Soft Totalitarianism in Boston

Posted by xthinker88 10 years, 3 months ago to News
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There is a concept I read about years ago called "soft totalitarianism". It comes from the idea that a totalitarian state can actually prove more effective if it can be set up in such a way that it doesn't require platoons of brownshirts to storm the "enemies" of the state. No matter how much velvet covers the steel gauntlet of such a state - the results are lost fundamental freedom.

This article recounts how a child that was diagnosed one way by one hospital and another by another was then forced to spend a year locked in a psych ward. And now DCF is trying to remove her from her parents altogether. I first heard of this on the radio and the attorney that was speaking said that the child has been refused visits from a priest (she's Catholic) and the parents can only visit with DCF personnel present and at times outnumbering them 5:1. The Globe also found 5 other similar situations in its investigation.

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 3 months ago
    I am particularly alarmed at the lack of weight given to the first medical center-a nationally recognized medical school hospital over a city hospital's diagnosis. DCF is out of control. and trust me-to add injury-those parents by court order are paying for their daughter's foster care. In another article, I read that an IV she was receiving had caused a large infection which no hospital staff had noticed. Luckily, her father and the 5 police, DCF people in the room were witness to this gross negligence. If I were her parents I just don't know how I could remain so level headed. I would want to kill people.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 3 months ago
    They hate children. They hate families. I have mentioned here before about a woman I used to work with who had her three children taken away by, via a stupid judge, the local school district. I knew this woman well and had been around her kids. It was criminal what they did to her. The local news media wouldn't touch it. This kind of thing happens all the time, every day, in America. These are evil S.O.B.s.

    Remember the news story a while back about kidnapping that I think was in Florida. The suspects were the actual parents of the child!!! Wouldn't you like to know the history on that one...
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  • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 3 months ago
    This is not soft totalitarianism. This is brutal monstrous totalitarianism. Denying a child treatment that an expert in the disease says is necessary. there is nothing soft about that. Having DCS and state police present when you are visiting your sick child to make sure you don't hug her? (exaggeration here on my part). that is not soft anything.
    Anyone who claims otherwise is a few bricks short of a full load.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 3 months ago
    Megyn Kelly of Fox News has been following this story. Hard to believe this could happen in America. Everyone involved needs to step up and justify their actions.
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