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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 10 months ago
    What are they going to say when they find out they have to pay Fed Income Tax now. OOPS.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
      And not get their usual tax (that they didn't even pay) refund... Probably quit and go totally on the dole. Who knew these buffoons whining over not making a "living wage" we're also getting entitlements...and thought they'd get to keep them. Damn...that denying reality tactic just doesn't work after a certain point. Boo boo.
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      • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 10 months ago
        when you let a politician and union boss inflame your envy to the point that you don't even sit down and work out the arithmetic that they're stampeding you into, then you deserve what you get. One of the stories constantly bandied about is the one about "workers" having to endure pay cuts during the time of the so-called robber barons. No one bothers to find out that that could only work in a DEFLATIONARY environment, where money next year is worth MORE than that same money today. That's swept under the rug. Today, we live in an INFLATIONARY environment, which means that a dollar tomorrow is worth LESS than a dollar today. In the former situation, you wouldn't lose, even with the cut in pay. In the current situation, you lose, even with the increase in pay; your taxes go up, your entitlements go down, and you must stand on your hind legs and act like an adult. Welcome to reality.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 10 months ago
    In 1970, I was hired as a carhop at $0.75 an hour.
    (Minimum wage at that time was $1.60, but this
    place, being such a very small business, didn't have to pay minimum wage). Actually, I made more
    than $0.75 an hour, because of the tips.Also, there
    was a daily food allowance. Also, in this place,
    there was no putting of the tips in one common
    pot, and splitting the pot up; the person kept his
    own tips(Although if nobody remembered who
    had taken out a particular order, the benefit of
    the doubt usually went to the person who had
    picked that tray up). I could usually make about
    $5 or even $7 a day in tips, in reasonably good
    weather. The inside people, cashiers and kit-
    chen workers, started out at $1 an hour, and
    they could get raises, which were denied to us
    Curb people. I was doing all right, and saving
    up money, until Nixon brought in his wage/price
    controls in 1971. But for other reasons, I quit
    the place in the spring of 1972 and went to a
    furniture factory, where I started out at $1.98
    an hour. Inflation got worse; the minimum wage
    was repeatedly raised, but I don't recall that it
    did me any real good.(Of course, I got raises on
    jobs after I left the carhop job, too). I think that
    the minimum wage raises also added to the in-
    But I am simply against a government-man-
    dated minimum wage as a matter of principle.
    But many people care nothing at all about prin-
    ciple, just whatever they feel they want at the
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  • Posted by $ KahnQuest 8 years, 10 months ago
    Isn't/ wasn't one of the main arguments in favor of a higher minimum wage that society is subsidizing MW workers because they have to be on welfare? You can't speak logic to these morons. Water finds its own level, but they'll always swear it's lower on the poor side of town.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 10 months ago
    Minimum wage follows the actions of the Federal Reserve Bank, that being the decline of the value of the dollar. Today's dollar is worth less than 10 percent of its buying power in 1900. This is intentional. As the government borrows money it also engineers a decline in the value of that money. In this way one can leverage the drop in value in much the same way as one can leverage interest which permits paying back expensive dollar loans with cheaper dollars. Minimum wage increases fits into this strategy because increasing the minimum wage without increasing productivity also forces a decline in the value of the dollar.
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    • Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 10 months ago
      It's a great strategy right up to the point that creditors will refuse to take the dollar as payment. When that day comes, in other words when the dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency, we're essentially hosed.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
      I dare you to attempt to engage them with that explanation. :)
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
        I don't intend to engage anyone whoever 'they' are. The facts are often laid out for the use of anyone interested in accuracy. I've taken my share of corrections and the better for it. This isn't a debate for points nor preaching to the righteous. It's apragmatic, objective and accurate oasis of sanity. Take it or leave it. I believe the temperature in this kitchen is just right. (The two years mentioned were benchmarks in economics. )
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        • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
          My point was that they (the minimum wage workers who picketed for 15 bucks an hour) would stop listening to reason (ProChuck's comment) right about the time "federal reserve" passed his lips. I wasn't suggesting YOU attempt to explain anything to anybody... I was replying to profchuck.
          You altered your original comment that I replied to...making my reply look out of place. :( now I'm just annoyed that I have to explain who I was replying to ....and explaining that you added a whole bunch to a comment that I had already replied to...
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 10 months ago
    I left Columbia S.C. in 1988 because i discovered that the population of employees that I had mostly black started working 40 hours a week and the suddenly after one month they were down to 13/14 hours a week, why because they made too much money that was not reducing their welfare checks. You are reading the reason I left that environment. Now in G.J.,CO with a Hispanic work force i have never looked back. I already knew what the businesses in Seattle were in for as well as the workers. Fear not some rectal brain politician will come up with a non workable solution like they always do.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
    'most stupid' it's my day to be pedantic. The answer is 'not the ones whose contracts have pay schedules based on a percentage of minimum wage.. They are the ones laughing all the way to the bank. The most stupid are the one's who think that money is going to equal the cost of living increases caused by the ethanol scam which money into the hands of mega-agri-corp stock holders and left the middle west working stiffs working but with insufficient wages to buy their own products. The next most stupid on the list were the San Franciscans who hailed the ban on ATM fees only to see the prices in the store go up to cover the operating costs. Everybody supporting this sort of thing sees the end of their own nose but not the long run or nor the wide range of affects on others much less the effects on their own pocket just a few short inches away.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 10 months ago
    One of the things that most advocates for higher minimum wages forget is that they were originally instituted to prevent that work from going to people who were just as qualified, but were willing to work for less money to get the job done. Minimum wages were institutionalized racism in reality because they were passed by white road construction crews who were getting put out of business by black crews willing to do the same job for less. And the effects of every minimum wage hike continue to disproportionately affect blacks even today, as Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, and Walter Williams have been pointing out for years now.

