Liberty, Military Service, and Objectivism

Posted by xthinker88 8 years, 6 months ago to Government
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"This is my inaugural blog post as the Liberty Pirate and it is Veteran’s Day 2015. I am an Army infantry veteran. And those that know that fact about me are likely to thank me “for my service” today. I am likely to say, “you’re welcome”. And that is the polite thing to do. However, it might come as a shock to know I did not serve you in any way. Furthermore, had I lost my life, it would not have been a sacrifice on your behalf."

BTW - this is my new blog. www.thelibertypirate.com. And this is the inaugural post. Hope to have more up this weekend and then 1-2 per week.
SOURCE URL: http://thelibertypirate.com/2015/11/11/inaugural-post-veterans-day-2015/

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