I’m Rand Paul and I’m running for President of the United States of America. Ask me anything!

Posted by RandPaul 8 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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I'm Dr. Rand Paul, devoted husband and father, senator from Kentucky, and 2016 United States presidential candidate.

I am running for president to return our country to the principles of liberty and limited government. I am an advocate of a balanced budget amendment, term limits, and privacy reform. I’m proud to be here in Galt’s Gulch with you today and will be back at 4PM ET to provide answers to your questions.

Ask me anything.

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EDIT 3: Radio Interrupted post-show with the Atlas Society: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

EDIT 2: A full summary of questions and answers by Dr. Paul can be found here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

EDIT 1: 09.22.15 4:50PM ET: The Senator had to cut it short to keep a date with Wolf Blitzer (CNN). Check out his farewell comment here: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts...

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PROOF: https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/6...

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FROM SCOTT: Dr. Paul will be here at 4PM ET. Post your questions here now as comments below. IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUESTIONS, PLEASE POST THEM AS INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS. Try and keep the questions brief so the senator can get through as many as possible. Also, make sure to vote on the questions (and this post) as the best will rise to the the top of the list.

At 4PM ET, refresh this page with your browser to see the Rand’s replies as they come in.

Also, make sure to join us at 4:30PM today for a special edition of GULCH LIVE: RADIO INTERRUPTED ( http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/g/the... ) for exclusive live commentary from the Atlas Society's David Kelly, Aaron Day, Will Thomas, and Ed Hudgins.

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DONATE TO RAND’S CAMPAIGN: https://secure.randpaul.com/

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DONATE TO FREEDOMWORKS: https://donate.freedomworks.org/contr...
DONATE TO THE ATLAS SOCIETY: http://atlassociety.org/donate

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  • Posted by rakman 8 years, 8 months ago
    I'd like to ask Rand Paul why he blocked a subpoena in the congressional criminal fraud investigation of how congressmen got Obamacare subsidies (especially when Rand Paul is supposedly against Obamacare), and how congressmen and their staffers were able to get designation as "small businesses" in order to get those subsidies.

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  • Posted by Mamorosso 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr Paul, where do you stand on property tax? I find it against the American Dream to be able to lose your home due to unpaid taxes. Please, what are your thoughts?
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  • Posted by Vinay 8 years, 8 months ago
    Senator Paul, if you don't win the Republican nomination, would you consider joining Gary Johnson's campaign as his Vice Presidential nominee?
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  • Posted by PROOF 8 years, 8 months ago
    As president would you exonerate whistleblowers who have exposed corruption in the us government? Bradley Manning and Snowden, for example...
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
    this one got mixed up for a few of us.

    Subject Supreme Court Nominations. Given there are only two requirements nomination and confirmation how would you approach this responsibility?>
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  • Posted by Gaja6USA 8 years, 8 months ago
    Senator Paul how well do you think you show the country your presidential qualities on the debate stage? I think the world of you but frankly I don't think you will be nominated as the GOP if you don't start showing that side of yourself. You have a great resume, but now you must perform extremely well at your job interview that 14 other candidates are applying for. This is where I believe you are lacking. Improve this and you really could win the presidency.
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  • Posted by Vinay 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr Paul, Since the proper way to fight judicial activism was to support the baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple, why did you end up supporting the law-breaking Davis?
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  • Posted by PROOF 8 years, 8 months ago
    Have you considered hiring a mathematician to put your tax plan and plans to eliminate the NSA and Department of Education into a finacial model to show people exactly the effect your tenure as president would have on this nation?
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  • Posted by mydiaxd 8 years, 8 months ago
    What is your stance in the growing popularity in malware and spyware and hackers? This is a race-war for everyone in the world. Is America going to be safe against cyber-terrorists and will America use this to safeguard our homeland from terrorism through cyber-security?
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  • Posted by kristymartino 8 years, 8 months ago
    Sen. Paul. I truly appreciated your comment during the GOP debate regarding the criminalization of the poor. I'm wondering if you support already successful programs like the Earned Income Tax and Child Tax Credit - these are high-impact anti-poverty programs that truly address the growing income and wealth inequality in America, particularly the racial wealth gap (in 2011, for every $1 white Americans held, African Americans had just .06 cents in wealth). These pro-work tax credits lifted roughly 10 million OUT of poverty in 2014. As President, would you prioritize working families by saving key provisions of the Earned Income Tax and Child Tax Credit?
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  • Posted by Chuckh3 8 years, 8 months ago
    Chuck from Kentucky here again. I have question about family in regards to legislation on the right to a home birth.

