Gulch Live: Radio Interrupted 09.08.2015

Posted by GaltsGulch 8 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Live
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Links from the show...
The Golden Pinnacle - A Novel of Freedom and the Industrial Revolution

WebSprockets Website Design

jbrenner's Nanotechnology Minor Program at the Florida Institute of Technology

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Radio Interrupted is a live show. During showtime, 1PM - 2PM ET, please participate in the real-time conversation on the Gulch Activity Feed:

1. At 1PM ET, go to the Gulch Activity feed:
2. At the top, you'll see a "Gulch Live" box.
3. Type your comment, submit, and poof, your comment will be automatically injected into the stream - along with everyone else's comments as well.

- For the best experience, post your comments in the Activity Feed. If you post your comments here, you'll not see the live stream responses and things might get a little confusing.
- When addressing someone on the feed, consider using @membername to address them directly or no one will no who you're talking to.
- All comments submitted to the feed will automatically be added to this post.

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  • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 10 months ago
    On a similar vein to Rich's post.

    How about we do some discussion of Objectivism?

    The Atlas Society's Dr David Kelly was a guest the first week. One of the things that came up was the Atlas Summit back in June. They have posted links to some of the lectures from the summit, including video and audio.

    Each lecture had a presenter, who would make a good guest to discuss the lecture. And already identified. You could contact the presenters through the Atlas Society. The ones that agree, you can schedule them as guests and post and pin a heads up. Post the heads up on Saturday so we have from then until the show to review the material. Add in Rich's suggestion to let people record questions for the speakers. Also have call ins during the show.

    It would be a good opportunity for both those that missed the summit, and so those of us that attended can get discussions on the parts we missed. Three lectures at once during the summit and you could only be in one at a time.

    The same process can be used for other areas beyond Objectivism as well.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 8 years, 10 months ago
    I have yet to be able to hear a show because I am at work at the assigned time. I would like to see the show changed to a Sunday time slot and perhaps more people will be able to listen and participate. Work hours just don't work for me.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 10 months ago
    Periodically have a Marketplace show.

    A show where the guests are members of the Marketplace answering questions about their products. Who knows, they might even offer special deals :)
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  • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 10 months ago
    I think some thought on varying the show time might be good too.

    1PM EST is after lunch for those of us on the east coast, so we are back at work. Fewer will be able to listen, and fewer still able to participate during work hours outside of lunch.

    I suggest trying a few different times and see what time gives the biggest audience.
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