I’m Rand Paul and I’m running for President of the United States of America. Ask me anything!

Posted by RandPaul 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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I'm Dr. Rand Paul, devoted husband and father, senator from Kentucky, and 2016 United States presidential candidate.

I am running for president to return our country to the principles of liberty and limited government. I am an advocate of a balanced budget amendment, term limits, and privacy reform. I’m proud to be here in Galt’s Gulch with you today and will be back at 4PM ET to provide answers to your questions.

Ask me anything.

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EDIT 3: Radio Interrupted post-show with the Atlas Society: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

EDIT 2: A full summary of questions and answers by Dr. Paul can be found here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

EDIT 1: 09.22.15 4:50PM ET: The Senator had to cut it short to keep a date with Wolf Blitzer (CNN). Check out his farewell comment here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

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PROOF: https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/6...

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FROM SCOTT: Dr. Paul will be here at 4PM ET. Post your questions here now as comments below. IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUESTIONS, PLEASE POST THEM AS INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS. Try and keep the questions brief so the senator can get through as many as possible. Also, make sure to vote on the questions (and this post) as the best will rise to the the top of the list.

At 4PM ET, refresh this page with your browser to see the Rand’s replies as they come in.

Also, make sure to join us at 4:30PM today for a special edition of GULCH LIVE: RADIO INTERRUPTED ( http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/g/the... ) for exclusive live commentary from the Atlas Society's David Kelly, Aaron Day, Will Thomas, and Ed Hudgins.

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DONATE TO RAND’S CAMPAIGN: https://secure.randpaul.com/

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DONATE TO FREEDOMWORKS: https://donate.freedomworks.org/contr...
DONATE TO THE ATLAS SOCIETY: http://atlassociety.org/donate

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- Create a new Galt's Gulch Account: https://galtsgulchonline.appspot.com/...
- Upgrade an existing Galt's Gulch Account: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/accou...

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  • -1
    Posted by Volaticus 8 years, 8 months ago
    Our roads and bridges are falling apart, and very little is being done to repair or replace them. The result of which has cost many American's their lives.
    Infrastructure repair and replacement is a high priority as working roads and bridges reduce congestion, increase profits for companies that ship products, and is safer for people and limits damage to machinery. It will produce, taxable, jobs for hardworking Americans.

    Honorable Dr.Paul, you have not supported infrastructure reform regardless of the positive impact it will have on our health and economy. Will you consider reversing your stance, as indicated by your poor voting record in this area, and supporting an infrastructure overhaul?

    Thank you for your time.
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  • -1
    Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr. Paul, will you be honest with citizens about HAARP, bot Alaska and Puerto Rico?. I have asked my Congressmen for a cost of running these operations, which draws dead silence. When they discuss "climate change", they never factor in ours, and other countrie's heating of the ionosphere with these installations. Would you be more transparent?
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  • -1
    Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr. Paul, in my opinion you are the best of the candidates running for President. You espouse many of the ideals I think are necessary to do the job in the right way. With that being said, do you honestly think you have a chance at getting the nomination? It seems like many of your critics either misunderstand or jus plain dislike your stances of many of the major issues, not only party wonks but many of the voters as well. It looks as if the odds are highly stacked against you.
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  • -2
    Posted by cdgooding 8 years, 8 months ago
    Numerous times you have said you don't want marriages registered in Washington the same way you don't want guns registered there either. Yet you have also said the states should be able to decide which marriages should be legal or not.

    If two guys wanted to co-sign a loan for a car, could they be denied simply because of their gender? Would you let the state decide whether that co-signed loan was acceptable? Or would that action be protected under the 14th Amendment? (And let's assume they have good credit, etc. Gender is the only reason for rejecting the loan).

    Now let's say it's not two guys. Let's say it's a married man co-signing a car loan with his mistress. Would you say the state could vote to nullify the contract between a married man and his mistress because of an immoral relationship? Could the banker/salesman object to selling this car or offering the loan due to moral reasons? Does the 14th Amendment protect the banker/salesman in this situation? How about the man and his mistress?

    Now let's say it's not a car loan. Let's say it's a consensual contractual obligation between two individuals to share their incomes, property, assets, and liabilities. Maybe there are some other shared obligations in the mix. For some reason the government thinks such contracts should be registered with and regulated by the state and they tend to call it a Marriage. And this time it's not a man and his mistress, but two men and perhaps they happen to practice behavior that some might call Biblically immoral. Does the 14th Amendment protect these individuals so that they can enter into such a contractual obligation? Or can the states vote to prohibit such contracts? Would a public servant - perhaps a County Clerk from your own state - be legally protected by the 14th Amendment to use her own bias toward gender or morality to nullify or prohibit such a contract?
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    • Posted by cdgooding 8 years, 8 months ago
      I referenced the wrong amendment a few times, but I think you understand what I meant. I apologize. I can't edit so take this as my attempt to edit.

      Is the banker/salesman in the second situation protected by the 1st Amendment?

      The final question should also refer to the 1st Amendment. Is the "hypothetical" County Clerk protected by the 1st Amendment.
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  • -2
    Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr. RP: you say you are pro-life. Why can't you say that you support the life of a pregnant woman and that a fetus cannot usurp her rights?
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 8 months ago
      Dave, I agree that many politicians "are here to help manage the decline of America" and some, such as Obama, are very successful at it, being disrespectful to the person you're asking a question, if you expect an answer, is not helpful.
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