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The Irrational Foundations of Conservatism: David Hume

Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Some conservatives argue that David Hume was the first true conservative – see the link. He argued that causation does not exist, that inductive reasoning was not valid, and that rational ethics was impossible (is-ought problem).
Conservatism is an attack on reason, the Enlightenment, the scientific revolution, Locke and the founding principles of the United States. It is time that conservatives admit that their whole philosophy is based on irrationalism.

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
    db; I couldn't agree more, but I don't think we're going to see many of them admit it. But going all the way back to Hume and his nonsense arguments is interesting to me. Those ideas of false philosophies, autonomous reason, nihilism as the ultimate answer to philosophical inquiry, etc.--I don't know.

    More generally, some have tried lately to convince me that politics is ' the human implementation of philosophy''. I'm beginning to think that the entire idea and effort of politics is irrational, other than just gaining favor or popularity. It certainly can't be Objectivist implementation of philosophy since we only justify a government of service to the protection of rights, the individual, and the nation. No government arrived at through the practice of politics can possibly stay true to Objectivism, or any other philosophy for that matter.

    I guess my thinking now finds no way to really tie any philosophy to politics or a political party.

    Between the religionists, the conservatives, liberals, compromisers, the Trump and Carson fans, the Islamist haters, the border closers--are there any people left that understand individual freedom anymore. Is there no way to reach through the fogs of belief they surround themselves with.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      I think it is very important to understand the philosophical basis for a movement.

      “The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct economist.”

      John Maynard Keynes

      My investigation of the philosophical basis of the Austrian economists has helped me understand why they take such irrational positions.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
        I for one, appreciate the work you do.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          Thanks and I you. Unfortunately, since the immigration debate the gulch has become mainly a place for conservative rants.
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          • Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 6 months ago
            I certainly appreciate both of you, and join you in deploring what the Gulch has become.
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            • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 6 months ago
              I am relatively new to the Gulch. Can you describe what it used to be or how you feel it has changed?
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              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                Yes, the gulch was a place to honestly discuss the ideas of Rand and Objectivism. This did not mean you had to agree with them, I have some minor disagreements, however as long as you were honestly exploring the ideas that was allowable.

                There have been several cases where socialists or religionists have attempted to monopolize the gulch, but most of those people were eased out of the gulch. However, the immigration debate has brought out a full scale conservative attack on Rand, Objectivism, and reason and degraded the quality of the discussions.
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                • Posted by RosemaryL 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Please explain how the immigration debate and the conservative reaction to it has degraded the quality of the discussions. How could the importation of millions of people who are not grounded in the Enlightenment, capitalism, the belief in the individuality of people be a subject of any controversy with those of us who believe in such things?
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                  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                    This is a false argument. Rights apply to all people, not just the anointed and they are not given to you by your government. Stopping people who have not been proven to be criminals from traveling is the essence of tyranny.

                    This is argument from pragmatism and fails on a practical level also if you goal is freedom.
                    Let me be clear ISIS is evil and should be wiped from the Earth, but it is not any more evil than the EPA which is complicit in the deaths of over 100 million people, but I don’t hear anyone wanting to declare war on the EPA or put everyone who has worked for the EPA in jail.
                    The Environmental movement wants to kill off 95% of the worlds’ population, but I –don’t hear anyone wanting to create a test for whether someone is an environmentalist or deport them.
                    The IRS has the ability to steal you money at any time without a warrant. They have the ability to dig into the most personal details of your life without charging you with a crime. The income tax shredded the constitution long before ISIS or radical islam. But I don’t hear any calls for a war on the IRS or its employees or supporters of the income tax.
                    Under Obamacare the government has the ability to without treatment to anyone for any reason, giving them to right to kill American citizens. In addition, they have the right to monitor every detail of your health and then demand that you follow their prescribed actions. Obamacare and its supporters have shredded the US constitution. Almost all of them are people born in the US. But I don’t hear any calls for a war on Obamacare or its supporters.
                    In the US 32,000 plus people are killed per year in automobile accidents, About 3,500 people are die from drowning, about 16,000 people are murdered each year in the US . Radical Islam in their best year killed fewer people than the number of people who drown each year.
                    The NSA illegally steals every US citizens information every day. They have shredded the US constitution. I don’t hear any calls for war against the NSA.
                    All the alphabet agencies are unconstitutional. They were created by people born in the US including FDR, Wilson, Bush, Obama etc. Don’t tell me that immigrants are going to shred our constitution.

                    If you are for freedom and want to promote freedom ISIS and Immigration are not even in the top ten issues you should be working on. When we let every crisis divert our attention we play into the hands of those people (Conservatives and Liberals) who want to steal our freedom. Here is a list, not necessarily in order of what pro-freedom people should be working on.

                    1) Eliminate the NSA, TSA, Border control (all part of the police state and all shredding the Constitution)
                    2) Eliminate the IRS
                    3) Eliminate welfare, both corporate and individual.
                    4) Eliminate the EPA.
                    5) Require that government officials are held legally responsible for their actions – no more Louis Lerners, no more Eric Holder (Fast and Furious among others), no more the EPA fining private companies but ignoring that they causes one of the biggest environmental spills in history.
                    6) Eliminate civil asset forfeiture. Police steal more that criminal in the US Talk about a serious threat to both your life and liberty.
                    7) Eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and social security all of which are really welfare.
                    8) Eliminate the FCC (who wants to regulate the internet, shredding the constitution), SEC, FBI, ATF, etc.
                    9) Require that congressmen cannot exempt themselves from laws (Talking about threatening our life and liberty)
                    10. Eliminate sovereign immunity for police. Police get away with murdering people every day in this country, not to mention they get away with theft, and perjury every day. Talk about shredding the constitution.

                    If you solved these problems then ISIS and immigration would either not be a problem or would be easy to solve.
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                    • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                      I agree with everything you listed above, however, I have a problem with the exclusiveness of this argument. I hear this a lot. We shouldn't be doing C because we aren't doing A&B. That is a recipe for doing nothing at all. Our government has become a leviathan that steps on our rights every way we turn. We need to correct all of it, but we can't suffer paralysis over what needs to be done first. The same goes for external threats. We can't ignore every threat outside of our borders because we haven't cured the threats inside our borders. We should be able to walk while chewing gum. If an external force is threatening our annihilation, I take them at their word. That doesn't mean we send our forces over there, but we should do everything possible to keep them there shouldn't we.
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                    • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
                      "Stopping people who have not been proven to be criminals from traveling is the essence of tyranny." I do not find one instance where either John Locke or Ayn Rand supported a "right to travel". In a country where all property is private, such a "right" could only be enforced by overriding the rights of that country's property owners.
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                        You clearly do not understand even the most basic concepts of rights.

                        a) Natural rights apply to all people
                        b) The 4th and 5th amendment apply to everyone under the jurisdiction of the US. These constitutional rights do not end (are not surrendered) if you cross the border (a border). Only in time of war and only for people who are the enemy are these suspended.
                        c) People who practice islam are still people. We are not at war with all of islam or the middle east.
                        d) A free government can only detain someone (use force) if they have probably cause they are a criminal. (Innocent until proven guilty) Note this means that we cannot play Minority Report and stop people because they might be criminals or because they have thought something criminal. This can be suspended in times of war.
                        e) Thus the only legal and moral way we can stop muslims from crossing into the US is to declare war on them.
                        f) Rand was clear that any free country has the right to declare war on any non-free country at anytime, but they do not have the obligation to do so. I agree with Rand, so I am not opposed to declaring war on say ISIS in principle, however I am opposed because I do not think it is in the US’s interest in general, nor do I think it is in the interests of anyone on this email chain as I will explain below.
                        i) One of Rand’s qualifications was that only a free country could declare war morally and I find it problematic whether the US is a free country at this point.
                        ii) War always increases the power of the government. I do not want to give more power to Obama or any likely future president.
                        iii) A war with Islam is unlikely to be successful under the present circumstance. The US could easily win any military war with any Islamic group or all of them, but since we do not even believe in our own values – we did not require freedom of religion, speech, and assembly when Afghanistan’s or Iraq’s constitutions were rewritten – then we will lose the peace as has happened already in Afghanistan and Iraq
                        iv) The muslim’s do not pose a threat to the US militarily
                        v) The terrorist threat is overblown. They have caused a small number of deaths, miniscule compared to other causes of death in the US. The biggest damage caused by 911 was caused by the Patriot Act, the TSA, Homeland security.
                        vi) Islam is less of a threat than the environmental movement to our life, liberty, property and our constitution.
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                        • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                          DB- Two issues with your statement above. First, is a question. Don't you think a government, especially a free government, has the right to decide who they allow in (see the shield and rules for entering the Gulch). Also, shouldn't a government be allowed to protect their borders from the unlawful entrance by anyone for any reason? I have read everything I can find on Natural Laws from Cicero to our founding fathers, and back. I don't find a right to travel onto someone else's property anywhere in those writings. Then, if a government decides to make it illegal to enter without permission, haven't those entering forfeited their freedom the minute they decide to break the law by entering? This is my problem with the entire pro-illegal immigration movement. We don't have to wait for them to break a law once they get here. They broke a law by getting here. They are also hurting all of those that want to come here legally. Land, wealth, jobs, etc, are all finite resources. Those that take those resources without following proper protocol reduce the available resources for those who would do it properly. We have the most liberal immigration laws in the free world, and we are accused of restricting freedom if we don't ignore them for those that break them.
                          As for ISIS, you are correct that the federal government probably poses more of a threat to our freedom than ISIS right now. However, ISIS is the acute threat right now. You don't ignore a bleeding wound because the person with that wound has cancer. You treat both. ISIS does in fact pose a threat militarily to us. They pose a far greater threat than any country in the world. No army can stand up to ours. On a battle field, we cannot be defeated. However, all the aircraft carriers in the world are useless against a man with a suicide vest in a crowd. Anything we can do to make it more difficult for them to come over here should be explored. The best part is, we have all the resources we need without having to send a single soldier over there at this point. We have an entire army of willing fighters over there right now begging for equipment- the Kurdish Peshmerga. They are winning battle after battle with 80's technology. Imagine what they could do with a crate of night vision goggles and modern weapons. Unlike the Syrian rebels we are arming, the Kurds have been a loyal friend to the US for decades despite our repeated failure to be a friend to them.
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                          • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                            1) Absolutely no. What if you want to let someone into the country and I don't? Of course if I am a free person I should be allowed to travel anywhere without the permission of the government. Having to ask a government permission to travel is the very essences of tyranny

                            There is no such thing as a unlawfully entering a free country or unlawfully leaving a country. Do you ask permission to leave your state or enter another state?

