Clinton to make boosting wages central to her economic plan

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 10 months ago to Government
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Here is where it all falls apart. This creature will get the faceless masses to supposedly elect her, and then continue the democrap method of crushing any possibility of improvements by imposing more and more looting/mooching programs (such as our wonderful Obamacare), which, as they destroy the economy (whats left of it) they then blame on the republocraps. Is there a benign dictator we can hire, and dispose with all of them?

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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Good news is an article just posted says 68% see her as untrustworthy (really?), but they also see most Republicrats as well that way. The Donald takes a beating at 28% approval, no surprise there. And yes, she is a dumb broad. I cannot tell a lie.
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  • Posted by RevJay4 8 years, 10 months ago
    Another step in the plan of "redistribution" of wealth from the producers(those who have invested their time, money and sweat to make a business) to the moochers. Which will translate into less jobs for everyone.
    Basic econ. What a dumb broad.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Just the opposite of the inflation they all encourage to help dig them out of the hole they dragged us all into.But for inflation you need some sort of pressure on the economy, which is just the opposite of what we have today. So go get the gold and silver!
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    The level of manipulation evident in all this is really disturbing..more so than what is in the Force...
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    That's typical though they are also the Grinch that stole Christmas. Maybe Grinch would be a better name for what are really re-gressives.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    What was that reference the Wicked Witch of the left made about deflation in her speech. I gathered in quick passing she was referring to 2008? It seemed out of context and made not sense but I didn't dwell on it.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks for your post I rather enjoyed it.

    I think the trigger for collapse will be deflation. When deflation starts it will be very quick and very harsh. Deflation both increases the value of debt and decreases taxation in the graduated tax system. It would be double whammy to all the central banks that I do not think they could get back out of. It is what they are attempting to make sure does not happen as it would be there death, and the death of the Keynes system as well.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Had not heard of that as a nick name, what a usurpation of an otherwise good name. That is the progressive way. Take something good make it mean something else to have people think that something else is good too.

    I really do not like them taking that one
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thus we are up against the wall Keynes himself stipulated. When you can't pay the interest borrowing from the future will of necessity collapse.

    As for when? Ask Grandpa and Grandma.

    there ae two latin phrases that fit.

    Recall 'Volenti non fit iniuria' i.e. A person who consents does not suffer injury. If they claim otherwise or say 'everyone does it but we thought it was meaningless 'caveat emptor' let the buyer beware. Anyone who votes for the Government Party either Democrat or Republican exactly fits those descriptions, Why should I pay the price for their cupidity?

    That applies double for those who signed up at age 18. Any one who believes this government runs afoul of...what is the latin for stupid is as stupid does?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    One of the loop holes goes something like this. Funds go into a transparent and often non-interest bearing account in an investment LLC. The funds are used as collateral for the real investment funds which are now hidden as the LLC is offshore. There are several versions of this that were rapidly explained by an acquaintance along with the explanatioin of why zero interest T Bills are so popular. Back to the other. The loan is invested in a fast moving type of business such as a coffee roasting plant and a fast expanding chain of franchised coffee shops.There is no profit as everything goes into expansion until the value is high enough to offsent any local taxes for money withdrawn from the business. Done correctly a great deal of return can be had by business expenses especially in the area of advertisinig. You want a sports fishing boat? The business owns it. etc.
    Eventually the loan is paid off leaving the initial account with little or no taxable assets.

    One of our more knowledgeable financial contributors may be able to correct any mistakes in the above explanation.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I do not disagree, but the scheme has worked for well longer than it was expressed in economic terms. It has a brief break in history here or there but it is the economic process, with more controls that has been used by kings for a thousand years.

    Eventually something happens they cannot control. As I said in the original post, if they can keep the inflation from getting away from them they will get another cycle out of this.

    This same cycle has been being used with larger and larger controls since WWII. It works, and I think I need to state, not in a good way.

    The eventual end of the cycle should be to many on welfare and tax income losses due to no jobs = System failure. If we have to wait for this to happen our grand kids are likely to still be waiting.

    In the short run, either deflation (which would stop this crap in its tracks) or hyperinflation (which would make for some awful times but not collapse the financial system they have set up) are the likely results.

    You are correct a loaf of bread would be just under 30 bucks. You want a real lump to form at the base of your neck, figure the price of gas per gallon in that economy. You think this is unrealistic, compare the prices today to those of the 1915, 100 years ago.

    Agreed that its another license to rip of the public. An elaborate one they will continue over and over again.

    As far as guns, how many has it taken to enforce it since 1915? They have been doing this since then with ever increases controls and pressure. It will likely take about the same number so long as they continue to slowly turn up the heat. People will take it /sarcasm, its only a little worse we can still make it. No need to stand up to fight /sarcasm off

    Guns wont be required until people cannot feed their kids, or at least fear being able to do so. That is what it will take to wake up the nation. How long it takes us to get there, who knows.