    In Kentucky there seems to be no midwifes and almost a weird idea about home birth. I read that there hasn't been a midwife given a certificate to practice midwifery since 1975.

    Dr. Paul what is the deal with home birth in Kentucky and what can we do to make this right? My wife has a natural God given right to bear her children in the comfort of her own home without her midwife being scared of a legal suite.
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  • Posted by Russell-Patton-Davis 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr Paul,
    I seems that your Fair & Flat Tax is a readily achievable means of greatly downsizing the IRS. As a version 1.0 This is great. Once that is accomplished do you think there can be a version 3.0 with much greater dividends?

    Perhaps you would consider supporting H.R. 25 The Fair Tax Act (state collected national sales tax with complete elimination of the IRS) because it is a good and necessary part of "The Dovetailed Solution" to our fiscal cliff and many other problems.

    "The Dovetailed Solution".

    Duly authorized voters are the sovereign authority owning the corporation of the United States of America. They own equitable title and they own legal title in that they may impeach trustees at will or for cause initiated by grand jury indictment for any breech of duty to the only legitimate beneficiaries – the citizens of the United States of America.
    The owners cannot except by fraud and treason be deemed to have pledged their assets and their persons as surety for their corporation's debts.
    There is no court of bankruptcy that can conceit sovereignty over the United States of America and its owners short of fraud and treason.

    By employing the FairTax and three currencies simultaneously it is possible for the people of the USA to personally win in the inexorable race-to-the bottom of existing fiat currencies that all major trading nations use.
    There is no legitimate reason that the corporation of the United States of America cannot be authorized to orderly work out its dollar denominated assets and liabilities (including contingent off-book items) by working with three freely exchangeable currencies.

    These three freely exchangeable currencies are:

    1) the federal reserve note dollar to be used for redeeming all dollar denominated assets and liabilities (including ALL taxes and government purchases);

    2) a constitutional money coined of steel and other high-energy useful materials , tradeable by convenient redeemable certificates having a one to two standing with existing stocks, These material are a useful store and transport medium for the value of our essentially surplus natural gas. The terms of redemption delivery should be FAS certain foreign ports. This currency will become the world's favored currency of trade. We will be paid both
    A) by printing for export the certificates in circulation and
    B) by market hegemony in these high energy materials.

    3) a Ben Franklin specified script of treasury issue in an amount equal to the sum of domestic consumption such that inflation and deflation is minimized over all.
    A state collected federal retail sales tax will replace ALL other federal taxes. As the economy grows the amount of the Ben Franklin specified script will need to be issued by the treasury. This issue will be made as a federal sales tax prebate/dividend made equally to every duly authorized CITIZEN. Federal welfare of all types may be justly eliminated along with every hand-in-your-pants federal bureaucracy. And so as a result a decrease in those state hand-in-your-pants bureaucracies dependent on the federal teat and mandate.

    This tax structure will largely eliminate the enticement for people to become illegal immigrants. And will cause almost all illegal immigrants to become properly legal immigrants.
    There are details for this. The remaining illegal immigrant would likely have extremely criminal motive to be here.

    As the federal reserve's dollar is diminished in use and utility the problems with the dollar and its Federal Reserve bankster fractional reserve crew can be worked out until no longer significant.