                            The government does not own property and you cannot use your property rights to imprison people. Private property can never be used to imprison someone. Property rights are not unlimited, they can be used to exclude as long as they do not unreasonable limit access travel between other people's property. If that were not the case then the transcontinental railroads could have forced everyone to travel by ocean to go north or south of their lines.
                            You have clear not thought about what property rights are how they are created and what they cover. Here are some articles on point and

                            Your argument fails and it is an attempt to suggest that Natural Rights can be used to imprison people, which is absurd.
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                            • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                              Also, don't you think there is a difference between the "right to travel", and the "right to live wherever I want". To live somewhere involves taking resources from someone else. Even if they are purchased, those resources were purchased with ill gotten gains-i.e. wages earned through fraud.
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                              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                                You do not understand objectivism or property rights. " To live somewhere involves taking resources from someone else."
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                                • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                                  This is actually exactly why I took a break from the Gulch. If you disagree with DB Halling, you are a neophyte that doesn't understand Objectivism. If you take that entire quite in context, I pointed out that a country has finite resources. To live on someone else's property without regard to their property rights is taking from that person.
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                                  • dbhalling replied 8 years, 6 months ago
                            • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                              "Your argument fails and it is an attempt to suggest that Natural Rights can be used to imprison people, which is absurd. "
                              So, what is the penalty for violating Natural Law? By your argument, Natural Law is a mere recommendation. And, what are property rights if not the right to exclude people from your property. And, if, as you stated, property rights do allow exclusion, what is to be the penalty for violating those rights?
                              Your argument is very self destructive. By your argument, a country does not have the ability to defend itself. It must allow all comers to enter. One of the only legitimate duties of government is to protect our borders. You absolutely can travel, but you must do it within the framework of laws set forth by the society where you want to travel.
                              Atlas was very clear on the right of the producers to decide who they would allow to travel to their Gulch. There are also several references in Atlas alluding to the dangers of letting the "Moochers" from the "People's States" to come to America. I think you are mixing your opinion with Rand's. She was quite clear, and her writing differs greatly from yours.
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                        • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Re: “You clearly do not understand even the most basic concepts of rights.”

                          Really? Your response didn’t address any of the points in my post. Please explain the “basic concept” of a right to travel over someone else’s property in a country where all property is private, as proposed by Ayn Rand.
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                          • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                            You seem to be incapable of following logical conclusions. I gave you a perfectly logical (Locke and Rand) analysis and you answer is the anti-conceptual response, of where did they say those exact words
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                            • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
                              You gave me a “perfectly logical analysis” of what? Certainly not the “basic concept” of a right to travel over someone else’s property in a country where all property is private, as proposed by Ayn Rand.
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                              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                                You know if you were serious you would show where the logic breaks down, but you are not. You are stuck on your anti-freedom position on travel and immigration and no amount of logic will change your mind.

                                For instance, do you think muslims are not people? Do you think natural rights only apply to certain people? Make an actual argument.
                                Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                                • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
                                  Fair enough, here goes:
                                  a) Natural rights apply to all people.
                                  b) A person forfeits some or all of these natural rights if that person violates the natural rights of others.
                                  c) Property ownership is a natural right.
                                  d) In a free country, all property is private, including property along the border of that country.
                                  e) The government of a free country can detain someone if there is evidence that person has performed a criminal act that violates the rights of others.
                                  f) In a free country, trespassing is a criminal act that violates the rights of others..
                                  g) Therefore, anyone crossing the border into a free country unannounced and uninvited is performing a criminal act.
                                  h) Therefore, the government can detain such persons.
                                  i) Protecting private property from trespass is a legitimate function of government.
                                  j) Therefore, it is a legitimate function of government to secure the border of a free country in order to protect the property rights of those on its side of the border.
                                  k) There is no “right to travel” or “right to immigrate” that overrides the above considerations.
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                                  • dbhalling replied 8 years, 6 months ago
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                    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                      A nation has the right to regulate/determine who comes in and out and how long they may stay(period). In this country, the Constitution and the Bil of Right still apply (for now) and that means the government DOES NOT give us our rights (though they do try to take them). I do think you know this.

                      btw, I agree with 1-10. I disagree with the Right to Travel. But, you know this.
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                      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                        A nation has only the rights that the residents of that jurisdiction assign.
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                        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                          True. And if each State agrees to a single governance unifying them (aka United States), then there is a national border. The authority for a collection houses, to a town, to a city, to a county, to a state, to a nation all compound from the individual consent of the governed.
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                        Not one that is based on Natural Rights. Really you do not understand the most basic principles on which the US was founded.
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                        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Private property. A country is the private property of its citizens by the consent of its citizens.

                          I appreciate philosophical idealism but we live in reality. In reality we have private property and all manner of boundaries at various levels, including one that encompasses the totality of the continental 48 states. A national border is private land. If anyone wants to pass through get permission or rent a boat and go around.

                          Btw I haven't been taking your points...I prefer just to talk.
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                          • -1
                            Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                            Yep you have proven you are an irrational conservative. You have proven you have no idea what property rights are. You have proven that your goal is to destroy Objectivism.
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                            • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                              I don't see how. I have locks on my doors to my home and I decide who is allowed to enter and under what circumstances. You're "right to travel" postulate seems to supersede my right to property and privacy. That is, according to you anyone should be allowed travel about in my house as long as they don't commit a crime that I can prove in court. BTW, I am in agreement with your enumeration of eliminations and requirements, except for this one because I cannot reconcile the premise "right to travel" as superseding the premises "right to property" and "right of self defense".
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                              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                                The number of false representations in your statements are amazing. You clearly do not know what rights are. When you have read Rand's books on ethics and capitalism and have studied some Locke, I would be happy to discuss this with you.
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                                • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                                  Amazing huh? I read many of Rand's works decades ago so revisiting them even for no other reason than to discuss them with you with a refreshed mind and to be able to use the correct quotes and terminology. I do recall that if there is conflict, check your premises because one of them is wrong. Let me know if that is a false representation.
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                                  • dbhalling replied 8 years, 6 months ago
                              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                                DH isn't against individual private property or individual boundaries. What he's against, and refuses to concede, is the legitimacy of a national boundary as an extension of individual private property.

                                His Right to Travel means you can stop someone from entering your house but not your property. Even an agreement between States cannot constitute a legitimate border that can be regulated or defended because someone else's individual right to travel trumps your (your nations) right to security without just case. Example, let Syrian refugees in because we have no cause to think they will go boom...until one does and the continental US is up shiite creek form sea to shining sea.

                                Rational thinking.
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                            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                              I don't drink the kool aid just because, Jim. I question, I ask, and, guess what, I don't always agree.
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                              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                                What part of this was more offensive that what was said to me? What part of I question, I ask, and I don't always agree necessitates hiding my post from public view.

                                This is bullshit.
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                  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                    In order for ideas of the Enlightenment, Capitalism, and the individuality of people to work and be implemented, they must recognize and incorporate more basic principles such as individual rights and the universality of those rights. Included in those rights is individual freedom and that includes the right to travel freely as well as those rights which insure freedom in general. And chief amongst those is the right to freedom without restriction unless and until objective evidence and proof of one's guilt of having violated the rights of another individual is deemed beyond all reasonable doubt.

                    You simply can't cherry pick rights or deny them to others if you wish to live with them yourself. They are inalienable to all men.
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                    • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
                      I've been away from the Gulch for a while. I'm sure this question has already been asked and answered, but I need to understand. How is protecting borders anti-Objectivist? Weren't the members of the Gulch very protective of their own borders? If we make the case that there shouldn't be any public land, only private property, where are these illegals going that private property doesn't come into play? If the Gulch didn't protect it's borders, it would be filled with Moochers and Takers overnight.
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                      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                        K; I'm not intending to sound flippant or put off your question, but that discussion has gone on ad nauseum for the last 2 or 3 months. db offers a pretty good summation directly below and if you do a search for immigration, illegal immigration, etc you'll find a number of posts discussing the issue in depth.

                        There are even a number of Supreme Court cases, both US and state should you like to look at the issue in more depth.
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                        • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
                          for a second there, I thought you were talking to me :)
                          to silver, a proper govt protects your private property. it is not perfect-think about it-a lock on your front door is a deterrent-nothing more. an objective criteria for who or what is your greatest threat? illegals are FAR down the list. Look to your own govt-they threaten you HUGELY
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                  • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
                    Ayn Rand was strongly pro-immigration but not pro-invasion by terrorists, and she understood the importance of ideas in maintaining a free society and why primitive religion is the opposite. Conservatives -- from Mark Levin to Donald Trump -- often confuse this by opposing immigration in principle and denounce it for the wrong reasons, package-dealing it with the Islamic fascist threat to the country.
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                    • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 6 months ago
                      I'm not certain that any of the Republican candidates oppose "immigration". What they oppose is "illegal immigration" which by U.S. law is vastly different, even if it does not have a distinction in Objectivism.
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                        There is no such thing as illegal immigration in a free country.
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                        • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Ok. Then what is it that defines a country ?
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                          • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                            A country is defined geographically, by where its legal authority extends. While this information below is about ISIS and islam it applies generally.

