The Impending Syrian Invasion

Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 8 months ago to Government
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We're not going to have a country left if something isn't done very soon.

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  • Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 8 months ago
    To add to all of this, the Russians have moved at least 1500 combat troops and at least 12 T-90 main battle tanks, Naval ships as well as logistal support aircraft and ships into position in support of the Assad regime. Now our resident golf pro must choose between supporting Mr. Assad (whom he has heretofore condemned) along with the Russians, or supporting ISIL (or ISIS if you prefer).

    Well Mr. Obama? What's it going to be?
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 8 months ago
      Why is it Russia is working WITH the Syrian Government against ISIS (or ISIL or whatever their current Isim is) and our government is protesting their so doing?

      Ever hear the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? Well, if Russia is anti-ISIS, and we're anti Russia...

      Do the math.
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      • Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 8 months ago
        In a nutshell, the object of the exercise by Mr. Putin is twofold: 1) Make an ally (spelled puppet) of the Assad regime, and 2) Do it in such a way that the Assad regime will have no other allies. He's getting away with it in the Crimea, Ukraine and now Syria. Mr. Obama might do well to pick up a primer on Soviet style leadership. For a self-proclaimed genius, he surely doesn't strike me as being very intelligent. Not at all.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 8 months ago
    When the US stuck its nose in and de-stabilized the middle east rather quite thoroughly, they made their bed. Are you really surprised we'll have to live with those consequences?

    Add to this an administration that is working very hard to Islamify the USA (and the world - keep that thought for a sec), and the sum of the equation is the logical outcome.

    After all, you can't bring the US into, and secure world domination by, the caliphate unless you have a lot of people coming in to help push that revolution.

    Remember back when the USSR and China's primary activities were to export "the Revolution" to the world? We used to keep tabs on them, keep them out, and keep it at bay. Different players... but is this really any different, save it's coming from Within, not Out?

    Just wait for the "Islamist Comrades of the World, Unite!". And learn what direction to point when you're facing Mecca. (Hint - it's the same general direction as DC from a lot of the USA)
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 8 months ago
      One of the key mistakes was in believing that we could use a similar strategy to the Marshall Plan to rebuild those nations like those after WW II. The problem is that the cultures of the Middle East are completely different from those of the Western World. It's the same reason why Russia failed to take over Afghanistan as well. You can't fight ideology unless you either exterminate the people wholesale or supplant the ideology with a new one.
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