself. it should be zero
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        • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 5 months ago
          That would be my first choice. Basically be the value they are worth right now.

          I have no problem with a limited tax as long as they are only living up to the Constitution. I've been saying for years that the total tax burden from all forms of government (federal, state & local) should not exceed 20% of GDP. And that may be on the high side.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 5 months ago
            Why should it be 20%? Why should it be any % of GDP or any other measure? The right to tax is the first step toward tyranny.

            It should only be what it actually costs to maintain the police and judicial system and the Militia and the Navy. The Judicial could well be covered mostly by fees, at least the civil side.
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            • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 5 months ago
              I agree. My point is it should cost no more than 20% of GDP. As it is right now it is more like 60% when it is all added up.
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 5 months ago
                ed; I understand, but if you accept/rationalize gov't having any % of some measure, in the next or 2 or 3 generations or the next 2 or 3 crisis, they'll either adjust the composition of the controlling measure or use the crisis to increase.

                That was the idea at the inception of the Constitution and immediately the Federalists led by Hamilton and Washington, begin attacking that through the whiskey tax. They've been attacking it ever since until we're at the point that we can think that 20% is a good idea.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
        Shouldn't have anything to do with income. Dump income tax regain control . Keep income tax be controlled. When I hear see GDP I automatically ask what's the NDP? The answer is zero but they don't want to say it. I just keep asking...

        The budget if based on a citizen controlled end user consumption tax would be based on the amount of money coming in and not one penny more. That would include digging out of holes, transferring unworkable socialist vote buying programs into something useful and honest and allow for debt ONLY in the event of declared war or horrendous natural disaster and then addressed in whole as the first item of the next years budget. If the government couldn't make ends meet on the end user consumption tax paid in then quit we'll hire a new servant class.

        As for the 'what if's' there are few worth addressing the rest is simile. Do you have the money in excess of the current budget? Yes. Is it needed to pay off current bills or debts? No. After that what is left over? Nothing. Then yo get nothing - try next year.


        A Right To Life Exemption on the tax on purchases based on the principle the government has no business in stealing from the citizens that which is necessary merely to live.

        A deduction in the tax on purchases equal to the amount they put into two types of accounts. One is Medical, one is Retirement.

        That's it.

        I would tie the maximum amount one could receive in additional welfare or similar to the minimum wage. Makiing it profitable to work rather than mooch. i would allow the States to adjust the amount of Right To Life and the items or services within to fit local conditions. They would be operating and funding it anyway.

        That's it.....I'm campaigning again.....The closed minded will say ranting..I....Do....Not....Care..... what a bunch of couch potato's think or think they think. Time they quit debating and starting doing. Time for me to quit 'ranting' and move on....

        But you get a fair explanation.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 6 months ago
    There are no moderate muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are either a true muslim to the detriment of the world and if you happen to say you are moderate that makes you an infidel and will be killed. I am waiting to see one of us go into the muslim community and start killing them here in the USA. That might get their attention, especially if it happens in more than one community. I can't believe it isn't far off.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 6 months ago
      It will require more incidents like this to overcome both couch potato inertia and Politically Correct blindness.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        and my way or the highway parochialism. United we stand divided we fall. Clenched fist has power individual fingers have limited power, the tongue by itself has zero power other than recruiting conversation with no action and that road leads to another defeat and another ttwo years of habla bla bla bla bla and more totalitarianism entrenchment.

        Cease enabling the wrong doers
        Regain Control
        Then make change

        First on agreed upon areas
        Then squabble about what's still on the plate.

        Your carts are very far ahead of your horses. And your nags are weak pulling in different directions or not at all.

        Eight years to undo what it took the opposition 100 years to create.

        OR........just eat more of their shit, bark at the moon and die in place.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 5 months ago
    All right you hooked me I did google and found the website address and now it's a daily addiction. After two months of Lakoff I needed a take off! With soccer I now have two reasons to watch tv....on the internet. We're getting more bandwidth today or the bulk of the cruisers are leaving the area....finally peace and semi quiet with cooler weather. Life is Sunny and Sweet!

    With many thanks ....
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    You too? My wife of that time couldn't believe I had said that. She only knew me in my Smoke Bomb Hill personae and as the guy who parachuted onto her Daddy's farm and with a team mate raided the family of both their daughters.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
    Yea, more people need to hear this.