                            a) Natural rights apply to all people
                            b) The 4th and 5th amendment apply to everyone under the jurisdiction of the US. These constitutional rights do not end (are not surrendered) if you cross the border (a border). Only in time of war and only for people who are the enemy are these suspended.
                            c) People who practice islam are still people. We are not at war with all of islam or the middle east.
                            d) A free government can only detain someone (use force) if they have probably cause they are a criminal. (Innocent until proven guilty) Note this means that we cannot play Minority Report and stop people because they might be criminals or because they have thought something criminal. This can be suspended in times of war.
                            e) Thus the only legal and moral way we can stop muslims from crossing into the US is to declare war on them.
                            f) Rand was clear that any free country has the right to declare war on any non-free country at anytime, but they do not have the obligation to do so. I agree with Rand, so I am not opposed to declaring war on say ISIS in principle, however I am opposed because I do not think it is in the US’s interest in general, nor do I think it is in the interests of anyone on this email chain as I will explain below.
                            i) One of Rand’s qualifications was that only a free country could declare war morally and I find it problematic whether the US is a free country at this point.
                            ii) War always increases the power of the government. I do not want to give more power to Obama or any likely future president.
                            iii) A war with Islam is unlikely to be successful under the present circumstance. The US could easily win any military war with any Islamic group or all of them, but since we do not even believe in our own values – we did not require freedom of religion, speech, and assembly when Afghanistan’s or Iraq’s constitutions were rewritten – then we will lose the peace as has happened already in Afghanistan and Iraq
                            iv) The muslim’s do not pose a threat to the US militarily
                            v) The terrorist threat is overblown. They have caused a small number of deaths, miniscule compared to other causes of death in the US. The biggest damage caused by 911 was caused by the Patriot Act, the TSA, Homeland security.
                            vi) Islam is less of a threat than the environmental movement to our life, liberty, property and our constitution.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
            db; you're right, of course, though I place it even earlier than the immigration debate--not quite as intense, but beginning. What I saw with the immigration debate was that many that came to the site from a conservative position, but were strongly interested in the ideas of Rand that they'd seen in the movie or in the discussions about it and had some interest in learning more, with the immigration issue suddenly went off the rails. And almost overnight, they'd moved back to pure, radical conservatism with reason flying out the window in favor of 'fear response' (fight or flight) and what seemed to them at the time to be popularity garnered through fear mongering.

            While fear can be a useful emotion at times (it'll make you duck in a gun fight), reactions to it without reason generates pure primitive animalistic responses and builds upon itself. It's been a useful tool forever against humanity's struggle of reason with priests and charlatans and terrorizers, and it's generated tremendous wealth and attention for the Rushs, Hannitys, and Becks of our world, and particularly promoted conservative politicians.

            But here, a site committed to reason, it's invited in and let loose those already here to come in and dominate the discussion in such a way as to not only nearly halt discussion and posting of the principles and ideas of Objectivism, but to drive out many reason contributing members.

            Where one would have reasonably assumed that the battle on the site would be against liberal and Christian trolls, we've been trolled over by conservatives.
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            • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 6 months ago
              Zen, I find that I am not as active in the Gulch. I drop by, look at the posts, sigh, and leave. It's just not interesting anymore. I feel I could be on Limbaughs site. So I applaud the recent efforts of a distinguished few to return to discussions of and learning of Objectivism.
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                Thanks you Mama. This site and the people I've met here mean a great deal to me. But even more, Ayn Rand and her philosophy. I don't appreciate others that want to bastardize it, particularly in my (cyber) face.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
              "But here, a site committed to reason, it's invited in and let loose those already here to come in and dominate the discussion in such a way as to not only nearly halt discussion and posting of the principles and ideas of Objectivism, but to drive out many reason contributing members."

              Are you saying the application of dbhalling's unrestricted "right to travel" of some people coming through this site has made a mess of things? ;-)
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                In No Way am I saying that. In the first place, dbhailing didn't invent the right to travel' freely, just as you didn't invent your conservative feudal mentality and tribal collectivist viewpoint of 'others. Neither are you anywhere near the first to attack the principles of individual liberty, rights, and freedom as the result of 'fear mongering' based on 'boogeymen' in the dark. Nor are you the first to desire and argue for 'elitist' rights at the first "never let a crisis go to waste" opportunity and agree to the gov't unilaterally reducing the Constitution's protection of individual rights of all in order to take that protection away from others.

                Personally, I detest what this country has become under the faux rubric of protecting this country and freedom, Nor do I favor spending this country's limited wealth to import and support a large group of refugees from a country several thousand miles away, particularly when this country's meddling started and supported the war the Syrians are refugees from.

                But I absolutely abhor the continued support for the enemies of freedom by those that call themselves Conservative while they justify the gov't's continual whittling away at what little freedom and common sense is left in this country under the rule of Conservatives and Liberals both. It won't be more than a few months from now before I have to hear that we should vote for the least worse candidate. And in just ! !/2 months from now, I'll have to provide gov't approved papers in order to travel on a plane or bus (implemented by Conservatives), just so you can feel protected from the boogeymen of the world..
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                • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Zenphamy, I wrote another more lengthy response to this "rant", but it seems to have gotten lost in the ether (went "poof" when I clicked reply). The short version:

                  Character assassination is not an argument and you know it (you don't know me from Adam). I'll let that and a lot of the rest of the baseless accusations against my person slide because I've read many of your other posts and this is not in your usual character. You're normally more civil and rational. You say "In No Way", but the emotional heat of your flaming response indicates you really don't like others traveling through and messing things up from what you expect them to be. Behind the flames you do make some rational points. Read my conversation with khalling in this thread to discern more of what I'm about here on this subject.
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              • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
                but this site is private Property. It is Scott's prerogative to let the conversations go where they will. We are all guests in his house. Any guest can choose to stay and enjoy or leave or not be invited back. A border is NOT private property. A country has to declare war (in a free society) in order to keep people out. Heck, did we keep out the communists. NO. Don't focus on the communists though (Islamists, Mexicans, immigrant de jour) focus on the the stuff that makes the country in the first place-the Constitution and its life. Same here in the Gulch, if the effective mission of the Gulch is not being upheld, scream bloody murder. Scott reads every PM or post directed to the site I have no doubt.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Thank you for the reasonable response. That is all I was looking for when I got into this part of the discussion and questioned dbhalling's response to AJ above (which seems to have disappeared for some reason). This is obviously an emotional issue that I find conflicted in my own thinking and wish to clarify my thoughts on the matter. Your words "Don't focus on the communists though (Islamists, Mexicans, immigrant de jour) focus on the the stuff that makes the country in the first place-the Constitution and its life. Same here in the Gulch, if the effective mission of the Gulch is not being upheld, scream bloody murder." holds more meaning to me than you may realize. I assume by extension this means when immigrant de jour violates the Constitution, then scream bloody murder as well, but not prevent their entry in the first place because they "might" violate the Constitution. This makes sense to me. However, AJ's argument that a nations borders are an extension of the citizens property (private property of the citizens as this site is private property) and requires protection from incursion as if it were the citizens front door also makes sense to me. HENCE, the conflict I'm trying to resolve in my own mind. I'm not getting much help here in the Gulch, but your response is much appreciated.
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                  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
                    the country must declare war first. We have not done that. also-you want Obama to declare war? he can't run a McDonalds.
                    Dale's comment is still there. He is touchy this weekend. Fighting with friends sucks
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                      YES! Fighting with friends does suck! I have thoroughly enjoyed many of dbhalling's posts and have learned much from reading them as well. I've agreed with db virtually all the time on this site. I have purchased the Hank Rangar novels and can't wait for the third, if there is to be one!

                      On this one issue though, getting "flipped off" so quickly without a single rational sentence, really threw me for a loop. Whatever. I won't let it stop me from reading a good book or from getting involved in other conversations.
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              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                What is amazing is that you statement shows that you do not understand rights at all.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                  OK, I may have baited this response from you in my reply to Zenphamy, but it is the same as your response to me above when I questioned your response to AJ (which has now disappeared for some reason). The first time you handed me this flippant line I figured I hadn't read Rand in many years and I'm not as young and sharp as I used to be so maybe I'm missing something. I was expecting a more rational reply from you and all I got, most amazingly, is this tantrum-like foot stamper calling me an idiot and flipping me the bird.
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                  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
                    wait a minute. do you realize how many " tantrum-like foot stamper calling me an idiot and flipping me the bird" responses we receive to thoughtfully and carefully applied reason to difficult topics and even the most basic in Objectivism principles. Put our shoes on for a moment. Is it our job to teach you the basics of property rights? If you search DB on this site, he repeats himself ad naseum on the property rights concept. Over and over and over and over. AJ has been in the Gulch as long as we have. When are we allowed to blow steam?
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                      Touche, khalling, touche! :-) Yeah, I know db has taken some heat along with many others on this site. It is not your job or anyone's to educate me, unless I'm paying for it.

                      I'm traveling right now and my home library is over a thousand miles away, but I can see it's time to blow the dust off the Ayn Rand books when I get back in couple of months and refresh the volatile ram.
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                  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                    I hide AJ's comments and that is probably why you cannot find the comment. AJ was not really interested in the ideas of objectivism or in a rational discussion. His goal had become to disrupt the conversations and push a conservative agenda. His and other conservatives in the gulch are why I created this post.
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                      Thanks, dbhalling, for the explanation. One thing I'm learning here is I am not really a "Conservative", though I do share some conservative thinking. I'm definitely not a socialist or liberal (as defined currently in the US). I don't think I'm a libertarian, though I do share some libertarian thinking. I'm quite capable of rational thought, but would not call myself an objectivist because my data base has too many holes in it to make such a claim with a straight face (I read a lot of Rand a long time ago and have forgotten far more than I can remember at this time - don't get old, it sucks). I know a lot about a few things, a few things about a lot, and there's a whole lot more out there I don't know a damn thing about, but I'm always willing to learn.
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                        I am sorry if I was short/glib.. I have been accused of being the world's best (worst) math tutor. Supposedly I am little quick to complain that people are not following the logical path in math, perhaps I am the same way in philosophy.
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                        • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Not a problem, dbhalling. I'm still conflicted on the issue, but I'm going to pursue some personal study to, hopefully, resolve it for myself.

