Whats with education?

Posted by Laddius_Maximus 11 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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Why have college costs gone up so much in the past 20 years? I have professors who worked part time, and left college with a bachelors and maybe 1000 debt! Now you will be lucky to under 100K in debt? Is it government intrusion in the education system or as Noam Chomsky indicated, is it a discipline technique?

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    • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 1 month ago
      Not to mention the idea that everyone needs a college degree. Learning a trade is discouraged while a degree in Women's Studies, any Ethnic Studies, Art History, any Religious Studies for those not entering the clergy, Basket Weaving and Beading (required in the college near me) etc. None of the above will earn you a living or teach any skills. They only leave you deeply in debt.
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  • Posted by flanap 11 years, 1 month ago
    Yeah...basic economics. When government gets involved, the market doesn't work to the favor of society, although the message is that it is working to the favor of society.

    Imagine how good you feel going to college and not having to pay back debt because you are told you won't get gainful employment without the often-dubious college education. Your self-esteem is way up and you think you are doing yourself a huge favor because, as you know, you have been told that your self-esteem is what is important to happiness in life and not personal responsibility. Then, when you graduate from your cookie-cutter college with a cookie-cutter degree with only a C average because you partied and didn't study because it was about feeling good and not taking responsibility, you cannot get a decent job, if at all, and you are stuck with all this debt to pay back. Now you find yourself looking back at sugar-daddy government for the solution and asking them to give it to someone else to handle because you were completely and perfectly taught that taking responsibility is not one of life's goals, but pushing off all responsibility to others is how to make it through life.

    You have become the consummate slave to government via the pursuit of their definition of happiness.
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