Ryan York

Posted by RyanYork 8 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I was born in 1948, and have been on a very long journey, dating back to graduating from High School, 1967+/-, as a SOB. I learned about AS and AR when my History Teacher...at the very end of the year...stated that IF we read AS, before a specific date, we would get extra credit on overall grade. (What he did not tell us, is that it would take the fastest of readers to actually finish reading within the time line.) Needless to say, I was unable to finish, after checking out AS from our school library (yes, there were actually a few copies there), I did finish it during the year after joining the Navy and have not stopped reading about Objectivism to this day. I will be an accomplished Objectivist, but I will always be a student thereof; there is much to tell about my journey, since 1968, and I will begin that story soon. I am self employed and extremely busy: www.YeYeParfums.com...but, I will reveal many fascinating experiences I had along to the road to the Gulch. Thank you for creating this forum. As for the movie, I was always of the opinion, that a "movie" would never, ever due justice to the book...and was surprised that anyone would even try...and those that held the rights would think to sell the rights for a mere movie. With the great success of TV mini-movies, this is the forum which can and ought serve justice to the book. I am very excited to hear the news about Al Ruddy's renewed interest. I had great hopes back in the day when it was announced that he would be producing/directing the movie. Great news! The words of Atlas Shrugged are needed more than ever...I just hope it is not too late, due to the State of our current Union. Ryan York

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