                          So you're a math tutor besides a philosopher and author? Here's a story: Many years ago I had to drop out of college for family reasons. I was holding a QPA of 4.0 in all my courses, which were heavy in analog and digital electronics at the time. When I dropped I was 3/4 through my first calculus course and was holding 100s on all quizzes and scored 98 on the mid term. Anyway, a couple of months ago I purchased a 28 lecture DVD calculus course, which I plan to finish when I get home from my current trip. Wife thinks I'm nuts, but the stuff fascinates the hell out of me and I want to check it out before I go into the ground.
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            • Comment hidden by post owner or admin, or due to low comment or member score. View Comment
            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
              I've never been considered a troll any place I've chosen to participate. I have to say being considered a double troll by people here is more than a little bit disappointing. I'll live, but it does change things.

              Incidentally, I'm not terribly faith oriented person but I do speak up when the topic arises. It's more out of a mutual respect than an opportunity to change minds.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 6 months ago
      Great points and great questions, Zen. Politics is a curse and politicians are sociopaths by definition. Politics and principles are like oil and water, indeed, no government arrived at by politics can stay true to a philosophy. Unfortunate and especially for a philosophy based upon Objectivist reason. Great observation. Equally unfortunate is that this includes politics and the rule of law.

      I am approaching a watershed moment in my life that will put these questions in the spotlight. Just last week, I sat through a day and half of hearings in the US District Court in Reno, Nevada on the motion for temporary injunctive relief of the sage grouse land management plans recently issued by the Department of the Interior. Now the high bar required to issue injunctive relief is proof of imminent harm without the stay on the new land management plans. Half way through the first day, the judge admonished the testimony given from Nevada Counties of the economic train wreck these regulations will cause to the rural communities. She was citing no imminent harm has been shown. Well, that afternoon the judge got her wish. Two private mineral exploration companies (including mine) got up and testified that the new management plans have put these companies out of business. Investment capital has completely dried up and the proposed mineral withdrawals will make it permanent. It's over for us.

      She granted plaintiffs request for an expedited decision. The following week she announced that she "needs more information" and a ruling for relief will not be made until after Christmas. That is usually not a good sign. If she rules to not grant relief, this will fly in the face of incontrovertible evidence of imminent harm. And it will be shown that politics (she is an Obama/Reid appointee) has gutted any semblance of rational rule of law. If she grants relief and acknowledges factual reality, her career will be ruined with her progenitors as the decision will be appealed to the 9th Circuit, and overturned. From there, the Supreme Court will probably refuse to hear the case. And politics will have prevailed. For me the watershed is just that realization, but also 40 years of career experience applied to this remarkable mineral opportunity will have been for naught in the face of this government juggernaut. America gone.

      Getting through the fogs of belief is a really good question. I may be concluding that the only way will be a barrel of a gun and an empty stomach.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 6 months ago
        One point seems in order here. Reason is either valid with true premises or invalid with false premises. There is no Objectivist reason, communist reason, Christian reason, or reason of any other categories than valid or invalid. The hard part of reasoning is obtaining true premises and recognizing when the premises are false.
        It might be said that faith is reason based on false premises since no effort is spent on verifying whether one's logic is valid with respect to objective reality. Reason should not be an automatic process of just having thoughts entering consciousness.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
        Please keep us updated on this. As I've offered earlier, much of my career was spent in mining, in AZ, CO, NV, CA, and WA.

        This Sage Grouse ruling is spread throughout the entire Western US. The EPA and Federal Gov't ownership/control of land has to cease if we value any freedom.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 6 months ago
          I will. I have been itching to do so and mentally editing which version I would post depending on the ruling. Now it's put off for a month at least.

          What I think I will do is start a post setting the basis for what they did to our project, but also how wide this issue has metastasized into. It's huge.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
      The truth is that most equate unfettered individual freedom with chaos and anarchy, and are willing to sacrifice some personal freedom for stability and security. Small, constitutionalist government that focuses strictly on security and stability is what conservatives claim to want, while liberals see a stronger, more paternalistic government, however overblown and corrupt it becomes, as a desirable alternative to a harsh self-responsible society that must depend on the "kindness of others" for help in times of need.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
      "the entire idea and effort of politics is irrational, other than just gaining favor or popularity"
      This is my view. Most of the time politicians seek popularity and will do what it takes to get elected. It is rare to find one with a philosophy. The best we can do is lobby them, show them that protecting liberty leads to winning elections.

      "Is there no way to reach through the fogs of belief they surround themselves with."
      I do not know, but I wonder if there's some way for all those people to keep their beliefs and accept the need for smaller and less intrusive gov't.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
    I am amused with the recent attacks on conservatism
    here in the gulch. . it appears that we have some interest in
    driving conservatives away. . this would be regretful, if true.

    in my experience, conservatives are peaceful, reason-oriented
    lovers of the U.S. as founded who bear no resentment
    for anything which we objectivists profess. . my father was
    so conservative that he invented recycling before society
    could think it up. . conservation began with him as he studied
    forestry and loved the Smoky Mountains as a refuge from
    the irrational society in which he worked and lived.
    at my request, he read AS and his only difference was the
    fact that Dagny had more than one lover. . he believed in
    chastity until marriage, you see. . and the spirit of conservation
    which meant total dedication to elimination of waste.

    should we not be building bridges to welcome conservatives
    into objectivism instead of trying to drive them away?? -- john
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
      john; that's an interesting proposition, description, and question.

      To your proposition. I don't think that it's Conservatives that anyone wishes to drive away. It seems more to me to be expressing a dissatisfaction with what has happened to the Gulch as seen by the levels of 'Post Swamping' with nothing more than conservative headlines from presidential candidates and conservative entertainers, the continual proselytizing of Christian viewpoints and values, the stridency of conservative rants, the desire of some to establish credibility within an Objective group requiring that the Objectivist compromise principles of the philosophy, the sophistry of those expressing admiration of Ayn Rand's writing and philosophy on one hand yet on the other denigrate her values and principles, and general denial of Ayn Rand's condemnations of conservatism.

      Your definition of conservatism reads more like a description of the EPA's anti-humanity policies and regulations than it does anything else and expresses one of the key points of conservatism in politics of being more efficient at stealing our rights and lively-hoods than the other side, which Objectivism rejects. As to 'no resentment for anything which Objectivists profess', are we not to consider the anti-atheism, anti-freedom, anti-privacy, anti-free market, anti-nonintervention, anti-nonforce which conservatives and their presidential candidates represent.

      I can't speak for other Objectivists, but 'building bridges to welcome conservatives into Objectivism' is sophistry of the worst kind since the application of such a statement is for Objectivists to compromise the essential principles of the Philosophy and be more accepting of statism rather than continue the struggle for individual freedom. On the other hand, any person, conservative, Objectivist, or whatever that wishes to have a rational, logical conversation about AR, AS, or the values and principles and applications of Objectivism are welcome anywhere as far as I'm concerned.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
        Zen, conservatism has the root word, conserve.

        conserve, in my humble opinion, means to avoid waste.

        avoiding waste means, in my humble opinion, sustaining our
        freedoms to conduct our lives in the smartest possible ways
        which requires that the government get the f@*k out of our way.

        if OTHERS conduct their conservative lives in immoral,
        statist, anti-atheistic, anti-privacy, anti-free market,
        anti-non-interventionistic and anti-non-force ways, then
        I object to them as well.

        I profess objectivism. . I believe that Rand was right.

        if a posting which I make relative to current events affecting
        us all -- which seems to carry some sort of irritation
        along with it, like having a Christian writer or seeing
        religious persecution as evil -- please excuse me.
        you might want to see the "ask the gulch" rules which
        welcome comments about a very wide variety of subjects.

        are we not here to expand the acceptance of objectivist thought
        rather than to castigate anyone who dares to read anyone
        besides Rand, Peikoff, Binswanger, Locke, et al? -- j

        p.s. I marked yours and Dale's comments with thumbs-up,
        by the way;;; this is good, polite discourse, and thank you.

        p.p.s. Thank You for the Rand video on conservatism and
        capitalism! . she was dead-on right about the subterfuges
        which undermine the rational defense of capitalism.
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
          john; I have no problem with the 'rules' of the gulch you reference. In fact I contributed in a small way to the current listing in some detail. I don't see any of this conversation having anything to do with limiting anyone's Posting privilege. If you will read further of the FAQ's and CoC, you'll find an admonition that (paraphrased) this is a site for fans of AS and advocates of AR and the philosophy of Objectivism and that you can expect strong responses in defense of those Issues.

          My chief concern I've attempted to discuss on this issue is the following:
          "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. ....
          "A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the troll claims to hold. The concern troll posts in Web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group."

          I'm not making any direct allegations, but I will note that there are some (avowed Conservatives and Conservative defenders) on the site who seem to seldom post topics that have much if anything to do with the declared point of view of the site. And although they profess an Objectivist point of view, they seem to be very unfamiliar with the premises and principles of the subject when they do comment on Objectivist postings. I'll also note that several involved Objectivist Posters and commentor members left the site at about the same time that this type of behavior began to be expressed which I take to be a direct corollary.

          You've mentioned to me in several different posts that you have pointed me up in some of my comments, I could care less about that, more than you might imagine. If you imagine me to be concerned about the points I might accumulate, you're sadly mistaken. I take those points to only mean that I'm communicating something of Objectivist value and that my thinking and expressions mean something to the Objective readers of a particular Post or Comment.
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          • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
            you're welcome. -- j

            p.s. if I am a troll, trying to help guide a wider
            audience to objectivism, I apologize. . I have
            been a Rand devotee since I was 15, that is,
            for 52 years, and have given away easily 100
            copies of AS to friends and acquaintances.
            the opportunity, here in the online gulch, to
            have a positive influence on others, should
            be taken both seriously and with relish, I'd say.
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            • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
              john; I have no idea what you're welcoming me for. But, if as you say, you've been a Rand devotee for 52yrs, I would expect you to have and be able to express a much clearer and more in depth understanding of her Objectivist philosophy. Yet you don't seem able to express such or carry on a coherent Objectivist discussion. Let's take the example of the topic of this Post. What have you written in this Post that is at all relevant to the topic? And not just you, but other Conservatives as well.