    I on the other hand, in an effort to get it right, would say that there is no such thing as a "Moderate" muslim...if one does not buy the whole thing, hook line and sinker Everything in the crapran...then one is Not a muslim, not an islamist...get it?

    Of course no one would watch me say this on youtube...just to damn ugly...laughing at myself.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 6 months ago
    Golf, at it's best, is not a sport. Golf is a ritual by which men of honor demonstrate that no matter the indignity, they will behave as gentlemen. Fools try to treat it as a competition to be won at any cost. It is known that to win is to finish the round with dignity.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 6 months ago
    I am not sure she is capable of leading the conversation but "we" do need to drop the PC approach and discuss how Islam and the West can co-exist. This is WW III but we haven't recognized it yet. "They" need to address the issue of their obligation to convert or kill all non-believers and "We" need to establish the boundary of our faith in the solution they offer. Otherwise, one side will have to prevail by slaughtering the other. Until we put this out in the open without the fear of hurting someone's feelings we will have a gorilla war that will continue to escalate.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
      "discuss how Islam and the West can co-exist."

      They can't. They never have and never will because they are founded upon competing ideologies. And they aren't going to change their ideology. The only way this confrontation ends is either when Western Civilization is subjugated by Islam, or when Western Civilization finally has had enough and obliterates Islam entirely. I really don't see any other outcome.

      We can either stand up for freedom and human rights, or we can ignore the fight until it is decided for us by some nutjob who comes into our place of business with his wife and then proceeds to shoot everyone up while filming it all to make a jihad video.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
        I agree. Helping ISLAM is self defeating. I think that discrimmination against Muslims is a perfectly justifiable position to take given their crazy religion
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
          What is discrimination? Definition: choosing to differentiate between two things. People are absolutely NUTS not to differentiate. IMO, It is not the act of seeing reality for what it is (separating different items in reality from each other) that there is any problem with. It is choosing to irrationally associate one thing with another that is the problem (black person = inferior, etc.). It is a matter of false consequent rather than false antecedent as it has been painted.

          I don't have a problem with anyone in this nation that wants to uphold the principles upon which this nation was built: respect for competing thoughts, right of assembly, right of self-defense, right of self-determination, etc. It is infringements upon those that I object too - whether they were born here or not. It matters not to me if you are an imported terrorist or a politician.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
            I agree but I find it difficult to think highly of a Muslim who subscribes to the principles of Islam. It's a very violent and intolerant religion at its core
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    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 6 months ago
      I agree PC doesn't work and we are in WW III but from my studies of Islam, I do not see that there is an option for co-existence. The Koran allows for co-existence until the believers are in large enough numbers to be in control. In fact it encourages getting along until they are powerful enough at which time they are to convert everyone to Islam or kill all infidels. I agree with Dale's comments. In no way do I want us to become a police state but I will never turn my back on a believer in Islam, ever. But that is just me.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
        its hard to "get rid of mulsims" in the USA now that they are here, but I do have a problem with them hiding in plain sight as citizens and then busting out and killing people. I dont know what to do about it on a national level, but I am very reluctant to hire or help muslims in any way.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          omg. group think, term!
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 5 months ago
            The problem is that deep in their religion is the idea of jihad and killing non believers. As long as a pereson claims to be muslim, they are required to uphold the tenets of Islam. So at any time they can be "radicalized" and go on a killing spree. I find that to be a real problem. If they want me to accept them, they are going to have to renounce at least that part of ISLAM... Would you want someone who believes in killing non-believers living next door to you?
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 5 months ago
              "they are going to have to renounce at least that part of ISLAM"
              Almost everyone renounces the bizarre medieval stuff from their cultural heritage. This is a problem that does not exist.
              "at any time they can be "radicalized""
              Isn't that the nature of crime? People start out not being murders, and at any point in their lives they may start conspiring to commit murder. That's a fact of human existence and not a new problem.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        Half of your agreement side is currently in place that only leaves watching your back. Don't focus just on Islam that's enemies foreign and now domestic....we've got others in the domestic category and home grown does not make them any the less terrifying.
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