Is it time to revise history?

Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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the Ds are doing it. . isn't this the way mass delusion is created? -- j

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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 10 months ago
    Everyone is fallible. Furthermore, no one is going to represent 'YOU' with complete accuracy - your personal perspectives and beliefs.

    It is my opinion that these facts are being used to systematically destroy the heroes of our past. I think this has less to do with the actual flaws those heroes had and more with the desire to remove the concept of "hero". Heroes are non-egalitarian by definition, and there is a strong element in our society that wishes to reduce us all to the philosophical and social equivalent of 'grey pablum'.

    Destroying the heroes of the Revolution is especially poignant.

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    • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
      exactly right!!! . they want to reduce our heroes to pablum, so that
      they can elevate themselves to the position of ruling class, with
      all of the constraints which religious people put on God. . none. -- j
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  • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 8 years, 10 months ago
    I would like to think that the snake is now devouring itself. How amusing. I hope it finishes the meal before all our history is re-written.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 8 years, 10 months ago
    The Orwellian history rewrite won't stop until...

    Begin Sarcasm.
    The PC crowd will inform our future school children the Declaration of Independence was actually written by a slave named Frederick Douglas and then stolen by Thomas Jefferson. George Washington, of course, was a complete idiot and never would have won the Revolutionary War had it not been for the sage advice of a woman named Susan B. Anthony. (It doesn't matter when these people actually lived or what they actually did, it only matters to put out a narrative that captures the correct emotional effect.)
    End sarcasm.

    In addition, the Constitution of the US was actually written by the Iroquois and then stolen by Ben Franklin (oh wait! I've actually seen this in a "history" book in spite of the fact the Iroquois had no written language!).
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    • Posted by VictorianMedievalist 8 years, 10 months ago
      I saw the thing about the Iroquios writing the Constitution on the History Channel once. That was of course before they did nothing but run all episodes of Ancient Aliens in a constant loop.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 10 months ago
        Franklin studied the way Iroquis tribal councils conducted business, just as he did evaluating records of Saxon governance. He used those insights to suggest "fine tuning" of the ideas of representative Republican legislature proposed by Locke and Montesquieu. Unfortunately, overeager supporters of fantasy ideas regarding the "noble savages" have blown the American Indian connection out of all proportion.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 10 months ago
    It reminds me of "1984", rewriting history on a daily asis. Like Obama stating the US has always been a Muslim nation. Guess if he repeats if enough, he figures history will change to make it so. When our daughter was in school, it was in to make the US the bad guy, and Japan poor victims of the bomb drop. They were not learning Japan had been the aggressor and were imperialists at one time, Pearl Harbor was ignored, until the movie came out and kids saw it. Now the history books are a farce, making sure to include pop culture icons in place of Founding Fathers.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 10 months ago
    I find it quite amusing that the theftists are beginning to devour on each other. But beware when one group rises to the top again!

    Perhaps it will fall to us to preserve our country's heritage, just as Taiwan preserved China's past during Mao's Cultural Revolution!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 10 months ago
    Jackson tossed out the banksters. That alone kept millions of Americans "free" for 80 years including all races. The scale of justice is in Jackson's favor.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 10 months ago
    If there is one person alive today that can contribute one thousandth as much to mankind as Mr. Jefferson, he needs to make himself known. Compared to what we have I will vote for him to be king!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 10 months ago
      I hate to break this to you, coaldigger, but I' afraid you need to ask Presidebt O'Pinocchio to make himself known with that sociopathic narcissistic legacy he's working on.
      Imagine O's smiling face on one dollar bills.
      I'm certain Super Zero would not veto legislation that would replace Jefferson's face on a nickle with Al Sharpton's.
      You see, a nickle is too low a denomination for the Great And Powerful O.
      Come to think of it, maybe that would also be true of a dollar.
      Mr. Benjamin Franklin, I have some bad news for you.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 10 months ago
    Yes we need to revise revisionist history back to it's former glory, accuracy and wisdom taught, good, bad or even the ugly.
    If one does not know from whence one came,
    one will not know what or whom one is nor where one might be going.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
    Why would I believe anything a left wing fascist said? Sadly I hacve that choice can't say the same thing for the x+y=Zero genereations.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 10 months ago
    Another way of rewriting history is to ignore it. There are so few treatments of the Revolutionary Era in popular film and TV, it is evident that it is deliberate.

    I remember when The Patriot came out, replete with flaws, etc it still stirred many on both sides. The libs in particular were incensed.

    There are a few good works out there like John Adams, Jeff Daniels' depiction of Washington and crossing the Delaware, taking the Hessians by surprise and all. I'd love to hear of some more that people may know of. The lack of coverage compared to how much incredible material there is - is appalling and deliberate.
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 10 months ago
      When discussing slavery, it would be useful to show EVERYONE'S participation in it. Blacks were some of the main conspirators in the introduction of slavery in the colonies. At the time, slavery was considered normal, just baggage brought over from the old world. It wasn't until after the Enlightenment, and "we hold these truths...", that slavery became an issue. So, America rose from a system that allowed slavery, not the other way around, and EVERYONE was involved, white and black. Unfortunately, blacks as a group got the short straw, but there were other blacks who gained mightily from slavery. The point is, the NAACP is doing everyone a great disservice by implying that all the sins were only on one side of the ledger. A true depiction of the situation would show that, if there had been no Enlightenment, and no Jefferson, et al, we'd probably have had slavery for much longer than we did have it, and it might have not been an issue at all. Another thing that's missed in this discussion is the role that industrialization played in the elimination of slavery. No industrial society can prosper using slavery; it must be eliminated. Note that every industrial society that's used slave labor (Nazi Germany, the USSR, for example) failed. Why? When the coin of the realm is the extraction of wealth from IDEAS, slavery is a non-starter. So, the very nature of reality was changing in the 18th century, and the work of Jefferson, et al enabled the industrial revolution to proceed apace. Have you wondered why England the the US were the first countries to outlaw slavery, and eventually abolish it? Britain and the US took the lead in the industrial revolution, so they were the pacesetters in the new paradigm. By the way, since Britain and the US took the lead in destroying slavery, it's about time that they get some kudos on this issue, especially when we can see slavery continuing to rear its ugly head in other parts of the world, and no one says a thing.
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      • Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 10 months ago
        Many excellent points intertwining freedom and industry, actual history and perspective.