              Whether you're a Troll or not as I described above is for you to deal with. As I stated, I made no direct allegation. Again, I have absolutely no interest in your claims of being an Objectivist. I simply look at the content of your Posts, comments, and replies.
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              • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                wellsir, I march to my own cadence, and if it doesn't match
                your idea of the appropriate precision -- damning faith at
                every opportunity, castigating those who do not quote chapter
                and verse carefully enough -- you can deal with it. . I prefer
                to try to stay positive and to try to lift all the boats rather than
                spending so much time focused on sinking some of them.
                my objectivist discussion deals with actual conservatism,
                not David Hume's or Edmund Burke's. . history is wonderful,
                but today's problems are rather unique in its flow.
                and if I am a conservative, it is according to my definition
                and no one else's. . mine is simple::: avoid waste.
                any influence, whether voluntary or imposed, which causes
                the waste of productive resources -- in a net gain sense --
                should be avoided.
                doesn't that make sense as a view of conservation?
                that's where conservative starts, for me -- not Hume or Burke
                or any arcane history which our populace ignores.
                and "you're welcome" refers to the upvotes which you deign. -- j
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                • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                  john; You find fault with damning faith at every opportunity, and you want to try to lift all the boats and you think that history doesn't provide information or facts relevant to today's problems, then deny the philosophical basis of conservatives, then you define conservatism as an efficient gov't policy.

                  There's nothing Objectivist in those ideas. They're exactly opposite to Objectivism. Supportive of faith as a source of knowledge, altruistic in lifting all boats, blind to the lessons of history, and supportive of the anti-human concept of an efficient gov't .In another reply to me, you express appreciation of the values of various religions and occupations as if Objectivists should accept or even applaud such, from a man describing himself as taking the Galt's Gulch Oath every day.

                  Personally, I have no problem with you having those positions. It's absolutely your life and mind. But I do have a problem with your sophistry in describing yourself or your positions expressed, as relating in any way to Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism.

                  You are not an Objectivist and express a limited knowledge of Objectivism and what it means to be and live life as one. As such a prolific poster of an Evangelical Christian/Ultra-Conservative enews site like WorldNewsDaily headlines, you're providing the appearance of the Objectivists of this site supporting such biased views and slanted information sources.

                  I can't help but think of this behavior and statements as anything other than trolling with the intent of being disruptive, even destructive to the site and those interested in investigating and pursuing an understanding of Objectivism and the goal of Individual Freedom and Rights.**
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                  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                    again, as I mark you with an upvote for heartfelt and thoughtful
                    discourse, let me correct your misunderstandings:::

                    I do not seek out chances to damn faith just for proof
                    that I am an objectivist. . I let it be understood as a
                    matter of course.

                    capitalism lifts all of the boats, no matter what you think.
                    it does not require any altruism.

                    history is pertinent, but labeling current-day conservatives
                    with an arcane or obsolete label from the past, of which they
                    are ignorant, is erroneous.

                    conservatism, for me, means that the government
                    gets the f@#k out of the way -- that's my efficient govt.

                    if I find interesting facts in WND, it does not mean that
                    I agree with their evangelical views. . you are mistaken if
                    you think that association is endorsement.

                    if you think that I am a troll, there is the "ignore" feature
                    which you may employ.

                    I don't think that you are a troll, despite your antagonistic
                    view towards the world in general. . I accept you as a compatriot,
                    including your flaws. -- john
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          You lack of understanding of conservative movement is appalling. You do not address any of the points made in the initial post.
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          • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
            I am talking about conservatism, not a conservative movement.
            today's "conservatives" don't know of Hume or his arguments,
            but they do use the faith, tradition and depravity arguments
            which Rand cited in her talk from 1960. . while the initial post
            is wonderfully ominous, I am trying to face today's situation
            head-on. -- j
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            • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
              Those who lead it and intelligent do. You are prefect example of a conservative You totally disregard reason.
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              • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                Dale, I am a wannabe objectivist and think that the vast majority
                of conservatives are problems, not parts of the solution.
                I bet that the leaders of the "conservative movement" are
                power-hungry thieves who exploit every chance to cheat
                US out of our wealth, our freedom and our future.
                if you want to place me in that group, go ahead. . I will do
                everything I reasonably can to prove that you are wrong. -- j

                p.s. it's not likely that someone can get two engineering degrees,
                a business master's and a PE without employing reason.
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                • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                  True, but it is amazing the number of people who segregate their life and use reason in professional life, but reject it in other areas.

                  Perhaps I misunderstood this statement "I am trying to face today's situation
                  head-on." But that sounds like the let's be practical and ignore principles particularly common to conservatives.
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    • Posted by broskjold22 8 years, 6 months ago
      John, why should we welcome conservatives any more than we should welcome liberals, libertarians, socialists, communists, or authoritarians? What about any of these qualifies one above the other to become Objectivist? The answer is that we should be more worried about conservatives because the INHERENT INTRINSICISM of the conservative dogma is not about freedom at all, but about retaining values passed on by tradition i.e. conformity. It's weird to read conservative dogma on a website dedicated to the author of The Fountainhead, in particular.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
        Benjamin, I would hope that we could welcome any person who
        can see that objectivism is head and shoulders above
        the alternative views of life. . I Want More Objectivists,
        Don't You?

        "conservative dogma" is just as detrimental as liberal dogma
        or the others, as is any dogma which distorts reality.
        I wonder what distortion of reality you see in my comment
        about my father and his dedication to avoiding waste. -- j
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        • Posted by broskjold22 8 years, 6 months ago
          No gripe on your father. The point is:

          To preach altruism "in theory" but uphold self interest "in practice" is a breach of which conservatives characteristically perpetrate. On abortion rights, gay marriage, and other "civil" issues, conservatives tend toward the "traditional".

          I think a lot of followers make the error of comparing Objectivism to conservatism or libertarianism. It is decidedly neither.
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          • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
            Politically, Objectivism and libertarianism have a lot of overlap. For example, the Libertarian Party pledge states, "I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals."
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          • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
            of course. . and the "conservatism" which is currently
            being used to nail people here in the gulch is old and stale.
            the new version just might be better, though it is certainly
            not objectivism. -- j
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    • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 6 months ago
      Hear, hear. Objectivists will find no better political allies than Conservatives - and no better potential converts. The other problem to this is that the main disagreements over policy are ones even Objectivists admit can not be resolved as they center on the existence of God.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      And not RATIONAL
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      • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
        Dale, could you clarify? -- j
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        • -1
          Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          I did but I see the conservative dogs are out to shout down logic and reason - typical of conservatives.
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          • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
            I don't understand. . could you help? -- j
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            • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
              Sure actually study the philosophical movement of conservatism. It is anti-reason, anti-enlightnment, against the founding principles of the US, and anti-objectivism.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                To understand that go back to the original definition of conservative and think about how that group has changed over the 240 some years. Same with liberals. It's a label of convenience to some and one used incorrectly by most.

                At the moment, this moment in time Nov 2015 The group in power are living proof by their actions they are conservatives. Those on the outside the opposite.

                The group in power this time includes one section which i are sort of mugwumps that confuse the issue. Some are outright left wing socialists (Rinos) and some are along for a ride of convenience or as a way to get 'inside' but in doing so are part and parcel of of entrenching, fortifying and extending the defenses of those in power.

                Using the current 'legal' methods.definition.

                Seeking change slowly if at all.

                That describes the party in power to a "T."
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              • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                so, should we discard any person or thought which has
                "conservative" associated with it, however loosely? -- j
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                • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                  That depends on your goal. Short term it may make sense in politics to align with conservatives, but in the long term conservatives are no better than the socialists. Freedom is based on reason, not faith.
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                  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                    yes, it is, Dale. . could you not imagine an evolutionary path
                    along which humanity might be traveling where religion
                    is a "palliative of the masses" which precedes the awareness
                    that reason requires denial of faith? . might our species
                    be traveling along that path? . and at this point, leading carefully,
                    might we not want to show gentleness to those who are
                    stumbling forward towards agnosticism? . I have smart friends
                    who express themselves fervently as religious, yet whose
                    actions betray their true confidence -- especially towards death --
                    that their faith is very tentative. . if we resist the tendency to
                    treat them as mental dwarves, we might gradually gain
                    more objectivists, don't you think? ... in this life! -- j
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                    • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
                      john; Faith is not just about religion. Religion is an easily recognized case, but the largest and most dangerous case that we face is that of faith in gov't and leaders. After that is faith in our fellow man. Faith in anything believed rather than derived from cold, hard, prickly rational, logically reasoned selfishness and a separate from us reality, is like a ticking time bomb.

                      Warm, soft, fuzzys is what the socialist/communist side of politics has given people. The philosophy of Objectivism, while providing the cold, hard, pricklys offers only individual happiness.through hard, but rewarding effort, and pride in self. I can't think off the top of my head of a situation in which Rand offered anything but the cold, hard, prickly facts of reality, particularly the damage and danger of warm, soft, fuzzy altruism that might have been introduced to humanity by religion, but is the basis of the gov't being all things to all people and today's Conservative offer of safety if we only accept a loss of individual rights and gov't tyranny.

                      Continued compromise of Objectivist principles and values can only lead to more and more tyranny.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 6 months ago
    As a scientist that began as an engineer I have observed a strong correlation between professional orientation and political leanings. While there are exceptions the trend is that scientists tend to be liberal and engineers tend to be conservative. I suspect that the psychological forces that are necessary to be a successful scientist or engineer carry over into political perspectives. Scientists, in general, seek to find out "how things work" while engineers want to find out "how to make things work". In a way this is like the difference between idealism and pragmatism. A scientist wants to understand the laws of nature while an engineer wants to use the laws of nature to accomplish a specific task. It makes no sense to say that one approach is more valid than the other. If it weren't for scientists the engineer would have no idea what the laws of nature are and if it wasn't for the engineer the scientists would not have the instruments necessary to conduct their research. For science and technology to be useful there must be a balance between seeking and doing.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      I strongly disagree. The reason many scientists are socialist is they are paid by the government and they want to serve their masters.

