The Marxist in Chief Makes May Day an officially recognized National Day

Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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So, Obamugabe, our pRes__ent and Marxist in Chief, makes "International Workers Day", or "May Day" an officially recognized National Day

I'm shocked, shocked!

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
    " I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance, whether by displaying the flag of the United States or pledging allegiance to the Republic for which it stands."
    this is why I do NOT like thousands pledging allegiance at the same time. It's now official-The American flag stands for "loyalty" to the United States.
    land of the free, home of the brave....
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  • Posted by God_save_the_people 11 years, 2 months ago
    ha the funny thing is that Cheif Marxist, I mean Obama the one we call president. (it make me shutter to call Obama prseident AGAIN). But anway back to work day. Iit is is almost laughable and angering, because the only thing Obama has acomplished was to destory the greatest country in the world in a reocord of 4 and half years.
    ~May God save the people~
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
    It HAs been around since early red scare days of the 20s. goal was to counter balance "Labour Day" on May 1 is marxist countiries. It's the wording of his proclamation that chills me. "true equal" what does that mean??? state defined equality, which means there's a group of winners and a group of losers. guess who the losers will be. the sheeple love it!
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