Gulch Live: Radio Interrupted 09.09.2015

Posted by GaltsGulch 8 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Live
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Links from the show...
Thunderhead Brewing Fine ales and lagers

Schuyler House - Medical Information Systems

Florida Tech's Nanotechnology Minor Program

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Radio Interrupted is a live show. During showtime, 1PM - 2PM ET, please participate in the real-time conversation on the Gulch Activity Feed:

1. At 1PM ET, go to the Gulch Activity feed:
2. At the top, you'll see a "Gulch Live" box.
3. Type your comment, submit, and poof, your comment will be automatically injected into the stream - along with everyone else's comments as well.

- For the best experience, post your comments in the Activity Feed. If you post your comments here, you'll not see the live stream responses and things might get a little confusing.
- When addressing someone on the feed, consider using @membername to address them directly or no one will no who you're talking to.
- All comments submitted to the feed will automatically be added to this post.

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  • Posted by jbaker 8 years, 10 months ago
    I love that image on @sdesapio 's post. Hits the nail on the head.
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    • Posted by Eudaimonia 8 years, 10 months ago

      I try to go through the "human line" as Sebastian Maniscalco calls it. I look at it the same way that he does, the store is not paying me for my work to check out my items. (Now, if the store offered a 5% discount on my purchase to use the self check out, I'd be an advocate).

      That said, if a cashier ever pulled something like that on me, then I would tell them directly that I will use nothing but the self-checkout from now on and that they should reconsider their position before their job becomes redundant and they become unemployed.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 8 years, 10 months ago
    I would really like to hear and participate in one of these programs, but as I've said, the time slot just doesn't fit in with my work schedule. I wonder how many others are in the same situation as me?
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