      This is exactly what Rand said would happen in AS. This was one of the hardest things for me to accept when I read AS, however a few short years later when I was in grad school in physics I saw she was right.
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 6 months ago
        I am a scientist (astronomical physics) and politically I am somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun. That's probably because of the years I spent as an engineer before being dragged into graduate school. I know a number of "scientists" that fall into the category you describe, I consider them pseudo-scientific whores. I worked in aerospace (emphasis on space) for 50 years where if you were wrong people died. No room for idealism there "Pragmatism uber alles".
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
    AJ has been hidden in this post, because he is not interested in reason, his only purpose in the gulch. AJ can spread his irrational points of view on numerous websites. This website is for people who are interest in reason and Objectivism.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 6 months ago
    I find it interesting that a proponent of Objectivism would encourage us all to proclaim that producers have no right to keep looters and moochers out, but rather walk right in and make themselves at home. Curious indeed.
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
      Salty; That's not what is being proposed. A looter/moocher in a proper free society/community/state cannot exist (even if born here or native), either doesn't come in the first place knowing he can't loot/mooch, or he comes and can't subsist.

      Build fences, use force to keep people out, grow the gov't and let them do more than a proper gov't should do, deny individual freedom to some, let the gov't take some of your rights and privacy and your money --all in the name of protecting you--what do you have and what have you become. No freedom and rights and a denier of other's freedom and rights.

      That's what the statist/collectivist has been doing to this country and to us.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 6 months ago
    There is no "purism" in any of the dogmas. Yes, all have a dogmatic component. When I hear someone spouting about "conservatism", "communism", "liberalism", pragmatism, "progressivism" or any of the flavors of the day, I can only think that all of the terms are offbase (yes, including objectivism). In the Conservative movement (if you want to call it that), you have the NEO-Cons, the Libertarians and the "Classical" Liberals. On the other side, you have the Liberals (who definitely are not), the Progressives (used to be Socialists or Communists of the American variety) and the rest of the crowd.

    It is quite funny watching people argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin because that is exactly what this is if you look closely. Freedom is also an interesting concept that only applies to one's point of view and as we know, there are many different views.

    Being a Libertarian the belief is that your freedom ends at the tip of my nose and that we all must be responsible for our actions, etc. Also, almost by definition (at least mine) being an Objectivist is really much closer to being a Libertarian isn't it?

    The individual is responsible for himself and himself only. Our relationship with others is predicated on working in one's best interests without ignoring the concept of being part of a larger organization when at times we act in the best interests of the group because there is a direct benefit to our own well being.

    It is a voluntary action dictated by our needs and personal mores', tempered with the knowledge that it is also for the good of the order. The operative word is voluntary and not coerced!
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The right to travel is not "I pointed out that a country has finite resources. To live on someone else's property without regard to their property rights is taking from that person." That is so illogical a statement as to suggest that you are purposely evading the issue, which is what a troll does You do not add to the conversation when you do this.

    Dishonest characterization -1
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    • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
      I am not a troll, and take offense at that. You are incapable of accepting a different point of view. That is what a close minded person does. We were discussing illegal immigrants. They are not travelling through town. They are coming here to take advantage of the resources we have here that aren't available in their own country. You switch between travelling and immigrating to suit your purpose. There is a difference.
      The Gulch I appreciate is open to discussion and dissent. Perhaps this Gulch doesn't have enough confidence in their beliefs to be able to tolerate differing opinions.
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      • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
        Rand was likely illegal for a time. The immigration process in the US is protracted and silly. This is not your great-grandparents' immigration system. Further, you are not protected by that process. In fact, because people think as you do-guess who has more rules to follow? YOU. as of Jan, you will have to show a passport if you fly across STATE lines. WAKE UP
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        • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
          You're right. It's not my great grandparents immigration system. And why is that? Perhaps because too many people are flooding our system, and we have to have some sort of control over our population. There was no immigration at all in America for most of the last century specifically because too many people had come here, and not assimilated into our culture.
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    • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
      FYI- I have posted on here literally hundreds of times. I have disagreed with you exactly 3 times. How do I know that? You have called me a troll 3 times. Every time I disagree with you, I must be a troll. Not very intellectually honest is it? When I make a statement you can't or don't want to argue, you call me a troll.
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      • Posted by khalling 8 years, 6 months ago
        I do not think you are a troll, silver. I will say that it is not just a matter of disagreement. You have made several statements that are inconsistent withthe concept of property rights, the Constitution and Objectivism. Let's take the main concept you stated.-0scarce resources. There is no such thing as scarcity in any meaningul sense. The immigrant who came to the US and created Maglite for example, built a huge company employeeing thousands. He took nothing from you and created wealth, offers jobs and built his own private property. To suggest that the US is made up of only a 0 sum game is to not understand the most basic tenets of capitalism. Now, which of your other points do you want to argue?
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        • Posted by $ KSilver3 8 years, 6 months ago
          The immigrant who came here legally and created maglight. An illegal immigrants cannot earn an income, own property, etc.. If they do so, they are removing resources from a system against the wishes of the society that set up that system. Rand wasn't an illegal, she was a refugee. That is a very different situation. And, of course scarcity exists. Land is a finite resource for example. Currency was a finite resource until current times when it became a worthless piece of paper. I'm not sure what I said that was inconsistent with property rights, the constitution, or Objectivism. Please clarify.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 6 months ago
    There's the rub. People of whatever persuasion are incapable of admitting their own faultiness without having a rational alternative to substitute for their old belief systems, and even then they resist. Ideas are like organisms that cling to their own form and survival.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 6 months ago
    In summation:
    "I demand that you become free -- or else!"
    There can be no rational Utopia unless the human race becomes rational, and that is not going to happen in the foreseeable future. It might happen in hundreds or thousands of years -- or never. Rand has started a pattern, which if followed, will allow persons to take steps toward that ideal, but a society of Objectivists of any great significance is not in the offing. At best it could be a semi-isolated community, but, without the motor and the weapons to go with it, I'm afraid its existence is questionable. I am not advocating giving up, however. We must be like water, the universal solvent in which everything eventually gets dissolved.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    There are several logical fallacies in your argument.

    b) The only right that people give up to live in society is the right to retaliatory force (meaning force not in the use of immediate self defense. This does not imply the ability to stop people from traveling.

    d) In free country most property may be private, but not all land is necessarily privately owned. Do not confuse property rights with the object, in this case land.
    Private property can never be used to imprison someone. Property rights are not unlimited, they can be used to exclude as long as they do not unreasonable limit access travel between other people's property. If that were not the case then the transcontinental railroads could have forced everyone to travel by ocean to go north or south of their lines.
    You have clear not thought about what property rights are how they are created and what they cover. Here are some articles on point and

    Your argument fails and it is an attempt to suggest that Natural Rights can be used to imprison people, which is absurd.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
      a) “Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.” –Ayn Rand, What is capitalism?
      b) A person is not “imprisoned” by being denied access to a country in which all land is privately owned, after showing up and/or crossing the border unannounced and uninvited.
      c) If a person is in fact invited by an existing property owner, that is a separate issue which is not part of this discussion. If a person is not invited, to whose property would he or she be travelling?
      d) If I can only use force for immediate self-defense, does this mean that I cannot use force to prevent a burglar from making off with my television set, provided that he is not physically threatening me?
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      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
        1) Rand was incorrect, she was not an expert on law.

        2) Yes you are trying to imprison people. According to you I could by all the land around your house and you could never leave or enter without my permission.

        The absurdity of your position and your unwillingness to learn about property right and apply logic results in -1. The next comment will be hidden, because it is totally inconsistent with objectivism and property RIGHTS.
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        • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
          That’s okay, I often read the hidden comments and assume others do also.

          a) How is agreeing with Ayn Rand on a property rights issue inconsistent with Objectivism?
          b) I would never buy a house that did not already have access rights. Neither would any other rational person.
          c) How are the above comments totally inconsistent with objectivism and property rights?
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          • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
            1) You can read my article. This is not a simple subject. Her statement that all property would be private, is shorthand and not necessarily true. It is also not the same thing as saying that all the land would be owned.

            2) If I buy all the land around your house afterwards, you don't have a choice Property Rights are not unlimited - which is necessary for your argument. Again you need to study what property rights are, how they are gained, and what the limitations are. You cannot stop someone from flying over your property. Property rights cannot be used to stop people from traveling freely between their property and someone elses.

            c) You are using the idea of Property Rights as a collectivist idea. As I pointed out even your formulation fails if I want to have my friend from Syria visit me. Of course you ignored the logic of this. Ultimately you are collectivist, pretending to be for Natural Rights.
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            • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
              I’m a collectivist because I agree with Ayn Rand’s definition of capitalism? This was a definition, not an offhand comment, and Ayn Rand was known to be precise in her definitions. If my defending property rights against trespassing is collectivist, then I’m in good company.

              Regarding buying all the land around my house, check out the legal term “perpetual easement”.

              As to having your friend from Syria visit you, it’s not the same thing as showing up and/or crossing the border unannounced and uninvited. As I said earlier, “If a person is in fact invited by an existing property owner, that is a separate issue which is not part of this discussion.” Entering private property with permission of the owner is way different from entering it without permission. In neither case is it a “right”.
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              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                Yes it is exactly the same thing - you do not own and cannot decide who cross private property.

                Yes I am a lawyer and that was my point, you cannot use private property in the way you say..

                And no you are not consistent with Rand, the first thing she would tell you is that your very formulation (we own the United States) is collectivist.
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                • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Please show me where I ever said "We own the United States." That was never my formulation. I was defending the individual rights of individual property owners against trespassing. If that makes me a "collectivist", so be it.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    If it is in the right hand column how come it's not in the left hand column the following was posted four minutes ago and one by Bethesda long before that?"

    So in this case i shall repeat the post and answer it here.

    "Recent Comments

    I am a simple man and like to keep things simple. Skepticism and Relativism are not dirty words. Being a skeptic has served me well over the years. ...
    Posted by samrigel 4 minutes ago on The Irrational Foundations of Conservatism: David Hume"

    i had just finished an hour or so ago looking up some antonyms and synonyms to pragmatic opposite is 'ideal' and one chain led me to Nihilism which among other things includes skepticism.