    State Chartered non-fractional reserve banks may disburse the citizen dividend/prebate in Franklin script, make loans in Franklin script, and employ (upon citizen choice of use) the existing dollar banks as contractors for this activity. New loans denominated in fractional reserve dollars will not need to be made illegal they will disappear by market force.

    The same sunset will take dollar denominated Social Security and other forms of federal intervention. As Beneficial/Equitable owners of the nation citizens receive an inheritable and gift-able but not otherwise alienable Medical Trust and Education Trust account.
    Also the problems of the student loan bubble and the end-of-life medical expense bubble will slowly vanish by market forces.

    All this while Americanly exceptional Liberty & Prosperity grows as fast as its people embrace it.

    Thank you for you consideration Dr. Paul.
    And may God be with you to guide and protect you always.
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  • Posted by mriben1 8 years, 8 months ago
    Rand, how can we overcome the campaign of demeaning comments that forms the basis of Trumps message?...I fear Roman Societal collapse where the morons take over - its atlas shrugged come true! Just look what Rahm Emmanuel proposed yesterday in Chicago!
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  • Posted by Homsar123456 8 years, 8 months ago
    In your gun control policy, how would you determine who is a responsible law-abiding citizen? For example the Virginia shooter who passed a background check was using a non-assault weapon and had a legal clip size.
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  • Posted by Chuckh3 8 years, 8 months ago
    Hello from Kentucky!

    Dr. Paul what is you position on education? I know its a states rights deal but even still it seems like states authority should be limited greatly. i'm thinking home school and other alternatives.
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  • Posted by rentfrew 8 years, 8 months ago
    I am sure you are aware of the so called "Donut Hole" in the medicare prescription drug program.
    Why are you and all the other politicians ignoring that "Donut hole" which is costing senior Millions of dollars. Please no political speak, just simply what are you going to do about it? if anything.
    Thank you
    Bob Rentfrew
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  • Posted by Cade_Coligan 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dr. Paul, I'm only 14 so I can't vote be you are still my favorite candidate by far, I can, however, influence my family. Anyway, my question to you is if you are elected do you plan to do anything to either limit or abolish the Electoral College? I feel the college is a Un needed setback to total democracy
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  • Posted by acanzoneri1 8 years, 8 months ago
    You and your father are both very inspirational to me and i whole heartedly endorse you (i am a chapter president for sfr) but I've always wanted to know do you consider yourself more of a libertarian or a conservative and how are you more "socially liberal" than your competitors? I too believe in the tenth ammendment but when it comes to personal and healtg decisions (drug policy) I don't think the states should even be allowed to intervene. And last but not least do you plan on getting together with ypur father for an event to raise awareness or funds for your campaign?
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  • Posted by oaebcr 8 years, 8 months ago
    If a supporter wants to increase the probability that YOU read an e-mail or hard copy letter, is it best to go through your presidential campaign website or your Senate contact? Is it best to send hard copy letter by regular mail or e-mail to increase the chance you actually know the contents of a message?
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  • Posted by BloodyFreeze 8 years, 8 months ago
    Hi Dr. Rand Paul (My Liberty Bro!)

    First, I wanted to thank you again for helping to put an end to parts of the Patriot Act. A lot of the active users on Reddit (/r/RandPaul) have not forgotten how you've helped us regain some of the Liberties and Freedom that have been taken away from us over the past few decades.

    I stand with you on most topics, however, my question for you is regarding Student Loans.

    I personally do not have any student loans, however, a lot of the front runners in the Democratic Primary are pressing hard on Student Loan issues. I feel like you're the first Republican candidate in a very long time that could actually bring the parties closer together rather than separate them even further apart, so when I talk to my friends and family and convince them to vote for you, I'd love to be able to answer what your views regarding Student Loans are!

    Thanks in advance and keep fighting the good fight! There's so many more people behind you than you could imagine! #StandWithRand
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