    Another effect is simply to induce inflation, which is the stated goal of most governments because it decreases the overall value of their debts and debt-dependent policies.

    Still another effect is that (as these people are seeing) raising wages also subjects one to higher taxes, which the government loves also.

    Raising the minimum wage is a double-gotcha for taxpayers: it devalues their earnings and savings while extracting higher taxes!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
      A follow up. It's used by unions who are willing to let their members work for lower wages to get contracts as well. One of the more interesting agreements had overtime as less than straight time. Of course when there is only one major union in an industry on the one hand and the industry is just sitting around waiting for the next war to start in order to survive.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 10 months ago
    And they said it wouldn't happen. This is the kind of situation that "free stuff" from the government creates. And, it not only creates these ideas for the people currently getting theirs, but also their offspring will grow up demanding the same. Soon complete generations will be trying to get theirs, and the city will collapse.

    I don't even recall that employees might have demanded "shorter hours so I can stay on welfare" as an argument against minimum $15 wage. Turning the old expression “If there’s a will there’s a way” around, to “if there’s a way (for free stuff) there’s a will”. Maybe we could just pay these poor souls $50 and hour and they would only have to work a day or so a week and still be able to collect their welfare. After all they are entitled, and we seem to have a government that agrees with them. How can we fight that?

    I'm doing my little part to help Seattle understand, and there are others that I know doing the same. We no longer go into Seattle to eat, or do much else either, period. I've got one Gift Certificate from a Seattle only establishment that we will use, then it’s good bye to Seattle restaurants. The Eastside has grown with a lot of good eating establishments recently, perhaps due to Seattle's government mandated wage for employees’ mentality. We’ve just got to keep Seattle’s mentality from spreading east, or actually in any direction.

    The Seattle City Council is getting loaded with these free ride freaks. You probably read about the Sharia Home Loan plans of theirs where investors would have to give interest free mortgages to Muslims, something I’d really want to invest in. Somehow they get the people to go along with all these liberal freaky ideas that they seem to just make up as they go along. Perhaps the only thing that can change it will be for those that disagree to just move out. If it continues Seattle will probably become another Detroit. The people just keep voting the same (democrat) because that's what they have always done. At least Seattle will be able to show the rest of the US what not do. But that too won’t matter much, there are too many people that just won’t get it. It seems most of us need to experience things ourselves or they just aren’t important enough to care about, yet alone do something about. If I really cared I’d run for president, trust me.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
      Fence it off and use it as one of Comrade Ramsey's re-education camps. The course of instruction would be get to the other side and back and survive the reality of Seattle.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 10 months ago
    Another union scam. The protesters screaming for the $15/hr wage were nearly all hired union goons. The poor saps who get that wonderful unearned raise will soon see most any extra cash siphoned off by unions as soon as they get their government dupes to demand automatic extortion of union dues from their paycheck.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
      You mean I'm not the only one that noticed the practice. Of course I was used to automatic extortion from paychecks having been in the Army. Finding it in the unions was no shock.
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