        I remember when The Patriot came out, besides the furor over Tarleton, were the howls over the relationships portrayed between some of the black and white families in the plantation culture. It wasn't all whips and chains.

        And then contemplate just who was enslaving who on the various continents. Just who captured and sold the Amistad slaves? And the imagery in the Mountains of the Moon as Richard Burton witnessed the Arab slave trade in Africa.

        It certainly is arguable that in the ever present vigilance of freedom, an important component is the need to be ever vigilant of the revisions of history.
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      • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 10 months ago
        If it wasn't for the Europeans (e.g., Whites) and their technology, those same Blacks that are protesting now would have been dinner of other Blacks or Arabs (and to this day, they do occasionally become dinner in their homeland).
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 10 months ago
    I know, let's burn the history books if they celebrate the accomplishments of founders who owned slaves. Slavery at that time was a way of life as it had been for centuries before. I doubt if the deniers would ban the bible because it promoted slavery in some books. Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath-water!
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago
    I want to know what really happened in the past. How else can I learn what people did/didn't do and the results. Rewriting history benefits no one
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 10 months ago
    Leaving Jefferson out like this is like eating a steak and complaining about killing animals for food.

    Just more hypocrisy.

    The R's should pick this up and adopt him as representing their ideas, and have a Jefferson dinner to spite the D's as extoll the good that he did,

    The association of "colored" people continues assigning blame to an extinct practice, when the difference is far more apparent in pants around one's ankles, spinners on 22" wheels on 1970 cars, and other intentionally differentiating practices conducted by those claiming other discriminate against them! It is tragic that a solid voice among them is now silenced by an unrelated, but terrible sex crime...Cosby.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 10 months ago
    We've been engaging in rewriting history since political structures were first set up in this country. Unfortunately, the longer these fictions are distributed, the more they become part of the fabric of believed history as opposed to factual history. The whole picture of how civilized, peaceful, and environmentally conscious the American aboriginals were before the Europeans arrived is a complete fantasy, but is widely accepted as truth.

    American Indian tribes preyed on each other, stealing territory, destroying property, taking slaves, and committing savage acts of butchery. What we call the Seminole tribe were actually Creek conquerors who committed genocide, wiping out the native tribes of Florida, only interrupted by the arrival of the Spanish. The Comanche adopted the newly arrived horse as a means of extending warfare against other tribes similar to the Mongol hordes.

    Indian tribes in New England saw the European arrivals as naive dupes, whose advanced weapon technology could be used for their conquest. They convinced the Europeans to enter into alliances that involved ongoing tribal hostilities, offering them the lands of conquered tribes as payment.

    The fact that the aboriginal tribes realized what a terrible relationship had been created in their dealings with land-hungry European settlers, the numbers of the relative populations had tipped against them. There are some modern American Indian writers who acknowledge that their forebears had helped get themselves into the adversarial disadvantageous relationship, but they are not in favor with the liberal academians or press.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 8 years, 10 months ago
    Charlatans who attempt to revise history fail to realize that history will not be denied. All that is needed is to dig in the dirt, then as always in the past, the truth shall rise again.
    The Jews of the Sanhedrin and the Catholics of the Nicene Council burned, scrubbed and burned, and sadly King James, and Martin Luther passed on their disinformation. Then 1,969 years after Christ Ascended into Heaven, an archeology student, working a dig near Mitspe Shalem on the north shore of the Dead Sea in Israel, disturbed a small rock and found a cave with a half dozen amphora filled with scrolls and the truth was known.
    That Jesus the Rabbi, born of Mary ben David was the third son and had six sisters, was married to Mary Magdalene, that he fathered seven children, and that Mary His mother and Mary His wife and children fled to Gaul [France] escaping the Roman Ethnic Cleansing that followed Masada in 50 ECE.
    Another scroll, a Roman History of Augustus's Caesarian Period speaks to the role of the Sacred Feminine so eloquently portrayed by Cote De Pablo in the TV Miniseries "The Dove Keepers," the healers the MCE Christians would call Sorceresses or Witches.
    There are more than two hundred scrolls, and fewer than fifty have been restored and translated by heroic and expensive work. They were undoubtedly secreted from the great Library in Alexandria to protect them from the Nicene Council. The Library was mysteriously destroyed by fire in 336ECE. Those that have been preserved and translated can be seen by special permission of the Israeli Historical Commission at the American University in Tel Aviv.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 10 months ago
      Fascinating information. Could you possibly add some references to web sites where this is discussed in more detail?
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      • Posted by sfdi1947 8 years, 10 months ago
        Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, their testaments, their writings. About the Sanhedrin, about how they maneuvered and caused the persecutions and led to the first ethnic cleansing. The history channel and PBS about the Naked Archeologist, Dead Sea Research (U have to go there. It's not on line.) The writings of Aristophanes Plautus Sophocles Terence Aeschylus Seneca Euripides was a freed Roman slave. Portrayed as white in the Dove Keeper (I don't know why, Terence was a black from Sudan.) and Dan Brown's extensive research for his Prof. Langdon trilogy. The Judas "Bible," and Magdalene' Biography, American University, Tel Aviv. If followed this for more than thirty years.
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