    Not to confuse but then....much of the use of words here does exactly that without seven or eight references on hand.

    noun: nihilism

    the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
    synonyms: skepticism, negativity, cynicism, pessimism; More
    disbelief, unbelief, agnosticism, atheism
    "she could not accept Bacon's nihilism, his insistence that man is a futile being"
    extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence.
    the doctrine of an extreme Russian revolutionary party circa 1900, which found nothing to approve of in the established social order.

    early 19th century: from Latin nihil ‘nothing’ + -ism.
    Translate nihilism to

    I've added the first group of sources . However would they fairly describe or depict your description of yourself as a skeptic?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
    I'd have to disagree on first thought, knowing the original intentions of conservatism ( which, like all else these days, has been confounded). But as always I am open to new knowledge.
    Thanks, I'll check it out.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years, 6 months ago
    Great discussion. What I see missing is the exploration of human nature. Man is a competitive animal. If not, why does everything end up as "national finals"? Man is a pack animal. It is in our DNA. We are now probably the only species that appoints those to be "leaders of our pack." No two humans are the same (unless identical twins and even they have some variation). Intellect and physical skills are mostly genetic and influenced some by environment. Smart people tend to beget smart kids, Huge people tend to beget huge kids..and so on. All of these variables play into the discussion because self reliance is dictated by both physical and mental capacity. Relying on ones self is something I view as an Ayn Rand principle . Some people are more competitive than others and tend to evolve into leaders. It seems to me that the followers tend to prefer liberal philosophy (rely on the government for security) and the doers tend to be conservatives (I will take care of myself). As for charity, Ayn Rand said it best: "Give to a person's strength, not weakness."
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      The basic nature of man is that he is rational,not that he is competitive. The key insight between evolution/genetics and economic is that invention is an alternative process to evolutionary change. The key insight between evolution and ethics, is that people have to think for themselves and therefore they have to be free to exercise their reason independently.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
        "The basic nature of man is that he is rational,not that he is competitive."

        Interesting perspective, I may not have chosen the same wording. Instead, I see man as a creature of self-interest seeking to satisfy his own needs and acting accordingly. In this sense I can agree somewhat with using the word rational until emotion and impulse factor in.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          Reason is volitional, you are free to not reason. However, the differentiating feature and our most important survival feature is our ability to reason.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
            Self-interest is the motive (not a choice)
            Reason is the application used satisfying self interest (choice)

            Self-Interest is nature.
            Rationality/Reason are tools cultivated/developed/refined by people.

            I kind of lean toward Clarke's (2001) identifying memory and adaptability as the differentiating factor between man and animal. Reason would factor into this scenario as a higher level tool developed to decide which course of action best satisfies self-interest.

            Any-who..I should get back to writing.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
              Your understanding of human biology is seriously flawed.

              Self interest a choice and one most people do not follow rational self interest, especially conservatives.
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              • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                Another barb.

                Odd. Does one cell in a human body reason with the next? Does a white blood cell reason with a cancer cell?

                Any creature has self interest - a plant, a fish, a snail, a bird, an ape - essentially any living thing. Self interest is what all of them need to do to survive and it can be entirely instinctual (a plant leaning into the sunlight) or genetically coded (a foal walking), or taught from their parent (using eating utensils with hot foods). Humans are not significantly different biologically than animals, correct? If thats true then reason is a higher-thought process that humans use to determine which things suit him/her better so they can achieve maximum value to self from their decisions/actions.
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                • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Sorry AJ, I cannot teach you biology and it does not appear that you are interested in listening anyway.
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                  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 6 months ago
                    I'm sorry as well. It seems your thinking has solidified to the extent that any variation or question toward what you say is seen as a slight and a challenge to your framework. I hold no ill will, I just disagree in some areas. Still, its regrettable.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 6 months ago
    I agree with Hume about the is-ought problem -- which is not a denial of reason, but merely an acknowledgement that its scope does not extend to matters of taste.

    But I haven't found a denial of causality in his writings. If you can cite it, I'll go back and check it out.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      Yes the flawed is-ought formulation is an attack of reason and Locke.

      In answer to those philosophers who claim that no relation can be established between ultimate ends or values and the facts of reality, let me stress that the fact that living entities exist and function necessitates the existence of values and of an ultimate value which for any given living entity is its own life. Thus the validation of value judgments is to be achieved by reference to the facts of reality. The fact that a living entity is, determines what it ought to do. So much for the issue of the relation between “is” and “ought.”
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      • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 6 months ago
        Rand made this case brilliantly, and handily disposed of the old fallacy once and for all. Why do people still resist its logic? Because they can't let go of their engrained ideas to which they are irrationally and emotionally wedded.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
          Adding a point for a total of 3 is not only what I did do it's what I ought to have done and entirely within my nature. The Law of Identity and the Law of Causality are both served - undeniable unless some whacks a point
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Hume on causation - Routledge
      Hume's investigation of causation occurs in the context of thinking about what and how we can know about ... The idea of causation is the idea of a relation between the two objects or events. We must use .... Hume's theory does not deny this.
      SparkNotes: David Hume (1711–1776): An Enquiry ... › ... › David Hume (1711–1776)
      But Hume argues that assumptions of cause and effect between two events are not necessarily real or true. It is possible to deny causal connections without ...
      Hume's Analysis of Causality
      QUESTIONS ABOUT HUME'S ANALYSIS OF CAUSALITY. 1. What is a ... The test for whether any statement expresses a relation of ideas is to try to deny it.
      David Hume Philosophy: Explaining Hume's Problem of ...
      Explaining philosopher David Hume's problem of causation, necessary ... I deny a providence, you say, and supreme governor of the world, who guides the ...
      David Hume - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Jump to Induction and causation - The cornerstone of Hume's epistemology is the problem of ... However, while denying the possibility of knowing the ...
      Now it get's interesting. This is my standard google query 'Denial of Causality Hume'

      Much more in the way of immediate answers and about half seemed to contradict the other half with Sparknotes
      giving the Hume in one lesson quickie but look at the last two....In any case...I'm going back to objectivity after a brief run
      at Hume which made me remember why he was not one of my favorites when I first took up philosophy as a way not
      to make a living.

      However for jdg here's your sources and seemingly is ought has become did didn't.

      [PDF]Hume on causation - Routledge
      Hume's investigation of causation occurs in the context of thinking about what and how we can know about ... The idea of causation is the idea of a relation between the two objects or events. We must use .... Hume's theory does not deny this.

      SparkNotes: David Hume (1711–1776): An Enquiry ... › ... › David Hume (1711–1776)
      But Hume argues that assumptions of cause and effect between two events are not necessarily real or true. It is possible to deny causal connections without ...

      Hume's Analysis of Causality
      QUESTIONS ABOUT HUME'S ANALYSIS OF CAUSALITY. 1. What is a ... The test for whether any statement expresses a relation of ideas is to try to deny it.

      Kant and Hume on Causality (Stanford Encyclopedia of ...
      Jun 4, 2008 - Kant famously attempted to “answer” what he took to be Hume's skeptical view of causality, most explicitly in the Prolegomena to Any Future ...

      Critical History of Western Philosophy - Page 364 - Google Books Result
      Y. Masih - 1999
      For this reason Hume denied the possibility of empirical knowledge, and, in the ... attacked the empirical explanation of substance or causality given by Hume.

      Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They ...
      Norman L. Geisler, ‎Paul K. Hoffman - 2006 - ‎Religion
      Agnosticism and God Hume denied both the traditional use of causality and analogy as a means of knowing the theistic God. Causality is based on custom and ...

      Unshakable Foundations: Contemporary Answers to Crucial ...
      Norman L. Geisler, ‎Peter Bocchino - 2000 - ‎Religion
      ... upon repeated conjunctions—not observed causal connections.8 We must note, however, that Hume did not actually deny the principle of causality itself.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    That was conservatism then, this is now. Piekoff said it best. "The Republican leadership in the mid 30's adopted a permanent policy of 'me-too ing' the Democrats. As in the 1830's and 1890's both sides had the same basic ideas."

    Which inexorably led to the same conclusion with the Republicans ending up as the lapdogs and lightning rods of the left. and two major three or so minor but function parties became two became one with two faces."

    The original idea as embodied in the Constitution became smother in the much and mire of socialism until the use of the word freedom by the progressives bears no relationship to any form of freedom practiced by thinking reasoning people except as a fake, a facade, a diversion in the context of our times.
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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 6 months ago
    I don't think that the 'conservative' political side is homogenous at all to be able to accurately draw conclusions about it - either positively or negatively - as one group. So I disagree that no rationality exists, however it is that conservatives are being defined.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      I cannot find your post that asks what is a country? so I'm putting it here

      A country as defined in Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition

      A political State or Nation with it's population and territory

      But I'll add some of Rand's comment under National Rights. (Shortened) A nation is a number of individuals and can have no rights other than the rights of it's individual citizens. A free nation ...that recognizes, respects, and protects, the individual rights of it's citizens - has a right to it's territorial integrity, it's social system, and it's form of government. The government not the ruler, but the servant or agent of it's citizens and has no rights other than the rights delegated for a specific delimited task ( from physical force derived from their right of self defense...)
      Such a nation... has a right to it's sovereignty and a right to demand it's sovereignty be respected by other nations.)"

      Which doesn't apply to the USA at the present time and explains a lot as to other questions such as immigration, controlled voting and one that openly supports the opposite of the first of Rands requirements by supporting government control of citizens.)

      This one lost it' s legitimacy and has yet to establish it's own. The only part left that has any power of all is IF, and a big IF, the military upholds its' oath of office. Especially when the President (s) and the Congress failed in their oaths of office.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      Political movements are defined by their underlying philosophy. In politics conservatives, like socialists, will use whatever rhetorical tool that helps them. As a result, they will pretend to be interested in reason if that helps them win their argument. Of course some people who call themselves conservatives, do not intend to truly follow these policies.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
    I struggled to follow this article. I didn't understand why he says pure philosophy leads to nihilism.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Cui Bono means follow the money
      Sequuntur inconvenientia ex euentu vel existentialistat is latin for follow the consequences or existentialist absurdity.

