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  • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 3 months ago
    The last I heard electioneering was wearing anything supporting a specific candidate or part by NAME. Wearing a shirt supporting the 2nd amendment is your 2st amendment right. It is not electioneering, at least in the states I've lived in
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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 3 months ago
    I'd say that the election board may be in store for a free speech suit. As an election judge, there are very clear-cut explanations of what is defined as electioneering in our district - and this would not reach that level.

    We had a case a few years ago (not at my station) where a guy wore hunting camo into the polling station. (This IS in hunting season) A woman working the poll tried to claim that it was electioneering because it supported a pro "Republican" issue. It turned out after a brief discussion with her, that she was a rabid anti meat eating vegan who had her personal views get in the way of performing her public duty.

    The election commissioner showed up and fired her, case closed. It's a shame these folks could not react so swiftly or appropriately.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 3 months ago
    the "Turn it inside out or leave" is a tactic learned at the high school level, when a student wears something that might be considered evil by the current school administration or their school board communicronies. I think, because there was obvious political bias by the poll workers (which is illegal), and as such the voters freedom of speech was violated, perhaps the entire ballot should be thrown out and revoted in a special election.

    Then again, why have ballots when all decisions can be made via Executive Order, by those who know whats better for the population than thise "ignorant" voters who don't have the "special secret inside knowledge" of those appointed over them...
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