Who Spoke The Most?

Posted by jbaker 9 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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This is a great post from the FiveThirtyEight site. They break down "screen time" by direct questions, responses to other candidates, and initiated interruptions.
You might have to search for "Who Spoke The Most?" as I can't find a direct link to it.
SOURCE URL: http://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2016-election-second-republican-presidential-debate/

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  • Posted by not-you 9 years, 1 month ago
    This debate was a bigger FAIL than FOX. The CNN moderators spent too much time trying to get the candidates to attack each other on a personal level. (As Gov.Christie more or less pointed out.) Once again Ted Cruz and Rand Paul were treated like Third Tier candidates and essentially marginalized. The looming unfunded liability crises like SS and Medicare were not questioned nor was our crumbling infrastructure. The RNC should hold its own debate with moderators who ask more substantive questions.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 1 month ago
      The wormy moderators were only interested in making all the GOP candidates look bad so a Dem socialist will be elected.
      I agree the RNC should hold its own debate.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    Last night here in the Gulch, I noted that Rand Paul is too polite. The graph shows Paul was the only one who didn't interrupt, and that Carly the snake oil salesman interrupted the most often.
    Rand shows respect for the venue, the moderator, and even the looters on the stage.
    He respects the Constitution and its limitations on the President.

    The rest of the candidates deserve to spend 8 years on a desert island doing a reality show that goes into a time capsule that is lost forever.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      Carly was obnoxious. I cant imagine listening to her on TV for 4 years. Trump was a bit crass in describing her "face", but he is right that she just isnt presidential at all. Neither is Hillary. They are both obnoxious.. I like that Trump tells it the way he sees it. Its refreshing and the country could use 4 years of straight talk without cowering to political correctness.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
        While I agree that "straight talk" is refreshing, Trump won't provide "straight talk" unless it suits his pursuit of power. He hasn't been doing it yet, and that won't change.
        The closest to "straight talk" in the single party is from Rand Paul, and you'll be able to test him next week, right here in the Gulch.
        The other possibility of such candor will come from Libertarian candidates, and I sincerely hope they will be offered and accept an invitation to an ask me anything session here in the near future.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
          I agree with you that Rand Paul is much more consistently pro freedom and non-interventionist than any of the others. I dismiss all the religious zealots, something bothers me about Fiorina, and the NJ governor is right out of real housewives of NJ. If Rand Paul would be on the eventual ballot, I would vote for him. But he wont ever get there in this intellectual climate. He isnt being bashed because he is no threat to anyone. Trump is the best one out there who actually has a chance to be elected. So far he HAS said it like it is on immigration, taxes, and many other things. I would agree he isnt particularly a supporter of freedom, but he will represent the USA to foreign governments and no one is going to try to bully him.
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    • Posted by not-you 9 years, 1 month ago
      So, I"m not the only one who gets a feeling that Fiorina is a slickly articulate RINO? Something about her sets off my 'spidey sense' even though she talks a good game about production and challenging the status quo...etc.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 1 month ago
    I am so glad to see others feel as I do, something if off about Carly. As I watched HP from my stockholder position, i was unhappy with actions she took. As a candidate, she is irritating and contentious. I started checking her background, from when she swore she was unaware of dealings with Iran while at HP, to her stated glorification of the Ottoman empire, and contributions of Islam, an interview in which she got a good deal of facts wrong. Not the first woman president for me. Trump has baggage, from his liberal past positions and affiliations, to his using excessive taking of private property for his commercial use. Can't say I trust him, but I do like his shaking things up and getting more straight talk. Did anyone notice how quickly the mioderaters shut down any discussion of so-called climate change? They have to be aware of the UN meeting in NYC this coming week, where Agenda 21 is rolled out as Agenda 2030, which lists changes to every aspect of our lives. That should have been explored. SS should have been explored. In a perfect world, HAARP, both Alaska and Puerto Rico installations, and THEIR effect on climate change should have been questioned.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      Trump shakes up what sorely needs to be shaken up. 4 years of him would NOT be bad I think. He would represent the US better in foreign relations than the losers we have now ( including Hillary, Biden, or Sanders). I dont want any more career politicians, period.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 1 month ago
    Hello jbaker,
    It is not how much you talk, but what you say... At least to those with depth. Unfortunately much of the electorate is shallow, uninformed, and easily hypnotized by shiny bobbles. Populist rhetoric is gaining ground as the understanding of founding principles are no longer taught, or extolled; they are lost and dismissed as obsolete notions of long dead white men. Paul was the most congruous with Constitutional principles, but the media, as exhibited in this debate, hardly gives him the time of day.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 1 month ago
    Who spoke the most is less important than what they had to say. If we go by that, and we should, then Rubio is the clear winner.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      Rand Paul and Trump were the only ones with anything to say other than "talking points" their handlers told them about. The religious zealots were a joke, and I ignored them all. Maybe one fo the gods they believe in will vote for them. I certainly wont.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
      Unfortunately the Trumpet made sure there was insufficient opportunity for some of them to say anything. Whoopee plus Rosie = Trump
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 1 month ago
        Amending my statement: Rubio recited his information in an authoritative manner and appeared to know what he was talking about in contrast to Trump. I was pointing out what would impress the electorate -- not Gulch inhabitants.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 1 month ago
    The one that gets the most attention is the one used as a distraction; but in this case, just as we would in high school...pick apart the wantabe smart ass in the class. What we used to say...'Humble their ass!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 1 month ago
    This is a debate? No it is not. A debate is when the debaters take different sides of an issue or issues and attempt to convince the audience that their side is right. This spectacle on CNN was more of a Q & A livened up with a lets you and him fight now and then.
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