    In 1915 a loaf of bread was $0.07 and I suspect the idea of paying around $2.50 for that bread would have seemed out of this world. 35.71 times as much. Apply the same rate of inflation over the next 100 years and you get bread that is $89.29 a loaf. Makes $27.15 seem a whole lot more plausible and a whole lot closer than 100 years away.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yoda is the nickname for the Secular Progresives theoretician and adviser a UC Berkely Professor of Cognitive science and linguistics. He's probably paid in to an account in Bahamas, Caymans or Curacao since Soros has a bank in those locations and keeps his money outside the country in the same areas.His real name is George Lakoff and along with Soros, Peter Lewis another leftist billionaire operate through the Soros sponsored Open Society institute. One of his books called Frame The Debate is a manual on how to twist facts and distort logic. They are the folks who brought you through another group they heavily sponsor, the ACLU, same sex marriage, the attack on Christmas, and the pro islamic stances, the move towards a form of economics such as that just presented by Hillary one of the acolytes and a number of other issues. They are using the device of changing the Constitution without amending it through court cases with friendly judges. The same sex marriage issue first surfaced in Massachusetts and now in Tennessee was all an ACLU -Soros setup to that end. ...Just the short version. That's the Yoda i thought you were referring to -

    My apologies to you and the real Yoda from Star Wars.But it's the SP's nickname so we''re stuck with it. i guess that makes hillary their Princess Leia and Bernie Sanders Han Solo? Obama for Darth Vader?

    You will see some of the methodology from Framing The Debate in the the thread on the draft where one of their adherents keeps claiming there is no draft and as of yesterday keeps dodging the issue.

    That lack of conversation is staight up Yoda II
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    They have a system of pretending to be one thing while blatantly supporting the opposite. After reading their own books on the subject it was easy to pick them out - the secular progressives. Fact is they don't even lie good. Pathetically beyond pitiable. But we did get a taste of their future predicting bread at $21 a loaf as inflation is raised to cover the debt. Nothing mentioned about paying the bill jus deflating values. Not quite the same thing for those of us who live in the real world.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think that Trump and Jim Webb offer the outside edge. Trump doesn't care what anyone thinks and will say what he thinks, which is sometimes pretty bizzare, but then it seems they all have their moments. Jim Webb was the Secretary of the Navy when I was in and did a good job looking out for the enlisted, and seems more in touch with some semblance of sanity. Trump has the virtue of not being a politician and understanding how to manipulate money, after, he's been bankrupt more times than I can count.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Yes, and then you have leverage to get the policies you deem "correct". Follow the money..
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    They should do like Soros and keep their money in the Bahamas or Aruba or elsewhere. It's not rocket science. If you have that much exposure move it elsewhere while it's legal. All you got to do is pay the taxes and report the movement of the rest. I f you have enough you can start your own bank(s). the rates to the local government are a helluva cheaper than paying Washington DC graft and protection money.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Except big time welfare payments and no taxes.

    $9500 divided by 350 is the future you are describing. Equals wonder white bread at $27.15 a loaf.

    What makes you think this scheme will work? Congress stabilizing or limiting spending? Debts are not made to be stablized they are made to be paid! Basic Economics 101.

    All this amounts to is another license to rip off the public who loaned the money to the government but not voluntarily.

    How many guns will it take to enforce that nonsense.

    I think the true purpose of the protective echelon is becoming more and more clear.

    I would just as soon not.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Why not? Soros pays him? Or is it Soros funds his secular progressive ideas. Gave yourself away on that one.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Indded, that makes sense and is a good description of most "economic plans" from both sides. The bottom line is that the government has no moral right, or authority, to be making any kind of "plan" for the economy, it is all their flawed regulations and laws that have led to this mess, and the more they muck with it, the more the likelihood is of it imploding spectacularly, and then we will hear the infamous "pay your fair share".
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 8 years, 10 months ago
    Makes perfect sense if your a keynesian socialist.

    In order to pay the debt down they must drive inflation up. Every time the dollar halves in value so does the debt.

    Raising wages increases the average household income, which even though that wage will buy less makes people feel good. Couple with this a graduated income tax and you will get a larger percentage of peoples income without changing a thing, effectively increasing the income tax rate but without the requirement of stating or admitting it.

    From the viewpoint of someone like her this has several winning feature.
    Increases voter happiness
    Effective reduction in debt
    Increased Tax income
    Ability to assume greater debt
    * improved GDP to taxation ratio

    All of these advantages are paid for by those that saved their money. In an economy like the one they have to create to keep from crashing and going into default money in a bank will loose value. Stock markets will not keep up with inflation. Things like Gold, Silver, Land and Fine Art will typically keep up with the inflation.

    I recently read an economics article that suggested that in order to balance out the debt to GDP ratio they would have to push higher inflation for years yet to come. The estimate price of gold to stabilize the existing and planned debt, approximately $9500.00 an ounce.

    In addition to that report, and with a bunch of history and data to back it up "The death of Money" also suggest a gold value of $9500.00 per ounce as the likely target to balance out debt to GDP and added that value as the base value needed to move to a global currency produced by the IMF.

    The fact is if they can keep from having the inflation get out of control bad they will be successful in doing this over time and it will stabilize the economy and we will see a decade of boom or there about followed by another bust.

    The model sucks, but if you are a have and have a lot it makes you richer and can be maintained. It also benefits the poor who have nothing. Its the middle class that get crushed under a Keynesian economic system.
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