Posted by Flatbush 8 years, 9 months ago to Culture
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I am an advocate of Objectivism since I was made aware of it in 1968. At the time I subscribed to The Objectivist Newsletter which had a circulation of about 20,000. I hoped that their numbers would grow exponentially and that in a decade there would be ten million of us given the power of exponential growth.
It didn't quite happen.

Ron Paul is the only former Congressman I know of who took his oath of office seriously and wondered just what he had to do to keep his oath. He studied the history and realized that the Founders only granted certain powers to the new central government they created and enumerated them in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.
In a vain attempt to assure that the lawmakers would limit the powers to those granted they included an oath in the Constitution.
Ron Paul realized that if a power being sought in a bill under consideration was not among the listed powers, he would keep his oath by voting NO. He voted NO as the sole NO vote over 300 times in his first eleven terms in office.
Notice that all the others took the same oath so one wonders what they were thinking?

My own congressman told me in person that if they all did what Ron Paul does we would not have Social Security nor Medicare! He said that as if it were grounds for violating their oath of office.
Implicit in all this is that the electorate has no role to play. Actually if there were a movement of people who asked those running for office just what the oath means to them and what they intend to do in order to adhere to their oath that might reveal who are the true advocates of liberty and supporters of the Constitution.

Are you aware of the existence of Students For Liberty and Young Americans For Liberty? Both organizations began in 2008 with a handful of college students. Both have grown and continue to grow exponentially in the country and around the world!

www.studentsforliberty.org began with a couple of conferences a year but now numbers over 50 conferences regionally as well as an international conference.

www.YALiberty.org numbers over 204,000 student activists.

Notice that this movement is driven by the students themselves with help from headquarters. These student activists are already on college campuses where they are immersed in a sea of potential members who are concerned about the future of this country.

Both orgs are affiliated with the entire pro individual freedom movement including The Atlas Society, the Foundation for Economic Education and other libertarian organizations.

I sleep a little better knowing they both exist and that in time they will have a profound impact on the course of this country.

I donate a nominal few dollars to each as well as a number of other orgs but I just wanted to enlighten all of you to their existence in the hope that you will be relieved to know about them.

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