A look at Carly Fiorina

Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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I personally worked at HP for seven years while Carly was there and I can vouch for her underhanded tactics. I would never support her as candidate for any office.
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/10/a-look-into-carly-fiorinas-background-and-beliefs/

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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 8 months ago
    I want to neither defame nor defend Fiorina but hatchet jobs by op-ed experts can take any of our backgrounds and make us look like Pol Pot. The Washington Post blatantly grinds up a candidate each morning. They made a milktoast like Romney
    into an ogre.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
      You are welcome to take it for what it is worth. I, however, was there. I watched from Building 1 in Boise, Idaho, as they lauded Fiorina's ascent. I was there when just a few months later Lucent tanked - an afterthought to many.

      I was there when she laid off 10,000 people - many of whom were at our site and included many people like my father who had been there for 20+ years and were just about to retire with full benefits (ie healthcare coverage for life) - at the same time she decided she needed two more private corporate jets to fly around in.

      I was there when she re-branded HP with the "HP Invent" logo at the very same time she slashed HP's R&D budget to almost nothing and ended all of HP's relationships with university research.

      I was there for the Compaq merger, which 2 in 3 HP employees voted AGAINST knowing it was a money-losing gambit for HP, but which would enrich Carly herself to the tune of nearly $40 million in one bonus.

      I was there as she strong-armed the last 2% of shareholders to okay that deal - a bank which she threatened to take all HP's business away from if they didn't okay the deal.

      I was there as both the Hewlett and Packard families abandoned the Board in disgust at both Fiorina and her tactics, divesting themselves completely of HP stock despite the huge losses.

      I was there when she announced that only VP's and higher would be eligible for corporate profit-sharing, when it used to be that every single employee was eligible for a piece of the action.

      Yes, the media did a massive hit-job on Romney. But Fiorina has it coming - and in spades.
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  • Posted by MarkHunter 8 years, 8 months ago
    Great article. Carly Fiorina is almost as bad as ... I almost said she was as bad as Hillary, but let’s not go overboard, LOL.

    The particular link you provided is freighted with ads. Here are two better ones in that regard:
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
      Sorry about the ads. I have an ad blocker turned on so I see less than 1% of those. I highly endorse it not only as a declutterer, but also as a security measure! It's called AdBlock and is a popular browser extension. I also install FlashBlock to stop Flash-based ads from third-party sites. Both extensions are available for Mozilla Firefox as well as Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer, but I don't like the memory usage in IE due to IE's architecture.
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