      The trail leads to the conclusion because the philosophy isn't pure nor are the definitions used in it's description.
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    • Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 6 months ago
      Consider that the man who observes and asks:
      This is a glass of water.
      Or is it a glass of water?
      And if it is a glass of water,
      Why is it a glass of water?
      Where did it come from, and
      Why is it here?...
      eventually dies of thirst.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        And never figured out it was a glass of glass containing water.....since it is a glass of glass and not a glass of water the answer is because it is glass not water. The rest is a diversion except for the last three words which could read dies of stupidity as a result of too much time on his hands.
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  • -1
    Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Check your premises. My right to have a gun and shot it, does not give me the unrestricted right to shot everyone. The fact that I have to state this shows you are either a sophist or incredibly ignorant.
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  • -3
    Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
    Philosophy = a fool's errand. It is all theory, speculation and only in the mind of the beholder.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
      Why are you here?
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      • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
        Interesting conversation and my love and respect of Ayn Rand. Same as you no doubt!
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        • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
          Then I am confused why you would say Philosophy = a fool's errand.
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          • -1
            Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
            Simple, none of what Philosophy says can be proven either right or wrong. My opinion, a bunch of purported intellectuals string a bunch of cool sounding words together and form a mumbo-jumbo which is supposed to be the end all of the discussion. I disagree.

            IE: Stephen Hawking claims their is no God, but Albert Einstein spent his life looking, to paraphrase, into the mind of God. So is there a God, I have no idea and neither does anyone else. The only ones who can definitively answer the question are the dearly departed. And they're not talking.

            For every question that is philosophically analysed there are currently approx. 7 Billion answers to the question. The current population of the planet.

            IMHO a purported Philosopher has simply found a way of making a living by getting Liberal Arts colleges to pay them to set around and string fancy sounding words together, all without definitive proof or evidence. Then people like Burke and Hume are idolized by others who probably didn't even understand all of the fancy words.

            In the article that is linked above, bsmith51 said it best.
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            • Posted by JohnConnor352 8 years, 6 months ago
              Look at Ayn Rand.
              Philosophy is not an individual preference game, that is one's values. Philosophy tells you which values you ought to have and why. That is not something to which there can be 7 billion answers.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
              You appear to be very confused. Of course, what philosophy says can be proven right or wrong. All of electronics is based on logic. Logic is a branch of philosophy and is clearly correct. But could have been proven false.

              Science (hard) is based on the philosophy of science, which is true. But could have been proven false. This means that Plato's and therefore christianity's metaphysics is incorrect.
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              • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
                I have been described as confused on occasion. :-) I understand all of the yes-no decisions and 0 and 1s of the boolean equations. It is a truth and can be proven with it own outcome. I cannot grasp how something can be "clearly correct" and yet could have been proven false.

                As for Plato's supposed meeting with one of the Gods or the bees or whatever it was and the metaphysical, if I were a teacher I would state how one arrived at that "truth" and they must show their work.

                Philosophy is simply "love of wisdom" and I do like to learn.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Plato had an answer to that as well. Only certain people have that ability and you are not one of us. You must take what we say on faith. That escape hatch was and used to this day invariably by efforts that end up as totalitarian and fascist and if not secular socialist then religious in nature; e.g. Islam. Total unquestioning unthinking submission to those who use Plato's escape hatch.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
              What you are describing is an outcome of philosophy found chiefly in the US education system and sometimes called existentialist absurdity. In that context you are correct in saying ...what's wrong with this picture
              (or form or frame) and incorrect in reframing or reforming thus the second description of being left with the consequences surfaces.

              Now I shall step aside and let the senior objectivists take over. and direct your first paragraph which is not incorrect into a more acceptable explanation. Something along the lines of a severe lack of philosophers in the USA for the last hundred plus years or so..
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    • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
      I take the definition of Philosophy to be: " the study of the general and fundamental nature of reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language." It appears that your's is the philosophy of Skepticism or Relativism which seems to say that none of these things can ever be known or constantly change due to vaiables .

      In my world, speculation leads to observation leads to theory leads to a hypothesis leads to experimentation leads to knowledge.

      It strikes me that without philosophy, one is left to 'wake to a new world everyday, much as a goose does'. That then leads me to find a philosophy that best works for me in the world in which I exist and provides me with the most true knowledge about me in that world that's repeatable and leads me to more knowledge.
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      • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
        I am a simple man and like to keep things simple. Skepticism and Relativism are not dirty words. Being a skeptic has served me well over the years. Also there are, in my mind things, at our level of evolution, that cannot be known. And yes because of variables everything is in a constant state of change. I am not the same person I was 40 years ago or even yesterday. Adjustments have to continue to be made.

        I cannot call myself a Libertarian, Conservative or an Objectivist. As there are ideas in all those labels I cannot through reason subscribe. So I would guess I am more of a misfit. I see all of those as being pertinent in “a perfect world”. But the fact is we do not live in a perfect world.

        It appears that some of us who happen to be less cerebral cause some consternation in many of the group. Again we do not live in a perfect world but we must always strive to somehow create that world. Referring to comments by dbhalling in answer to you and to RosemaryL. I also believe in most of the items he mentioned. But the immigration and ISIS are not part of that. I agree that everyone has “the right of travel” however millions coming here is NOT immigration it is an invasion. An invasion which puts undo stress on OUR economy. To allow such happenings, in the world we live, is not only irrational but it also destroys the lives of many who have worked hard for what they have set out to accomplish for THEIR lives. Sacrificing ones right for the sake of another is not sound reasoning. And the ISIS question, by reason is lunacy, since they are fanatically religion driven and their religion states all must follow them or die. You do not fight that by saying they have “the right of travel”. They can practice whatever they wish in their country. It is not up to me to go to the aid of their women and children. It is up to the more rational among them to fix what they don't like about how they live.

        In the two plus years I have been with this group I have learned much and hope that some of what I say is of value to others in the group and have enjoyed all of the discussions that time permits me to partake. Having said that, I will end by saying I noticed someone in the group lament that she does not spend as much time on the group as she believes that it could be a “Limbaugh” group. Your reply was to say you do not want people to bastardize the “Philosophy of Ayn Rand”. If any of my comments or ramblings have been seen as bastardizing the “Philosophy” or if the function of the group is to simply have a single voice of like minded in all things Rand I would request that you remove me from the group since I have accomplished nothing and that single voice does not need or deserve the distraction.
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
          sam; I certainly don't think you should leave the site. And if you find issues with Rand or her philosophy, as long as you're willing to accept critiques and discussions of those issues, I don't think there's any problem. The site doesn't have nor advocate a 'Purity test, as far as I know. But it is a site for those that are fans of AS, and advocates of Rand and her philosophy, so you should expect some strong discussions and comments.

          As to the issues of ISIS and refugees, I won't try to speak for anyone else, but for myself an Objectivist viewpoint is that the Muslims are not the real issue, even though I find no support whatsoever for religionist of any form. It's the welfare state that beckons those to this country and I abhor that. In an Objectivist and free country, those that wish to live a mooch/looter life would find no welcome or success which would prevent them from coming in the first place or to come and fail in such a lifestyle. That principle would also address the issue of refugees, with no support available to those except the ability to work and support themselves and to respect everyone's rights in regards to religion and gov't..

          As to the danger from ISIS, again I abhor their actions and beliefs, but in the real world just think about how many Americans' lives have been destroyed, even killed by our own gov't compared to the real impact on us of terrorism. They don't compare in any realistic way.

          As to bastardation, you shouldn't expect that Objectivists won't respond strongly to compromise of principles and values, particularly of individual rights and freedoms or gov't intervention in any of the areas of our lives.
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          • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
            Thanks for your response Zenphamy. I certainly have no problem with critiques and discussions. After all that is what any group is about. I have no issues with the challenges of my comments. I was thoroughly enjoying the back and forth. It is how we lowly humans, at least me anyway, learn.

            My comments to you came about when I was seeing some of the heavy hitters and senior members of the group, yourself included, lament as to the direction of the conversations in this post as well as in other posts. My opinion is those that are the most senior must set the path for the group. If a strict interpretation of the Rand "Philosophy" is the direction those such as myself, I can't speak for anyone else, should not be involved. I like the free exchange of ideas but only when that is the purpose of the group.

            As for immigration, refugees and ISIS, in principle I agree. It is the welfare state of our USA that is attracting those that wish something for nothing and that MUST end. But for ISIS, they just want everyone except Muslims to die and then they will probably eat each other on disagreements internally. I have been saying for decades that most war would not be conceivable if there were none of the Main stream Religions. Oh and then I am proven somewhat wrong with those little lovable college wallflowers whose feelings are so easily hurt. Yes the poor babies. But I digress. If we are simply talking about the USA yes many have been killed by our Gov't. But to be fair history needs to be remembered and well as to the 10s of millions who died at the hands of despots the planet over. I do not try to make excuses I mention only the History.

            Sorry I just chuckled at your last comment. You mean like the strong rebuke I get from my Baptist neighbor when he tells me I should go to church with him and pay my respects to God. And I say pointing to the sun that I am basking in my Creators light?? As I said earlier, I totally expect a strong reaction at times. But I am in total agreement on individual rights, freedoms and gov't intervention. A few other issues, which should be another post, not so much.

            Thanks again.
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            • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 6 months ago
              sam; I suppose that I'm a good deal blunter and straight-forward than many others. In my younger days, I was once told by some friends that I didn't have any tact. My immediate response was to ask what that was. I can assure all that it's never the intent to hurt, embarrass, or intimidate another, I just prefer to get to the point without having to talk in circles with endless analogies and metaphors.
              But I welcome an honest, open straight-forward conversation.

              And thank you as well.
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              • Posted by samrigel 8 years, 6 months ago
                Then I am in good company as my daughter introduces me to her friends as "an acquired taste". I like straight talk and if something is in my mind it will most always come out of my mouth. In most cases it serves well but has gotten me in trouble on occasion.
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