Libertarian Party response to 2014 State of the Union address
Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 12 months ago to Government
I thought I would share this since I was reading an article about ways to avoid the NSA spying on your smart phone. The number of comments from people saying essentially "Hey, I have nothing to hide, so I don't mind." is just disgusting. Have we learned nothing from history? One reason I like the Libertarian party is that they seem to be the only party today that stays true to its philosophy. I don't even understand how we can "debate" whether its OK or not for the government to spy on the general populace. Certain things are black and white and non-negotiable. Some things are just plain evil, and when we fail to recognize that we have a huge problem.
Edward Snowden interview in Germany. Watch it before its removed.
A while back, maybe a decade or so, I read of the program called Carnivore which was designed to syphon all manner of web traffic, automatically evaluate it by assign points to every word, and then flag anything that met a certain threshold based on those number values (I called it Omnivore in my book). The entire process, which has probably been in place for quite some time, is entirely automated and humans are not looking at the massive amount of data unless it meets that high threshold of probability.
Should this type of information and be gathered by the NSA? I think yes, but only if their "machine" is looking beyond our borders for the wellspring of their data to evaluate. I swore to protect this country against all enemies foreign and domestic. I would think, outside the US government itself, the large majority of the threat to American comes from outside our borders.
There IS no response to SOTU.
SOTU is an address by the President to Congress. It's not a political debate.